Bow and Arrow

Chapter 741 — And Then, 15 Days…

And Then, 15 Days...




Swish, zap zap swaaash!

Everyone was looking at the sky, sometimes relaxing their slightly sore necks and letting their bodies' blood run more fluently through their bodies, but everyone was nonetheless concentrated on those portals. Naturally, Yun Beishang was observing them as well, but with his Godly senses already having scanned through and on them, all that remained was some bored waiting time and a bunch of Allied Associations and Vassals of The Order giving all the 'ready' check through the vast but still always clean Alliance chat.

Yun Beishang suddenly heard something, his ears tingling, raising his head as he tightened his grip on Irllytia’s left hand as both of them were holding his right hand caught her attention. And just one moment after, she looked up after her ears trembled a bit, Diana followed a few seconds later before suddenly, almost a whole minute after, everyone instinctively looked up and with rapt attention out of nowhere.

…*PING* Global System Announcement: Attention to all warriors of The Order, the portals leading to the space of Main Kingdom have opened!!! All warriors please go through the central portal, the Masters of Main Kingdom have secured a magical spell upon those selected by them, you will be able to fly towards the desired portal with just a thought. Auxiliary Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants will enter through the portals at the sides, in the same manner as with the warriors of Main Kingdom.

“Wooooooooohoo!!” - “Let’s go! It’s finally fucking starting!” - “Hey! Who touched my butt?!” - “Time to fucking revenge our selves, for the Demon Race, yeah!!” - “I’m gonna beat those shits up…” - “Nobody touched you, and there would’ve been lightning if it even happened…” - “Look! Someone’s making their way up there!”

Yun Beishang and his dear wives were directly surrounded by shouts and more shouts, their ears and sense were fine though, and as they watched the portals glowing a bit more as well as expelling what seemed to be some sort of electrifying energy from their borders every now and then - a Godly Journeyer within the crowd shouted what was ‘the first’ of ‘it all’.


“...he wasn’t a ‘warrior’ that was chosen by the Masters?” - “...that’s a way to make us obey, alright…” - “Damn…that dude got insta killed… Yeah, nevermind sneaking, holy shit.” Yun Beishang heard the people speak, his countenance not changing even when the poor fool died as he tried floating towards the portal and got killed by the laws of the same.

In any case, that person wasn’t just the first one to move but also the one to make all the others follow in similar footsteps, naturally avoiding the part in which they died and became a very awful thing to look at. Hell, the person that died might have even been banned for all that matters.

Fwoosh, swish swish swish, whoosh…

But, from all around Yun Beishang and his wives, people suddenly began floating, and as they selected their desired portal, they smoothly floated towards it, not clashing nor almost creating the worst kind of accident that a traffic could ever have in any sort of situation. While Yun Beishang  looked at the fools who could get to ‘fly’ however they wanted without even needing to work hard for it, enviously, his wives complained to ease him a bit.

“Wah, look at all these fellows floating up, like nothing. Hm.” Diana said, but she ended up really complaining and almost pouting, but she maintained her image as the Lady of the Lord and a great ‘master’ in the Peaceful Rain Corporation. Irllytia was, however, much more at ease since she could fly around a couple years ago already.

“Hubby, don’t worry, they don’t even get to have their babies fly around while thinking they are superheroes, right? Hm hm, it is us who know best how to fly!” Irllytia’s words worked, for both of them, Diana and Yun Beishang became less grumpy and simply watched the others go through portals one after another while they exclaimed right before going through them.

“No way…this is so magical~...” - “Goddammit, if only I had wings like daddy Chief Yun Beishang …” - “You’re a male, and have a wife, please behave, brother-in-law.” - “I’m soaring to the heavens! If the heavens oppose m-” - “Wow! I think I can see the universe, I can see it, SPACE!!”

From within the eyes of each and every Godly Journeyer, desire, ambition and longing appeared, even from the girly, shy and timid traps- or girls, girls too. But from the eyes of the auxiliary Inhabitants, only curiosity and fear was present, while hidden but not purposely done so - a kind of honor and degree of duty welled up from within their hearts and conveyed towards their eyes.

As the multitude of people floated and floated, with even some young boys and young girls turning to look at their family, be it players or Inhabitants themselves, waving at them and then finally departing with a load of tools and their outfit in hand ready to be worked with. Meanwhile, there were some figures that only a tiny proportion of the entire playerbase noticed and from which the population of Main Kingdom didn’t; as it was them who were those figures.

In Bright Sunset Region’s Sub-Divisional Cities and Divisional Cities, Generals and Field Marshals like Powlniu were present across the entire Region, with Powlniu and Yun Beishang's closest kin hovering above the skies of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Corporation. It was just the same with the rest of the Regions, where their Generals and Field Marshals were present.

Not to simply observe or guard, in case of anything happening, but also simply because of the fact that…they were bidding farewell to their superiors. Be it Amaya with her grandma Amamond of the Carmesí Legend’s Region unit, Urtan of the Azure Legend’s Region unit, Horp of the White Legend’s Region of the White Legend’s Region unit and a few oldies from the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division.

