Bow and Arrow

Chapter 718 — The Final Defeat

The Final Defeat




The battle at the central eastern side of the Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division ended up being a decisive result that quickened the steps of the war in the Sub-Divisions thereon; when it first started, it seemed to be a rather rash and failure from part of The Order, but for the first half of the battle, it was just the Sharpened Vanguard Hall leading a 'few' million Journeyer soldiers to overwhelm and topple the enemy Inhabitants. Godly Journeyers showed a worth that was no longer about enhancing one's comrades in a battle nor individual strength, but as a team instead.

While the Sharpened Vanguard Hall itself already had such a huge instrument of war such as the Cold Dictator, the fact that they were using their huge lot of Godly Journeyers to the utmost and even the melee Journeyers threw weapons and items left and right, only acting as a support along the other Journeyers was the reason they could easily take down a front line from the Allied Forces!

Besides the use of trinkets and the strategies involved in the movements between each other, acting as Teams, Squads, Sections to Regiments, Brigades and Divisions/Legions; their formations of 2 Dreamscaster Godly Path, 7 Royalty Godly Path and 3 Devilish Godly Path was basically the killing set of members of any military unit in the middle of the battle that were amassing the kills and lessening the casualties for The Order like it was no big deal at all.

While Inhabitants could also create some ‘Godly’ skills of their own, as it was previously seen by Lotto and his fight against Synfyl, the number of actual Inhabitants that could do it were a tiny fraction from all the hundreds of billions upon hundreds of billions of Journeyers in Main Kingdom.

And besides that, it took time, so whenever an enemy Inhabitant was utilizing such ‘skill’, it was instantly targeted and if the fucker wasn’t interrupted, then he or she became nothing by the swarm of skills coming their way. There wasn’t much that the Allied Forces could do, when all of the fighting Journeyer soldiers of The Order suddenly used a single, simple skill to target the same person.

Even with the ‘MISSes’ and blocking certain attacks and skills, with just hundreds of such attacks of high accuracy, even a Heavenly grade BOSS was surely to be more than interrupted as it became crippled and barely able to move due to the system being cruelly real for some factors.

Let alone that it wasn’t ten times that amount, but tens of thousands of times that amount of Journeyers from The Order that were fighting and sending a random simple spell towards the same person. Such preciseness, such accuracy and with such impossible smooth compliance commands and at due time; that left anyone who could see this battle, even from the Allied Forces’ side; baffled/speechless.

Of course, everyone except the people from The Order. Though not everyone was specifically great in that aspect and it was something that Tron Palas himself brought ‘to the table’ against the Allied Forces and all enemies of The Order and could only give out pointers but not teach how to and so on…it was…pretty badass in certain ways.

But that didn’t last long, however, and as both sides watched these scenes of the Sharpened Vanguard Hall from The Order delete several millions of Inhabitants on their own with the Allied Forces having already sent their other 2 lines that were right behind the one that was demolished almost in just half an hour forth, only to be actually sending them to their death and with The Order being seemingly tireless; the second half of the ‘game’, of this battle, began!

With no notice at all, dozens of flying fortresses came out from their hiding spot right behind the rear of the Allied Forces’ army, their structure was much more polished and their cannons several times more competent compared to before. They weren’t as crooked and unattended as before, and their insides were fully being maneuvered by the people within it.

The flying fortresses were expected, but still a surprise. As the Sharpened Vanguard Hall that was closest to the enemy began to be approached by those flying fortresses, the enemy Inhabitants began running away with all their might, fleeing even in a sorry state as the Sharpened Vanguard Hall was reunited to stand their own and began to prepare for something.

However, the Allied Forces didn’t seem to want to let that happen, as they closed in on the Sharpened Vanguard Hall army of The Order and their cannons began dancing in the air to simultaneously aim at their targets below. But just as they were going to shoot at the well united and easier to target Sharpened Vanguard Hall army…


A rain of energy shells rained down upon the flying fortresses, each of them hitting at least one of them while the others, without really missing, continued on in their own path and created a strong aimless bombardment on the enemy Inhabitants who were just now awaiting the glorious sight of their ‘weapons’ destroying this tireless enemy.


However, at that very same moment, the entire army of The Order that had been watching and enjoying the plains in these ‘forest-infested’ lands charged at the Allied Forces, becoming a swarm, tsunami and terror that arrived at the door of the enemy Inhabitants. Nothing else was left but the forceful decision to fight, however, those bombardments never stopped occurring.


While the bombardments from the energy shells began practically crippling the Allied Forces, the artillery from the latter suddenly began acting nonstop and unrestrained as well, as if trying to match the shocking firing sounds of the cannons of The Order like heartbeats going off at almost the same time as them.

The artillery of the Allied Forces was much weaker, but they were still more than enough to take out a Journeyer upon direct hit, let alone the fact that hundreds and hundreds of artillery weapons were being fired nonstop over and over again. If anything, however, was that even though they could fire continuously for more time than even the cannons of The Order, their destruction and heavy damage was easy to control.

