Bow and Arrow

Chapter 62 — Great Petal of Destruction, Teary Rose (2)

Great Petal of Destruction, Teary Rose (2)



Forty minutes later, Mysterious Hidden Grounds' main floor.

-499, -500, MISS, MISS, MISS, -499, -499, MISS, MISS, -500...


Tongqiu jumped backwards, even using Teary Rose's gust of wind projection to impulse himself even further.

He'd already been aware and alerted towards her 'enraged' -more like coquettish and superficially enraged- attack from being taken advantage of in her dazed state to still keep on attacking her even after she recuperated. As she saw Tongqiu still recklessly and adamantly attack her even when she had the freedom to slap him away! The audacity!

Hence, her attacks became that of the special AOE-type basic attack.

Innumerable wind-blades spirally moved around her as her limbs went on a frenetic, illusory dancing of sorts. That very same imposing aura surrounding her as she 'danced' impulsed Tongqiu further and further away... as he then took out his essential weaponry, then aimed at her.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~...


MISS, -555, MISS, MISS, -555, -555, -556, MISS, -554, MISS, MISS, -555, -555, -555, -555, MISS, -555, -555, -555...

As usual, when using his essential weaponry, he was much less likely to fail in hitting the enemy; easily making up for the great disparity of level and stats, though not that much.

By this time, Rosey no longer had the same calm, relaxed expression from before as she was now exuding obvious signs of a challenging stance, opting for Tongqiu to try his utmost better, to defeat her and free her in the mightiest of manners!

Teary Rose HP: [16,628,595/18,000,000]

As he was able to spend 20 minutes or so in attacking her in quite the systematic sort of ways, Tongqiu also learned, for the better, how to make use of her uncaring attitude at battle to exploit her 'openings' and not only reduce the time to attack her once again, but also of that of dodging her charges and unceasing quick attacks. Parrying her became the last resort as he focused on mainly farming up some Battle Frenzy stacks instead.

At this very moment, Rosey sweetly smiled as she put both her arms before her in a delicate 'X' form, and went to the 'skies'.

'Oh no...' Tongqiu had already faced Teary Rose's 'Proliferate Growth' to which he was able to scarcely avoid thanks to his Mental Power, avoiding letting himself be trapped or have his options restricted too much. But he never had the chance of 'tasting' the skill 'A Thousand Roots' which she also had a common rate use for, let alone one with a very rare usage rate, 'Purloin'.

Tongqiu saw Rosey stop in midair, way too far away from where he could reach as suddenly, there was these types of 'currents' which carried a green-plains color to themselves as they were formed in a curved manner. They extended all over the floor in a simple manner, which then slowly arched upwards towards Teary Rose's general location in midair, easily gathering 10 meters or so below her.

Tongqiu suddenly felt, from within the middle of his chest, an unrecognizable yet somewhat familiar light, bright green being plucked out of his chest in the form of a sphere as it stood there, motionless. It was a third of the size of his head as it was also much more different than the rest of the surrounding light, bright green spheres.

Not only were the rest of the spheres so much more smaller, from the size of the pinkie's nail to that of a thumb, they were also almost completely dim and somewhat darkly. He instinctively knew what to do.

Tongqiu tried using his sheer Mental Prowess to hold onto his bright light-green orb for dear life, successfully stopping it from moving forwards like the rest of the spheres. But it lasted merely a moment, his 'life' sphere was on the move right after a second or two as it headed towards the same location that the rest of the spheres were already converging at, though it was doing so at an extremely slow speed that even a nail would feel like bragging after witnessing it.

'What the... hm?!' Trying to rapidly think of a solution without falling into panic, Tongqiu's eyes opened wide at once before he pulled out his essential weaponry, though his 'transformation' on the entirety of his arms remained. He closed his eyes as he then extended his arms and placed his hands around the sphere, hovering about it here and there, his train of thought immediately became that of his two essential weaponry before being directed towards his dark-grey, transparent globes that resided within his body.

