Bow and Arrow

Chapter 50 — Concocting, Luxurious Floor

Concocting, Luxurious Floor



Tongqiu had already decided to 'stop' with their love-making seeing how even Diana was already taking another nap from her extended efforts ever since they went at it. It was because Tongqiu realized that Natalia's heavenly garden was already puffy and truly red-pinkish, so he though about granting her one last 'dance' and then end it.

But Natalia didn't thought so as she, with her energetic yet obviously tired, slow proactive 'bouncing back' movements, held quite tight against his crotch. With how slow movement, because of her bodily exhaustion, Tongqiu was unintentionally tantalized by her rear as they went at it once again another 2 times before finally, he slapped slightly harshly  and 'rebukingly' as he also muttered under his breath something like 'you're being a bad girl' and 'you're too naughty' which made Natalia jolt before being pushed onto the sofa into a comfortable position to finally rest.

But she really didn't intended to stop as even though her heavenly garden could now be regarded as heavenly land of fire, puffy and quite red, she still turned her body towards Diana's before waking her up. Taking advantage that she was still sleepy for it, Natalia managed to cruelly 'manipulate' her into a doggy position with sweetened words like 'Tongqiu is waiting' and 'Tongqiu's hungry so hurry up!' as Diana's torso was right away then resting on Natalia's chest, still somewhat sleepy with her eyes closed.

Tongqiu, however, put aside her incredible perky and toned butt before picking both of them up. He could do so only because of two factors; one, Diana was quite relaxed and sleepy so she was easily lifted without unnecessary dead weight; and two, Natalia was beyond bodily exhaustion and her incredibly seductive sweaty body was also as fragile as a brand newly grown leaf that had been ruthlessly cut off from its branch. As such, even with his still not really that strong yet body, he managed to carry them without staggering even once all the way to his room.

After all, after such events he wouldn't treat her as the Miss Diana from before, he already saw her as his woman and he was damn sure she was already waiting for their own very union. Since it was already late, they went to sleep altogether with Natalia somehow perfectly ignoring the irritated yet lovely looking puffy area of her crotch which she only guided Tongqiu to smear some medicinal ointment from her stuff and then simply latched on to him with her limbs, just like a kitten, as Tongqiu himself guided Diana into his bosom, as they peacefully slept.


As Tongqiu was showing signs of waking up, he first opened his eyes, and as he was facing upwards he could only see the roof. However, he also felt two slim naughty fingers going around at his chest... when he immediately looked left and right and saw Natalia and Diana respectively, he saw on their expressions, pure teasing and malevolent intentions. As such, he caught their hands before gently throwing them 'rebukingly' away as he then embraced the two over their shoulder and brought them close to his bosom.

"Naty, when are you gonna tell me of-" Tongqiu was inquiring softly while looking at the roof before he was gently interrupted by 'Naty'.

"Ash-shhhhhuuuu! No, no! Until you seal the deal with both of use you'll be kept in the dark. Hmph, hmph. Daring to take two women to your house and then ask for whatever you want?! Also... why call me Naty, mou... since- we're not children anymore, you know?..." Natalia responded him with clear capriciousness before her face flushed pink-red.

"Call you wife, then. How 'bout it?" Seeing her intentions, Tongqiu smoothly came up with a perfect come back. Truth be told, these words, he didn't even gave a single thought as he blurted them out from the bottom of his heart.


Sure enough, Natalia's excessively, unrestrained happy screaming before locking her arms on Tongqiu's neck were his sweet, honeyed response to him.

Diana was half-sleepily and foolishly grinning at the pair of lovers before her. Before anything else happened though, she suddenly felt a hand guiding hers towards Tongqiu's crotch...

"Even if Diana isn't ready yet... there is still many possible interactions between each other, no?" Added Tongqiu, as he had his face grinning deviously close to the craftily smiling Natalia who had her eyes narrowing slightly. She answered instead of Diana with a crafty tone: "Well, but I'll be the one to teach her! Come, come 'little sis', I'll educate you in how to conquer this Big Brother over here!"

