Bow and Arrow

Chapter 699 — Glory Of The Past, Gladiators (2)

Glory Of The Past, Gladiators (2)




[Heavenly Lion(Half-Dragon)] (Lioness): Type: Half-Heavenly Lion and Half-Responsive Dragon Mount/Pet, Grade: Universal, Level: 170’, Owner: Tongqiu. Has become one with her destined Master, birthing from his own ‘self’ and that of a Teary Rose, this Heavenly Lion’s potential was furthermore enhanced with the events occurring to her giving birth and after giving birth alongside her destined Master. With the strength of two of the most unique Races in the Universal Lands, her future was already enigmatic before the baptizing of her being, her future can only be counted to be beyond the top right now.

Attributes: HP: 1,717,500, MP: 1,461,000, Stamina: 5,130,015, Physical Power:500,800, Magical Power: 267,500, Physical Defense: 51,930, Magical Defense: 51,930, Hit Rate: ∞, Dodge Rate: ∞, Critical Hit Rate: 0%, Pierce Rate: 100%, Attack Speed: 200%, Movement Speed: 700%.


[Eye of the Lion, Soul of the Dragon]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 2, Level required for LV2: MAX. With but a mere thought, the eyes of Lioness will turn blinding orange or blinding golden depending on her current form, with some violet in them. The orange color will make all enemies’ stats decrease by a whole 15% while the allies will have their own increased in 30% for a full 30 minutes. Cost: 450,000 Stamina and 230,000 MP. Cooldown: none. NOTE: can only be stacked twice in total and by each different transformation of color, when stacked, the time will only be resetted and not added up nor ignored, only main basic attributes will be affected.

[Divinity of the Heavenly Lion]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 2, Level required for LV2: MAX. Lioness’ fangs and claws make a mark of heavenly light to appear on the struck enemies, each 3 marks will make an enemy enter into a Paralyzed, Stunned, Dizzy and Confused for 15 seconds. At the third activation of each mark of heavenly light, 15% of the damage dealt will be dealt again in the form of True Damage to the enemy struck and to all enemies in an area of 90 meters in diameter to that of the struck enemy. NOTE: the area will be doubled if hit together for the third time against another enemy, in the case of hitting a second person in the extremes of the first 90 meters diameter, a pair of AOE of 180 meters in diameters will be instantly effectuated and reactivated.

[Dragon-Lion’s Resonance]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 3, Level required for LV2: LV200. Lioness emits a wave from her heavenly self that makes all enemies who are reached by it to be Paralyzed for .01 seconds, and makes all allies attacks of any type have a 7% chance of Stunning, Paralyzing and/or Confusing the enemy. These waves are emitted in an area of 900 meters in diameter and does not have a cooldown effect when being in contact with enemies or allies. Cost: 30,000 Stamina per second and 10,000 MP per second. Cooldown: 0.2 seconds in-between activation and deactivation.

[Heavenly Gaze, Majestic Aura!]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 1, Requirement for ???: ???. All those under the Heavenly Lion as allies will be granted HP Regeneration+1,000 per second and regenerates their total MP and Stamina by 2% per kill; enemies will instead become weaker to Elements and Core Elements by a full 50% and 150% respectively when being affected or damaged by them. And for all those under the Responsive Dragon as allies will have their Movement Speed increased in 200% and raw Attack Speed and Action Speed in 40%, while enemies will receive a chain effect to share their allies CC effects inflicted upon themselves, the duration of the CC effects will be halved but during that time, the next damage to be received is increased in 50% and is afflicted with Strong Knockback.

[Insane Rage from the Heavens!]: LV: 2, MAX LV: 2, Level for LV2: MAX. The Lioness charges or flies towards any direction she wishes. As the Heavenly Lion, she knockbacks any enemy that isn’t of the same grade as her 600 meters far away with an explosive activation upon hitting another enemy, dealing 50,000% of her Physical Power and an extra 15,000% of her Magical Power. As the Responsive Dragon, she creates ruptures in space that roots all enemies in the spot and makes them immobile for 5 seconds, they will also be inflicted with a Weakness State for the next 10 minutes while the first 10 seconds since being hit they will lose 15% of their HP as True Damage in total. NOTE: this will create a strong and long Stun effect on directly hit enemies selected as the target, but the hit will instantly stop the skill after a minute. Cost: 30,000 Stamina per second, 12,000 MP per second. Cooldown: 100 seconds.

