Bow and Arrow

Chapter 76 — True SP Farm

True SP Farm



Everyone else, after witnessing Tongqiu's great acting: "..."

There was this inexplicable silence that took precedence over the entire battlefield, even the still and motionless Star Elite skeletons in the distance were also quieter and even more motionless. Similarly, they nor anybody didn't notice Tongqiu placing one of his hand over the other as he repeated the action a couple of times. He did it so that the glow from taking out items, specially weapons or equipment, wouldn't be visible, or barely at all. They were oblivious to the imminent, hidden danger; Tongqiu.

"Hahaha, look! He's just turned stupid, he must have grown tired and scared into retardity upon seeing how many of use are here, haha!"

"Pwabahahahaha! So much for a formidable man, surely it was that bow doing the work all this time, he must be a good lapdog and a little bitch for that bow to be used so badly by him, hahahaha!!" A burly, sturdy bald man suddenly grew invigorated from the constant hurl of insults coming from all previously scared silly players.

"Waah! I even thought of letting him have it in exchange for lending that bow to me, waaah~, who would've thought?! It'd be more proper to let the bow itself have my holes instead, hehe~."

"Ugh, the slut went off again, some just give her a dick so she can be satiated, hahahk!"

"Hey retard! Drop your shit and we won't harm your little ass, ahahahahaha! What do you think you're doing? Hurry up, retard!!"

Of course they'd take this chance to try and regain face and whatnot; no one was taking a rational, civilized train of thought seriously, since this was merely a game and they could create these kind of commotions without being questioned in any lawful manner, why not?

. . .

Tongqiu: "..."

Towards the hurl of insults coming from the remaining few thousands of fuckers, it was truly a rather 'one against the world' kind of experience. It was just that... they were rather, comical, silly-looking and even absurd already. Their foolery had gone for about two minutes or so and Tongqiu, from initially feeling a weird strange sensation as if the sides of his body were being grazed by an extremely cold gush of wind, came to become bored and just irritated to this retarded situation. Weren't they supposed to attack Tongqiu? Put him down and then take his things? What the hell?!

'Er... that is just... rude.' Thinking like this, Tongqiu had no more any intentions on keeping on with this, he has already had enough preparation and even successfully made all of these already singing victory 'pride of the poor' players exactly where he wanted them! Well, more or less, since there was just not telling what kind of disaster he'd come to create.

As such, Tongqiu threw caution to the wind, and his arms as well.

Whoosh! Phew-shm!

His actions, unfortunately for them, went full ahead without being noticed or even alerted those surrounding him at all. Tongqiu had even the inclination that he'd even made it so that even the mysterious commander from the Star Elite Skeletons was also unaware of his antics, he was sure.

Puk Puk Puk Clink~ Clank~ Puk Puk...

Multiple sounds of small objects thrown at great speed colliding with armor and even light clothing being bounced back were heard as the players became scarily, instantly sober from the slightly painful feeling in their chests, arms, legs and the like.

"W-what the fuck was-was-was that?!"

"It-it didn't do any damage...? What the fuck..."

"What just happened, I swear I saw a throwing dagger..."

"Did he just tried to scare us like that? Hahaha! He truly bec-"

Oh, but the new type of insults were just about to begin raining upon Tongqiu when, in an instant and no previous warning- it came to be...


-27,360, -27,360, -27,360, -27,360, -27,360, -58,824, -27,360, -27,360...

From the previous harvesting of little players' lives, Tongqiu amassed 106 Battle Frenzy stacks without a single problem. The best case of this was that he didn't took too long to farm this many stacks, comparing it to the Courtyard of the Heroic souls, it was frankly 10 times easier. Even then, the amount of Critical Hits, Pierce Attacks and both Critical Hits and Pierce Attacks at the same time was somewhat little. It was normal though, considering his small 30% for both Critical Hit Rate and Pierce Rate.



"Fuck, fuck, fuck, aaah- run fuck, everyone- RUUUNNN!!"

"What the FUCK?!! I can't even hear my voice prop-" SHCK-BBPAM


Tongqiu was patiently and calmly watching the beautiful fireworks all around him. To mention it in a blatant, simple manner; it was like black, violet and like a deep chasm-kind of panorama that was trapped inside a bubble; and that bubble, from being extremely small which was the point the explosion started, to becoming an enormous, gigantic dome 33 meters in both, diameter and height which was where the explosion sounds finally came to be for the living beings to heard. And all of those domes that lasted for at least 3 seconds each before starting to dissipate, where all around Tongqiu -though more at his front than at any other of his sides.

Though it was indeed simple, it wasn't just one chained explosion that happened.

Going in details; Tongqiu had been going here and there, all around the entire right and central sides of the 'Journeyer's Army'. He chose not to use neither Transient Divine Burst nor Combustion, just so that they'd care less of the things he would do. As for what things he was doing that he so much wanted them to not care about?