Sleepy Diana could only absentmindedly nod a couple of times before lowering her stance to that of Tongqiu's thighs. Before long, she felt an intruding 'object' inserting itself in her tender mouth as Natalia's smooth hand guided the back of her head...

"Mblwgww?! Mm-? Mmm... Tmnkuu, ommmnn... slup, ñam... slurrrp~ mwah!"


After a little bit of playtime -30-60 minutes-, they went and took breakfast... real breakfast before continuing with their routine. From this time onwards, Tongqiu decided to enter inside Rising Essence two times a day. When after their mourning routine has been completed and before dinner.


In Rising Essence, Mysterious Hidden Grounds.

Tongqiu was now sitting with his legs crossed as he was 'working' with a small little device in front of him laying on the ground.

He was doing potions, elixirs, antidotes and even poison. He obviously wasn't doing pills or stuff like that since that would be Alchemy, but he himself even thought that seeing how amazing just concocting basic-level potions and the like, it wouldn't be a surprise if that was added later on in any form or way.

Right now though, he was only concocting potions, and they were exactly Light Red Potions which were practically useless for him now. But for him, it was the best choice for improving his ability at concocting in general.

Ever since he started gathering all those herbs, he made use of none of them and as such, he still had quite the lots of '999' stacks here and there, even if they were basic-low grade they were literally something he had to start with no matter what. Not only that, but because he harvested them not at the Novice Village but at the 'first zone' in the game, the quantity of such flora was much more abundant than at the Novice Village. Hence, he had ample amount for concocting hundreds of them. It didn't require much of them and he could easily waste all his basic-level resources on them like it was nothing, but he didn't do it, since some of the next potions and other thingies also needed such basic-level flora here and there and in bigger quantities. So he only made a few hundred of them instead of thousands.

The focal point here, was the fact that there were two ways into concocting as a gardener:

One, he could just go 'automatic' aka auto-mode; the device looked like an inverted triangle, pretty much like a cone for drinking water except it was made of some weird black material. It was also supported on its three sides by some pillars made from the same blackish material as it had a burner at the base right in the middle of it all, where the tip of the inverted triangle was at. And for the process to work as intended at the auto-mode, one just had to put the herbs in the little thingy before simply choosing with his mind which concoction to do before the thing closed itself and then started working on its own. This one was basically, the better your proficiency in the sub class, the better the results. The results being, failed or successful. However, the quality and quantity would always be shitty; a shitty amount and a regular/mediocre quality.

Second, which was the one Tongqiu decided to go for, as it was really fun looking and he even had the thought that kids playing the game only to become Gardener Masters would be a thing in the future... anyways. The method for this second option was to to it all yourself. Truly, yourself. There was no guides, explanations, recipes, tips, hints, NOTHING. You had to be the one to understand it all with your own comprehension. Which made Tongqiu believe that even kids would be attracted by such challenging, brain-wrecking and fun-like activity, as he himself became absorbed once he started trying this method out. Of course, some other people like adults, adolescents may see it boring or stupid... but here, dear little Tongqiu was acting and enjoying his time like a kid, which was something long forgotten for him.

When he confirmed 'yes' to the system's notification over and over again about not choosing 'auto-mode with multiple mentions of not being able to change it in the future, except if one choose auto-mode in the beginning; at the moment Tongqiu was finally done with such annoying settings, a couple of extra tools popped up from nowhere as they fell to the floor, close to the concocting device.

One of the looked like a crank on a lid which fitted perfectly with the concocting device's opening; another was a scalp-massager looking tool which he Tongqiu deduced it is supposed to be placed around the concocting device from the outside, right in the middle of its body, probably to somewhat centrifuge whatever the contents inside it. Another tool was literally a spatula, yet, this one was much larger and was also made from the blackish material; there were also a few dozens of extremely thin, yet 25 cm large crystal tubes that also seemed to be made from the blackish material, yet were obviously crystallized, which gave Tongqiu quite the interest in knowing more of these kinds of material and the likes, but he couldn't do anything even if he wanted so he simply focused himself on learning and trial and error sessions.

He maintained such a seemingly boring and repetitive process for a few hours before he got a notification of having already played enough for now, so after counting exactly 144 Light Red Potions, he satisfactorily threw them in the ground and then logged off, he didn't needed such trash and even less so when he should already be close to creating elixirs and the like from his special  sub class branch.


