Bow and Arrow

Chapter 732 — The Last 6 Months

The Last 6 Months




Indeed, the 6 months that would take place in the 4th expansion of Rising Essence weren't spent like they were a puff of smoke and the Journeyers' each adventure and experience they went through were their breaths blowing away such a puff of smoke. Instead, it was as if those months were the puff of smoke and their doings were a blaze that became larger and larger the more time they spent playing.

Before, in the 3 months after the wars in Main Kingdom and New Earth ended, the Journeyers and Inhabitants alike were now busy, extremely busy with remodeling what was the structure of all of Main Kingdom. Mother was getting a haircut, pedicure, massage, acupuncture, outfit change, 2 months of 12 hours full of exercising and married.

With all those kinds of ‘changes’ happening all over Main Kingdom, New Earth wasn’t getting left alone as the entire Human Civilization’s Regions were also rebuilt and left just like they were before. There wasn’t any need to enhance or change something, they were just buildings and it was just the beginning of the new era, there was absolutely no need to get handy over such things.

It wasn’t like the current Human Civilization was the core of it all in New Earth, not yet.

In Main Kingdom, those 3 pre-6 months periods were spent with hard and arduous rebuilding, a thing which New Earth needed more time to fully rebuild their destroyed Cities and parts of their Cities and Capital Cities as well. But while New Earth was having a lot of volunteers to aid in the rebuilding of such, Main Kingdom was everyone’s relaxing time, be it in the night while sleeping or at any other time.

But even the adults that were responsible and high end corporates in the Human Civilization had a few days where they forgot about anything and focused on playing Rising Essence. Their Regions were no longer covered by either the flames of war or the invisible Regional borders. Hence, the interactions between each Region became an amazing feat that the times where those shadowy portals from long ago could never compare to.

From entering a portal made by those fucking Gods and Goddesses, meeting people from the same Division and Sub-Division, they were now capable of directly— with enough gold coins —meeting other Regions’ fellow Journeyers; now Godly Journeyer though. Because, though it was really the greatest majority possibly that had become a Godly Journeyer in those 3 months, it still wasn’t enough for all to do so.

It was only later on in the 4th Expansion of Rising Essence: A Myriad Against the Gods; did all of the 15,000,000,000+ Journeyers had become Godly Journeyers. With even the Sub-Class only players getting their own unique ways of becoming a God of their own with yet the same options as any other Journeyer.

As for the traveling between Regions, in those 3 months, while all the Regions up to leaving only the Ancient Forest Region left to be rebuilt completely, portals were opened left and right. In each Sub-Divisional City, there was a teleportation point that would allow them to travel among any settlement within each Sub-Divisional City, as well as a couple that came and went from a Sub-Divisional City to their Divisional City.

Then, at each Divisional City, a Region-Crossing Teleportation Point portal was available, such a portal would allow the 7 now fully connected portals between the 7 Regions of Main Kingdom to directly ‘meet each other’, where either richest merchants, Inhabitants and Journeyers could go through as they wished and whereas the most important people of each Region would be able to cross any time. With the cost not being reduced at all though.

Some settlements had portals of their own that would go from one place to another, while the teleportation scrolls that would allow one to go back to any settlement were more easily distributed and with much more ease. And despite there being horses of even Magical grade in any settlement with such systems to rent Borrowed Horses.

From settlement to settlement with those portals, they led a pathway towards the supreme settlements surrounding their Sub-Division territory, which some would in turn have portals that bring anyone all the way to the Sub-Divisional City and so on and henceforth.

While the Sub-Divisions and Divisions had been fully built by the time that the 4th Expansion came to be, and all of Main Kingdom welcomed the new technology and techno-magic all around, coming from The Order. Their territories, Cities’ walls and even some settlements’ territory were all shrunken.

Though not by a whole damn lot, it was still quite a lot, a whole Sub-Division’s territory was more or less about 1/8th of what it was before, while The Order put many most influential, contributing and capable Journeyer Associations and certain military Inhabitants here and there to keep rule and peacefulness of the world, but also to keep things moving in terms of questing and merchants’ pathing as well as even raids into the wild and so on.

