Bow and Arrow

Chapter 710 — Grown Up Yun Beishang

Grown Up Yun Beishang




"You've been targeted by the 'Founding' Yun Clan since my disappearance, from your husband and yourself having stood up for myself and my sister back then, whom you even managed to meet once when my parents invited you to a celebration. Then, you suddenly found yourself with a part of the truth, and your husband ended in tragedy to what the real 'Founding' Yun Clan was like; only saving you and your daughter's life with his death..."

"..." Hearing his words...Elizaveta, who thought Yun Beishang of still being a boy, felt ashamed of her own thoughts but...not for long. As even if she thought just like that a few seconds ago, she was never looking down on him...or even worse, hating him from his family. Yun Beishang continued as he never let go of her hand, "The Apple Face Academy was left abandoned, probably became some other 'Founding' Clan's Academy or so... I know, teacher-"

"No, don't call me teacher, not any...more..." Elizaveta said with her right hand holding the back of Yun Beishang’s right hand, cupping his hand as he looked at her with mildly surprised eyes but still driving the car safely.

For a pair of ordinary fellows whose income was all that mattered to them, and whose EQ was deplorable, this one interaction might’ve been passive-aggressive and even somewhat remorseful. But not for the two of them, as it was instead, an advancement.

“...” Smirking a little as Yun Beishang turned his head back to the road, he only really smiled along with a tiny inadvertent snort from his nostrils when only half his face was visible to her. But as his smirk was already enough to enchant her, his fully smiling pair of lips made her dazzled for long while as they drove forth.

There was no need for anymore words, nor explanations; towards such a person that was one of the few only ones to have ever hoped to help him, Yun Beishang was innately of good nature towards them. And since Yun Beishang doesn’t do monologues like he is some self-centered, ‘only I matter’ and ‘all I do is correct’ main character from some brain dead creations; he kept silently smiling all the way ‘till he drove to a decent and elegant but not snobbish restaurant’s parking lot.

“...Let’s go.” Looking to his right after turning her car off, Yun Beishang brought the back of Elizaveta’s left hand to his mouth and silently placed his lips on them. Between her knuckles and where her fingers started at their base, a kiss-like caress was felt by her as she instinctively opened her lips a little bit, their opening letting out a few strands of hot air.

Fwoom fwoom- pfu! …Thud!- Pfu!

Elizaveta was still dazzled for the umpteenth time ever since she met Yun Beishang again and after so long, she heard Yun Beishang come out of the car, close his door shut and then right away opening Elizaveta’s door in the next instant, as if he teleported right to her door after closing his.

“Let me help you,” Yun Beishang said with his left hand extended out, she held his right hand with her left one and now they were changing their respective hands once again. But right then, she lifted her right eyebrow a tiny bit and said, her womanly charm and self making Yun Beishang’s breath hotter than hers. “I don’t need such courtesies, I’m capable of walk-”

“Com’ere.” Yun Beishang grabbed her wrist and took her out, instantly, making her a bit dazed as her hair flew about but was still more than perfect. Yet, his fingers went to her face and made touches here and there, ending up revealing more of her head as her ears, forehead and full cheeks were now visible to him and so up close with only 3 inches separating their noses from each other.

Their frontal bodies sticking to each other, the door on her side already closed and her bum against her car pressed by Yun Beishang, she could only tiptoe and draw her body backward as Yun Beishang intimidated her…in the damn good way.

“It’s not that I’m being overly nice, I just want to touch you and interact with you- physically; more often.” Yun Beishang said such ‘wonderful’ things with a straight face, as straight as her personality, desires and decisions as a person and not just as a woman. But even then, Elizaveta couldn’t help giving up and lowering her eyes, a few curls from her lips being formed over and over again as if a broken record.

“Okay, boy, bring this woman to our dating table.” With a small but very well formed smile that charmed Yun Beishang to the bitter end from the soles of his feet all the way up to the soul with an identical image of himself already about to reach heaven, Yun Beishang was hugged of his left arm by the table chested Elizaveta who then began walking ostentatiously with him into the restaurant.

CLing, tashaaan~.

Gasp…Isn’t that?!-” - “Oh my, look at that couple, so well looking!” - “Honey, tha-th-that person is our new boss!” - “Gasssp…holy crap, it’s him?” - “Oh look, isn’t that Miss Eli?! The one who disappeared for over a decade?!” - “Shhh, just look who her date is, oh my god~~!”