Tongqiu's villa, at the dinning table.

"Ah, little Diana here has already created her character and even levelled up to 10 already! Hehe, she chose a bulky, thick, fatty Inner Martial Arts Master, isn't she cute? Hehehehe~. Ah, right, on the forums, the term for it is IM! See Tongqiu? I even know more than you! I'm leaving you behind, hmph!"

Seeing Natalia's first cute and teasing demeanor, then becoming cocky and bragging, Tongqiu simply gave her some chewy food with the hopes of getting that little sweet, cocky smile of hers away from spouting more annoying, childish nonsense to the mature and disciplined Tongqiu; while Diana herself merely blushed a little as she had her head lowered a little too before expectantly looking towards Tongqiu.

Once again, seeing how terribly adorable Diana was behaving, he gently spoke out with an encouraging tone: "Mm, I'm glad you've finally been corrupted by us two, now, you'll soon come to know how unforgettable of a world this Rising Essence game is... ah right, don't trust the system, also if you find some weird voices coming straight at your head at some point, just tell 'em to piss off and if that doesn't work, just tell them that daddy Tongqiu here will get back at them if they don't leave you alone... yep, that's it. Enjoy your class. Oh right, what's your ID?"

Diana's expression from when seeing Tongqiu speak in a pampering manner directly at her, became radiant and fulfilled, even after his weird mentions here and there. But when she heard his question of the name she choose... she first showed some panic before a little bit of shame was then present on her lowered gaze.

"Ah, what- what is it? I'm not an idiot... a bad idiot... too much of a bad idiot, and no matter what- you can tell me about it." Tactfully speaking towards this possible 'xXx' or '_LmaO_' naming sense of a gamer newbie, Tongqiu felt both pity and an intense need of consoling her right away. But the next words explaining her unusual reaction made Tongqiu want to hug her until she became part of his body in the most tender yet creepiest of ways.

"I-I-I... I named my character... Fragile Broken Eyes..." At that point, her voice became so low that calling a whisper would be an understatement. She then looked towards the confused and inquiring yet understanding gaze of Tongqiu, as such, she regained bravery and determination as she continued: "Beca-because, Tongqiu... seeing your body so weak and inspiring to become healthy, once again and for us, as well as your clear, grey but also broken eyes... I-I... felt my heart crush down, whenever I saw your... emaciated body tremble and convulse while doing the smallest of movements, when I see your perspiration when we've even just started walking and whenever you embrace me to make me feel you all around me... I... your eyes are inexplicable to me as I find myself in-in deep sorrow whenever I see through them, and your intent on not allowing us to see through it..."

Through her response, Diana's voice was solely soft and gentle as she slowly spoke in a low voice. When she talked about his eyes, she looked towards Natalia for a moment before lowering her gaze in the direction of Tongqiu. Ultimately, she added a few words as to liven up the mood.

"Ah, but also... I mostly started my character in Rising Essence because of you, another part is Big Sister as well... I just thought of you, like I always do, like I like to do... you're in my heart, and there's nothing ever changing that- I... Tongqiu-" Her soft, gentle and already broken in tears words were gently stopped by the touch of Tongqiu's hands over hers. He gently lifted her chin as the first thing she saw on Tongqiu's face was a pureness and clear gaze she never saw before on him. There was no detached emotions at seeing her crying, not even a previous frown already suppressed... it was only him, and his slightly smiling yet deeply affectionate gaze towards her that left her breathless and intoxicated there, finally stopping her sorrowful tears and dropping joyful ones instead.

"Ah... Tongqiu!!"

"Mn, mn... it's okay, it's alright, mn..." When she threw herself at him, as if already having thought of such a thing, Tongqiu smoothly received her in his bosom before nodding his head while pressing it against hers and patting her head like a concerned father would do with their bullied kid. This inspired a loving and magnificent smile on Natalia, the onlooker, which had now finished the mouthful of chewy food Tongqiu put in her mouth and was now slowly moving towards them.

