Bow and Arrow

Chapter 747 — Brush In Hand, Godly Blood Across The Stars (4—Last Part)

Brush In Hand, Godly Blood Across The Stars (4—Last Part)




Deeply concealed in some space very far away from Main Kingdom, where even the Hollow Kingdoms weren't seen anywhere nearby.


"...You could have ran away." A figure which was all shadows and whose entire body was like a mere humanoid figure of black color painted on a bright, pure white wall. With crossed arms and seemingly connecting his gaze to somewhere in a certain direction, his tone when he said that out loud was light and his head moved a little to the right but didn't shake nor was it lowered in 'grief' or something similar at all.

"Bah..." Releasing his crossed arms and sending them to hover beside his waist, the figure remained silent, not moving a single bit for a good moment before suddenly starting to say with his tone being ordinary, even casual as well as caring. "Now, whatever would be left of your body will be pieces, you didn't even think about letting me eat you whole, how could you be this irresponsible?"

"Sigh, hahh..." The figure finally shook his head, his words already said and done, he then slowly, very damn slowly, moved his gaze a little bit to his right. What the figure was facing now was exactly the other more than half of the Universe that Katia destroyed, it was all gray and of a rather bright but 'colorless' touch to it at the same time; somehow.

There were some 'lines', mere and simple lines of white and little pieces of purple that seemed to be tiny little 'pixels' which distorted and stabilized over and over again, but whose image was clearer than any other clearer image thought possible.

“And you will be my power too,” seemingly gazing at ‘someone’ else this time as well, the figure’s tone became somber, more real and natural - hence greedy - and even filled with fury as well as with unthinkable unforgiveness.

“Nothing can stop me.” The figure venomously said, his visage flickering in and out of existence as he then turned around, his body was now facing a bonfire. Indeed, a bonfire that was in the middle of space, around nowhere and with no signs of life in just about anywhere near. ‘Walking’ towards it in space, the figure then sat on the bonfire whose base wasn’t any sort of magical materials to fuel it up, but of pale skinned arms, torsos, internal and sexual organs alike.

“Hmm, so- smells- so good, erhm, slurp~~...” Taking a bowl from the bonfire, as if the fact that there was ‘normal’ fire in space is not shocking and unrealistic enough already, as if he created something from nothing before slurping down on it. Though the figure’s body was still shadowed like painted in black, the bowl containing guts, eyes and clotted blood was perfectly visible… Until it all disappeared by going into the figure’s lips.

“I wonder what you all will taste like, hm?”

. . .


Back to Main Kingdom’s space, as the battlefields went on for already 3 long hours.


It was a little past 3 AM of the 16th of the 9th month when all of the battles around Main Kingdom’s space were still ongoing. But unlike before, when it all first started, it wasn’t just the Godly Journeyers facing the gods and goddesses, but with the Maidens and Ladies of The Order springing about to take down the other left alone strongest god or goddess left around.

With total success, both gods and goddesses in each Region’s spatial battlefield were taken away from the Godly Journeyers. While Godly Journeyers rejoiced, gods and goddesses felt lost. Not being able to come out of their predicament, of rushing up to; Main Kingdom and blasting away the barrier keeping their God Race from invading and destroying it all…

The Godly Journeyers blocking them and not even allowing them run away or at least escape their claws for even a few seconds; what could the God Race members do besides going all out in a maniacal, suicidal move?

Without any other type of crazed word spoken, the really mentally ill-beyond-comprehension gods and goddesses of the God Race began letting the warriors, Godly Journeyers of Main Kingdom, hit their bodies with all they had as they focused in only attacking with their one-dimensional beings!

With such a way, it was that whatever the gods’ or goddesses’ palms faced to, the Godly Journeyers would instantly and flawlessly change to a defensive stance, where one protected themselves, one protected their nearby comrade and that nearby comrade protected them as well.

