Bow and Arrow

Chapter 749 — The Hunt Of A Bow And Arrow (1)

The Hunt Of A Bow And Arrow (1)




New Earth, all over. 3:43 am.


The images on the screen were ongoing, not stopping, and even less so slowing down. In the couch of a certain house of a humble but slightly rich, in fact, family; a young, little girl was watching how in the screen of her TV the Atalayas were being brought 'down' by exploding into little nothingness after being just passed by far with that weird 'gray river'.

Ga-asp…!” The little girl hear her mother’s gasp when the screen showed all of the Atalayas being destroyed at the same time, but not without doing anything in return at all, as it was not like they suddenly stopped following orders and no longer fired at the lethal enemy of Main Kingdom and nemesis of all Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants alike.

Though a bit later, the Atalayas still managed to shoot at least once through their net and the overly growing unknown energy within them. They weren’t all successful in their attempts at striking a God Atmosphere god or goddess, however, and they were being destroyed while the deep but light green tiny laser was just sent out as well as the bombardment of all Atalaya’s cannons and artillery kept ongoing before it all abruptly stopped.

The remaining lasers that were successfully fired out and didn’t go anywhere near that thin ‘gray river’ of energy by any less than hundreds of kilometers, it was the only way that anything could survive through in the face of those things.

The thin currents of energy then kept on going, this time, it was unhindered after destroying the space stations, there was absolutely nothing that could stop it from going over to Main Kingdom and…start doing all of its deadly massacre and destruction upon it. However, just as the parents of the little girl behind the coach were tightly gripping the sofa’s backrest, instead of hurting their daughter’s shoulders, the always soundless images changed once more as sound finally came from their screen.


In their screen, and in everybody else’s just as well, a huge few legs appeared that were obviously either from an instrument or a tool. Coming from seemingly nowhere and already behind the charging currents of energy lunging still at the unprotected Main Kingdom, when the full body of those ‘legs’ showed up full at last, revealing a cauldron so huge and wide it could literally torn a Sub-Divisional City to little pieces after leveling it down from the ground level a few times.

“What’s that?” - “Is this…part of the event there?” - “What tha hell is just-...going on? A-are we losing?!” - “Holy shit, it was just too fast! What is even happening any more? Is- is…” - “Main Kingdom’s in danger? Holy sh-” - “Holy shit!!!!” - “That’s Yun Beishang! Yun Beishang is still alive?! He’s alive!” - “Holy fuck, is this going to be a one-man army scenario again? Like when he killed Adorevia…”

All over New Earth, indeed, some who were not watching in-game, which were only those with either too much energy to sleep and had to wake up this early as well as those who didn’t even sleep at all or those who had the opportunity to spend time together in family despite the hour and despite that they could all do it on their own without needing to go to the living room or dining room together.

But as everyone saw Yun Beishang appear, they immediately let go of the thought that Main Kingdom was in danger thanks to the mere appearance of Yun Beishang behind and above the cauldron. A cauldron whose image and body shape didn’t seem to even be that of a cauldron and that, instead, it even had certain ‘additions’ here and there that didn’t belong to a cauldron.

It was, indeed, quite the unusual cauldron to set one’s eyes onto it. However, as soon as the cauldron appeared and it seemed to be moving ‘downwards’, when it stopped, it made a sound akin to that of a heavy and long plate ever falling onto the floor and making a mess out of everyone’s eardrums; but also destroying the momentum of those unstoppable currents of energy.


The cauldron’s lids was opened, and before anyone could even begin thinking about what those compartments were useful for, from the cylinders attached to the back and sides of the cauldron, colors of blue, red, green and yellowish-gray began becoming stronger and stronger as if glowing monsters of those colors were about to come out from them.


Starting by a chirping bird, the cylinder with the red glow becoming more and more apparent sounded first, a sound akin a majestuous yet ordinary bird’s cry resounded through space, and the moment it happened - the ‘cameras’ of the live streaming turned to half that of Main Kingdom’s space being destroyed by those currents of energy.

The other half was divided in Yun Beishang’s doings, which were a total unknown for everybody, and the remaining ones to aim at the figure who had suddenly appeared and that if one wasn’t dumb enough, everyone would be already aware that all of the tragedies of the defenses of Main Kingdom were caused by this seemingly old man that appeared out of the blue.

The old man with a little bit of hair, white hair on top of his head and his eyebrows, small mustache and a very short, seemingly naturally well stylized white beard suddenly turned panicky. His whole countenance changed, for the worse, as he directly turned around and made a pretense of about to start running. However, the next moment, he was gone and obviously far away from Main Kingdom’s space in terms of the Universe’s distancing.

Main Kingdom, however, was about to go through hell and worse as the currents of energy were just about to enter the atmosphere of Main Kingdom!! When, suddenly, a gratifying, always tender yet durable as the ages-barrier flicked out of its ‘hidden’ concealment to meet head on the incoming currents of energies.

At this moment, following the chirping of a bird’s unique cry, the long, dragged on but large and ostentatious - just big roar sounded out, encompassing all of Main Kingdom and waking up something, something that hadn’t been alive for long, not for a few years but millions of them. Through an entire age and process of time that was, to say the least, unbearable and profaning.