[Heavenly Rain of the Responsive Dragon’s Destruction!]: LV: 1, MAX LV: 1, Requirements for ???: ???. Lioness commands a strong hurl of lightning bolts that descend upon the earth and sky itself, targeting both allies and enemies all the same, the earth will shatter continuously while the skies cry and howl. Allies will be initially paralyzed for 1 second before their melee attacks then are granted the effect of dealing extra damage from the damage dealt as 50% extra with the Bolt, Energy, Thunder and Shock Elements(for a total of 200% extra damage) for the next 50 seconds. Enemies will directly be inflicted with a debuff to their Movement Speed and Attack and Action Speed, reducing them by half for 100 seconds while also receiving continuous DoT damage of 500 Magical Damage per second and 1,500 Lightning Core Element Damage every 3 seconds. Cost: 1,000,000 MP and 1,500,000 Stamina. Cooldown: 5 minutes. NOTE: when selecting only one enemy, the effects will be hugely enhanced to 100% instead of 50% and the damage will be multiplied by 10; otherwise, the range of the AOE is limitless but unique to the battlefields that the forces under Lioness are fighting on.

While Lioness had indeed a slightly more complicated skillset than anyone in the world and not just Rosey, let alone Yun Beishang who can only deal damage once, twice, thrice and all of the times without barely being able to do much else to any BOSS. He could indeed knock them back, but he would have to chase them, and though that didn’t seem to be a problem because of Lioness Mount/Pet’s aid and his Unparalleled Projections and Pure Death Projections, as well as his Essential Bow, Vicissitudes of Life. It was still slightly shameful to chase down an enemy you yourself pushed back…

As Yun Beishang finished checking up their stats and skills for the last time before battle, he took out the ‘report’ from his Hidden Stats given to anyone by the system in just half an instant, though he already knew very well what kind of numbers the system would display to him exactly.

*PING*’s Mental Power hidden stat is of 273,136, Intent hidden stat is of 272,481, Heart Connection is of 272,423 and Will hidden stat is of 955. Essence: 110,542,265.

After going through it all, Yun Beishang relaxed, his eyes and brows easing up as they exited the recreational ‘labyrinth’, but it was as if they’ve had transported to a whole other place as…it wasn’t just the vacancy of any object or life around and its sound of emptiness that was now lacking; but also the fact that they went from that extremely large ‘pit’ to stand in the middle of another tunnel.

Step, ~...~...~...

As Yun Beishang gave the first step, his foot made the entire tunnel become vivid with its sound reverberating across the entirety of itself. And though it was extremely dark as well, the trio of them could still well see the end once the sound of Yun Beishang’s footsteps came to be and reached about everywhere in a few tens of seconds.

“Mmm, just to be safe… Rosey, hold Little Lioness up and stick your body to me, okay?” Yun Beishang extended his left hand, Little Lioness climbing around from his right arm to his back and then to his shoulders before finally arriving at his left whereas Rosey took her in her incredibly well smelling bosom and skin to put the loli in between herself and Yun Beishang.

“Okay! Though Little Lioness was playing like either a little monkey or a lion who thought they could climb trees, Rosey was the first one— or the only one for that matter —to respond to him as she patiently waited for the loli to accommodate herself. Once the beauty and the little girl were ready, Yun Beishang felt his body cushioned by a pair of gigantic as fuck pillows.

“...” Looking to his left, he saw Rosey’s gentle, lovely but also playful smile. Looking a bit lower from there, among the huge ass cushions of a woman’s beauty, he saw the loli’s head looking up at him in comfort. ‘Tsk, if that was my body instead, it would’ve been the worst and wrong things of all, huh? And I murder people every now and then, seriously.’

While Yun Beishang was thinking of the horrible discrimination against his pitiful sex, Rosey smooched his face all over as if knowing his thoughts and comforting the dummy, while Little Lioness rubbed his left arm caringly in a mature manner as if she wasn’t a loli but a young woman as well. Sigh…

Step~~, step~~, step~~.

Walking through the tunnel, Yun Beishang and the others began taking a look around it while getting their senses to be as up and as attentive as possible for nobody really knew what could be lying there waiting for them. And as for asking, there wasn’t that much that Rosey didn’t know after her class of history and whatnot to him during these years.

Only Lioness would be asking, from time to time and during their travels or when she became the naturally more bodily accepted Big Lioness and were in bed together. Right now, as she was still learning a whole two worlds, Lioness pointed towards the tunnel’s walls and ceiling, then asked Rosey several things; like ‘why a tunnel?’, ‘what’s with this tunnel?’ and ‘tunnel?!’.