As soon as they stepped into the restaurant, with a man in his 30’s receiving them, looking humbly handsome and with a nice, not that thick but also not that small mustache adorning his face pretty much elegantly and approachable receiving them. Elizaveta kept walking on uncaringly of gazes and murmurs, while Yun Beishang was still relishing in the sight from before.

‘Aaah, that was so beautiful.’ While Yun Beishang was acting idiotically in his mind, his manners in the real world were neat, as he accompanied his teacher, now Elizaveta, to sit down and even pampered her instead with Yun Beishang doing some changes and additions to her chair instead of the busboy at the side who looked with envy, hatred, jealousy and pain at Yun Beishang.

Then, sitting down, he didn’t need anyone to accommodate his chair while Elizaveta had a silly expression in her eyes for a few moments from how damn comfy she really felt, ah.

…Not much time passed, with the table not being particularly big, they were basically in front of each other while their left and right was where  the rest of the dining table was, where they could have some dishes and drinks placed apart while they eat or drink whatever they choose to eat first. Pretty simple and obvious, with quite a large space left for them to enjoy without any other table nearby and with the ‘hallway’ where people pass by being far away from them.

When they finally got a waiter to take their order and then had quite a few dishes noted down for each of them. With Yun Beishang making a pout to smell his own mouth when the waiter left, Elizaveta was massaging her face a little, clear exhaustion leaving her body after being calm and relaxed for so long after constant pressure and anxiousness since ‘reviving’.

“You know…without Little Yun Yun’s help, I might’ve not made it, nor my Little Oksy.” Her eyes and eyelids were low as Elizaveta said this from seemingly nowhere, her eyelashes covering some of her bright aquamarine but not enough. Letting Yun Beishang see her like this, how could he not know how much of a man he was being seen by her from now on?

“I knew, yeah. She told me that some months ago, we were just kids back then, huh.” Lifting her head at the sound of his last word, Elizaveta’s eyes were like those of a mother, looking at Yun Beishang and studying his face, comparing it to the cute and even somewhat adorable tiny him and little him. Then, her eyes’ brightness shone even brighter, as her lips danced to entice his ears.

“I’d like to thank her, but not you. I don’t want to thank you, Little Yun, not you.” With her words causing great havoc in his heart, in the good, good way, Yun Beishang became a little bit unsettled in his chair when he saw her lightly smile and look down at the menu she already ordered from.

Slowly relaxing down again, Yun Beishang then began playing with her feet under the table, she gigging a few times, him continuing acting stupidly and before long, she joined his silly game for a little bit. The food came a few minutes later, showing just how damn good this place was, and their dishes looked exquisite with no problem nor lacking of any sort in any aspect.

When they arrived, Elizaveta’s eyes were normal with her eyelids not fully opening the image to her eyes, but her pupils dilated so much that Yun Beishang thought she was about to go Natalia mode and turn her eyes fully clear-green, bright aquamarine without leaving any sclera behind for her poor, poor eyes.

Elizaveta was the one to begin gobbling down the food, her eyes closing and her eyelashes seemingly relaxing with euphoria each time she finished a dish, relishing even more in the feeling as she drank glass after glass of non-alcoholic content, delicious and abundant on their table with Yun Beishang even donating some of his own for the cause.

“Aaaahhhhhh!” After 3 dishes were devoured down and 5 drinks were left at the other side of the table along with the squeaky clean plates and other vases, Elizaveta’s appetite finally toned down, but just a bit as she still appeared to be extremely hungry. Not in lewd terms this time; this time.

Throwing her head backwards and drawing some attention to which she still cared not at all about, Elizaveta’s fully open eyes then went to Yun Beishang’s face as he was just about to finish his 3rd dish. Her eyebrows seemed pleased as she cleaned her mouth and then spoke, “I haven’t eaten so much since we woke up from the cryos, heh heh. Sorry, ah.”

With her demeanor becoming so cheerful, Yun Beishang was instead glad of her being so natural and open, he didn’t say anything in return as gave her his calm and entertained eyes carrying a confidence which encouraged her to eat to her heart’s content. Nodding at him without really a reason for it, Elizaveta then continued eating and enjoying the few dishes around.

