Bow and Arrow

Chapter 48 — Light-defying Paper Sheet

Light-defying Paper Sheet



Mortal's Terror HP: [422,710/2,550,000].

Though the abomination took the blow of its own immense and destructive skill, it did no damage to it, just like the formless blade from his Utter Terror skill description. And the shocking fall of its body being slammed against the ground was also entirely mitigated, as if it didn't had an actual body. Tongqiu then began to reach conclusions by witnessing such unfair mechanics.

But what else could he do? He first punched hard his left shin to forcefully, and painfully bring his left leg back to 'normal' before lowering his stance and dragging his body with his quite seriously injured right leg. If it was already so difficult to attack right now, one can't imagine what pain he'd have to endure when he starts attacking the Mortal's Terror's body and he had to move his body harshly so that his attacks won't be weakened.

Once he arrived before the still unmoving still body of the Mortal's Terror as he then began to hack down at it in an extremely simple and crude manner. He could still hit on the thing 2-3 times per second with consecutive quick movements without losing his damage, of course he didn't activate Combustion as he wanted to use it as the last resort, he still wasn't going to go all-out and risk his life and time, all of this while he was receiving intense jolts of excruciating pain through his ribs and right leg more than anything.

His physical damage, however, was quite low. And he couldn't use Transient Divine Burst; his HP took a chunk down when he collided against that left palm of this abomination but from then to all the way now, at least 2 minutes and a half had already gone by and his HP Regeneration being 5 per second at all times, he had already recuperated HP to barely survive that last damnable non-intentional attack coming from the Mortal's Terror's body just a few seconds ago. So, depending on Transient Divine Burst was a complete 'no no' right now, besides, this Mortal's Terror was still unmoving so the best thing was not to grow impatient and commit rash actions, to just patiently keep on accumulating more resources by attacking and then stake it all in one decisive conjoint attack with all of his skills, the 'abnormal' state included.

That was at least, his current plan at the moment. So he arrived before its right feet, firmly gripped the remaining Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius in his right hand and then, he began with to hack at it while tiresomely moving his beaten and bloodied body over and over.

-630, -631, MISS, MISS, MISS, -629, -617, -630, MISS -630, MISS -633...

Tongqiu didn't know why, but ever since after -emphasis on 'after'- becoming that 'gush of wind' and being enveloped by those two essence-like, no- they were definitely essences with how familiar he felt that they were just like when he first saw the bow's and arrow's essences; ever since he was 'enveloped' by them at that time, he felt as if the stabilization with his true, from real life, consciousness made an incredible breakthrough to synchronize inside the game and hence he felt a kind of newfound and 'correct' balance.

So when his attacks were no longer alternating in large amount of number but still within the same scope, but became instead quite more 'regular' and  'dependable', it only allowed Tongqiu to understand he wasn't the least bit wrong. Anyway, no time for weird thoughts, hack, hack and hack and once again hack...

At this point, the Mortal's Terror finally flinched a little for a few seconds before finally starting to get up, albeit slowly and obviously in pain-dizziness. According to Tongqiu, it had been then 80 seconds of himself freely attacking this huge bitch ass abomination like a puppet until it finally recovered and was now standing on the floor, totally unstable, with its right foot which was quite injured already.

Terror's Mortal HP: [382,266/2,550,000].

Before Tongqiu could even get himself to even move, the fucker over here literally opened its mouth as if it was the only thing it fucking knew as dark-brownish shit started coming out of itself, once again. Strangely, it seemed that it was being 'held' by something whenever it opened its mouth that worrisome large amount and started to condense the oval-shaped thing.

This time, Tongqiu planned to simply move towards its right foot and stand before it as he would then attack it while the oval-shaped massively destructive thing finally started to explode. If his deduction was right, once that thing no longer needed the Mortal's Terror's aid to condense/form, it'll stop supporting the Mortal's Terror's body, as long as he timed well so that he wouldn't be in the same previous situation again or way too far from the Mortal's Terror's body once it was sent flying like a rag doll, then he should be fine.

He was thoroughly caught off guard before, not anymore. Not anymore!

MISS, -630, MISS, MISS, -632, -1,294, -1,309, MISS, -634, -903, -899, -640, -629, MISS, -637...