There was these arrows who he extremely quickly shot into the air when he was just a blur in the players eyes -he did so with a 'normal' bow and many also 'normal' arrows-, not only that but he also imbued them with his sheer Mental Prowess to perfectly direct them amid the sea  of players in a manner that it'd 'dodge' and 'evade' any touch with them as the arrows kept falling down from the sky all the way down into the underground. Though it was merely 20 cm deep, the distance between those normal arrows' fletching and the flat surface, it was more than enough for Combustion to create its intended damage. Even then, that was not all as thanks to his vast Mental Power, he was capable of not allowing the arrows to explode right away when touching the ground as he manipulated them into exchanging all of their raw power into a piercing effect!

That way, they'd be able to pierce for 70 cm at the very last, allowing each of his normal arrows to be just slightly buried within the mix of deathly-looking dirt and sand. The only truly draining of his Mental Power was rather, the fact that he had to leave a 1 millimetre thin layer from his mental power so that the rapidly sinking in dirt and sand from where they were buried wouldn't activate Combustion.

Tongqiu also had to very carefully and always in full concentration, activate and deactivate Combustion so that he wouldn't erroneously blow away some of the players he was slashing or, well, killing- with his dual Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses.

That was, however, not the first round of explosions. Tongqiu not only did that but he also gently threw daggers, kunais and even javelins into the ground, also slightly burying themselves underground. These were easier to manipulate, which he didn't understood why; unlike arrows, these could easily be turned towards any angle and at fast speeds. Meaning that he was throwing those items gently yet they entered like a hot knife penetrating butter, as long as a little part of their sharpness were already penetrating into the ground, he would manipulate them into turning into 'lying down' so that they wouldn't have to be heavily protected like the arrows. They also weren't affected by the countless steps coming down onto their position so it was rather easier to protect.

With that said, when Tongqiu threw those additional daggers directly towards them, those hidden tools were activated as his Mental Power let go of them, allowing Combustion to burst out in grandeur. And the direction Tongqiu threw those knives himself towards the players was towards locations circling that of the hidden tools, which also forced them into either staying and dying or moving and dying. With the current range for Combustion, it was an impossibility to even think of moving away from it in but an instant; and with the damage each of them dealt, it was impossible to survive it even if one had healing spells coming at them with +1,000!

To be precise, Tongqiu threw a total of 25 knives and kunais for each of his hands. Naturally, he didn't do it at the same time; the way he did it was simple, he took those tools out 10 by 10 as he hid them behind his back, using those teary thorns to his advantage rather unusually. He didn't make any unnecessary movements and didn't allow anyone to truly discern them.

It was quite the tough job as he had to use his Mental Prowess to blend the ordinary steel-like color of the blades with his bodysuit, it didn't perfectly worked as well as intended but it nailed it, mostly thanks to his incredible acting though. The human mind was that easily to fool, sometimes.

Those thrown tools at the players were the first to explode, while those hidden underground were the next ones to bring terror to this deadly region.

Finally, once 10 seconds or so from the fireworks having been ignited, Tongqiu also let go of his Mental Prowess enveloping those very-well hidden arrows, as they also made their ephemeral, explosive entrance.




In the far away distance, the reinforcements that were previously slowly moving towards the battlefield were already halted and shocked, staring wide eyed at the undergoing terror at their front.

Kalen's voice was the first to become audible, he was visibly trembling while also feeling truly grateful from Tongqiu's advice: "Sylda, what do you say if we just go away right now... em?"

An also shaking a little, tiny voice responded him: "Yes... yes, we better go. There's nothing else to do there, here... anywhere."

With that, both of them seemingly gave commands to their respective groups while also letting their messengers pass on their orders, they swiftly and smartly left the area and went ahead to hunt some Star Elite as well as simple leveling.

Meanwhile, the rest of the 'big shot's' crew were rethinking going back to also level up and gain some SP, because this... this was a lost cause...

Edorn, however, had his eyes emanate complete undisguised lust as he gazed into the distance; at this moment, the first round of explosions had already ended and most of those mighty looking domes were already dissipating on their own, he also started receiving multiple callings from the raid leaders and vice-leaders but he didn't care as his eyes had only Tongqiu in them... well, his bow, no, not Tongqiu's bow but Edorn's; his bow.



*PING*... you have successfully killed player, 'Aliesa'.

*PING*... you have successfully killed player, 'Mila'.

*PING*... you have successfully killed player, 'Murong Yun'.

*PING*... you have successfully killed player, 'Kokolo'.

*PING*... special, unknown type of quest progress: [Players killed 3,391/10,000].

'Phew, too much cockroaches, too much preparation. It is more fun when I just take them out with several Combustion wideshots. Well, I'm sure there'll be a next time.' At this point of time, Tongqiu wasn't merely idle watching the fireworks go 'pam pam' anymore, he was already walking towards the Basic Communication device, he has delayed too much that he was feeling irritated just by thinking about it.