At this moment, and it was only at this moment, that Yun Beishang finally felt a danger from his very own plates being snatched…

“H-ho- how is the war going?” When only 2 plates were left on the table, with Elizaveta eating one of them with her left hand and holding the other one with her right one, she finally found time to speak while having breakfast—and probably dinner from yesterday for her too—together. As she asked, her voice was lowered, while her eyebrows and eyes turned worry but also curious.

Seeing the little bit of naivety from a person he had gotten to admire when being little, and to which such thing hasn’t stopped even up until now, Yun Beishang tilted his head to the left with his chin aiming at his right shoulder's front before responding as his eyes went to the right upper corner of his eyes. “Their forces are not even ⅕ of what they initially were, their personal armies are the only ones remaining as well as they’ve been facing desertion over and over again.”

“Like that?” Elizaveta became interested as she heard the peculiar ‘report’ from the ‘big general’ in front of her, Yun Beishang nodded at her with his eyes returning to lock at her flawless self, before continuing. “Yep, the Yuns have a total of 6,099,131 personal army’s soldiers; the Kerntis have 8,990,581 and the Ross have 9,101,382 - for a total of 24,191,094. They don’t even have 4,838,218 people left in their personal armies, and without the Suns, they became even more vulnerable.”

“Wow, th- that’s a lot!” Exclaimed Elizaveta, the tens of millions of extremely well trained soldiers having died in less than a month? That…was simply unthinkable! Of course, it was also more shocking to her and to anybody else who hasn’t seen a current, modern war where the strongest 2 parties face each other and rather vehemently at that.

“Our losses are not tiny, but compared to theirs, it is small.” Yun Beishang added, knowing that the naivety from Elizaveta had been downed and that her face really changed fast but not too overwhelmingly. Taking a deep breath and releasing it quickly, Elizaveta looked at her food, and after some few seconds of thoughts, she continued eating.

“You, mmm, are strong indeed eh.” Hearing Yun Beishang, but not knowing why, she felt especially warm and respected as she kept eating with a more lighthearted demeanor than she thought possible after knowing those…’numbers’.

Since Yun Beishang ended up letting go of 5 dishes of his, and was now seeing his last 2 plates being devoured by this food monster, he could only watch as she enjoyed the last few bits of delicioush and yummy food on her own. His hands intertwining fingers, the back of such supporting his chin, he watched on and on at the beauty eat still full of joy.

‘...Yun Beishang…you’ve really grown…’ When eating the last few bouts of spoons and mouthfuls from her fork, Elizaveta looked back at the not really handsome young man with his unusually attractive jaw, the vicissitudes of life apparent in his broken eyes and his goddamn, perfect and ‘shiny’ eyebrows in her eyes.

As the tiny boy disappeared from her memories, seemingly; along with the little boy, all Elizaveta could see in his eyes was their first meeting after a long time. She saw…him holding onto her…never letting go.

. . .


Outside the restaurant, passing by the parking lot and continuing to walk over the sidewalk utterly carefree. 3 PM.


The sky had darky, storm-like clouds, but no rain was falling down nor were there thundering roars being heard at all. In this climate, weather and uniquely ‘gray day’, Yun Beishang was walking with a beauty wearing a long-sleeved bodycon type of dress of a carmesí color, appearing ever more enchanting and attractive, wonderful under the dark clouds.

“So, you are in that sort of life?” Elizaveta said as she held her hands behind her back and right above her tiny bum, she looked a bit coy but was irradiating such mature charm at the same time, it was crazewy.

“I am, though I can’t say what I do is not disgusting for others, especially because the activity is…ahem, rather high. Every one of them, their names, their likings, dislikes and their potential in their future. I have them all imprinted into my memory, besides…I also have my means to keep each of them satisfied without needing to rely on using toys or something like that, kkhk!”

Yun Beishang laughed to himself after speaking those words, feeling like it was ridiculous to talk about it to his once a teacher and whom he is directly now on a date with. But instead of some laughter or weird reaction from her part, Elizaveta instead sent her right hand into his hands, picking them up before choosing his left one to be held by both her fair hands.

“...” Yun Beishang looked back at her on his left, while cars passing by sounded on his right, only to meet a pair of pure, narrowed bright aquamarine eyes that shone the brightest only at these times and weather. “I think that is something only stupid people would do, because most people are just…humans. But when it comes from you, it seems real, I can’t refute you.”

She said while looking at her front on the sidewalk, but she then returned her gaze up at him and said with her eyes becoming as mesmerizing as before. “You are, after all, someone not even scientists have the nerve to speak with you in case they want to ask for your blood or something, and you might feel offended. Which you should, those scientists are the very weird ones, hum!”

