Bow and Arrow

Chapter 735 — The Responsive Dragon’s Rewards

The Responsive Dragon's Rewards




"...Uh-... Ou-whak..." With Edorn recuperating his sight at last, all that he could see was that demon's face looking back and slightly down at himself, Yun Beishang was crouched right there and then in front of himself and looking at his eyes!

" did this?!" With all the force, strength and guts he could muster, Edorn venomously said under his breath, with gritted teeth and, finally, with his whole body seemingly coming back to life as his perception of pain and endurance came back to him after several months at the worst moment in his life.

“Mhm, I did.” Yun Beishang responded simply, even nodding slightly as his left hand let go of Edorn’s neck while the latter’s eyes were all full of the purest hostilities and hateful poison. Even then, Edorn could not move, since he couldn’t move before from the torture he’s been having all these months since the end of the wars, he was even less capable of moving with his senses becoming clearer once again.

“Uuuhh…ugh, agh! Uof!” Edorn still tried to make a move though, but with his hands being ‘stuck’ on their own as he felt the pain all over his body and mostly from his bottom, he could only support himself with them as his arms could seemingly not bend and he had to remain on all fours.

Once his body got seriously tired and painful at the same time from his lower body, his knees, feet and thighs gave in as his lower body collapsed, but his upper body remained ‘strong’ all the same with those ‘stuck arms’ still fully extended and supporting the rest of his upper body. In a semi-fetal position and like a lady who fell on the floor, Edorn’s naked body looked even more pathetic as he let his hips fall to the floor.

His legs placed together as he closed them and could only look up at Yun Beishang from an even lower stature than before, Yun Beishang then closed in above Edorn’s head and with both his eyes, with those lifeless, emotionless and yet terrifyingly cold eyes; he said to the bare person kneeling and half-lying on the ground.

“Mmm, I bet it feels different from before, hm?” After saying so, Yun Beishang tilted his head 30 degrees to the right, then the same amount to the left as if contemplating but in reality, was only playing with the fatso in front of him that used to be the gentleman in everyone’s eyes and in all of their hearts - he was even a leading figure for the generations to come.

“Wanna know why you lost?” Yun Beishang dropped the bomb in Edorn’s heart, one that has turned green ever since he saw ‘Tongqiu’s’ weapons and skills, ever since he saw a way back home where not just by ‘even if he’ did all those atrocities, but could still continue to do them on and on with even more enjoyment with his Founding Clan’s help if he proved himself to be that resourceful.

And his heart whose green became more and more venomous, becoming several times more toxic by the time that the Wonder Region war was over and the game world of Rising Essence could then only wait for The Order and Yun Beishang to arrive, was telling him all of the good and right things he did all this time were worth it!

After all, who else but someone with those abilities and those weapons could not wage such war and win it? After all, who couldn’t get a proper grip on an entire, whole Region by themselves if they could already so easily destroy those gigantic Sub-Divisional Cities alone, by themselves?! Who wouldn’t be able to do that if that Yun Beishang could?! But it was only now, perhaps, that Edorn realized that…Yun Beishang’s class was never known?

“Uaaah…” Edorn felt the back of his head being grabbed at, his hair and even part of his scalp alike being pulled backwards but, for some reason, his head remained on the same place without being able to even push any part of his body forwards and even less backwards if he wanted to ease the pain at all.

“It’s simple, really.” Yun Beishang said, a bit venomously in his own way, he still remembered very well of the things told by Zyv and Yun Yun of this ape’s attempts on them failing and then searching for a ‘lesser status slave-to-be’ younger girl that almost fell in his claws when Zyv was first seen by this word; so Yun Beishang said his words slightly through his teeth with sadism.

“You bunch never even really knew what war was, all of what used to be the Yun Clan was nothing without me, it is just the same with any of the other ‘Founding’ Clans; none of you know what is its feeling like!” Edorn’s facial expression that was already emaciated on its own unique fatness, his eyes becoming as alive like never before, them looking up as they shone to the memory of what his daddy and mommy told him when he was younger and felt jealous for the first time in his life.