In this tit for that, the gods and goddesses received unbelievable damage, their bar HP, in context, were plummeting faster and faster. But on the other hand, the already extremely powerful and experienced gods and goddesses were already tracking the Godly Journeyers whom they killed and were being revived by some never before seen-art.

Then, their one-dimensional beings would follow those Godly Journeyers and kill them twice, then thrice. The gods and goddesses had no time to care about how many times every Godly Journeyer would be revived and how many lives each of them had left. All they did was to bombard their targets until they no longer revived anymore.

Hence, the numbers of all Godly Journeyers dwindled faster - just as much faster as the gods and goddesses’ HP bars were being depleted. However, this also left the gods and goddesses with even more openings and easy ways in which they were ruthlessly slashed, hammered and exploded upon with all kinds of projectiles.

It did not matter that there were beauties, even child-looking ones among the God Race members that became naked and had their private parts exposed, some harmed and some not so much. In the same manner, those ones didn’t even have the thought of acting pitifully, simply gazing ravenously at all nearby Godly Journeyers and killing and killing.

It was so to the point that the streaming from the in-game forums from part of the Peaceful rain Corporation had prohibited the kids to watch it in any way, as even rainbows and pixelated parts wouldn’t be hiding any of  the terror that this kind of racial war of— truly —incredibly proportions and levels of power simply exhibits by nature itself.

In fact, there were already many, in the thousands, of scenes caught by the streaming where Godly Journeyers were killed savagely by these gods and goddesses. It was either by breaking their bodies apart and eating them like it was a totally overrated terrifying movie involving cannibalism, except that the only thing in common among both the God Race and the Myriad Races would be their humanoid shape.

In the worst case scenarios of such brutality, the Godly Journeyers would suddenly disappear altogether and the message of - ‘tom and jerry Last Name’ was taken into a medical building nearby to be treated - was already terrifying for many to experience as they watched this bloody and awful sound from their screens…

Such happenings were still very rare and only seen in the most extreme situations within the game, though there are also some funny ones like a man or woman catching their girlfriend or wife cheating on them with another man, or a woman in other cases with even their man cheating on them with another man and being much more loving; ah.

But still, every time it happened, it was because of extreme situations and reactions. There were various reasons for it, but of the most known, one was when the wars took place to rule Main Kingdom, whenever a large-scale battle by disputing parties went wrong and a person became afraid and suddenly exploded with emotions…and whenever Yun Beishang appeared to kill his enemies in the past.

As of right now, within each Region’s spatial battlefield, there were Maidens and some Ladies here and there fighting the strongest god or goddesses from each part.

Though, in the Ancient Forest Region, 3 of those strongest God Race members were all taken away by a single old Inhabitant, and the other one was taken by dozens and dozens of other old Inhabitants. The last one, which was also the most earth-shaking and heaven-shockingly massive and epic battle from all the other Regions’ warriors fighting the God Race, was being handled by much more Maidens and Ladies than in any other Region.

According to such logic, the ones sent to the Ancient Forest Region from the God Race weren’t just more, but the strongest among the already stronger gods and goddesses. And while a bird trapped in a cage, being tortured as it chirped and bared her peak at anyone that was even the least bit near to herself was seen in the Ancient Forest Region; the others were having intensely powerful shockwaves, explosions and distortions of the Elemental and even Core Elemental particles all the same.

In the cage that was the Godly Elemental Divine Citadel, the goddess was being swatted, bombarded and scared off anytime she tried to scurry away. While, on the other hand, Sammy would appear at the worst moments and start brutally beating the shit out of her. Her daggers slashed chunk after chunk of her flesh, but little by little and even being careful not to slightly graze against her bones.

But the little birdy wasn’t that fragile; at all.

With her extreme speeds and stamina, the goddess that was like no other God Race member, even those other 2 that were sent each to every Region’s spatial battlefield, could compare to her capabilities. She managed to simply move from one point to another, yet with such undeniable momentum and force that she ended up killing Yona twice while she was exhausting herself over and over again and drinking Benevolent Advanced-Potions one after another.

