Bow and Arrow

Chapter 130 — Lacerate Group

Lacerate Group




"There is not much to say about this Region as they are like any other, it has the same amount of owned land than that of the others and it also has a hierarchy, but... The 'rulers' over there are, well, not human at least. It's the trees themselves whose end cannot be seen by those in Main Kingdom!"

"Though Big Brother has really good eyesight and is really strong with his incredible Mental Power stat, I'm sure you're not capable of seeing them right now? Let me check first, sniff, sniff... yup! Over there, Big Brother, can you see them? Any?" After sniffing the air with her little nose up in the air as even her body stood up a little with her feet on Tongqiu's thighs as they were still underwater, Zyv then pointed towards a general direction high up in the air as if there was supposed to be something humongous, impossible to miss but Tongqiu in fact, could not see.

"Haah, I knew it." Finally, Zyv's beautiful moist eyelids opened up as she gazed at Tongqiu, her sky-blue eyes glowing white hypnotized him for a good amount of time before waking up with a slight shake of his head. Zyv made a little pout on the left side of her mouth before continuing: "It is also 'rumored' that these trees hold the entirety of Main Kingdom on their own! It's, it's so really great, Big Brother! That's why I can always smell where they are, it was thanks to this smell that I managed to unlock my class as soon as possible to start visiting everywhere, specially the Ancient Forest Region!"

"I don't really know much of this rumor, only that their every root travels through the entirety of Main Kingdom, with their unknown and also gone missing lord that overlooked their Region. Though I remember also reading that this 'lord' in particular was rather taking care of the entirety of Main Kingdom instead of just that Region? Or maybe is there another one from the same Region? Wah, I can't say~!"

"Finally, the last 'rumor' around my memories is that of the core of Main Kingdom, as a planet, may also be the lord of the Ancient Forest but, I really can't say, hmm~~!" At the end of her words, she became rather annoyed, so she closed her eyes to ask her Big Brother Wolfy for pampering which he caringly drowned her with endless pats on her head and face as well as smooches on her cheeks and forehead.

After a good while, Tongqiu's words reached her sleeping ears to a perked up state in less than an instant as he said: "Alright, better?"

"Mn, mn. Big Bro?"

"Ah, yes?"

"Let's hang around here for some time, can we? I promise I'll bring you to the rest of the places after a little while, please~?" Her voice turned softer and softer with her closed eyelids becoming more and more adorable as her eyeballs 'cutely' glared at him, prompting Tongqiu to blink speechlessly before snorting involuntarily as usual.

"Hmph~, okay, okay. A little while, then we go out and kill many innocent, cute mobs like these. Is that alright?"

Her words left her a little stunned as her closed eyelids 'blinked' in response quite a few times before answering in a somewhat confused manner: "Ah-eh, o... kay?"

"Hmhm, c'mere."

Splash, splash...

Tongqiu moved both their bodies outside the pool of water as he gripped tightly onto the Self-Harming Dagger as he used to climb up the sharp slope all the way until reaching the top, poor Self-Harming Dagger, from giving Tongqiu so much opportunities to being downgraded to a mere hiking tool.

Once they were outside of the water's touch from their clothes for more than 5 minutes, their clothes became all dry, not needing them to 'ordinarily' dry them with a spell -in case of being an Apprentice Elementalist- or the old-fashioned way.

They then once again sat on the ground as they saw the newly respawning water cats come out of the water pool in small groups, their eyes full of hope and excitement for the just discovered 'new world'!

"Woah~ that one transformed into a little wolf! Big Bro! Rosey, wait!"

Tongqiu and Rosey's attention was totally attracted by the sudden yells of Zyv as she flung her arms up in the air as she did her best to call Rosey to cancel her mass-killing session.

Rosey stopped in consideration of them both being Tongqiu's little sisters as she then rapidly made her way towards Zyv before muttering in askance: "Brr, brr? Ptrr-brr? Brr?"

Blinking, obviously not having enough Mental Power stat to understand her, Zyv responded after a few seconds of befuddlement: "Ah, yes. Rosey, please do not kill any wolfy, alright? They're too cute and I don't want us to be the ones taking their lives, eh... Well, something like that, is that alright~?"

"Brr! Brr brr, brrrr~."

As if understanding and agreeing with Zyv's point of view, Rosey actually nodded before looking directly at Zyv with her little eyes wide opened, Rosey then looked towards Tongqiu who would usually wear an eccentric wolf mask before turning around and continuing the massacre!

Except for the little wolf cub, of course.

What only Tongqiu could distinguish, however, was that the little wolf cub became alarmed as soon as he was spotted and that it also transformed into a little wolf cub right after coming out from the water pool... Unbeknownst to the little wolf cub, too.