At the sound of the obviously almost ready 'big bad BOOM device', Tongqiu dragged his body towards its instep as he passed his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius towards his left hand and immediately materialized his essential arrow on his right hand; this time his arm slightly, very slightly had a minute transformation with his arm turning somewhat grey-metallic and dark-like abyss pitch black with said colors intertwining around his arm. He was surprised but he couldn't reveal an astonished face even if he wanted, he simply used the 99 cm long arrow to deeply penetrate it into the Mortal's Terror's body as his left-handed Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius did some slashes at its shin and toes over and over again. He really would waste a single damn second in vain, he learned once again, his lesson.


-630, MISS, MISS -642, -635, -630, -634, -640, -629, MISS, MISS, -632, MISS...

PT-TTOM!  Whosh~!

As he no longer was inattentive, Tongqiu this time heard when the explosion sounded, and going by the difference in strength and sound extended by it, it ought to be hella more devastating than the last one. Probably because of the absence of being tampered by Tongqiu's arrows, but he could not put himself in the risk of getting caught before arriving at a nice place to survive the incoming unexpected death once again and even less so when he had his movement quite maimed. He didn't understand fully how could he still stand and not enter a weakened state yet, maybe that girl's 'healing' or maybe those two newly discovered/found essences on his body, he didn't know but there may or may not be the reason.

In any case, what followed was such a noise was the intense wind ruthlessly cutting down at his ears, even if it was just superficial wounds it still did some stupid damage to him.

-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1...

His HP was rapidly falling from [143] all the way down to [17], which was when Tongqiu couldn't let himself to be passively killed... so he had to let go of his grip on the Mortal's Terror's body. When he pulled his essential arrow out from its instep, he saw a mercury-like mark which was plastered all over where the wound was occasioned. Tongqiu sensed something as he jumped high up even with his leg in an extremely poor state, he 'jolted' such a mark from the bottom of his entire being, and right after he did so, there was a whispering-like sound at the side of both his slightly injured ears which was like that of a blade with the most, paramount sharp edge tearing apart the uttermost indestructible material in this world.

Also, right as he 'jolted' such a mark which he could perfectly see everything around it clearly, which also gave him a kind of omnipotent vision all around it as well as omnipotent comprehension, number of him successfully dealing damage appeared at where the Mortal's Terror's right foot instep was. At the same time, an agonizing and infinitely grotesque, vulgar and disgusting voice shrieked in pain without stop for at least ten seconds which was right when the Mortal's Terror's body hit the floor. Somewhat stunned by this behavior, Tongqiu was worried he may not reach the thing in time, so he 'dashed' away to the best of his capabilities towards it.


Taking into consideration that Wide-Open Bite! was used without its destruction being sabotaged, it should allow the Mortal's Terror to take a larger nap. He still didn't know if what he just used could affect the Mortal's Terror's mental state even more but he was sure that it should at least stay put for 2 minutes or so.

When he was finally 25 meters from its body, a cruel, tribal-like and ghostly wheel appeared in front of him. Afterwards, 10 different sections were distinguished as they then became faces, which right after appearing started to loudly scream at an unbelievable high-pitch.

*PING*... you've been hit by Ten Screams of Satisfaction! You are Stunned, Disoriented, Silenced and Immobile, duration: 15 seconds!

*PING*... because you possess incredible high willpower and an astounding Mental Power, total duration of negative mental state are reduced. Duration from Stunned, Disoriented, Silenced and Immobile are lowered to .003.


"Don't you fucking bother me now." Tongqiu was stiff for a moment there before his head turned to look were the Mortal's Terror's was as he muttered. His eyes becoming increasingly fierce yet they emanated an impressive calmness.

Terror's Mortal HP: [359,516/2,550,000]. As it had its HP slightly lowered by his constant slashing as well as the double arrow damage there, Tongqiu felt a little bit of comfort from the results of his hardworking battle gains.

He found the flame that would make him want to act and not think, yet at the same time become extremely battle-sensitive and be able to see everything surrounding him, and this time he felt as if his vision could encompass all the first floor he was in. In fact, he felt that the room was kinda short for his liking and that beyond these walls there was nothing, which left him a sense of dissatisfaction, why couldn't it be at least ten times as big?

This kind of newfound arrogance and utter simple brazenness was new on Tongqiu.

He hacked, down, down and DOWN! This time, he was at least destroying the Mortal's Terror's right foot as fast as 5-6 times per second, at the same time, there were more and more and more Critical strikes as well as Pierce attacks.

MISS, MISS, -690, -692, -691, MISS, -690, -1,321, -687, -1,001, MISS, MISS, MISS, -1,009, -688, -690, -690, -1,333, -1,328, -690, MISS, MISS...

His berserk-like state only lasted for about 5 seconds before it returned to having around 2 attacks hit per second.


