Bow and Arrow

Chapter 706 — A Piece Of Dirt, A Thought Into The Sky

A Piece Of Dirt, A Thought Into The Sky




"Let me take you to the side, alright?" Giving Yun Beishang a light glance with her loving, utterly affectionate eyes which befuddled her subordinates, Feat grabbed the maid's hand and said to her, proceeding to ignore Yun Beishang together but with the maid giving her Master a couple more looks before walking away into another spot high up in the room with Feat.

"Hmph~," snorting cheerily and inadvertently from his nostrils, Yun Beishang breathed in a lot before slowly letting it go. Afterwards, he began walking towards a section where 52 officials were behind almost 300 working men and women, the best of logistics, engineering and even geographic 'grandmasters' whose age varied from young to really old.

“No, but this part over here they already do know it…” - “In case they came from here, it was around this place that it happened, so…” - “It’s been 22 hours, they might not even be…anymore…” - “Enough, Chief is present.”

An official that was slightly in charge of the procedures among the whole, largest group in the room called out loudly but not that loud. Enough to be heard from outside the group but without being in any way attractive.

In silence, the men and women hard at work nodded before remaining silent and working by simply checking several different images, coming in reports as well as old ones that came directly from the battle field and what not. As Yun Beishang saw this, seeing that he wasn’t in any way needed to do something himself, he simply maintained silence as well while the 52 officials in command of this operation talked among each other in hushes before the ‘slightly in charge’ young looking man came out of the group to meet Yun Beishang.

“Chief, I’ll bring you to the 3 communicators in charge.” Yun Beishang nodded at the man, and the man nodded at himself before turning around and making his way within the men and women working. As Yun Beishang passed by them, they looked up at him directly with respect or for moments, not daring to take too much time not revising and checking for any updates on their work at hand.

“These are Greml, Opi and Veronica.” The man and Yun Beishang arrived before slightly larger 3 pieces of equipment with seats installed behind them and all, ‘Greml’ was a short, stout and kinda ugly but cute man with a pair of thick eyebrows. He glanced up at Yun Beishang and looked at the latter with novel respect and admiration but quickly hid it and then turned to his work of being prepared 24/7.

‘Opi’ was a woman of the same age with short orange, beautiful hair with a cocoon-like hairstyle, celeste eyes and pale skin. She looked charming in the way a shy girl would appear to be, but in her gray and black uniform, she looked mighty powerful and incredible with those bright orange buttons that were most likely specially made for her.

‘Veronica’ was naturally also a woman, but she was the oldest one among them with her age being that of 29, 4 years older than  the other 2 and also happened to be the ‘global’ communicator in terms of status. She could communicate, with her status and proven experience, all around the human civilization. And was Baan’s apprentice actually.

Brown eyes, bronze skin, chestnut long, smooth hair and a beautiful, easy going but also stern appearance to show. Seeing them all respond with equal importance to both Yun Beishang and their work at hand, the man sighed in relief from a bit of nervousness before turning around and leaving Yun Beishang to do whatever he wanted. Not needing to, once again, care about etiquette or formalities and stuff.

After nodding once and casually at every communicator for this operation, Yun Beishang then spoke to Greml nonchalantly, “Debrief.”

Hearing his voice directed towards himself, Greml then hurriedly pushed a few more buttons and the screen on his equipment changed to that of ‘audio-based’ more than an all-rounder in terms of reception on his part. While Opi enhanced her own momentarily the moment Greml turned around and began debriefing Yun Beishang.

“With some Suns members and spies of our own, the deposit of the Yuns, Kerntis and Ross have all been located. We’ve sent a group of our most elite 1,000 men and women under one of our Lieutenant Colonels, Chief.” Greml then turned around and made his equipment go back to ‘normal’ once again, Opi doing the same to her own.