This was new for him as he had never needed to 'utilize' them or for something similar; but just as previously mentioned, he only allowed his instincts to clear his thoughts as he made a move on this crazy, unexplored idea by himself, without hesitation.


Thump! ... Thump! ... Thump! ...

The instant he portrayed from within his mind, the image of his dark-grey colored globes; as if answering to his thorough determination, an illusory dark-grey, transparent globe appeared before him which made the bright light-green in front of him to directly stop and even move backwards a little!

Sensing this change, Tongqiu gave not a fuck about the illusory dark-grey, transparent globe that he just created in front of himself out of the blue as he opened his eyes, and their familiar extremely calm yet extremely fierce glint on them, as he then materialized his essential weaponry on each hand... before aiming.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~...

Innumerable arrows went loose at unbelievable speed as they each were headed towards different locations.

When Tongqiu was taking his sweet time to 'conjure' a dark-grey, transparent globe to save his own dear little life from an instakill, the smallish, tiny bright light-green spheres that had already converged below the area where Teary Rose was, had also already condensed up above, merely 10 meters or so below her as well.

They were influenced onto merging with other of such tiny spheres; as such, there were 12 or so bright, light green globes situated around the area 10 meters or so below Teary Rose and were growing increasingly solid and vivid, no longer appearing to be a sphere without form which reminded Tongqiu of the strange case from when Mortal's Terror was being 'formed' before his own eyes.

Of course, it wasn't the same at all as what the Mortal's Terror used to 'materialize' was the suffering and 'seeds' of Fallen from the Fallen Summoners; while what Teary Rose was using was the... remains (?) of the leftovers from her Master's previous proves of existence.

Better not think of this act as abhorrently and dishonorable as what the Mortal's Terror did, as if she were to let her Masters' 'remains' to be forever trapped in this Mysterious Hidden Grounds, they'd never be able to finally leave in peace. And the use for her was that of allowing their deepest, most cherished wish to become true, her freedom!

In any case, Tongqiu shoot at that same area 10 meters or so below her feet, but not directly towards those soon-to-become bright light-green globes as he choose to direct his arrows in between each of pair of such globes as well as exactly down and below every single one of them.

It was after all, for the sake of preserving his dear little life, and also not losing a level... that'd be disastrous. From LV30 to LV29, then possibly to LV28... it would become really, really disastrous.


-5,555, -5,555, -5,555, -5,555, -5,555...

Countless out-of-this-world sounds of explosions sounded out as twelve numbers coming from different sources appeared within such darkish, void-like violet colored explosions.

Obviously, they were coming from the twelve previously 'aspiring' to become bright light-green globes as they all shattered and produced the sound of sand incessantly falling on a clean, glassy substance.

Since this damage was obviously not from hitting Teary Rose in some way, it instead created a new type of chain reaction as it went sphere by sphere until it connected each and every single one of the 'aspiring' to be globes, before abruptly converging an unstoppable amount of energy before finally, exploding upwards and downwards at but an instant. Easily hitting Teary Rose's entire body as well as digging a huge hole in the ground.


Fuck yeah! His improvised plan was not merely a coinflip as it also caused some hidden mechanic to take effect and efficiently taking a good chunk away from Teary Rose's HP bar.

Teary Rose HP: [14,630596/18,000,000]

Drinking down a couple more of Kindness Low-Potion down his throat, with their respective cooldown, Tongqiu didn't even let this opportunity go to waste as he kept on aiming and shooting arrows at her as he also drank some more Benevolent Low-Potions all while between aiming, using Tongqiu's Rain Showdown and calculating the timing of other Kindness and Benevolent Low-Potions. In other words, perfect multitasking!


After another 20 minutes spent on attacking dear 'little', gorgeous Rosey, she had her HP lowered some more, while at the same time, suddenly made an eccentric, unexpected move in a chain-like skill combo.