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang was not so secretly taking screenshots here and there while also recording some videos whenever loli Lioness spoke, her clueless voice was a delicacy to hear, the dumbass. But it was also for his women, and Xiao Ruo in specific, as that young one always loves to see new things from Main Kingdom and its beauty; such that her face is already well known to even her fan club and became one of the entire New Earth’s most cherished ‘must protect’ angels of humanity.

In any case, as Yun Beishang was reminiscing on each time he saw such face all for himself and right before becoming shy and all too girly, sweet and stupidly adorable, he detected something as he flinched his neck backwards by a bit - which was easily noticed by the two Universal grade Pet and Mount/pet who then became tense in a jiffy.

“It’s okay, I just…saw some familiar stuff.” Yun Beishang comforted them, rubbing the top of their heads as if they were children, but despite their growling and protesting against this abuse, they ended up narrowing their eyes and learning furthermore towards him; ah.

“What are they?” Lioness asked, and while Rosey was having a bit of a shock seeing what were basically murals on their left and right as they continued after a few minutes with their slowed footsteps, Yun Beishang responded to her in a slightly sighing voice with reminiscence. “I can’t be sure but, uh…these are definitely tied with all of Main Kingdom’s past history.”

“Look there,” Yun Beishang, practicing as a father helping his children learn, used Lioness without her permission to which she was totally ignorant of…for now. Pointing at the mural on their left where a small ‘snake’ was crawling with the lower half of its body and raising into the air with its upper left body, Yun Beishang had Little Lioness awed and agape.

“That’s the Azure Dragon Race from the Dragon Race, but this one isn’t from the Ancient Lineage Kingdom…but our Main Kingdom instead. It isn’t know if the Beast Race decided to take Main Kingdom as its puppet-like vassal because of this one tale, but the Azure Dragon Race’s raise to power was a very well known legend in all of Main Kingdom. Their first ‘Protector’, their first ‘Sacred Protector’ and…their first to be targeted by the God Race. Now, there is only one of them alive.”

“Tornyllia…” Rosey whispered out softly, her heart almost lunging out as she said her name, then looked at Yun Beishang with tenderness that he would of course always welcome from this silly playful thing, sigh. Little Lioness remained silent, reciting the whole story of the First Azure Dragon and its differences with the Responsive Dragon.

“That one is the Carmesí Vermilion Bird,” Rosey was the one to say it this time, pointing at a little birdy standing on a small tree’s tiny branch, where a huge shadow was enveloping it more and more all the way until the shadow surrounding her became as majestic, as grand, breathtakingly beautiful and pure as Yun Beishang remembered; even in those last moments of dignity.

“The Perpetual Black Turtle!” Little Lioness exclaimed, her words becoming so loud it lifted a few centimeters of dust into the air before settling back down. When looking at the Black Turtle, it had a whole world of its own on its back, the people and living beings all over it and flying nearby worshiping the Black Turtle as its neck extended over the whole Bright Sunset Region…and its heart conveyed total protection to its people.

“And…this is the Celestial White Tiger, hm…” Yun Beishang, Rosey and their ba-no, and Little Lioness arrived before a mural that depicted a small tiger. One that was even ordinary to see in captivity in the old Earth and in about any zoo for that matter. It curved its body, the left side of its body was sunken slightly in as he faced some unknown creatures with his left claw, while his right claw was exposed to…completely bodiless and headless claws, fangs and other sorts of objects with the most painful of edges on them.

On the right side of his body, there wasn’t ‘anyone’ nor ‘anything’, merely those fangs, claws and ‘incomplete’ weapons, as if they had a life of their own and were constantly destroying the ordinary and common white tiger. Meanwhile, the white tiger’s face that was naturally facing the unknown creatures was both extremely aggravated but also terrorized by them.

“Always so righteous.” Yun Beishang commented, Little Lioness's nose wrinkled a bit as if trying to sniff the mural into her senses, shortly after falling silent with a gloomy mood. Meanwhile, Rosey remained silent as well, but with a sweet smile on her lips, lowering her right head onto Yun Beishang’s left shoulder while looking at the mural for a few more seconds…before continuing.

What they began to see next wasn’t anymore Sacred Protectors, much less any shape of those that Yun Beishang had already annihilated. Instead, from a few kilometers away from the last mural, that which contained the bitterness of the Celestial White Tiger. Instead, what they found was the beginning of tools’ craftsmanship; its beginning and…evolution into weaponsmith.