“You…that is… That was!... That! Ah… AAAGGGHHH!!!!” Edorn wanted to talk, really wanted to, but he was so basically turned into useless crap right now that all he could do was to do better than a mute in terms of acting like one. He was so frantic and desperate that by the next few seconds, he became too impatient and exploded, holding his head and as if he could, wanting to self-explode his head with his mouth wide open making a sort of mate-calling animal’s behavior.

“Oh, nooo~.” Yun Beishang tilted his head to the right once again, 30 degrees to his right still, and then continued with his previous ‘pitying’ words easily reaching the ‘suicidal’ Edorn. “Come on, don’t do that, there are still a few things I have to tell you!”

Yun Beishang was quite expressive as he swung his chin a little bit around while speaking, his eyes and eyebrows adopting an actual half-obviously fake and half-honest care and worry for Edorn, showing his ‘might’ at acting like possibly no actor would dare to get to for fear of losing themselves; but Yun Beishang was soooo special that he didn’t fear anything at all, ah.

“Like the faces of your mother and father, mhmm.” Yun Beishang suddenly said in a low and of continuous flow-like manner, Edorn’s entire body shuddered, his head mustering as much strength as his body possibly could right now. Yet, all Yun Beishang did was speak a few more words, but those words were enough to shake him for the 3rd time yet.

“Their faces, ahaha… When I didn’t even say a thing about you, you should’ve seen their expressions! I specially made their deaths be a tad slower than the rest, letting them experience how painful being erased from existence could be; extinct. Hm, that’s the word that is used, but every time I use it myself or hear it, some kind of fearful throb makes my heart palpate.”

Semi-hugging his right knee, Yun Beishang was seemingly talking to an ol’ buddy as he nodded while speaking and with a quarter of a smirk on his lips that made Edorn’s teary face disgusted and tormented by brutal mental pain. Yun Beishang noticed this, and with an uncaring facial expression that has 2 parts smiling and 8 parts expecting Edorn’s pain locked his gaze onto the latter.

“What, does it hurt?” Yun Beishang suddenly said, his tone casual and calm, but he suddenly closed his lips towards Edorn’s left bloody ear, before whispering with the antics that the playful devil would. “Does it hurt a lot?”

“AAaaaah!!!” For some reason, his body ‘clenched’ when hearing those words, and the moment he did, an excruciating, killing pain inundated Edorn’s senses as he felt like he had several different, divided parts of his body where his rear and rectum were.

“What did you do?! AHH! Why? What did they do to meee?!!” Edorn said while sobbingly shouting, loudly and pathetically, his eyes were of utter shame when looking at the lower, inferior part of his body. A mirror was right there, facing his behind as if to inflict some mental pain that only now did he remember.

“...I think it looks good on you.” Yun Beishang said with a cheerful tone, light and easygoing tone in his cheered up voice, ignoring the grotesque image of feces, blood and flesh that had already gone putrid in both image and smell that was on the mirror with a ton of broken especially large and durable scissors encrusted deep within Edorn’s rectum while his whole body began convulsing.

“They left before you, ey, I’m that good of a person…” Yun Beishang intertwined his fingers, the heat of one palm of his being shared to each other as he placed his elbows right above his knees still in his crocheting position. Looking down at Edorn, Yun Beishang supported his right cheek on the back of his left hand, giving such image to Edorn’s last moments of vision as his stomach began contracting and moving as if he had snakes within; right before his mutilated rear began exploding with organs and more ton of all kinds of shits over and over again.

But, by that time, Yun Beishang was already back to his wifey Black Lotus member and exiting the room. Edorn, on the other hand, finally stopped being fat as even his skin began to ‘magically’ roughen up or directly fall down from the rest of his body, letting bones and discolored flesh as well as some remaining pieces of organs be visible to the naked eye.