It wasn’t normal people fighting against normal people, these Journeyers and Inhabitants’ senses are something that no ordinary person could imagine, and the whistling of those artillery weapons’ shells coming at them were avoidable indeed, but that also didn’t meant that the Inhabitants would let the Journeyers simply move away from the artillery’s aim.

It wasn’t going to hurt them anyway, at least not lethally, and it was just like this that the swarming Journeyer army of The Order became halted at the frontline of the Allied Forces right away, with the aid of the artillery bombardment and the fact that they were almost double the numbers from The Order, it was a momentary victory that moraled the shit up of the Allied Forces.

That was, however, for only a couple of minutes, as the second round of bombardment from The Order, that had already been prioritized before in destroying those flying fortresses before aiming at the Inhabitant soldiers of the Allied Forces; to then destroy the artillery weapons of the same next.

Right after it happened, a full out melee and projectile skills battle ensued, The Order had a strong charge and an implacable defense, thanks to Yun Beishang’s designs for their armor and their grade being simply superior to what the Allied Forces could’ve ever make, at least at this point in the ‘game’.

The projectiles coming from the Allied Forces had more quantity than in the side of The Order, but while many more magical and ranged classes were on the former, The Order had a huge amount of high DPS melee classes that even sent either 10 meters long and 2 meters wide energy swords flying and bombarding the enemy in front, spears wrecking a havoc out of the pure mightiness of their swings, thrusts and heaviness against the ground, daggers slashing and stabbing with several different energies accompanying them or cloning them.

It was an onslaught from part of The Order against the thinner and rapidly dying vanguard of the Allied Forces, while The Order’s projectiles were mostly support, and their numbers of healers and buffers were even greater than their DPS ranged and magical class type of Godly Journeyers.

If before, the Tri-Allied Forces had more Journeyer soldiers among their ranks by the billions, specifically more than 3 billion Godly Journeyers, then, as they began losing territory and Journeyers either joined The Order or decided to go Useless all the way and then decide whether to join The Order, try to rejoin the Tri-Allied Forces or simply play their own game.

Their numbers had dwindled to not even more than 2 billion Journeyers, while The Order could easily send their full 5 billion of capable Journeyers, some not that well trained but knowing what to do; to follow The Order!

Their Godly Journeyer, from the Allied Forces’ side, naturally became thinner while The Order’s increased instead. However, The Order didn’t really use such lowly things like the Low or Middle Godly Journeyers, or at least not willingly.

Though they were still Godly Journeyers, most of the Godly Journeyers within The Order were ‘middle rank’ at the very least, having gone from ‘search for your Essence’ or so, to ‘endure’ seeing after finding one’s Essence. And that was one of the requisites to being the ‘available’ bunch of Journeyers for battles against the Allied Forces.

Now that it was rather easy to get and even complete the quest given by the Masters, what they just needed was guidance to understand how to make themselves ‘endure’ more, and really reach the minimum of that ‘level of stage’ to be accepted for real. Now that months passed, and many Journeyers became Godly; Godly Journeyers, all that was left to do was to war then.

Now, as the Godly Journeyers of The Order, which were almost a 99% of the Journeyer soldiers in the war, fought the Inhabitants whose higher grade was of the Heavenly grade at best and were easily bombarded despite being protected by other Lord grade and Star Elite BOSSes. The former were annihilating the latter, even as the latter extinguished the bar HP from many Godly Journeyers…their very own numbers were the ones dwindling…and those ultra fast G F-D Spaceships were even faster than before, seemingly not caring about the possible deviations and directly flying over the ongoing huge battle.

With just another half an hour, with the Inhabitant soldiers of the Allied Forces seeing those fatasses of spaceships coming faster and faster than they were told, and with those Journeyer already dead and not coming back…understanding what they were stuck into right now, they ignored the shouts for them to surrender and continued on fighting stronger and stronger than before.

But even if their will and spirit was enhanced every other minute of the second half an hour passing by, the more they were killed…the more they were less…The Order’s Journeyer soldiers would each make a kind of ‘circle’, where  a ’gladiator’ of The Order would use their first ever given Godly skill to injure or finish the killing of many Inhabitant armies with it.

They became, obviously, more and more consistent across the entire battlefield, with The Order even surrounding the remaining few millions, hundreds of thousands…thousands… This battle that now showed the strength of the utmost elite and powerful Journeyer forces of The Order consisting of The Order’s direct member and the Clan’s people from the real world among other bunch of Vessels of the same: destroyed a whole army of Inhabitants who weren’t in the same level as the Inhabitant army of The Order is.

Basically, if Yun Beishang were to have waited a few more months this year to war through all of Main Kingdom, he would’ve taken much longer to get to where he was right now, with much use of the BGA Spaceships and losses from his Order and the Inhabitants across all kinds of settlements in Main Kingdom.

But now…now that kind of force was his, and he even bred it himself, with his own people and ‘new’ subordinates. If he was to be stopped or if he himself delayed such important matters just a bit more out of arrogance, how could he deal with what’s next?

The battle wasn’t epic, much less glorious, and all that the Godly Journeyers of The Order participating in this battle got was experience, one that even if Yun Beishang wasn’t willing to fight directly and kill so much blood of Main Kingdom, was at the very least going to be used properly to bath his people in them and harness them the way they need to be harnessed.