“22 hours and 54 minutes ago, we sent that force into the operation to destroy such danger to our soldiers. But the Yuns were already fast to deal with the Suns’ betrayal and had already moved them away. The last pieces of news we received were that they were moved, and that our men and women were going to get that information right away…it’s been 22 hours since that last message…from them…reached us.”

Greml looked a bit bad, fearing the worst and that was not his fault, but thinking about it made him feel guilty as he showed Yun Beishang the place where the force was sent and where the operation had gone completely ghost-like almost a whole day ago.

Opi and Veronica couldn’t add anything to it, besides their heavy sights sounding and making the atmosphere around the four of them slightly depressing. Standing on his own spot, the communicators were given more pressure from Yun Beishang, but after a little while, they began to calm down and get used to his presence. His eyes never leaving their screens and equipment.

. . .


Iron Will Region, Fearless Progress City’s outskirts.



STEP- STEP! Step, step step, step step step step, step step step…!!

“Huuh!!” Covered in dirt, soaked with some blood, some water and some organ’s juices that ended up falling on her in the worst moments; a red haired woman with long, wavy hair was carrying a piece of rhomboid shaped tool with a few buttons hidden under either ends of the rhomboid and was held by her left hand against the left side of her body.

Her dull jet black and obscure blue uniform was mostly fine, but it was mainly because such uniform was from one of her comrades and not her own, as her own body had several gunshots on her back which were soaking her back body even more.

“...” Her body was trembling, a bit of teardrops fell from the sky every few seconds, amounting to about a dozen every minute. As she remained on her spot for 3 minutes without taking another step in any direction, she trembled profusely but tried to restrain such movement from her body. It was early, very early in the morning of the 6th day of the 8th month and 2nd year since Rising Essence’s release.

And as the sky was gray, dull, colorless and even absorbing of any colorful brightness that any other color could bring to the world, the red-haired woman felt like puking for the umpteenth time as she forced herself too much to restrain the trembling of her body.


Taking another step forwards while still trembling, her red and luscious lips that didn’t seem to have anything to do with her current state opened up and revealed her white teeth, her skin had become sickly yellow from its usual bright white, shining even under the night sky. Her ribs began trembling even more vastly, but the rest of her body began moving forwards a bit more…just a bit more…

‘Just a bit more’.

Thinking to herself as she looked at the in-between of the Fearless Progress City and the Cascade Waterfall City, the Capital of their enemy Region and a much humbler City, the red, wavy haired young woman continued her march towards the ‘no city’s’ territory section in which she could…at last…finish their job.

…step, step,step… step, step…!!

Ignoring the incoming whistle from the air and as the previous explosion from before was just 112 meters behind her body but still almost made her lose control of her body from her back and was impulsed for a few seconds. Ignoring the rubble all around the buildings she moved through their debris and the huge, large pits that turned a very bustling place into a terrifyingly still and soundless zone where even one’s echo would be heard from their breathing alone.

The young woman kept stepping on her feet as her military boots kept on making squirting noises as fine trails of blood came off from the tiny ruptures of the same.

Step, step, step, step, step!!

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step…!!

…step ,step, step, step, step, step…step, step, step, step, step, step,... step step step… brrggn!

…After a long time, once again, the red haired young woman suddenly stopped in place, the tool in her left hand against her left ribs having rang and vibrated for a moment. But that moment of change alone was all she needed, and just as she was about to smile when she began touching the ends of the rhomboid in a way that seemed peculiar and with a purpose; she suddenly dashed forwards as fast as she could…



Falling on the floor with her stomach meeting the ground first, the red hair young woman still managed to keep the tool safe and sound by placing it to the left of side of her neck and extending her body out, letting her back and lower body embrace the impact from behind and sent her flying almost 200 meters away…

Falling onto the ground, she began rolling several times, so rapidly that it looked as if she was rotating on the heavy, rough and dangerous ground with her basically bare body over and over again, rolling three times what should’ve been half a roll. With her body becoming blurry as she spun nonstop, it wasn’t until she had her comrade’s uniform hooked by a splinter from a nearby tree that became embedded into the ground after countless shrapnel destroyed the almost 20 meters long body of such and just happened to be in the way of the young woman’s rolling pathway that the latter then had her left ribs broken through and her body stabbed before keeping on rolling and rolling on the ground with her uniform’s cloth getting attached to that branch.