Then followed the majestic, proud and royalty-like growling roar of another ‘beast’, its sounds crawling to every part of Main Kingdom’s space, its heavens; as the currents of energy were already too damn close to Main Kingdom’s actual barrier. Just as the disgustingly gray currents consisting of the sacrifices of tens and tens of God Race members were about to reach the golden barrier, the last roar emerged.


With the draconic roar, the previously easily broken through barrier seemed to resurface from behind the dead bodies of the God Race members that were being searched for and then drawn away by ‘something’ at almost the same ‘speed’ that the old man from before left. As small twinkles happened all around the outer space of Main Kingdom, like moths attracted to a flame, the broken pieces of ‘glass’ took a moment to react after seeing and hearing; sending themselves straight into the currents of energy ever so fearlessly.

Afterwards, even as they passed through the currents of energy that began to form a kind of thin sea all around Main Kingdom, just a few iotas of an instant later, all the pieces of golden broken glasses kept on lowering themselves, reaching up to the barrier of Main Kingdom right before the currents of disgusting gray energy could - all in a speed that was only inferior to Yun Beishang’s White Space.

And then came the breaking point…


The very same 4 beastly sounds from before were heard, and before the people in their homes could even think, before the Inhabitants on Main Kingdom that were for some reason not able to sleep and Godly Journeyers who were also simply looking up at how their night sky suddenly turning gray with a stench reaching up to them… Colors began appearing and glowing on everybody’s faces, everyone’s bodies, and each piece of dirt, ground, mountain, cloud as well as rivers of Main Kingdom. Every single living being, resonating with the red, green, yellowish gray…and azure colors resurfacing on their sky.

“... … …” The Inhabitants watching this couldn’t help but…simply fall silent, a kind of calling deep within their blood seemed to emerge, their hearts seemed to pump harder and stronger than ever their blood into all of their bodies. While the Godly Journeyers…had never seen such beauty before; at all.


But that was not all, and just as the carmesí, earthly green, free-carefree yellowish-gray and azure colors began dancing, taking away the gray of all the skies, the whole of Main Kingdom was seemingly being bombarded again, this time even closer by the barrier that many more remembered to be formed after Adorevia’s sacrifice.

But just as those banging sounds were heard right outside their home’s footsteps— of all those present —, more and more colors began resurfacing after the carmesí, earthly green, free-carefree yellowish-gray and azure colors did.

An always bright, shining yet unbreakable crystalline green, yellow, orange and blue resurfaced right after, without any roars coming off again. And just as the first 4 colors went about on a rampage to ‘eat’ the disgusting currents of gray, the second set of 4 colors was sent out to aid in the other parts of Main Kingdom…but whenever they went through the Wonder Region, the Inhabitants’ eyes innately went wider than sauces as they felt their skin numbing, pores opening and even every strand of their hair resonating with it.

A 3rd set of colors followed suit, a flow of shadowy black, a flow of shadowy white, a flow of shadowy carmesí and a flow of shadowy gray colors that began eating, and with much more fierceness as well as unstoppable momentum the rest of the disgustingly gray currents going back and forth to bang against the barrier of Main Kingdom.

As they passed through the Eternal Silhouette Region, it made all of Main Kingdom begin trembling a little, but it didn’t seem to stop anytime soon as the Inhabitants of such Region were, without them even knowing as everyone looked up with her necks overextending; have their eyes’ retinas shake with those 4 colors above themselves. Their bodies unknowingly trembling back and more subtly than that of the whole Main Kingdom.

The 4th set of colors came out right away, following the 3rd. Watery blue, fiery red, lively and vigorous green and a bright yellow accompanied by a gentle gray - all were an extremely large current of energy that needed half of its whole body to pass through those extremely disgusting currents of gray energy to eat them all up.

All the Inhabitants could feel, however, were their tears falling from their cheeks as those in the Origin Pertaining Region, whose spatial area were the first to be brutally destroyed completely and gave the fight of their lives; how their bodies also warmed up while the palms of their hands and soles of their feet never felt so connected to the Kingdom they were standing and were given birth in. And lastly, how the air they breathed seemed to breathe right onto their whole bodies…from this moment forth, gently ‘gazing’ at each Inhabitant of the Origin Pertaining Region, like sweet hushes telling them that everything will be okay.

The 5th set of colors exploded all the same, but this time, they were all of a warm, obscure brown color accompanied with few dots of pink that formed tiny stars in their current flow of energy form. As the 4 currents of energy met the disgusting gray currents of energy, the latter didn’t even hold a chance to fight back and stamp themselves against Main Kingdom’s barrier once again.

The Inhabitants in the Thousand Words Region, when witnessing this marvel from their feet deeply stilled into the trembling ground, their home. Felt like all of their memories, memories of their past feelings, future hopes and increasingly powerful emotions were being enhanced, portrayed right before them and allowed to be relieved all at the same time as they felt a kind of sensation akin a gentle, large hand lightly holding theirs and giving the type of love anyone deserve.