Teary Rose HP: [13,727,796/18,000,000]

The amount of Proliferated Growth had been once again seen a couple of times after she used the skill 'Purloin', but there was still not sight of 'A Thousand Roots' skill yet, which made him grow even more cautious and conscious of the possible outcomes... indeed, it came unexpected.

A Thousand Roots was finally being used! But it was definitely not a moment to rejoice, at all!

No! Because once he was caught, 25 seconds would've been not that bad, the actual problem though, was that she also seemed to turn even more ethereal and mighty as her hair started fluctuating on its own as well as the surrounding space around her turned into a somewhat, red colored petal image-projection.

'Bloodline!' Tongqiu's eyes were shaking a little as he thought: 'If I were to be caught now... It'll for sure be impossible to withstand her barrage of attacks, solely her main basic attacks would be enough to kill me, ugh...'

After thinking so, Tongqiu instantly made his move as he tried to run as far away as possible, in case she selected a determined area for her 'A Thousand Roots' skill. If he started madly running now, he may be able to escape the 500 meter radius area, he may, though.

But even then, nothing would go as one plans all of the time.

Instead of choosing an area to flood with her A Thousand Roots skill, she rather used it solely on Tongqiu as a large, incredibly thick root of an unknown source instantly made its entrance to this main floor from the underground.

Such an extremely insane speed of action left him speechless, even when he sensed it coming, he had not the capabilities to avoid it at all!

It was way too fast, totally unstoppable. If he had three or four times the amount of Movement Speed he'd be able to safely get out of such predicament, it obviously however, was not the case as he was sent flying high up in the sky before being entangled by some minor branches from the colossal root, leaving him hovering in the air.

*PING*... you've been inflicted the Rooted negative effect, you cannot move your body towards any direction and your body cannot be moved in any way. Duration: 25 seconds.

'Ah shit.' With no other choice, he pulled out his essential weaponry; he could only play aim-and-shoot now. Fortunately, he had a clear view on where Teary Rose's exact location was, as he started bombarding her general location without stopping...

As for Rosey?

Well, she was having a blast!

When she started fighting her big brother, she saw how cunning he was. As she kept on dueling him, however, she realized how deceiving he also was! The fact that they went in and out, sometimes one was leading their movements and some other times so did the other. Having this little relaxing dance made her calm and composed at first, but then, she felt weird as Tongqiu just wouldn't stop doing the same over and over again.

After sneakily studying him for some more time, she realized that this big brother of hers wasn't only cunning and deceiving, he was also infuriatingly calculative! How evil!

She thought back to how he would dotingly play along with her and answer each and every single one of her questions in total honesty, yet now, he was treating as a delicacy for training!

He was more and more capable of easily parrying each and every one of her attacks. At some point, he even made her dazed when she hadn't sill used her strongest, heaviest main basic attack, just how in the hell was her big brother so damn talented?!

Due to this train of thoughts forming inside this little girl's head, she decided to teach him a lesson...

She first used twice the same useless skill -against Tongqiu, that is- before truly using a scary one; the end result, however, left her disappointed. Disappointed in herself and disappointed in not being able to smack her big brother's bottom in revenge...

And so, by holding onto dear patience, she managed to finally take upon this squirmish, fleeting devious big brother of hers.

She secretly operated her A Thousand Roots skill multiple times through their entire battle, slowly and steadily, until she finally amassed an extremely weak and feeble root! 'It should be enough to restraint my big brother, heheee~' Rosey thought, as she initiated her schemes against Tongqiu.

To her playful and naughty behavior, what could Tongqiu do? Even if he knew, would he get furious at this now little sister of his or would he shake his head bitterly? Sigh...

In any case, as Tongqiu was shooting Rosey without a stop, he realized that her aura was... somewhat... playful?

