Bow and Arrow

Chapter 713 — The Beginning Of The Pre-Preparations

The Beginning Of The Pre-Preparations




1 hour earlier, on the side of the Fate Meeting Region; The Order's Fate Meeting Region - Regional borders of the east. 4:31 am.


"...I know there are so many questions any of you would have right now." There were millions seen at plain sight from left to right and from close to the farthest away possible, and even then, there was no end for the amount of people that were organized together and that had been chatting for a little while now. But at this time, Sylda's voice was barely heard yet it silenced all the other voices talking and talking about.

Her voice was clear, and as always, a bit headstrong with a lot of bravery a normal person, be it a woman or a man, can easily exude or even have deep within themselves.And as it was herd, it was the fact of whom it came from that it made the Journeyers shut up and let the beauty clad in incredible shiny armor of the Spiritual grade, one of the few ones among Journeyers.

“There have been a lot of rumors, that the Peaceful Rain Corporation has begun attacking the Capitals of the still ‘Founding’ Clans, those who are still contently wearing the title and wish not to surrender and make amends for the atrocities they are still trying to hide.” Sylda looked at the crowd as she lightly petted her Abysmal Creature Mount from below at its head.

“Well, let me tell you that all of those are true. There’s nothing of me relaying vital information from the Peaceful Rain Corporation, it’s all in the news, it’s just about everywhere by now.” Sylda mounted her Abysmal Creature, the latter ‘neighing’ in the unique way for an Abysmal Creature by expelling some cosmisc-like dust from their nostrils and ears, the sound akin to a silent breeze coming out from their bodies.

“Right now, Yun Beishang is in the middle of making these things so that the people of the Human Civilization finally become independent from any powerful family or organization that only cares for themselves, that is willing to cripple its own people just out of satisfaction and not even for the sake of their power to remain.”

Right now, some of our own knowns are fighting outside of the ‘game’, while some of our very own family had gone to battle!” Sylda spoke and looked around herself, her eyes falling on so many people all at once as she screened the crowd around herself. “They are fighting, just like these Inhabitants that are still willing to die in an insane amount for their own planet!”

“I know it doesn't mean much to you, but some of you have witnessed, experienced and known of things even you yourself can’t get yourself to believe in.” With Sylda’s efforts in previous situations, she would of course be heard, especially because she is one of the many billions-large fan club goddesses of the playerbase of Rising Essence.

However, her current words and what they were meaning, directly went at their jugular and simply engrossed a few tiny amounts from these ‘huge lot’ of Journeyers before and around her were feeling, thinking, have seen and…wanted to see much more.

“Be it a relationship, having some baby in the ‘game’,” Sylda smiled arriving at this point, but she quickly changed it to a normal and stern face, just like before, as she continued. “A lover or some, a friendship with the most unimaginable ‘pixels’ you ever imagined or even…more than ‘just’ that.”

“But now,” Sylda took a deep breath after closing her eyes in a seemingly slow but momentaneous manner, everyone felt that she was about to give ‘the’ speech’s finale; and she did. “Even if we got to fall 15 times, we will fall all those times and make the way for the Inhabitants behind us, they’ve already fallen in larger numbers than we could imagine from both sides; and we will have to then die all those 15 times all the way until we become kings and queens of Main Kingdom and overturn the fake ones!!”

“HUAA!!” - “YES, MA’AM!” - “The Inhabitants now depend on us, let’s show them how dying many times for a cause fucking looks like~!!!” - “Give the order, Sylda, let’s go to fight!!” - “Let’s go to war!!!” Cries and cries for battle, for ‘honor’ and for the pride of being a Journeyer in Main Kingdom, a ‘game world’ that has become something unimaginable - resounded aloud.

It really might just be seen as one of the most dumbest of points of view, but for the people who have been playing this game even for a month, their sensation of addiction was yet of a still manageable time to ‘play it’ was something no human being could ever imagine.

It could be because of the sensation of power that not even Specialists are familiar with, a kind of ‘evolution’ that they could never reach and have always been inferior to but never realized before knowing Main Kingdom’s and its secret to a strange net of knowledge. If that was the case with them, then let alone the normal people who were never known of such type of ‘evolution’ among themselves by much; and could only dwell in rumors and ‘fake’ videos or images from so-called Specialists.

Even for this world of New Earth, that humanity has only managed to take back a little piece of it for themselves, the people of the human civilization was no longer like in the past, and to go for a few days a week to the gym was the same as the need to make money in the past era. Only a very small proportion of the whole world was not doing some healthy and enhancing work for themselves across all of the human civilization.

Of course, there were still people with obesity, but even then, only a smaller portion than the majority of their percentage was idle in that aspect, while the rest were still going to gym and even if not to do an ‘impossible’ task of becoming a skinny guy or a brand new beauty, it was to keep themselves high in their lifespan expectancy and not simply let it go down when the time came; which would be sooner than possible.

And as for the ‘gyms’ in question, they would, of course, be different depending on the choice of any person. There were so many of them that calling them names would be straight out a call for attention instead, and an unknown rule of simply naming them all as ‘something-gym’ was totally accepted by all of humanity.