Fwu-thud!... Fwu-Thud!... Fw-THUD!...Fw-THUD!... F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!! F-Thud!!...

...And now, as she had her stomach against the ground and her bare back against the sky; the red haired young woman tried to support herself up but her hands were only capable of moving, and not of carrying even a light object anymore. Falling with her face hitting head on the ground over, and over, and over, and over and over again; the young woman only stopped when she heard the tool 3 meters away from her ring again.


Looking at her northwest, while her face was against the ground and only her eyeballs could move with some dirt getting into them, the young woman began crawling her overly crippled body over to the tool.

Crrrssshhh… cruuuussggggh… tap!

“Hoooaahh!!!” Letting out a painful sound that was 3 parts a groan, 3 parts a gasp, 3 parts a sigh and 1 part a sob, the young woman brought the way too heavy .25 kilograms rhomboid shaped tool that no longer looked like a rhomboid. It now had its ends ‘opened’ and looked like a cube with triangle-shaped windows on 2 of its sides.

From where those triangular shaped windows were trying to cover up, a button was visible on each of them. For this tool, that was the very last resort to use in any situation for the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s soldiers, the left one was green and was for conveying a personalized message, while the right one was red and was for sending the vital piece of information.

Holding it on her chest, which was flat because of her body and not because of her injuries, with the bones on her back becoming hidden as she now faced the sky while lying on the dirt, the young woman mustered all of her willpower to raise her head and look at the tool. For as she could now only feel her hands, and just her fingers were feeling cold while her whole hand and wrist were in pain.

“...uuuh??!” With an utterly despairing sound from her throat, the red haired, beautiful young woman saw the tool not being opened fully, with some windows still remaining at both ends and even seemingly having become rigid that they can no longer be moved. And when she brought it up to her chest while turning around with the last movements that her body could make as a whole, right before losing the feel of most of her own body… The young woman also felt the wobbling of the tool from the inside.

It was broken.


And naturally, the left green button of the tool was even coming in and out on its own without making a single sound other than that of some kind of metallic material sliding forcefully against another metallic material.


A sound came from the other end of the tool, where the information where weapons are that weren’t as numerous as those sent to kill Yun Beishang when he was fighting a seemingly powerful entity but were still way too many to decide a stalemate in this war, the red button was pressed by her right index finger; which she did in a panic as her head fell onto the dirt completely.

Because it wasn’t that she wanted to rest her head, but that her neck no longer responded to her mental commands, and when she felt her head falling, her left fingers were perfectly fine while her right middle finger, ring finger and thumb were no longer able to move.

With only her right index finger and pinky being able to move, the index finger being way too weak and her pinky being too far away, the young woman directly pressed the red button without caring about which choice was the best. And then let go of her thoughts and worries all in all, her eyes were still capable of moving but she chose to simply glare at the sky; in peace.

With her finger on the button, it did not seem to work as the tool began ringing nonstop, she waited while she finally felt the negative effects from an artillery shell having exploded just 20 meters behind her. Her body finally processing the injuring her back despite not feeling anything at all, and her breath becoming more ragged the more time passed as she pressed the button and looked into the slowly becoming blue sky.

Brrgrrr~, brrrnggrrr… brrgggggrr~~...

“Huff, ha-ah… hahh, hahh, hahh…”

“Huff, ho-cough, plckrggrrsh! COO-ugh~~, cough coughcoughcoughcough…”

“Bhae, haa, hek, huff… huff huff… huff… huff… huff…”


“Huff, haa-ahk, huff, huff huff… huff…huff…huff…hahk huff…”




"... ... ...huff... ... ...huff... ... ...huff... ... ... ...huff..."