His face, as if his energy was sucked straight out of him and blood dried up, Edorn, who had long lost his vision with that last ‘cute’ image of Yun Beishang in his head, slowly died with the sensation that ‘not many’ can enjoy in the most tragic of ways in their life. A person may endure quite a long time with only their upper body left, moving as it collapses and going back to consciousness over and over again, especially such injury was made by a rough and incredibly fast procedure.

But Edorn wasn’t even able to move anymore, he could feel his arms and legs, because even though his skin and organs were seemingly exploding away through his rear from all around his body, his bones were somehow still hanging on to dear life. Feeling his whole body as it killed itself, not being able to move but feeling every inch and sensation of it, Edorn slowly died.

Clank- cla-kk cla-kk cla-kk cla-kk.

With the sounds of clattering, strange and grotesque, vomiting-inducing sensations sounds, Edorn’s body in the little room suddenly spasmed as his skeleton let go of any hold and his whole bones jumped once a little bit into the air and all possible angles horizontally. Afterwards, whatever was an Edorn, was now fully gone.


A gust of wind within the little room passed by and the entire remains of a human body were swept by, becoming basically nothing and disappearing from all and any kind of ‘sights’.

. . .


2 PM, far away from the Human Civilization, several tens of kilometers above the ground, within a G F-D Spaceship.


“Why did Leader lie?” The Black Lotus wifey of Yun Beishang asked while stationing the G F-D in the air, as the G F-D became immobile and then stable at once, the now face-uncovered Black Lotus member turned around and walked in slow but large strides towards Yun Beishang who was looking through the large windows of the spaceship’s front.

“Hmm? I’m a very honest person though.” Though his words were childish, Yun Beishang spoke them with an incredibly well attained maturity that would’ve made the poor wife of his in front of him giggle if it wasn’t because she was interested in his answer more than anything. But before her narrowed eyes could make a number on Yun Beishang, the latter said while toughening up his heart and brain to resist her cute act.

“Nicole, come here, already.” Yun Beishang commanded, and with Nicole emitting a slightly loud ‘mn!’ she nodded and hopped once towards him, landing in front of him and being grabbed of her left shoulder by his right hand. The next instant, they disappeared from within the G F-D Spaceship, appearing right above it and with Yun Beishang’s feet candidly falling on top of it.

Tap-whoosh, Vrrrb-Prr. Ta-step.

“Hmmmff~.” Nicole, with her smooth cocoon jet-black hair, 1.52 meters tall height, lil’ bubble bottom and a pair of small, bubbling breasts which were both pressed against and hugged from behind respectively; relaxingly let her jet-black eyes rest as she exhaled out and made an ever so comforting sound from within her throat without exiting it.

Whaaaashhh… dribble dribble, SPLASH~!!

Watching the ocean, Yun Beishang endearingly ‘just’ one of his many, many dear wifeys, not seeing anything at all, he then spend time with this wife of his that opened her jet-black eyes after a while, gazing at the ocean together while the sounds of the roaring water surging and then collapsing either against one another or against the tremendously large shore continuously went on.

“Let’s go back.” Yun Beishang said, after a long, long while, not having anything else to do around here. And Nicole, who had been so much time together with her husband and was willing to now go back since she’s had a lot of alone time together with him, was still quite a bit pouty as they went back to the spaceship.

To that, Yun Beishang hugged her from behind, before placing her bubbly bum on his lap and, together, piloting the G F-D while spending some extra minutes flying around aimlessly; together.



Main Kingdom, Bright Sunset Region, core of the Myriad Beasts Division. 11 PM.


After coming back from his ‘trip out of home’, forcing Nicole to stay and spend the next few weeks with him before going back to work with her fellow Black Lotus to train more and more new members. With the Peaceful Rain Corporation, they were able to grab anyone they could, and after a few words, the grabbed people would then be convinced.