Afterwards, Zyv came back to Tongqiu, placing her head on his lap and adjusting her body to also gaze at the little wolf cub climbing the slope.

. . .


Time passed by, a week was quickly gone after Tongqiu and Zyv's second day at the hidden lake, Tongqiu and Rosey quickly levelled up to LV47, barely hitting the mark at day 9 of having arrived at the lake. While Zyv achieved LV37.

There was an abnormality on their stay though, as time kept on going, more and more little wolf cubs also began 'appearing' from the water cats.

Hence, their leveling speed became slower as Rosey had to kill less and less of these little wolf cubs that would never grow...

Another 3 days have passed by as their total time spent together in the hidden lake prolonged to a total of 13 days.

Tongqiu reached LV48 while Zyv managed to achieve LV39 by the end of the 13th day. By now, all water cats would transform into little wolf cubs as soon as they came out of the body of water, some remained from extremely alarmed to slightly alarmed while others went from posing for Little Zyv to acting cute and even behaving like an actual puppy all the way as they allowed their bellies to be rubbed, caressed below their ears to be scratched, etc.

Without much more to say, Tongqiu looked at the smiling Zyv that was super content from seeing so many little wolf cubs appear at one sole place and the fact that she was treated like a goddess by them, before grabbing her and taking her away from the hidden lake, lest she suddenly wants to start living there.

As all of his time inside Rising Essence was spent levelling at slow speed in the hidden lake, his time on New Earth was instead full of sweat, pain, brand new knowledge and he even started to take 'classes' on to 'how to' start moving in a close quarters combat.

The training of taking a 40s delay serum and entering a small gravitational cubicle was continued every day and by the time it reached the 12th day from having arrived at the lake, Tongqiu's training difficulty was slightly increased to the pressure being raised from medium to high. He only took 30 minutes to get rid of the effects from the 'serum' and reach out to Diana's palm on the 'crystal'-like wall.

. . .


Eternal Silhouette Region, Hidden White Shadow Sub-Division, at the woods located east to the Hidden White Shadow City.


After a couple of scrolls were used and they once again borrowed a couple of horses, the pair of wolfs made their way into an area that was surrounded by LV45 to LV53 mobs, ranging from immense insects like mantis, butterflies and bees to monsters and beasts like koalas, tigers, pack of wolves -which were avoided- and even bears.

Zyv was bringing him to a private dungeon whose general level was that of LV50, it had mobs that dropped from Valuable to even Magical graded items as the drop from the two final bosses and Zyv wanted to bring Tongqiu so that he could farm lots of them for future whatever equipment that he could make.

After telling her about how easy it is for him to gain a new sub-class, Zyv became interested in aiding him in the matter of collecting lots and lots, and LOTS of materials. At least for those that were more difficult to obtain, like those of a Magical or higher grade.

Even though many more grades have been 'unlocked' and known to the public, that didn't meant that items of higher grades would appear more than before, the rate of drops and difficulty on how to obtain them were still there, never to be left aside or pushed into oblivion.

The fact that Tongqiu could get quite a few Magical graded items by himself was already untold, even to an Association like the Knights of Raoundozia where it is sure that they must be hunting bosses of Lord grade whenever they saw one while making a big operation for an Enlightened one, let alone dealing with a Heavenly. They probably got lucky in some way, like it being injured, damaged or almost dying before they even discovered it, unlike what Tongqiu had to suffer to face many, many other Lord and Enlightened BOSSes.

Only a player that has become extremely used to and mastered their own class be it a normal class or a hidden class, should be able to duel a Lord BOSS; while a more or less good player should be able to 1v1 a 1 Star Elite BOSS instead. There could be many more factors to that case, but it was useless as no intelligent person, leader of a group, would take such an unnecessary risk and waste of time. They could just lower its HP down with their soon-to-be association and give it the last hit to be done with it.

Little Phoenix Maiden appeared to be strong and really good at the game, but it was nothing to Tongqiu who has never seen her nor confronted her directly. As for that Raoundozia he once spoke to back in the Novice Village, he couldn't care less. As for that Zbey and Bloptl, they were like little kids to him. Sure, they had a great set of moves and great performing but, one Combustion or 'trigger' of a mercury-like mark from hitting them might as well kill them at once. His Movement Speed and Attack Speed also made it better for him to duel any player that had superb skills and even equipment, he had no reason to fear even a small army of idiots, what he could be capable of in the future was still unknown.

"Big Brother, we're close, mmm. Big Brother, what is the next sub-class that you'll unlock?" Zyv asked with her little right index finger bitten by her finger and covered by her little lips.

"Hmph~, smith." After answering Zyv, Tongqiu felt Zyv's body as she turned around and exclaimed: "Woah! Then, make me a little pendant with a wolf head like the one you wear as a mask, okay~?"