In the end, Yona had to be replaced by Itnia, who was a Grand Shaman and could still somehow affect the goddess with debuffs and even more so by buffing Sammy anytime she appeared, as well as her new fellow assassins. In just a little while, Sammy already needed help from the Asami siblings, Asami Yuno and Asami Kira.

With her Hidden Universal Class, Kira was now the main ambusher while Yuno and Sammy were the DPS who kept on adding fuel to the fire that was the goddess who could barely do anything to defend herself whenever she was successfully ambushed. Being so fast and having such seemingly endless stamina, the goddess should naturally be able to be invulnerable to any ambush no matter how well devised they were.

However, Sammy herself and alone was already capable of easily ambushing this goddess without failure even once before, and with Kira and Yuno on her side, she could even bring them both for a ride, drop Kira first to begin the ambush as she was many times faster and then come out of her hiding skills along with Asami Yuno.

It was in such a way that the battle continued on, while Yona on the other hand, returned back to ‘not the space station’ so as to not die in battle so soon.

In every Region, a fighting Maiden could be seen, going all melee against a god or goddess, putting their whole abilities to their fullest and pushing away said gods and goddesses from the battlefields more and more. Some Ladies were here and there also helping the fight against the strongest god or goddess in each Region.

There weren’t nearly as many Ladies as Maidens in The Order, but the amount of strongest god and goddesses were at least only about 6 of them to be faced by The Order’s leaders which made it much easier also thanks to the old Inhabitants’ effort…whose life and death were to be unknown after so long still.

Zi Fei was up against a god wielding his crooked and disfigured forearms and hand as butcher knives with other 6 Maidens, her left hand created light violet energy greatswords, sabers and huge halberds that flew and struck and even impaled the god sometimes. She would more often than not raise her left hand with her left thumb and pinky moving forwards and forming a 3-2 formation-stance up to and in front of her right shoulder before such an energy attack was prepared.

With her right hand, she did the same but with her left shoulder instead, whereas a ball, cone or several little daggers numbering from 12 to 24 would form and make several attacks per second at her target. In the meanwhile of creating these and her attacks moving and hurting the god in question, Zi Fei moved with great speeds all around as the Maidens followed her all of the time, behind her and did their highest DPS-based skills to bombard the god while being protected by Zi Fei.

However, they weren’t without casualties, with Zi Fei even having died a couple times already.

In another, Sash, Cyn and ‘Fragile Broken Eyes’ aka Diana were fighting a god with Sash being surrounded by 4 polearm wielders Maidens. Sash was the leader of the group, while Diana was more like a teacher as she engaged the god every now and then to stop him on his tracks and gain time for Sash and Cyn to end the bastard.

Every time that Sash dealt enormous damage to the god, the latter would target her’ Maidens, which Cyn would do her damn fucking best to keep them alive with buffs invading those Maidens’ retinas, giving them so much speed and percentage-HP bar regeneration. If that wasn’t enough to irk and annoy to hell the god, then the fact that Sash teleported several times every couple of second and sent extremely powerful, heavy yet fast strikes, swipes and thrusts with her heavy long spear everytime he targeted the Maidens was more than sufficient for him to go even madder than he already was just like any other God Race member.

Diana getting close combat was a marvel to watch, ever since the last few months, her combat capabilities had risen up so much that she could no longer be the maids’ instructor for what she could teach them was ways above their league. Even as those maids were already way above what a Specialist could ever achieve…

Each of her punches were accompanied with explosives, dark and ‘drawing in’ vortexes appeared wherever an explosion occurred, dealing so much damage to the god that his face had become one that was naturally always in an expression of pain already. Meanwhile, the vortexes she left behind on the god’s hurting body adhered to himself, and unless he wasted lots of his concentration, strength and time to pull them away from his body; or cut off that part of his body, they would last a few minutes before finally dissipating on their own.