Their subordinates, their family even for some and their most closest people…were being sent out. And even if they weren’t selected to go, they themselves would’ve had sent themselves into this one final piece of war, these final battles to ensure Main Kingdom’s overall survival… And even, perhaps, the start of the regrowing back of the entire world.

All of the Regions, be it the 4 outer Region that were sweetly and comfortably conquered by The Order, to even the Thousand Words Regions that brought upon an ever so impossibly large amount of casualties to The Order second, perhaps, only to the Ancient Forest Region in not just in terms of numbers of the ones whose lives were gone…

Each of them had a story to tell, and some of theirs were about to end right now. With the coming of the God Race onto their world, nor Main Kingdom, its people, its warriors nor Mother were willing to wait any longer!

The waiting has been done for way too much, and their oppression, depressive state and forgetting of their past has become too strong, but now, it is their power that is becoming and not their fear!

Godly Journeyers might’ve had a rough start in this world but today; today they have become the real, authentic hope and blatant power that the whole Main Kingdom depends on. And though ‘a rough start’ is too brief, they themselves knew of their acts, as did the Inhabitants who could only feel the same as it was their side that pushed them to such a situation.

Even if Adorevia’s sacrifice was beautiful, tragic and brought about such growth; the extermination of the Demon Race was only a part of the history of Main Kingdom that neither Godly Journeyer nor Inhabitants wanted to end that fast! At least…at the very least, it should end with the revenge, the vendetta, that many longed for against these so-called GODS.

With the lots and lots of Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants moving, floating and so on; all of Main Kingdom became lively, and knowing that there wouldn’t be a return until it was all over, shouts from all sides came and reached everyone.

“Go destroy the enemy!!” - “Come on sweetheart, you can do it. Fight for Main Kingdom!” - “Fight for Main Kingdom…” - “Fight for Main Kingdom…” - “Fight for Main Kingdom!...” - “Fight for Main Kingdom!!” - “FIGHT FOR MAIN KINGDOM!” - “Good luck, good luck everyone, save us from the God Race!!...”

Children, even infants gurgling some words with stern or joyous faces, wives, single mothers and fathers and husbands who were all present and lived their whole lives in Main Kingdom. Some changed, as they moved to the new Cities and some others who could afford to move through Main Kingdom’s Regions or just a couple of Regions monthly.

Every single one of them, sooner or later and through the entire ordeal, all of them screamed to the top of their lungs towards either their loved ones, or towards the warriors in general who were ‘stepping’ forwards and marching to the battlefield. One that was completely unknown to the people of Main Kingdom and New Earth.

Their emotions came out of their throats and their eyes on their backs were scorching but barely felt. However, the sensation from it all and the conveyed notions were deeply instilled into each warrior and auxiliary Godly Journeyer and Inhabitant of Main Kingdom; before passing through the portal and disappearing almost in just a moment from the people’s eyes.

…Slowly, time passed, but quickly was the way that the whole Main Kingdom mobilized, with there being almost 3 hours passing on and on and with Yun Beishang making sure that his subordinates on the other side were orderly making the people passing through the portals be formed up and asked to stay in place until the Lord arrived.

As for the specifics of what happened with the system after entering Main Kingdom’s space out there, he ignored it and continued to wait and wait until virtually all Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants had left. Then, with a simple twirl of his body, he glanced at the only pair of ‘family’ that were in the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain World Domination City.

Fwooosh, tap tap.

Arriving just behind him one moment worth of time before he turned around, Amaya was basically brought with a pouty, teary face so close up to the portals with Amamond being the cruel person dragging her all the way. The old, decrepit but stern and strict, straight-back Field Marshall Amamond looked at Yun Beishang with strong emotions surging and twirling in her eyes.

“Grandson.” Suddenly, as she lightly spat out this word, Yun Beishang was made into a speechless dummy. Which was then followed by silent cackling from Amaya’s part, while Amamond’s old mouth formed a grin full of teasing and his right hand landed on Yun Beishang’s left shoulder.

“To have the honor of calling the Evil God of Main Kingdom as such…I can die content.” Amamond then turned around, her old, wrinkled hands lifting up to cup her adopted, but most cherished lovely granddaughter’s face. “Little Maya, you have to make sure to not put yourself in too much alcohol, at least a few hundred, understood?”

“Mm-mn,” Amaya’s face was already with tears streaming down her face, not many of them but each of them were rather big and with a bountiful amount of liquid to spare. Her small head nodded and nodded, while her trembling, shaky lips repeated like a good girl being soothed out after being reprimanded for doing ‘not good’ actions like pulling another girl’s hair. “Yes, yes…mmff-sniff…a couple hundred, okay.”

“Very well, my child.” Amamond closed in on her face to her granddaughter, then rubbed the latter’s cheeks with her thumbs as she smiled and planted her loving, warm lips on Amaya’s forehead. Then, Amamond departed her face from her granddaughter and slowly but not that slowly - turned around before walking towards the portal, floating upwards and forwards in the midst of it.