"Mn, okay!" Just why the hell not would he say no to this little immortal beauty? Besides, she is really fit of a wolf when it came to her ability to deal with monsters and her emotions.

Like right now, seeing Tongqiu's expression made her satisfied, as such, she took out another little plate with a lid on it from her Master's Bag before passing it to Tongqiu, saying: "Here, Big Brother Wolfy, take it."

Grabbing onto it, Tongqiu's eyes shined at the familiar scent of it as he read through the information from the item he became a little addicted to.

[Cat's Delicious Cooked Meat]: Type: Food, Grade: Valuable, Properties: It smells incredible great and it even has some extra juice from the special properties that the being used to make this dish had. It gives anyone the feeling that they're eating the most satisfying quality of steak yet it's also abundant in its amount, replenishes 5% HP and 10% MP and Stamina out of combat. Cooldown: 3 minutes.

It wasn't too big of a thing, and it could only be used when out of combat, making it much less useful than a potion or a consumable for whatever the case it was needed. But it was nonetheless, a pleasure to eat it and even more so to have many of them at your disposal. They could, however, spoil and become poisonous instead. Thankfully, Zyv had already bought a Chef Tool's Package from the Fame Shop so she had all the necessary things for keeping her food safe and lasting.

At that moment, Tongqiu perceived lots of presences glancing at them rather furtively and obscenely. These were players that were previously 'grinding' levels at the nearby areas from where they were riding their horses. But once they got close to a certain direction, they became alarm, not that late after did they actually sent a large group of players. They probably wanted to 'deal' with them, but maybe because they finally realized how incredible and impossible of a little beauty Zyv was that they changed their plans a little, for the 'better' of it.

He kept on eating his Cat's Delicious Cooked Meat as he then heard some of them speak.

"Did you see them already?"


"What did the boss say?"

"No-nothing, he still doesn't know but, one of our leaders is coming right away. He is the one who told us not to tell him."

"Holy... fuck... then..."

Already letting his eyes become remorseful, Tongqiu wanted nothing more but to take out his gladiuses and eliminate them all, but at the 'sight' of them being around 20,000 players that seemed to be all from the same side he rather decided to wait until they arrived closer to the private dungeon which was also probably the reason of these players' alarmed state.

Prior to the incoming 'greetings' from the players, Tongqiu took his time to read his and Rosey's status windows.


Character: Tongqiu

Race: Human — Innate Race Talents: Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder, Warmonger — Race Ability: Union

Level: 48

Class: Evil Saint

Basic attributes: STR: 336, DEX: 336, LCK: 336, REC: 336, WIS: 336, INT: 336, DET: 336, Luck: 48, Charm: 48

Association: None, Money: 3,276,650, Fame: 655,000

HP: 10,030, MP: 12,580, Stamina: 12,680

Physical Power: 3,888, Magic Power: 5,904, MP Regeneration: 3%, Stamina Regeneration: 3%, Lifesteal: 1%

Physical Defense: 1,488, Magical Defense: 1,488

Hit Rate: 48%, Dodge Rate: 48%

Critical Hit Rate: 48%, Pierce  Rate: 48%, Critical Hit Damage: 24%

Attack Speed: 188%, Movement Speed: 188%

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 0%, Water: 0%, Earth: 0%, Wind: 0%, Lightning: 0%

AP: 0, SP: 25,217,122


Rosey's window stats:

Attributes: HP: 36,750, MP: 147,000, Stamina: 122,500, Physical Power: 17.400, Magical Power: 21,750, Physical Defense: 2,880, Magical Defense: 2,880, Hit Rate: 200%, Dodge Rate: 100%, Critical Hit Rate: 50%, Pierce Rate: 100%, Attack Speed: 250%, Movement Speed: 300%.

'It should be enough to make a run for it, right?' Not stopping moving forwards, Tongqiu and Zyv continued on their little journey.

Sniff, sniff.

At this moment, Zyv managed to finally catch a wisp of the scent from other players that were hundreds of meters away, her face scrunched up as she made a concerned grunt before speaking to Tongqiu: "Big Brother... I think people has discovered this part of the map."

"Mhm, I felt that too. It's okay, we can still get inside the private dungeon. But, we may be obstructed if we want to." Tongqiu responded with a calm answer as he also gave her a hint of what was to come.

"No problem! For spending time with by Big Bro, I'll kill and plunder!" With a little fist raised to the air, Zyv spoke 'valiantly' against the malice of other players' schemes.

Nodding in response, Tongqiu then pinched her sides before asking: "How about you return my bow to me then? Otherwise we would only be able to run. I don't mind but, I also like having some meat bags to beat, you know?"