Suddenly, the now familiar sounds of something drying up before constantly collapsing was heard again as Tongqiu also focused his tired, exhausted eyes on the Mortal's Terror's right foot as it became an ugly grey color.

Mortal's Terror HP: [184,516/2,550,000].


The Mortal's Terror's retarded noises came from its mouth as it began to lash out with its neck and head as if it was a wet mop being flung around, its hair surprisingly enlarged as its skin on its head went loose... it was utterly amazingly disgusting.

Then, since it could only move its own neck and head, thanks to Tongqiu's maiming of the rest of his limbs, it was only able to flung them around until it could finally face Tongqiu.

Tongqiu, in change, merely had his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius on his left hand as it was resting on his left shoulder and though it should've pierced his shoulder a little, it strangely didn't even seem to be heavy as Tongqiu merely let it rest its entire weight on his shoulder. He was looking at the completely paled pupils and enlarged, loose and saggy skin with his head cockily tilted to the left and giving it a look of 'well, come at me, ugly'.

Seeing such despicable and unfair treatment, the Mortal's Terror entire face was starting to leak some sort of mucus as it also made gurgling weird infuriated noises and flapping around its head, then, it started to very bizarrely to convulse as its stomach was wide open.

'Ah. So this was, how it 'was' supposed to be used, huh?' Tongqiu still tilted head nodded slowly and heavily as he understood what this retarded abomination was trying to do.

Sure enough, actual shadowy hands, the extremely small ones, descended from the rooftop once again as the moved towards 2 meters above the opening stomach of the Mortal's Terror. 

Tongqiu: "..."

After a few dozen seconds, when 'they' finally realized there was nothing there, the hands shook, churned and invigoratingly moved around a great speeds as if unimaginably infuriated before creepily starting to 'look' at Tongqiu.

Tongqiu was immediately filled with utter terror (Author's Note: haHAA) as 'they' were not supposed to, at all, be able of identifying them. They moved, extremely, insanely fast. But then...


As if extremely, beyond limits, infuriated; lightning strikes directly appeared out of nowhere around Tongqiu as they each easily destroyed a couple tens of those small shadowy hands. Tongqiu was deaf by now, yes momentarily, but at least his sight wasn't lost, maybe because the attacks were quite small considered to the one he saw previously as well as being extremely close to him which caused such incongruity.

However, dozens of 'big' shadowy hands and hundreds upon hundreds of small shadowy hands ominously descended from the rooftop in a vertical direction before abruptly heading towards Tongqiu in a L form.

This time, a slight, gentle and warm 'aura' enveloped Tongqiu's entire body, before whitish vortex-like portals appeared all around Tongqiu with some extremely thing black lines in between as they kept on rotating.

Tongqiu watched, as the fireworks commenced.

Four big shadowy hands and some dozen of small ones quickly went into a flash attack towards Tongqiu as they were utterly decimated into nothingness merely 3 meters before Tongqiu.

Without a mere warning, multiple of almost invisible small shadowy hands instantly appeared 5 meters before Tongqiu's general position, some took the form to make shields form by many of such hands while others took the stance of a spear or sword as they went full speed at Tongqiu.

Shl~~~ KA-CHA~!!!

Merely 4 lightning strikes were enough as all those hundred plus small shadowy hands forcefully and brutally disappeared.


It was then! A dozen big shadowy hands appeared right above Tongqiu, merely 1,5 meters above his head, despicable bastards! Even though they were hiding so perfectly, a couple of bigger lightning strikes originated from Tongqiu's left and right made an arch as they both 'connected' in a terrible sound, capable of killing by just hearing it even from an enormous distance of hundreds of kilometers, before creating a shockwave from their 'connection' which then spread as a blade of lightning energy as 'they' all went into oblivion.

There were only a few dozen more of 'big' shadowy hands as well as a few hundred 'small' shadowy hands. Immediately, 'they' all moved towards Tongqiu this time, still only from his front, it seemed that whatever or whoever was aiding him was not being stingy at all.

Tret-- tr-tr-tr-tr-tr...

Unceasing nerve wrecking, scalp tingling little yet extended noises came from all over the vortex-like portals around Tongqiu as they all had tentacle/worm-like pure white electricity peek out from them.

Then, utter silence.


A fear inducing, terror inspiring sound grew stronger and stronger as time and space seemed to indefinitely stop, when the noise started to even make Tongqiu's ears start leaking out blood, black blood even though he was safely guarded, it came to be.