“...............huff……………huff……………huff…………………… … ………………”

She stopped breathing, her clear, celeste eyes showed a natural sign of beauty when admiring the blueing sky and the small pieces of gray among it, not a smile on her dying face; her dying breath.


The tool finally no longer rang, but emitted a sound that would have had made the living her smile at last, but her resting, peaceful and melancholic eyes were of a dead beauty now.

“...peep… Information has been successfully received.” A light, female robotic voice sounded, though it barely sounded robotic and would even make anyone hearing it feel pleased and comforted. “Private Lasha’s location has been successfully delivered to Headquarters, please remain close-by to be safely evacuated.”

…prulck- thud~.

With a propulsion coming from the red button, that tiny little bit of strength that would allow the person pushing the button to know that it was now okay for them to retrieve their finger, was enough for the lifeless right arm of Lasha to be pushed backwards and onto the ground; with only her right index finger extended out and her pinky finger crooked while the others were soft and natural.

“Thank you.”

. . .


Peaceful Rain Corporation Headquarters, 10:07 am.



“Sir, there’s a signal! It’s…it’s the information!” Greml suddenly became exalted by the end of his words, he stood up from his chair forcefully and wanted to turn around to hug Yun Beishang but managed to stop himself. As he received the signal, so did the other equipment of Opi and Veronica, who then became relieved a hundred times more.

“Private Lasha?” Veronica said with her brows furrowed, her eyes moving through the information on her side while Opi and Greml began sending that information to the officials instead, when Veronica suddenly exclaimed in a low, hushed tone. “Ow…everyone…only her and…she might, eh…”

As she became troubled in her words, Veronica looked at Yun Beishang with her head low and eyes upturned, basically asking what to do with the known information just now. Yun Beishang, in return, kept glancing where the map was showing the 3 of them where that message came from with the point of view from way above in the sky.

…Slowly, from the images shown, a rain began pouring down, while Yun Beishang’s eyes flashed a bit of violet before his eyelids were lowered. In his head, blood was being cleaned, and a pair of celeste eyes were being gently touched by droplets of rain and rain, before finally becoming a heavy downpour that embraced her body and separated her from the living.

“!” Opening his eyes in an instant with Veronica, Greml and Opi looking at his serene and calm face, Yun Beishang then said to them while remaining still on his spot with his back straight. “What are you waiting for, send a fleet to welcome her back home, and her name onto the monument already.”

“Y-yes, my Lor-!!” Greml suddenly had his eyes widened at his own words, instantly changing them with a straight face and settling his emotions from Yun Beishang’s words of sending her back home and placing her name…

“Yes! Chief!” On the other hand, taking advantage of not feeling too down with Greml’s weird antics, Opi and Veronica giggled in whispers a little bit before getting to work.

Yun Beishang only had his left eyebrow jump up and remain up for a couple of seconds at Greml’s words before ihs eyebrows finally eased down. Meanwhile, his eyes blinked once gain with a bit of violet electric currents dancing among his retinas.

. . .


Nascent Herb City, 10:39 am.


In a house where a beautiful middle aged woman was cleaning dishes and a manly, handsome man came from behind with legs slightly spread, feet on the ground and holding his coat on his right hand, shaking a bit when moving his arms around to try and speak with his wife.

“Ehm? Oh, oh! Baby, what are you doing here, ah? Come help me…mm?” When the wife felt something behind her, looked around and became surprised with joy seeing her hubby coming back early from home, she didn’t care about her messy red hair as she looked into her man’s clear sky-like eyes. But seeing his current state, and finding him impossible to speak with at the moment, she became dubious.

“Darling, is our Little, our- she- aaahhahh…” The husband could only say with his head, neck and top of his shoulders trembling uncontrollably as he saw his wife bringing her hands to her head in terror, trembling along her lips with the plates and glasses in her hands being flung on the ground beside their feet.



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