Other examples of power being taken by Journeyers of The Order and Inhabitants of The Order were Baston and others like Powlniu as well, Baston was now in a basically large and wide command over the Eternal Silhouette Region’s Journeyers, being ‘the guy’ from the Journeyers’ side that had his own Castle ruling over a large, large territory alongside the Field MArshals of the Region’s military Region units.

Powlniu, for example, was an even more amazing leader, bringing all of her soldiers to create a huge campsite that slowly became a City by the end of the 5th month of the 3rd year of Rising Essence. Along with her 45 million+ soldiers, she brought with her a couple tens of billions of Inhabitants from the Bright Sunset Region and settled in a place with mountains on a side and loooooots of forests around with only about 3/10 of terrain surrounding said City free of mountains and forests.

She went from having about tens of billions of Inhabitants accompanying her with utter loyalty to a couple hundreds of billions by the time that half the 6th month had gone by, with said portals being the only reason why such things were even possible at all. Moving tens of thousands of people that weren’t trained in marching and even less force marching was not a simple thing at all.

Field Marshals and Godly Journeyers leaders of theirAssociations under The Order, right after its Vassals, gained territory, and it wasn’t simply building a whole Castle again, as in the first 3 months, most Castles had already gone from the 3 stages of Castles and 5 stages of Citadels to become Sub-Divisional Cities of the Small stage. And by the time that the 6th month of the 3rd year arrived, with only those ‘outsiders’ who wanted nothing along the lines of being under The Order not being able to reach the Sub-Divisional City level.

Most of The Order’s Vassals managed to reach the True stage of the Sub-Divisional City stages, only needing a bunch more of materials and workers that they couldn’t afford to become a Divisional City stage Association Territory. And if they were already lacking and poor for such a step, then it was even less possible for those who weren’t The Order’s Vassals to achieve it.

Most of the Associations under The Order were at the Medium stage, while those like the top 30 to 50 elite Associations and so on had reached the Big stage instead. Though they were behind the Vassals of The Order, only some of the most powerful of the latter had True Sub-Divisional Cities while most of the Associations under The Order were Medium or Big stage.

There was a clear difference between, for example, the Forgotten Flask League and the Black Lotus League, to that of a newly created Association or even an old but weak one that was at most in its 2nd or 3rd Association level.

Meanwhile, virtually all Union Associations had become part of The Order, with those very few who didn’t deciding to become a ‘free’ merchant as they enjoyed the sensation too much and wanted not to give The Order their monthly revenue’s certain % as tax. Well, they weren’t able to use portals and could only walk on their own, their business wasn't good, really.

Meanwhile, Inhabitants didn’t show any sign of depression, as their birth rate went up the roofs…of Main Kingdom…?

It also ‘didn’t help’, that the Godly Journeyers became more at ease with making little babies with them too, and though they didn’t know of Main Kingdom’s truth, Yun Beishang fucking did and it kinda alarmed him that so many unreliable horny dogs tried to become him. Some even daring to have 17 wives and so on, the fuck!

In any case, Yun Beishang did nothing to stop it, if they weren’t arrested before by the Crestallen Industry or by the actual Peaceful Rain Corporation with its upgraded, improved and evolved security system along with the Jones Clan’s cooperation and merging of technology, as well as the connections of the Fosk Clan, then it meant they weren’t hopeless in making decisions…in a game.

If anything, according to pure, innocent and always good natured humanity; the less they care about the cause and effect but still are honest about them…well, it should be rather good furthermore with the ‘child protecting’ system that Mother forced upon this world to all Journeyers and Inhabitants of Main Kingdom. Hell, Yun Beishang even believed that if a God or Goddesses tried to mess with a kid’s life, she would lightning the shit out of them, the same for sexual abuse attempts.

After all, not only did the Inhabitants get their home back, it was also renewed and improved upon, also getting qualities of life like Sub-Classes’ capabilities and other stuff that aided the farming of crops, any kinds of crops and even minerals to mine. It was all a whole new world to them, a whole new era. And it all was brought to them by the ‘liberation’ of The Order against the enemy Godly Journeyers’ forces.

But that was all the past now, now, it was the time for even the fathers and mothers of those children that had studied in the Unparalleled Peaceful Region and were now teaching in the Sub-Divisional Cities and Divisional Cities; to fuck like bunnies due to the boredom at the weekends that they became so free it was exhausting, so talks about life became common.