Yet, none of them could ever feel the sensations that playing Main Kingdom brought them. When using any kind of ‘energy’ within their bodies, magic or merely as if their whole blood was taking life; it wasn’t a mere ‘sizzle and dazzle’, nor an itch and definitely not just a trembling and quirky sensation in their bodies.

They could feel it, they could tell that this was not real, but they still couldn’t tell how much of it could still be real in their own ‘real world’ and especially so after Yun Beishang ‘hinted’ at the fact that many things on this ‘game world’ could be made out in reality. Of course, that is considering the materials necessary and enough success rate for that matter.

But still, it was a little something that always ‘hooked’ the playerbase of Rising Essence in the very first day, and that for the most advanced players, the Godly Journeyers in specific, it had become an ever more irresistible feeling of nature; of instinct.

“Let’s go get the Ancient Forest Region into our collection! Nobody can stop us, nobody can stop The Order!!!” Sylda roared, raising her left fist to her left chest and squarely landing it on her heart with the people already screaming at her early words being taken aback from her sudden yell, but becoming fueled and excited the next moment and accompanying her aloud.

“Let’s get them~!!” - “Make those criminal fake kings piss the shit out of our game!” - “Liberate the Inhabitants from their reign!” - “Sylda, I love yooouuu~~...”

“, she really became fierce.” Among the insanely large crowd, Raoundozia, who was on the left of Baston side to side; spoke as he smiled a little at the big girl on her Mount giving millions of Journeyers a speech that even he himself liked hearing. Baston and Raoundozia had their arms crossed as they observed the people get cheered up and forget the cold of nowadays Rising Essence.

“Mn, it is fitting though.” Baston responded, his gaze landing on Sylda’s face for a moment before suddenly grinning as he then turned his head towards Raoundozia, “And we once thought we would be the ones being first in taking this step, eh.”

“Hahahahaha…aaah…” Raoundozia directly burst out laughing, sighing with a shake of his head as he reprimanded himself slightly. But knowing what he was capable of and focusing on improving was what he chose to do, instead of leading a huge army of billions like Baston once did and suffered greatly because of it.

It was already a tantamount task to lead tens of thousands of soldiers in the past wearing armors and cold weapons, let alone a billion or two of so and with each soldier having powers of their own, powers that don’t really exist in New Earth; even for those Specialists. But as they were talking and thinking, a pair of small hands went over to support their arms and shoulders.

“Well, well, well…” - “Relax, honey…” As if supporting their souls as well, the pair of beauties behind each brother-in-arms came into their view as their mellow voices turned their legs soft but their undying spirit of honor was still there to remind them of their manly pride. But as soon as they spoke more and more, the 2 men became 2 obedient husbands instead…

“Rally the cannons! Charge them up with all the energy shells you can find, we are moving as we attack, as we bombard their heads off with the power of The Order!!” Finally, Sylda gave the command to start moving towards the ‘enemy’ Region, that now mono-Allied Forces who didn’t even had a complete 3 different number of allies among their ranks from their betrayal and New Earth’s ‘pacifying’ war.

Sylda wasn’t the ‘Lord’ of The Order, but with her being in the list of Yun Beishang’s harem system and being given permission by the Lord himself to start a war, she was here to not only ‘lead’ the billions of Journeyers, but to also immediately start the war!

A war, from a sudden bombardment that struck them before the very same announcement of a declaration of war was even completely read by most Journeyer soldiers of the Ancient Forest Region, as they were instantly met with bombardment or the sight of their comrades up ahead near the borders being bombarded to death for sure.

With the power of those still unknown cannons, losing one’s equipment was only secondary. The real damage here was being logged out after the second or third bombardment experience at most, with most doing so at the first and having to log back in immediately despite their mental drain and torture and the system’s voiced concerns and warnings.

But it was of no matter, they were having their fun after all and the Peaceful Rain Corporation never stopped distributing the Little and Medium Strengthening Serum and the Minor and Balanced Invigoration Beverage. Also as a Race of self-destruction perse, it was a really cool feeling to suffer together a little bit every time, more and more, for a ‘cause’.

And it was like this, with 5 billion Journeyers taking the west of the Ancient Forest Region’s borders with the marching and bombing occurring at the same time in their lines; that the last part of this war for the conquest of Main Kingdom began!

. . .


08:14 am, near a smallish settlement of the Ancient Forest Region in the wild, in the southwest of the Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division; Western Sub-Division of the Ancient Forest Region.


Fwwwiimp-!! CLANK~!

A short, thin sword and a claymore hit against each other, clashing as sparkles didn’t fly but their arms felt pained and their faces contorted, one of unknown and incoming pain while the other one was from the short sword-wielding man having his face contorting from the development of the situation with a raging frown on his face.

Cleank! Cliiink~~! Bvreee-Vwlsht~!