'Ah... did she... perhaps?! Oh yeah, definitely, she actually... urgh!' Oblivious to the fact that Tongqiu had already deciphered her well-thought and her perfectly schemed ideas, she kept advancing towards the silly, dumb Tongqiu as she endured the ticklish like feelings of his bombardment of arrows upon her body.

That's right, Tongqiu's touch to her was merely below even being felt as 'ticklish'.

Her grade was obviously much, MUCH more higher than that of a measly 'Heavenly' grade one. And just because she gave Tongqiu her only drop of Fallen Teary Rose Petal which brought her to such a downgraded degree, didn't meant she lost her true abilities and capabilities.

That's right, Tongqiu was able to inflict damage upon her, solely because of the fact that he received her most precious Fallen Teary Rose Petal. Naturally, he was oblivious to such truth.

No matter how amazing his Mental Power or Mental Prowess was at the end of it all, with his current measly, paltry experience in utilizing it as well as his knowledge being lower than that of a dog's, to know about such an occurrence was beyond possibilities.

She was, however, suddenly surprised by Tongqiu's 'abnormal' state.



-333,666, 333,666, 333,666, 333,666.

'Yep, they work, and they work well. Hm, not even a slight headache, I may even be able to go for 25-27 'abnormal' wideshots of these!' This was Tongqiu's conclusion from his completely untouched mental fortitude and his confidence being flaunted up by the big numbers.

'I'd probably will also be able to shoot 10 or so wideshots all at once... if I do my best, and thus bring myself to utter enervation.' This was also Tongqiu's conclusion and deductions from having experimented those previous shots himself as well as having used his senses to carefully monitor the changes and repercussions within his body and mental state at the time of letting the arrows loose.

Teary Rose HP: [12,393,132/18,000,000]

Besides having the pure, sole mentality of a 13 year old little girl, she was also inexperienced in fighting. Her previous education was merely that of knowledge and teaching directly from her Masters and from books and scrolls; but after being teached within the Essential Mist itself, she was induced in a type of virtual-reality like state where she could basically feel that it was her own body in there!

Unfortunately, there was no battling nor facing off of enemies by the time she finished learning everything that the Essential Mist could offer, leaving her entirely blind and harmless in respect to fighting.

As such, she became totally confused as her body was 'gently' thrown backwards. To which Tongqiu rapidly, as fast as lightning, took the chance to devour a Kindness Low-Potion and a Benevolent Low-Potion; after all, he did got downed a little bit on his HP, MP and Stamina, better to be prepared in case of any uncertainty.

Tongqiu didn't stop there though, he aimed high, high enough so that a bombardment of Combustion would meet her as she met the ground, or huge root that was still present, as the duration of A Thousand Roots' effect hasn't been over.

-555, -555, MISS, MISS, -555,- 555, -555, MISS, -555, -555, -555...

When it was still 7 seconds before the root negative effect disappeared, Teary Rose abruptly stood up from among the constant bombarding of his arrows, as she then made an aggressive and brutal charge against Tongqiu.

'Uh-oh, this is gonna be worst than before.' Uh-oh indeed, at this point, not only did Rosey wanted to beat up this big brother of hers; she also wanted to make him fly here and there while she danced as the wind-blades turned him into chunks of meat and bones... she was furious, alright.

Tongqiu, clearly understanding what she wanted to do, to which he didn't even needed to use his Mental Power for; rapidly took aim once again as he both, provocatively as well as daringly looked at her. He also tilted his bow a few times ever so quickly, rapidly sending signals towards Rosey which she immediately received.

She visible flinched before coming to a complete halt, then Tongqiu simple took aim again as he drew a full arch of the 2,33 meters in length bow, looking ever so gracefully in her eyes as he once again gave her a look as if saying 'since I could do it before, then I definitely can do it again'... Rosey finally had a panicked, fearful look in her eyes as she intended for a retreat! 'This big brother of mine is too dangerous, too evil!'



PUK-BKOM comes the arrow.





Author's Note: Hi, sorry, another 'boom' and no computer for almost 6 hours :_D .

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