In the case of New Earth, with the propaganda to fuck up the image of the ‘Founding’ Clans, all while ignoring the Clans under themselves, the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s declaration of war, battles, bloodiness and then victory over it all became a roller coaster for the poor citizens of the always peaceful and sheltered of the Human Civilization.

But, if it was worth anything, the previous incident where the disgusting, abhorrent ‘acid rain’ fell upon all of the Human Civilization on New Earth served well to wake up the people who then lost their family members in the war. It was…really an ongoing roller coaster that didn’t stop until it finally did, and it did end in possibly the best manner for the Peaceful Rain Corporation.

If it wasn’t because of the show of strength that the vehicles that the Peaceful Rain Corporation wasn’t shy of showing were all shown in social media by the very own people of the Regions of the Human Civilization, then it would’ve been harder for the citizens to take it. But because of those vehicles on land were already so incredible, and their navy was much more powerful than they had ever thought it could be, not really having any sort of experience since building one was the same as wasting resources.

It was a waste simply because the ocean-like river was too ‘small’, not even being able to go beyond the surroundings of the Nascent Herb City, and leaving tiny trails of the river disappear underneath the earth. And as for the in-between the Regions, it was all peaceful, and were it not to be, the Crestfallen Industry would’ve had made it so.

As such, the might of the Peaceful Rain Corporation navy left both sides on this war to become astounded, as the enemy soldiers died with 2 parts amazement, 2 parts envy and 6 parts terrified confusion and the citizens of the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s Region were instead simply 8 parts astounded, 1 part terrified and 1 part hopeful.

It was even more mind-changing when the citizens then saw videos of the Spaceships flying around, destroying incredibly large places that were full of incredibly fortified defenses, dodging or bouncing flying missiles, ammunition to even directly self-exploded bombs in the air, deflecting all sorts of damage and creating a little inferno out of said fortified defenses in the Iron Will Region.

Then, just as the smallish enemy’s navy began mobilizing, their military airports with up to hundreds of fighters and bombers to get back at the Peaceful Rain Corporation and increase those recruitment rates on their side. A few visits right above the air of the airport by a few differently shaped spaceships appeared…and then completely ate out the whole aerial forces of the 3 enemy Regions.

With such humiliation, despite the attempts, even of trying to feint a larger mobilization one some Cities for another Region’s Cities to deploy their own aerial forces with even more strength and less attention on their side. However, despite there being such a meticulous process, when it was time to move out, nothing worked out. To put it in context, after having failed so many times, the lack of a bombardment falling upon those military airports was believed to be so due to the powerful defenses of the remaining aircraft and anti-aircraft within said military airports.

Only for everyone to realize that even after 90% of their entire aircrafts were taken down, the Peaceful Rain Corporation’s spaceships kept on flying around without even sending some ‘normal’ firing below. Merely waiting to see if they had any more food for them… Yet, weeks later, after some more aircraft was ‘stealthily’ done, and the spaceships had disappeared, those mecha, terrifying monsters appeared once again just as the Regions were making a stealth operation to bring their new aircrafts up into the air.

It was simply devastating that some high-end personnel committed suicide right away, not being able to take any bit more, despite the strong support given to them by their higher ups and so on. It was a terrifying last couple of weeks before the war finally ended; indeed.

Such kind of victories brought the citizens some of the relief that they needed and wanted, while 3 months later, the news and images as well as some information directly from the Peaceful Rain Corporation itself of New Earth’s new Motherships was the final ‘thing’ or point that the citizens of all Regions of the Human Civilization on New Earth to begin talking about life with their old and ugly spouses!

Maybe not directly like that, but even though it wasn’t comparable to Main Kingdom, the Human Civilization began ‘flourishing’ as well. With there being so many young ones who couldn’t enter the army of the Peaceful Rain Corporation feeling more than left alone, and some of their beloved friends and even family perishing; such notion fell upon them even more.

Nowadays, just like the current humanity was where someone who ‘chose’ to not be healthy was to be looked down upon; one could now see big bellies everywhere. So much that Yun Beishang even thought once that he accidentally let out his maids after going in a frenzy and woke up 4 months later, with many young ones and milfos being so big bellied that he needed a few minutes to go back to reality.