The crudest of clubs, smallish daggers and sticks with pointy edges; to the most naturally flawless of weapons that not even Yun Beishang had ever done before. They looked left and right as they saw the endless variations, shapes, similarity and potential of each weapon, while they also looked how the armorsmith came to be and more and more unthinkable imagination could be so powerful.

The most naturally flawless weapons and armors, some of them were just…’simple’; ordinary. While some others had a complexity that rivaled even that of Yun Beishang’s new invents, that even put him to shame as well with the incredible but obvious designs and thoughts put into it. And though Rosey wasn’t that known in the arts of Sub-Classes, for Yun Beishang who has been creating billions and billions of sets and weapons before he had gained help…this was a lot to study from.

Their footsteps slowed even more, and their hearts slowly eased up from the previous remembrance of the Bright Sunset Region’s…total end. With Yun Beishang taking his sweet time even for the smallest or unnecessarily long yet simple creations, while taking much less time in the most amazing ones for even him to comprehend…as if he wanted to not remember them…yet make even more amazing ones like those.

And by the time they reached the end of the exposition of weapons and armors, the murals began changing once again but, this time, without there being a large space in between.

There was a man on the right side of the murals while the left one was semi-empty with some most crude and primitive of ‘first made’ tools, not even weapons. The man had simple but decent looks, and he was up against a man with lots of muscles that seemed almost like a mutation, holding a small cylinder that would be used to make foods and medicine otherwise.

Brandishing that tool that was just…rock, somewhat worked on - like a dagger, the simple man seemed to want to go for the other man’s throat.

In the next mural, there was a young man with simple looks, handsome yet slightly shorter than the previous simple and decent looking man, clearly younger and of lower height in general. Just like before, but with a stick holding a barely large shapeless rock at its upper end and brandishing it to the same man as before.

Only, the man with mutation-like muscles was now left without his left eye, but the rest of his body was completely normal.

There was a third, a fourth, there were endless murals like this. For each of them, the tools that were being used in the right side of the tunnel could be seen in the left murals, while there would also appear many other variations of the same but of the same ‘era’ and quality. Meanwhile, on the right, those tools became weapons, those naked or almost naked bodies slowly…became not the most shiny; but strongest of armors tha reflected one’s prowess and aura when wearing them.

By the time that those murals were ending, which could be detailedly known since Yun Beishang’s group could already see the end of the tunnel with their very own naked eyesight, there were 7 valiant, most powerful looking and…insanely formidable armored and armed men and women who made their way towards a Region.

Their knees were strong, their backs straighter than a mountain, their heads high up and full of vigor, while their hearts were thumping like no one else could even muster their whole strength to make a sound or effect as similar as that of their very own heartbeats.

However, when each of them went on their own and visited the four Sacred Beast Protectors, humbleness and most honored of feelings were showing off from them so radiantly it could eclipse all of Main Kingdom’s suns. With their arrival, a challenge ensued, with all of these gladiators being defeated, almost killed amidst the battle and only being able to heal a little…before going towards the next one.

The gladiators didn’t visit them one by one and orderly, but in their own accord and from time to time, expressing their wildest of joys whenever a battle ended, even though all of them were in defeat, before resuming their journey through the Bright Sunset Region and seeing as well as living through the Region.

Some men and women even lived around for decades, creating so many big families and taking with them those who wanted to come back to the Fate Meeting Region, but most decided to remain within the Bright Sunset Region as the home they were born into.

By the end of the last gladiator who was still living with their huge and numerical families, a woman, finished her journey to this most wonderful Region. About 500 years had already passed since the time that this journey of all those gladiators started. When returning back, it was only a matter of time before the most tremendously terrifying of disasters struck the world.

“Big Brother Beishang, that is…” Rosey’s voice came from his left and in front of himself just as he was going back to that one last mural, where the only thing which could be seen was an indiscernible color glowing all over Main Kingdom and the entire world. As if slowly, swiftly and kindly encompassing the entirety of anything that exists...even if for just less than an iota of an iota itself.

But now, looking back up and lifting his head slightly, the gates that were insanely huge, thickest of walls that could be opened were being shown to the three of them. And as they saw an emblem engraved on the gates, their eyes all blinked before shining; in confusion.

While on the other hand, Yun Beishang’s countenance turned serious and his brows lightly frowned upon seeing it. “A bow; an arrow.”



V7: #5 9/10.

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