Who didn’t want to be a silent, cool and edgy assassin and guard after all? Of course, the mentality training of the Black Lotus was what took the most time, making the young ones that are even children have a headache over having to train for decades before becoming a full fledged Black Lotus under the Leader’s command!

Well, that was at least for most people, there were special cases that could get to become a Black Lotus member much sooner than other outsiders. As for the Black Lotus family itself, with the Darkness Bloodline, they barely needed any time before being a full fledged Black Lotus member, which were the envy of the outsiders who would become part of the family after finding their mate and copulating with a Black Lotus member.

There wasn’t forced polygamy within the Black Lotus anyway, and anyone who was willing could bang as many babies as they wanted, the Peaceful Rain Corporation taking care of all and any expenses while they can use their money to secure a place close to the Peaceful Rain Household that will be fully built - around it in the future.

Like that, Yun Beishang’s wifeys in the Black Lotus could be freed of their duty after teaching a few tens of thousands of new incoming family blood into their already quite big for an ordinary family - family.

Then, after tucking his children to bed, some with their Mommies and Mommy and some on their own because they are already so big and brave that they could actually sleep without going to their Daddy or a Mommy or their Mom’s bed because of nightmares for a few hours straight. Yun Beishang went back to rest on his bed after dinner, having manually fed the spoiled but obedient 17 year old big bellied doofus of Kira and allowing any wife and mother of his children to tease him ruthlessly.

Afterwards, without any further ado, Yun Beishang logged into Rising Essence after a few lovey dovey rounds with Yun Yun, Zyv and a few bunch others of talks about life that ended up permeating his bedroom with extensive lust but also tender love. As of now, he went into the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City and then directly flew towards the Myriad Beasts Division.

Once he was there, he directly went through the portal built to send him into the Heavenly Citadel, where the daughter-less Responsive Dragon laid dormant while waiting for Yun Beishang to complete his quest.

When Yun Beishang came back here, with both Rasa and Lioness moving around, rushing and hopping as Rosey embraced Yun Beishang’s left arm and leaned onto the left side of his body, her head tenderly accompanying his as they walked forth with ‘their children’ playing around. Yun Beishang felt an eye spying on him, which went away the moment the ‘eye’ felt discovered, in a flurry and quite shell shocked to say the least for that matter.

After that happened, Yun Beishang and Rosey kept on walking forth, Rasa pulling Rosey’s leaves and a few stems of her dress, ‘fooling’ the lovey dovey Rosey that was being too wife-like and ignoring her younger sisters. Rasa giggled and giggled, while Lioness looked around curiously and sometimes mimicked Rasa, while Rosey herself couldn’t hold herself anymore and began playing alone with ‘the kids’ every now and then.

As for Yun Beishang, Rasa only pouted and made faces at him, while Lioness completely ignored him and walked around like she owned the palace…which she did. On the other hand, Rosey comforted him and spoiled him with tender caresses and soft touches here and there, her crazily juicy lower lip and seductively thinner upper lip making small pouts to smooch his neck.

While dangerously treading forwards, Yun Beishang was with beauty in his left hand and arm, and children surrounding him like silly playful ones. It didn’t take long for the four of them to reach the Responsive Dragon’s Clan territory. A few guards were already waiting for them, and when they saw them, their backs and tails bent over to bow so respectfully that Rasa became quiet and obedient while Lioness turned solemn…out of instinct.

And now, with Yun Beishang going through the magical doors once again, he went upstairs this time as it was the only way for him and anyone else to go in and meet the Responsive Dragon’s real body, one that was already beyond Yun Beishang’s capabilities to even see with his naked eye long ago. Let alone now that Main Kingdom has been healing ultra fast and even more so than before.

When Yun Beishang reached all the way to the top, he didn’t find the Responsive Dragon there already waiting for them, he picked up Rasa in his arms while Rosey did the same to Lioness. With the adults standing right next to each other with their arms making loving contact, they waited silently for the Responsive Dragon to show up, all while looking at the purplish sky, a universe filled with more and more gaps that enthralled anyone to admire.


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