Tap, tap, tap, tap. Step~!!

“I…thank you, Grandmother… Sniff, I love you.” Seeing the strong back of her grandmother leaving, just a few meters away from the portal, Amaya called out tenderly, very unlike her nature, after rushing up a few steps to Yun Beishang and grabbing his right hand with her left one. Looked up and then tearfully saw her grandmother actually stop for 5 seconds in front of the portal.


Without turning around, the grandmother then moved forth, entering the portal and crossing it almost instantaneously, leaving the teary eyed granddaughter to weep some more, as her face was brought over to her husband’s chest by his own warm and caring hands.

“Bohouwaaaaa!” Amaya let herself out, wailing and weeping her tears and snot on Yun Beishang’s casual clothes, Irllytia and Diana came over, rubbing her back softly and tenderly moving the hair behind her ears around a little bit in order to tranquilize her. But Amaya’s always headstrong, stubborn self was now all in shambles, just a little granddaughter crying up for her sole family. Well, at least it was so…before Yun Beishang came into her life.

Or rather, before she came right up at him, knocked hard on his door and came into his life. But what she expected to be a relationship of politeness and then some marital love here and there, became instead the way she found her family, her spot in his heart and the place in two worlds she never imagined could happen. It was even much more different than Yun Beishang’s explanations of the interconnections between one Kingdom and another.

Besides the fact that the world of her husband, the Evil God, came from was not recognized as a ‘Kingdom’ but a ‘planet¡, as solely flat as it could ever be. There was also the great family he had formed there, and the things he could do there, which were different, much different than in Main Kingdom.

For instance, he couldn’t wage war in there like he did here, there wasn’t any kind of healing and the planet was only a couple thousand years old, yet was already having magic properties being born all over as well as some sort of growing spirituality.

In any case, what she didn’t think of as much before, suddenly became the main reason why a certain grandmother could be left alone and in peace knowing that her one and only kin could now form her own family and take care of them; unlike hers.

The little granddaughter wailed and wailed, wept and wept; it was only when Yun Beishang’s warm on her body intensified that she fell asleep along with some Pure’s Essence rubbing her sternum and her back a the same time, those huge magumbos were a test to Yun Beishang’s reasoning while he massaged her softly into her own sleep.

Everyone had already gone inside the portals now, only the remaining families, which some glanced at the scene that the Evil God’s side portrayed just now with narrowed, understanding eyes before going back to their homes. For the next 10 years, no tax, no overworking and even some additional high quality food and ingredients were all to be the people of Main Kingdom’s gift…for enduring so much.

It could be more, but there is no point in spoiling anything nor anyone too much, only if one wishes to ruin it all.

Some time later, as a sleeping beauty was delivered back to her room within the Lord’s Residence, Yun Beishang and Diana came close to the portal, Yun Beishang had his Unparalleled Projections out because he rocked and had a rebellious nature to authority; alright. Irllytia had already gone back to her children back on New Earth and…only Yun Beishang was missing from the rest of the warriors along with Diana.

Looking at each other, Yun Beishang swiftly led the devoted Diana through the portal, his chest coming into contact first as the beautiful eyes of his wife remained locked on his and his on hers while crossing the portal together.


“...!” While watching her wife’s face and eyes so intensely, Yun Beishang ended up seeing half blue and half black all over; one was his left eye which was still in the portal, not able to see anything more within the portal except for a boundless energy and force and with his right eye having already crossed through and besides looking at Diana’s equally shocked eye to a contained degree, he himself saw the pure blackness of space for the second time in his life. Something not even the Founders of the Founding Clans could claim to; with his own eyes, of course.

While watching the endlessly dark, infinite space, Yun Beishang and Diana’s body began moving outside of the portal and to their right and left respectively, their right and left hands still holding one another respectively. If this was the Yun Beishang from years ago, when he first barely started developing his Mental Power, he would’ve been assaulted with amazement at how carefree and all-encompassing his senses were.

However, in this space, Yun Beishang’s Godly senses were as carefree as in Main Kingdom, where its ground and underground were completely useless in terms of obstructing them any more. Still, for Diana and even more so for anyone else who came here right before them was just like it would’ve been for him back then.

Diana opened her eyes wide, hearing nothing but amazed at the way her senses were tingling and going on about within her body as well as within a certain reach of her capabilities within this space. Looking far ahead, all she saw was darkness, with some golden hue hovering far away from them and seemingly…she noticed a few gray-pale colored figures outside of the golden hue?

*PING*...welcome to the host for arriving at the designated warzone battlefield, please read through with attention. You will no longer be able to go back to Main Kingdom until the event is finished, all Godly Journeyers have 2 lives, provided to you by Mother, the spirit of Main Kingdom. You can still revive by other’s skills in combat but the time left before Main Kingdom’s Mother power revives is of 3 seconds. Dying a 3rd time will send you back to Main Kingdom with no possibility to help anymore. All auxiliary Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants will be automatically teleported back to Main Kingdom after 15 days, 15 days is the time until the barrier protecting Main Kingdom is broken by the God Race. Happy hunting!


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