Wide eyed, Zyv looked at Tongqiu as if she's just found a new Region as she then exclaimed: "Big Bro, if you're this daring, then why do you hesitate to tak-"

Luckily, he was accustomed to this little immortal's immoral character with him, so he quickly covered up her words before their magic worked wonders on his bestial lower part of his body as he then spoke out in exchange: "Nope, behave. Or else... just wait, alright? How can you be so thirsty?!"

"Eh?! Hww cn Bg Brwdrwr swy dwwdt, itwfs wnwlyw frw yww!!"

Rolling her eyes at her intentions on speaking with her mouth being covered, Tongqiu only retracted his hand when he felt her little tongue trace his palm, exclaiming: "You!! Th-this..."


After giving out a breathe full of restrained carnal instincts, Tongqiu turned around to face a young looking player with his hands on his belt and his face that of not giving a fuck.

"Excuse me, beauty and you. This is an area owned by our Lacerate Guild, so leave... But! If you wanna stay, you can lend that little thin-"



The played didn't had time to keep on talking his retarded typical line before he was abruptly cut off and insta-killed by Tongqiu's critical hit with his punch.

*PING*'ve killed a player, 'Dinodan'.

"Fuck! That shithead killed our leader, fuck!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Contact the others! Surround them! The FUCK you're all doing? Stop saying 'fuck' and FUCKING move!"

"O-oh, yes! Attack!"


Instantly after, Tongqiu received two different surprises.

One by the now swarm of players coming towards them, there were many elves and dwarves among these players so it was more or less funny to see them all run together with their little legs while some others had long legs yet they all ran towards them as if they had a human form.

Second, by the system's prompt.

*PING* has initiated an attack against a player from another Region and hence, has been exposed to the lord overlooking this Region. Host will now trigger a special event and feature for being the first player in crossing Regions!

'Uh oh.' With guilty eyes, he looked towards Zyv as she saw him look at him in helpless care. Of course, they weren't 'sad' about having been 'surrounded' by this many players, it was that they were exposed by his natural actions that they ultimately became the first players on crossing a Region officially, and attract a bit too much attention. Who know how rewarding the system would be towards those that achieved such a feat? He wasn't even LV80 let alone having gone through his first advancement, if his class had one of course.

"Hehe, are you ready? We either run or kill, what do we do first, Big Brother Wolfy?"

Since there were many sounds of people stomping down on the ground and that of their 'battle'cries, no one could hear them speak so she didn't care about others hearing her say 'Wolfy' at the end of her words. Instead, she was dearly happy on seeing her big bro be all defensive and immediately reacting man to defend her image, even if done intentionally or by a nobody.

"Kill, of course! Rosey, out!"


Full of joy, Rosey came out from Tongqiu's left shoulder from his full suit with cries filled with cheerfulness.

"Rosey, remember 'that' time a few days ago? Again! I've gotten some more meat bags for you to finish, so kill!" Tongqiu's words were slightly fierce as even his face turned somewhat like that, then as he finished speaking, Rosey's claws and fangs were already slowly coming out from their hiding spots.

"Ptrr... PTRRR!!"

Excited and full of lust for destruction, Rosey's eyes became violet for a moment there before going back to their usual black color with the little crimson flame surrounded by a transparent black aura flickered wildly in her eyes.

"Mn." Nodding to her reaction, as he didn't even need to tell her to be careful since she herself was such a goddess in the battlefield, he then glanced back towards Zyv as he reminded her: "Remember, ask Rosey or me to come rescue you if your skill's duration and CD are coming off, okay? We'll be departing towards the private dungeon after amassing some points."

"Mn, yes Big Brother. Eh? Points? What do you..." Tongqiu didn't let her finish as he dragged her by the wrist through the crowd, each of his movements perfectly done so that they wouldn't be hit even by the rough wind coming from their dumb attacks.

As if understanding something, she then took out his big bro's Short Azure Wind Bow before passing it to him in a spinning throw which Tongqiu easily and smoothly caught in the air even as they moved at incredible speeds.

'Wow, so fast, so accurate... so fast.'

Zyv: ♥‿♥

As Zyv was lost in the pleasure of going at such fast speed by being led by her big bro, Tongqiu was already nocking a Failing Rain Arrow and holding the bow's grip with his right hand, he then turned back to look at Zyv.

Zyv felt weird, as if Tongqiu's gaze suddenly came inside her own body and remained there.

Tongqiu also felt a little weird, as if his Mental Power and... something else, was latching itself or rather, himself, on and in Zyv's body.

Shaking his head while still moving at such great speeds while he could still avoid their every attack of the sea of people perfectly, he then nodded towards Zyv, trying to let her understand that he'd always be checking up on her. Even Rosey gave her a 'thumbs' up with her little, scary claws as she smiled thinly at her, Zyv knew not whether to laugh or grimace at it but she still took their care to her heart as she smiled contentedly.

'Wuuu, my first bloodshed along my Big Brother Wolfy, yippi~!!'



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