A sound, noise, concept, thought, manipulation of creation, that Tongqiu would never forget and which would allow him to understand the vicissitudes of power and comprehension; came to be as everything in front of them which was the remaining 7,333 meters left of space from the floor was flooded with this inexplicable repleteness of pure Essence encompassed even beyond reality as it pulverized these tricky, audacious beings in less than an instant.

There were a remaining shadowy aspects which managed to flee back to wherever they came from, though not everyone did so at time. Barely a few dozens small shadowy hands managed to escape in time while all big shadowy hands ended being sent here only to evaporate completely. Even then, lightning dragons made their way exactly from where those who escaped fled from. Tongqiu obviously couldn't know but he knew, wherever those dragons made of lightning went, made a huge mess of that place with no doubt.

The pure white with thin black lines' vortexes, the shadowy hands and the body of the Mortal's Terror which was supposed to have a Fake-Essence seemed like an illusion as both the vortexes and lightning strikes and the shadowy hands are left and only him and Mortal's Terror remained.

Mortal's Terror HP: [184,516/2,550,000].

Tongqiu: "..."

Tongqiu was silently recollecting himself. After a couple of seconds, he finally reacted as his head rose from his pensive demeanor before straightening up his back and rotating his body to his right, leaving the Mortal's Terror's body at his perfect left.

His shoulders visibly behind the line of his neck, he raised his left arm. When his hand was about to reach the height of his chin, his arm transformed fully up to his shoulder blade. A gloomy, verdant color prevailing it as it had an armor-like skin to it; some places had incredible thick root-like armored skin and in others it had an extremely durable and resistant looking fragile leaves on the 'transformed' area. As his left hand finally reached the height of his chin, a 2,33 meters long bow with a gloomy, swampy verdant color surrounding it came to be in his hand.

Already in position with his essential bow; Tongqiu then proceeded to slowly, and formidably move his right hand towards his abdomen as it stopped there for three seconds while his fingers pointed downwards.

Then, slowly, he raised that very same right arm slowly and as it completed a U form along with the line of his shoulders, before beginning to fold his elbow as Tongqiu himself arched his body backwards a little as his chest inadvertently raised, granting Tongqiu a clear and utterly imposing image, his eyes undeniably cold.

His right hand once again extended, this time towards the left side of his body at the height of his philtrum. His entire right arm 'transformed' all the way to his shoulder blade as well, his entire arm now had an armored-like skin resembling that of wootz steel patterns at some places while a kind of scion spikes yet also with the shape of its arrowhead in some other places. At the instances his hand was already making a strange and unnecessarily complex gesture, a couple of 6 inches thick shaft majestically came to be as essence started rotating in a double vortex motion as they ended up materializing into a intertwining, moving grey-metallic, dark-like abyss pitch-black colors as the shaft; while at the other end of said shaft was a pointy ordinary yet omnipresent fearful arrowhead which had a pure metallic color, albeit 'tainted' with the same colors from the shaft. Begetting an unstoppable, domineering, murdering aura straight away. Though it seemed to have no fletching, it gave anyone who looked at such arrow, the feeling of already greeting Death and allowing her to take a cup of tea into their homes.

Both of his arms suddenly tightened yet remained utterly calm and relaxed as his right arm pulled, infuriatingly pulled the arrows now linked at the large bowstring backwards with paramount preciseness without flinching a mere nanometer as it was fully drawn into a peerless, extravagant full moon.

"Die for me. For my sorrows." Tongqiu's last words to it mercilessly resounded in its ears as a metallic, emotionless and filled BLOODLUST as it itself at long last, met utter terror instead.

His claw-like long and obscure nails; verdant colored with a gloomy sheen on his left hands and sharing the same aesthetics that his left arm has, intertwining grey-metallic dark-like abyss pitch-black colors and sharing the same aesthetics that his right arm has, one gently holding the grip of the bow while the claw-like nails softly grazed upon its shelf; the other one tightly poking at the arrow's shaft while it was impeccably gripped by his fingers. Both of them were 'released' as essence fluctuated into the bow and arrow before cosmic, galaxy-destroying sounds incurred all around the place, nearly being the sound itself the killer factor of this Mortal's Terror semi-existence.







Author's Note: Beishang -> Sorrow  ||| Tongqiu(has 'u' instead of 'e' hence the gamer id factor and not a word straight away) -> Intense sorrow.

This chapter took me almost twice the amount of time that I take in writing a chapter when focusing fully on it. It felt amazing~.

V1: #1 5/10

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