“Damn it, Tommy!” As the soldier of The Order made work of the claymore Journeyer soldier with his HP low and with a simple whirlwind-like sensational move that dazzled the enemy, he yelled out towards a part of the battle that was also already finishing. Only a few corpses were left around from part of the enemy, and that was just to show the ratio of Journeyers and Inhabitants fighting against The Order this time. Now they were the lesser number.

“Yes?” A feminine boy’s voice came to be from one of the soldiers’ mouths after having dealt with what was almost triple their size and having lost ⅖ of their own people that had returned to the main camp and were waiting for more of them to die to be deployed; their breath was ragged, just as the soldier who seemed to be the leader and called out ‘Tommy!’.

“Get this info to the others, do not stop, we must keep advancing! If I see any more of you ‘sacrificing’ yourselves, you're out of the army!” The soldier wielding a short sword with the latter already kept said, his face turning towards the little cave entrance in the distance just 20 meters away. “Tell them that they are not threatening the Inhabitants, but forcing us to fight them near them instead.”


“Yes, s-s-s- sir!” ‘Tommy’ said, and while mounting on his Abysmal Creature that began following the group’s leader just like the other soldiers around, he took out a small bluish rock that glowed a little. When that glow began to feel the air around Tommy, it began ‘losing’ glow but the emblem on Tommy’s chest was instead glowing harder and brighter.

“Here is Sergeant Thomas, our Sebastian’s Battalion Regiment has been found…”

. . .


West of the Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division, in the middle of a forest that wasn’t too huge, but whose direct linear path towards the Mother Tree Division was more than helpful to traverse in.



Even as the Abysmal Creature were like horses in the sense that they can be mounted and are very fast on plains, when it comes to other terrains, they are even more terrifying!


As the group led by Sylda had their Abysmal Creature Mounts’ legs covered by a pitch-black energy, they didn’t rode faster but at least they were able to topple trees, not be hindered by any sort of incoming root or flora grabbing at their Mounts’ feet and were even more so helpful when walking over suspicious waters which they could instantly form a screen of pitch-black liquid below their feet to step faster and directly on liquid to pass it by quicker.

All in all, as they were, a little Spirit Pet Cat that had transformed itself into a golden half-pigeon and half-butterfly appeared in front of Sylda who was leading a few million people right behind her like it was nothing. Catching the cute thing with her palms, which then turned into a little kitten in a bizarre ‘animation’, Sylda then asked it tenderly. “What did you see?”

Towards something that her previous ‘boyfriend’ before, now husband, gifted her, Sylda was utterly caring and adoring of this little pet that was even able to create a phone and take pictures with it but not being able to call or send messages due to there not being sufficient resources in Main Kingdom built yet.

“Prrrr…” The golden kitten purred, being very content with its master’s care even if it began because of its ‘creator’, as it then curled on Sylda’s arms while she still galloped at almost full Movement Speed ahead. From its paws, it held a little tool, looking like a chip but a small screen window at the same time.

“Oh.” Taking the ‘chip’, Sylda then placed it into her emblem on her left chest that was from The Order, her retinas quickly getting some visuals from what her cute Pet saw and recorded. After a while, she petted the kitten cutely before turning her head around, her neck twisted as she spoke to one of the oldest members of her Imperishable Guild.

“Fell, go and prepare them all, get them ready. And tell Zolik to begin readying the archers, our first battle is coming! 30 million will be our first victory!” After saying that, Sylda turned around and augmented her Movement Speed to a full at last, her emblem of The Order shining bright as her voice commanded her troops.

“Attention!!” The 12 million soldiers behind her became utterly serious, and expectant, in just an instant as they looked at the front with much more seriousness and sternness than before in this ride of a few hour already. Sylda’s voice then began resounding once again, “We are going to be intercepting the enemy in just a few minutes, take your positions and follow Fell, meet with me far ahead!”


With that, a pair of golden wings appeared around Sylda, covering her in a beautiful luster that made a great game with her long black ashy hair on her back let loose, her obscurest of gray, dull colored armor being even more contrasted in return to accentuate her beautiful hair evermore.

“HUAAAA!!!!” From behind, a battle cry that reached the enemy Journeyers’ ears and the few Inhabitants’ ears made the trees that were towering over kilometers tall and dozens of meters wide tremble and shake their leaves. Either because of the will shown by these people, or because they had been truly shaken to their utter core!


Abysmal Creature Mounts glided, jumped, lunged, charged and galloped amidst the forest, the seemingly endless forest which, according to the maps shown by the core of The Order, might as well actually be that endless unless one left the forest to the north or south.

The Mounts’ faces were ferocious but calm, while the Journeyers riding on them had much more experience than before, had been ‘bullied’ ‘tenderly’ by some Inhabitants in some drills and had learned how to even go to space with these partners of theirs; kinda. Now that they were employing and ever so impressive and insanely improbably scene in the middle of the forest where they couldn’t be seen, a real sense of duty enveloped them as they soon came to an area that had a hundreds of kilometers long and a few kilometers tall screen right in front of them…but only one step in front of their Supreme Commander!



V8: #1 3/10.

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