Naturally, he had to do it quite a few times every few tens of seconds, or else the pain might turn him into a brainless bomb that could target even his own God Race members; especially so…

…Estel was one of the few that could take 1 on 1 a God Race member, and as she faced a goddess with ultra-unimaginable raw strength, a few dozen Maidens around their 1 on 1 bombarded her at all times, not letting the goddess have a single second of rest without an arrow, sword, spear or dagger beam and magic spell encrusting themselves into her body.

Meanwhile, Estel made the goddess’ skin spasm and at such a high frequency that if the goddess didn’t actively dodge, her skin would be splattered apart and her inside muscles could be seen along with some bones with maggots and rotten, moving flesh within the same bones…

There wasn’t a single part of the space of Main Kingdom that wasn’t thrilled by the huge explosions, audible somewhat even in space, constantly and terrifying the masses who couldn’t help but not want to imagine what those sounds would be heard like in non-space areas.

“Attention, Maidens, Ladies and Allies of The Order…” But it was at this moment that Yun Yun’s voice sounded from the global comms of everyone as the highest in command of this war that claimed everyone’s attention, making them separate from their targets and encircling them instead.

In silence, a bloody Baston, tired Little Duck, Yin Xiong, Tong Tao, Oco and a bloody Selina being glared at by a terrified strong looking god; waited for Yun Yun’s next words, her next command.

“Targets are far away enough…keep them in place!!” Her voice turned so aggressive and bloodlusted that it especially baffled and jolted the minds of a few like Selina and Little duck. Then, with her orders having been relayed by her own angelical voice, despite its bloodlines and brand new ferocious side of her; they all silently formed an even more intense encirclement around their targets.

At the same time…

…po-pom… vling… … … … vling, vling, vling, vling, vling, vling, vling, vling, vling…

From way behind the Godly Journeyers’ formations and rear lines, a sudden net was formed first in the Bright Sunset Region’s spatial battlefield. Deeply, but light, green lines were formed from 9 different points in which formed a nonagon shaped net, and as the gods and goddesses were barely noticing this, becoming more baffled to the why they didn’t notice such obviously immense things before until just now than the ‘surprise’ of those ‘huge things’ existing in the first place.

The Godly Journeyers were instead all glowing of either an earthly, vigorous green sheen coming from all of their armors, or a dark, obscure and all-consuming one. With that sheen coming off from each Godly Journeyer, the gods and goddesses became alarmed at once, intending to escape once and for all this stupid battle and come back when their leader became stronger after feasting on their corpses!


Godly Journeyers were being thrown upwards and becoming little pieces of chunks of meat and organs, some even of hair as well. Meanwhile, each time a god or goddesses did the attempt to raise their limbs and move on to attack, they either felt a pull of gravity at their feet forcing them upwards while another one at the rest of their whole body pulling them downwards.

Or, they were held onto by ribbons of mere darkness which looked like shadows but that had Darkness Core Elemental particles dancing about every ribbon, which were coming from every Godly Journeyer irradiating that dark, obscure and all-consuming glow and forming a thin, small ribbon to hold all of the god or goddess’ limbs, torso and waist and hips.

‘NOOOOOOOO!!! JUST WHAT IS…?!’ Was the thought that was within each god and goddess that were witnessing how that net formed by those 9 ‘unknown’ huge things began to create a similar ribbon to the Darkness Core Elemental one, but of that deep yet light green color…slowly, they felt a never before felt threat coming from those huge things…and the net.

“... … … … … … … …!” Below the center of the Bright Sunset Region’s spatial area space station, Yun Beishang suddenly opened his eyes, an even so powerful violet current of electricity flashed in both of his irises and pupils at the same time before fading away and giving a clearer sight to his darkest, obscure gray broken-glass eyes.

Katia’s voice resounded in his brain as soon as his eyes opened, “What is it? Why did you wake up? You’re still not a being in New Earth!”


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