While caressing her scalp and kissing her forehead, she spoke in a half-whispering tone: "Mn, Diana dear, let's go to the sofa and watch some stuff, okay? I'll clean the room first and then join you two. Go ahead."

After she spoke some words, Natalia suggestively nodded her head towards Tongqiu before massaging Diana's shoulders for a little while before starting to clean up all around. Tongqiu stood up and gave her a profound yet quick kiss on her tender lips as even their skin seemed to glue to each others' for a moment when separating. He then took the softened body of Diana in his arms like a princess and brought her to the living room. Meanwhile, he thought about the people he talked with, and how they still hadn't called back to report their progress on finding personnel which made him quite frustrated seeing how Natalia had to clean the small kitchen and the whole dinning room, alone.

He didn't delved so much into that train of thought before brushing it off and entirely enjoy his lovely time with Diana. After 15 minutes or so, she came back trying her best to not make Tongqiu feel uncomfortable of having to do all that stuff alone, which made Tongqiu click his tongue mentally as he thought 'what a smart wife' before making space for her in the same sofa.

As the three of them cuddled in one sofa through the whole afternoon all the way to the evening, Tongqiu decided to halve his gaming time today and merely enjoy each others company for the rest of the day. After having dinner, he dialed the company where he 'hired' many personnel but after weeks had gotten no news whatsoever.

"Mm, hello? Is this-" Tongqiu was cut off, albeit non-agressively.

"AH! Mr Yun, yes of course! We're truly sorry that through these days we didn't dare to contact you... you see, your requirements are truly high even in, well you know the population numbers overall, I mean who doesn't ri~ght? Haha. Ha. Ehem, we are right now merely waiting for possible employees to respond to our- I mean, your requirements. It is obviously not an easy decision as Mr Yun can imagine, so... it took us quite a while to find the correct personnel according to Mr Yun's taste. I estimate a couple of days at most before we finally get the confirmation from our candidates, so please be patient a little more, Mr Yun. Oh right, in case you do not remember my name, it is Yona... and Sir?... I'll make it up to you-" The call was suddenly hanged up right after she rapidly uttered those few last words, with obvious panicked sounds afterwards.

'Oh well.' Tongqiu had a non-committal expression as he then put down his phone... as it crashed against the ground, only to be picked up carefully once again by Tongqiu after receiving Natalia's glares first before Diana also summed up, which made him 'willingly' pick it up again.

. . .

'They're at last coming soon, oh well, I'm sorry ladies you won't have to do extra work anymore, sorry, sorry.' Tongqiu was now relaxing with a happy smile as he massaged the scalp of the two kitten-like women that each had their head resting on their side of his chest. They then contentedly soundly slept for the whole damn night.


Next day, inside Rising Essence, first floor of the Mysterious Hidden Grounds.

Tongqiu could be seen yet once again concocting potions once again. This time, it wasn't as simple as before as he was now using the crank thingy a couple of times before using a few of the tubes at hand to extract some liquid clean from the concocting device. Afterwards, he put a lot of ingredients and even some low-graded ones, instead of only using basic-graded ones. He didn't use the centrifuge tool though, as it was obviously not necessary, he wouldn't rack his brains for nothing. He already had a somewhat familiarity with such tools after a mere few hours of playing around today and the day before, so no sudden, nonsensical accidents here and there and merely a few repeats out of quite the dozens of attempts.

*PING*... you've successfully concocted, Basic Antidote, result is as follows: quantity: 4, quality: Top, difficulty: High-Basic.

[Basic Antidote]: Type: Potion, Grade: Valuable, Effect: Consuming this potion cleanses the user of typical and common venom/poison and light ailments, like a small wound having been infected or even necrosis if taking a few tens of seconds after it has been discovered as a limit.

He now had 186 of those things, he also had a few more Light Red and Light Blue potions which he honestly just threw around since they weren't even worth selling anywhere.

It was now time to take a brief rest, disconnect and then connect back again after having a meal. After he did so, not without having some caressing interactions with Natalia and Diana, he then proceeded to go through the humongous doors. He once again looked around him, no more mist, no more abandonment sentiment... it was all now peaceful. After nodding in satisfaction, Tongqiu stepped into the darkness, through the boundary.




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