A 6th set of colors went out, these were all of a platinum bright color, 4 currents of energy of such color went out, like proud beings that could step on a piece of a boulder from a mountain and that whole mountain and even mountain range would welcome them. Whereas even if they step on shit, that shit would end up becoming the origin of a flora which could feed trillions and give life to many lifeforms.

When they set out, it was like legions, armies and whole worlds going on expeditions, in formation, together and not letting a single enemy left alive that could threaten their love’s and life’s safety. Sacrificing their joy, sacrificing their time and sacrificing their lives just so that many more could live; eating away all the disgusting gray energy like it didn’t even exist as it posed no threat to fight back whatsoever.

In the Fate Meeting Region, as its Inhabitants watched up above at the skies of their home, the deepest fibers of their being, seemingly woke up; unknowingly. And as if they could look at their very own past, the looked on with longing at the skies wherever the platinum bright went; its pride, its honor and its death that came as a price was theirs to be shared with.

Deep within their bodies, a ‘click’ went out as the every pupil of each Inhabitants’ eyes of the Fate Meeting Region shone bright with a metallic bright platinum color, just as bright and as proud as those from the skies.

Lastly; a set of colors so fantastical it made the entire Main Kingdom shudder more extensively and with greater ‘strides’ as if all of Main Kingdom was waking up to a full recovery; the trembling exceeding whatever other degrees of an earthquake it had reached before yet not presenting any damage to anywhere as if it wasn’t even trembling a little.

A most intimate, warm orange current of energy that was as vast as all the rivers of Main Kingdom added up altogether; x10 times that amount. A purplish-violet dull but strong current of energy flew about as well, quizzically moving about freely and recklessly as if nothing could stop it; eating the largest amount of disgusting gray away than even any other set of colors combined.

A bluish, purplish, bright white combination of colors made the third current of energy within the last, seventh set of colors emerging, becoming as unknown but also as melodic as any other star in any Universe from afar looked like. But becoming unknowingly majestic, loving and natural when so up-close…

And from that last set of colors, the last one, which was by far the largest as well of all; was of a light aquamarine-greenish tone, it was encompassing all of the Ancient Forest Region’s skies, which its Inhabitants could still see through despite it covering their entire sky. Like a mother’s hands that were covering their children’s eyes to not be scared, but the latter obviously knowing what was happening on the other side of ‘Her’ hands, with the former knowing that their children could indeed understand.

Merely, as an act of love, it was the demonstration that - no matter what, even in safety; Her children were first.


All these 7 sets of colors suddenly made their appearance, those 28 colors all formed a marvelous cocktail of colors like nothing could ever be seen like before. It indulged, cared and spoiled the Inhabitants below who had either suffered a loss or became one themselves. And every little bit of Inhabitants’ hearts were turned into a colorful one by all those ‘deities’ above; protecting their home with themselves.

But that was not enough…



Within just a few more tens of seconds going by, aweing the Inhabitants— not just the people living within settlements nor just ‘people’ —, taking the breath away from all Godly Journeyers and of all Main Kingdom trembling, the successive, frantic and desperate attacks from those seemingly ‘still alive’ extremely disgusting gray currents of energy managed to make a breakthrough on each Region’s side of Main Kingdom’s barrier.

“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” With all of the barriers breaking down at nearly the same time, Main Kingdom’s whole light seemed to break apart, the colors were overtaken by the disgusting gray currents of energy and the entire sky of Main Kingdom, after millions of years, was all broken away at last!!!

Invaded, Main Kingdom suffered a crushing hindering of morale; invaded by the God Race, the Inhabitants and Godly Journeyers alike all became so appalled it looked like the end of 2 worlds was nearing.

POM… … …POM… … …POM~POM~... … …POM POM POM POM~~!

“Aaaah!! Mom, mommy! It’s happening a-again, w-what? AH!! It’s not from the TV, Mommy, Daddy!!” The little girl, who was watching the awful distressing situation of Main Kingdom evolve to the worst possibly imaginable points, suddenly became deadly-terrified when she heard the same bell-like muffled bangings coming off again for the 7th time these 2 weeks; these 15 days of the preparation in Rising Essene for their ‘end game-like’ event.

Walking to her door, tremblingly and nervously picking up her keys and picking up a coat to avoid catching a cold with the already little bit of snow falling on New Earth’s Human Civilization’s streets before opening the door with an exhausted and inwardly troubled breath coming out of her mouth, her throat feeling liberated as it happened.

Coming outside, taking a few steps to walk 3 meters in front of her house’s door and with her little daughter peeking her body through the left opened-doorstep with her husband making sure she wouldn’t come out while only in her pink pajamas, the woman came out only to see a few other neighbors doing the same. Looking back down at her after looking at the sky with confusion and even…terror.


“Damn, they really did a number for these events, huh?” An older neighbor said, looking at the mother of that little girl before adding while pointing at the sky, “These are new, you know? Never went so far with other games that even had billions playing them, but I guess only the Peaceful Rain Corporation is capable of such with their Motherships outside, huh?”


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