It was a bizarre scene all over the Human Civilization for sure, but it was even more so one where only after getting very used to it would one smile when going outside, when walking down or up the streets that were now crowded in the day and almost emptied in the night. Though some ‘entertainment’  business basically had to all close down, new ones raised in the day and were quickly expanding over more and more uninhabited territories.

Such a notion was an even more bunny-efficient birth rate produced in New Earth. For thousands of years, and it was not an exaggeration, the Human Civilization had left certain areas within their territory completely free of any settlements being built in there. But now that they were being planned over the 6 months and slowly built with the Peaceful Rain Corporation bringing all the donated resources after the several expeditions where they even brought more and more people out to bring back more and more resources back; an utmost large occupying of the previously ownerless territory movement was effectuated.

By the time that the 6th month came, a couple of Cities were already created in-between each Region, allowing for the latter to expand furthermore its actual manageable territory according to the always existent and magical, imaginary things called ‘borders’ separating all Regions.

Right now, with the addition of the river that was still being filled up even after most of the 6th month went by, which had already grown to be as large as a couple of kilometers deep yet was still not full; was being quickly prepared for, with hundreds of docks of incredible sizes but that were still not even 1% as large of what the ocean-like river was from one riverside to the other.

Also, those docks could still not be used, a few kilometers were needed to be filled up before the water reached the docks up above. And as for the controlling of the amount of water that came out from where only the Peaceful Rain Corporation knew where, why and how it came from; with their gained credibility, the people that were establishing their cities at the riverside could feel calm establishing themselves there.

Many could already see the new navy, the new ships and possibly even secret operations like submarines and the evolution of such in the future coming from the Nascent Herb City to the outside of their Human Civilization territory, expanding their entire dominion over New Earth evermore until all of it went back into the hands of humanity as it should be.

While there was so much movement from the Peaceful Rain Corporation and they themselves received so much support and responses from their citizens, news of the planning for finally expanding their territory in 2 decades beginning reached the ‘world’s’ ears in the 6th month and 3rd year since Rising Essence release, on the first age of the new era of the Human Civilization… On New Earth, the Lineage Era.

With both worlds having their entire territories built along with the Apple Face Academies, children Inhabitants and children Journeyers came to know each other, and the worst nightmare of parents was mostly and partially gone; teenagers.

During the day, they no longer either lazed around or went away to help with the building of their cities, settlements and very own homes; but instead went to school, studied in the Academies and began to learn about what they had missed. Since so much time has passed, learning only the most vital points in history was all that was necessary, but it was to learn them goddamn well enough for what they mattered, not just to brainlessly memorize it.

As such, only some people would choose to either study or have their children study it all, from mostly of this and mostly of that, to actually all. It was all one’s choice, and it even had to be approved by the Academy itself. And now, children and teenagers alike were dying to read about the last historical few events, even the silent change of the years when the last month of the previous era ended, instead of becoming 1,990 of the modern era known as the Crestfallen Era or by some as the Founding Era after the New Earth was destroyed; the first year of the Lineage Era was welcomed.

And now, with the young ones being gossipy, and the adults being gossipy but also wanting nothing more but to evaluate and analyze the bringing of this new era by the Peaceful Rain Corporation, and furthermore, by Yun Beishang himself. The Ancestry Academies began to open as the first hundreds of students and teachers showed up, both to be tested and take up their roles.

Naturally, the adults who were in the same role as the young students who came to these Ancestry Academies which only the Apple Face Academies could be so for the first 5 decades or so, had to be first given extra-hard lessons and given enough knowledge after a training that transformed their lifestyle and sense of responsibility for the younger generation and humanity’s future.

After all, they were old, the most they could do in these peaceful times was to teach the young ones of what they are already learning from other knowledgeable teachers that don’t have a Bloodline. Because, yes, the term ‘Bloodline’ was already as widespread as the beginning of the first year of the Lineage Era began and was formulated across New Earth in the Human Civilization’s legend called internet.



Let It Rain's Note: Bear with me in these last few informative chapters ┐(´д`)┌, these are very so important and I'm not rushing.

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