“...” Looking at her in silence, at her eyebrows that were seemingly angry too, Yun Beishang simply became reminded of a recent report from a few assassinations being completed just a few days ago thanks to his dear Yuno’s arrangements to protect a certain little girl and also her mother’s dignity and sense of security.

“Then,” Yun Beishang softly said, stopping his and her feet on the spot. With only a few passersby around, they weren’t making a scene by congesting the sidewalk, and so, Elizaveta looked at Yun Beishang a bit puzzledly but unworried as he suddenly cupped her cheeks and only lightly closing in his face—which she became disappointed in—he spoke to her in a hushed, caring tone.

“Even more weird things will happen in the not so far future.” With his meaning clearly being not about those scientists which harassed her before, Elizaveta could only react as a woman falling in love could, she instantly hypnotized Yun Beishang with her large smile and almost closed, narrowed eyes as they became the most shining suns with little stars around them.

…Step, step, step, step…

Resuming their leisure and tranquil walk, Yun Beishang’s left hand was now holding her right hand, feebly but ultimately intimately as well, with their fingers becoming separate only to never detach from each other and adjoin each other’s fingers over and over again. A harmonious state of mind shared by both encompassed them, and with such a great feeling appearing in her body at last since so long ago, Elizaveta then said as she curiously looked at the sky.

“Mmm, this is the climate that you liked the most.” Her neck visible, Yun Beishang accidentally directly looked at it, making him gulp as he tried very damn hard to urge the ravenous beast deep inside to remain there. Not now, later, perhaps; right now, nah.

“...It was also the time I would give you some extra from my creations, letting you eat them all up.” Seeing that he wasn’t responding, Elizaveta lowered her head and smiled big time at Yun Beishang, her eyes always mesmerizing him without failing a single time. Seeing him calm, collected and in comfort, she smiled even brighter.

“But it was also the time you chose to ‘experiment’ me so many muffins and some of your other bakery attempts of mixed fruits…” But his next words directly destroyed the brighter smile, as it became an ever so brighter blush on her cheeks and even close to her eyes with her head going lower and lower. But with a little smile ever so present.

“But you know…”

Swoosh- rustle~! Swish… step- step.

Her body being turned around 360 degrees from being at the side of the buildings, to that of the streets, to that of the buildings and stopping there, Elizaveta felt confused as much as she felt a bit taken aback by the unnecessary trip. With her little smiles from her lips gone, she furrowed her eyebrows, looking down and accommodated her hair behind her ears to still let him see her better; not blaming him at all - when she heard his next words and immediately lifter her face up to his, way higher than her usual level of height.

“No more experimenting for you, okay?”


Suddenly, as soon as his words reached the 1 second timer since being fully spoken, the already quite up close body of Yun Beishang to her own was invaded by his warmth and his carefulness. Her lips were taken, meeting his; and his hands took her waist and her lower back, while his pelvis made her tummy embarrassed as she squirmed, but just for a little as her eyes slowly closed with her pried wide open lips remaining open on their own…

His tongue already reaching about, everywhere, she reciprocated with all of her willingness, immediately taking a hold of his own body as her head needed not to be supported as she pushed forth and up to meet him head on. After several seconds passing over their second minute of such warm but passionate kissing with Yun Beishang leading, her hands went over to hold his waist for some more tens of seconds before going over to his upper back, her body almost entering into a full hug.

A few more seconds later in that last position, her mouth made a ‘mmmwplah’ sound as their lips separated, her head turning to his right and some strands of their lovely mixed saliva falling on his right jaw and the top right corner of her head’s beautiful, warm looking bright natural brown blonde hair; as she placed all of the right side of her face on his right chest.

“Oh, Yun Beishang…” Sighing, Elizaveta said. It was not a regretful or unfortunate sigh, but one simply from overwhelming emotion or emotions…and the need to be embraced back.

Rustle, tap- ftap, rustle~.

Which Yun Beishang very well did, crossing his hand over her shoulders and hugging her back to push her body more towards him, a place on his chest where she could stay and feel security, cared for and warmth; a divine thing that is mostly lacking in genuinity across all kinds of humanity.

After cushioning her on his warm, manly body, his scent reaching up to her, he continued to make circles, up and downs and pat her back for a slightly, but still very, long time.


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