Cruel as those orders of his might be, deciding the outcome of a debate within his Order, he was at least willing to let so many die to protect something even greater…

. . .


Main Kingdom, 22nd day of the 8th month, 2nd year since Rising Essence’s release core of the Mother Tree Division. With 2 different armies facing each other in a peculiar manner. 6 PM.


On the 8th day of the war, or almost the 8th day for that matter, while only the entire western Ancient Forest Region was now under The Order, only a ‘straight line that went from the far east of the Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division and passed through where the previous Sub-Divisional City was where its dead tree as large as the skies and almost as wide as the entire City was still in flames going lower and lower while all that was on  the other side of the consuming flames had been incinerated after almost 2 years since the events occurred.

The Order had made a flash war and advanced into the Orange Fruit Tree Sub-Division, its core and then passed over it towards the core of the Ancient Forest Region, the Mother Tree Division. All while the Western side of the Ancient Forest Region was swiftly conquered and made The Order’s, where many of their portals were made to facilitate the movement of all troops and newly needed ‘tools’.

Before, when the forces under Little Duck, aka Jones Selva were conquering the western borders, they moved at fast speed, mounted their cannons and then shot them with perfect precision and efficiency, only some of them were destroyed by enemy’s artillery after several beatings taken and only a few of them malfunctioned and became useless.

Besides that, there was also the need for some kind of aerial support, one that wouldn’t depend on shooting a mobile flying fortress from which the Allied Forces were learning fast, and within reason from all that shit they’ve eaten thanks to The Order. But no more BGA Spaceships could be used, while the G F-D were going to be yes or yes the targets most searched for in the air by those flying fortresses or the very same cannons of the Allied Forces in their walls and ground within.

Because, they have indeed created a kind of huge, gigantic and very well structured fortress all the while a war was being fought in 2 different fronts at the same time by a force whose numbers were already dwindled and a force that was increasing even though it was already too strong when it was their numbers being less than in actuality.

Naturally, they were basically unstoppable now that The Order had the numbers to even deploy a few billions here, few billions there and even more so advantageous when they came for the first time in a territory they hadn’t touched before. Even with the defenses and incredibly well planned outposts, Castles and the like whose stage didn’t go well over the 3rd stage of the Advanced Stage.

Yet, all of those didn’t even resist the Godly Journeyers’ Slaughter Dao, Ember Armament, Prodigy Pilots, Exotic Gun Masters, Fallen Archmages, Otherworldly Marksman, Ancient-level Being and Elements Prodigy’ - of The Order. Let alone if they were to use a BGA Spaceship bombardment.

And when the Thousand Words Region’s offensive went from the extreme east directly towards the core of the Mother Tree Division, they divided themselves to the eastern borders of the Mother Tree Division, and many more rounds of ‘PWKWANK!!!’ and ‘BOOM’ going off to one another side over and over again; yet once more.

Just 15 hours after the The Order reached the Eastern borders of the Mother Tree Division, and about another 10 hours of the Abysmal Creature Mounts riding with their fullest Movement Speed % accompanied with an enhancement of it with their Spirit Cat Pets. The whole eastern borders were under The Order, while the rest of the Eastern Ancient Forest was left alone for the moment; but with no enemy left behind, all of them and their meager portals having been destroyed altogether.

Which was only to show the incredible capabilities that Little Duck, aka Jones Selva, has when compared to The Order at the eastern front. One were the forces of a hardcore little woman, while the other were the Black Lotus and the Clans under the Peaceful Rain Corporation on the other side of where their Gaming Tools can bring them to after all.

Black Lotus, and people that Yun Beishang trained himself as well as his Maidens and Ladies that used their Evil God’s skills and talents to refuse any incoming ambush or bombardment towards the main force of their troops…even the hiding Inhabitant Supreme Commanders in order to protect the main body of both fronts’ armies were amazed and didn’t even had the opportunity to do anything at all. Even when a Legendary grade BOSS Inhabitant came over and tried to wreak havoc for a little to gain the Allied Forces some time, it was cleanly dispatched by a few Maidens and a couple of Ladies, easy peasy.

But now, on the 8th day of the war, becoming by obvious differences the most quick conquest of The Order with a much more rapid approach of really sending a huge number of soldiers to the battlefields and flashing an operation from the east, The Order had the Mother Tree Division invaded, bombed here and there with hundreds of left alone Castles by both Journeyer and Inhabitant becoming debris and settlements being fully conquered all over the Division.

Inhabitants were practically out of the war, well,  at least for those on the side of the Allied Forces. While even those who either opposed or went neutral and hid from sight when the Allied Forces decided to create their own little huge army of powerful Inhabitants after seeing that The Order was capable of alright; and wanted to join The Order were obviously not going to be given any chance of power at such crucial time.

After a few more days, and with an obvious difference of about more than 10 million Inhabitant soldiers in the past to nowadays being able to mobilize rather close to 10 billion; specifically round 6 billion give or take, The Order only had one single and remaining spot to step on and put their name on it…for the entirety of Main Kingdom to be theirs!



V8: #1 8/10.

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