'Well, too much time went to shit. It's time to take care of you, I'm sorry if you're instead the victim of a sob story but, that has nothing to do with me.' He took aim as his surroundings became still, the air itself seemed to have been sunk into regression and were there to be water around, it'll look as if it was in a solid state all alone, as if it has always been so. He entered his 'abnormal' state once more as he prepared two beautifully-looking murdering arrows, took aim with his ever-indifferent bow and finally... made them both cheer up in joy at the incoming destruction.



-333,666, -333,666.


Right at the moment those big numbers appeared on the Basic Communication Device, cracking noises were heard for about merely a couple of seconds before a chilling, horrible shrieking that the Demon Race Structure itself caused resounded. As if the whatever type of living organism that it was broke apart, its mourning howls that broke into the sky thundered in a single direction; that of the sky itself, as if announcing the incredible yet devastating fall of another ray of hope.

This scene reminded Tongqiu of his time at the Mysterious Hidden Grounds' first floor, it was truly similar, how the Fallen Summoners would cry out loud, shriek, howl and holler in so many different, conflicting emotions yet were glad at the same time. The only difference was, these were not glad in any possible sense or meaning, it was utterly a hopeful call of that of his comrades to make it on time... to hope for their survival, as theirs is already being forcefully dragged away.

Tongqiu lowered his gaze, not in shame nor self-deprecation but merely in a pondering fashion. His senses were somewhat stimulated, as if a person who is quite familiar with him started to teasingly poke at the sides of his head. Seemingly becoming alert and abruptly frowning in worrisome wonder, Tongqiu looked up... only to see a kind of waterfall-like shadowy energy that was being pulled upwards instead of falling down, like any waterfall is supposed to do.

'No... no way. Even here...?' Whether his conjecture was right or not, all of these happenings opened Tongqiu's eyes a little. And whether it was intentional or not, the system being completely unwilling to aid the players on this was already a suspicious point before, then now it was extremely irrational in Tongqiu's eyes.

'Shadowy hands? What about that shadow female figure I saw when I first connected to Rising Essence, is it one of them then? Hm... no, not likely. Yup, that's impossible, that shadow person -or whatever 'it' really is- was nothing like those still unknown fuckers from down there... then... is the system trying to show an almost indiscernible show of repulsion towards these so-called acts? Are the guiding voices related? ARGGGHH, it's not my problem, just forget it Tongqiu, behave Tongqiu... Yeah that's right, even if I know of this, so what. Even then, following what happened below... the only reasonable outcome is to let it happen. So I'll let it happen.'

This was a rather unique understanding, source of reflection for Tongqiu. He was mainly confused, and did his best to find answers to these newly found doubts but, he realized that being hasty on it was of no help, and that this in itself was not related to him... yet. Since his class was given, Katia did mention that his future would no longer be simple. Tongqiu had always bared it mind, even if Katia had not malicious intentions, he himself wouldn't accept being given such power while at the same time ignoring anything else.

He could easily ignore the pain of this... Race, and its manpower being hunted down as well as slowly being choked, lead into an undeniable fate, that of extermination. Because it had nothing to do with him in the sense that his race itself was that of a Human, because he had people in this world to take care of just as much as he needed to protect them, Tonkia, Irllytia and who knows what or whom else comes into the picture. Not because it was a Race that was portrayed as a bad, evil, mean and bloodthirsty, right at the beginning. If one wanted to find such a race, anyone could just go to the game's library and have fun reading about the dozen years or so, long wars, betrayals, natural disasters, etc. With the Human Race itself being one of the greatest sinners, followed by the Dwarf Race and Beast (Anthropomorphic) Race. The rest of the Races which instead, seemed to be slightly more relaxed as they only indulged in the flames of war whenever they were in their territory rather than for the sake for resources, life and so on.

While Tongqiu was lost in thought and the shadowy-like waterfall of energy going upwards started to dissipate, multiple notifications popped up for him to read, which he so auto-pilot did so.

*PING*... you've successfully destroyed, Basic Communication Device, Demon Race Structure.

*PING*... because all of the Minion type Skeletons have died, no additional rewards will be given to the players partaking in the besieging of this Obelisk.

*PING*... because all of the Minion type Skeletons have been annihilated, a smaller reward will be granted to the players partaking in the besieging of this Obelisk. The reward will depend on the number of Star Elite Skeletons still 'alive'.

*PING*... there's a total amount of 1,917 Star Elite Skeletons, thus, SP+95,850 to all players who participated in the besieging of this Obelisk.

'Heh, still with 'Obelisks', huh?' Tongqiu had a derisive and easygoing mocking grin on his face yet still made no loud comment about the erratic mannerisms from the system.

Looking towards the remaining Star Elite become ashes and dissipate into the ground, Tongqiu thought to himself that if the reward from destroying such a living structure was of SP+50 for each Star Elite Skeleton alive, and that was even considering it was a 'smaller' reward, then maybe the real reward for destroying a Basic Communication Device would be of SP+100 or so. Not only that, but that it was SP+100, as an example, for each Minion type Skeleton 'alive'... If that was really the case then, sure, it was something that Tongqiu would do without a doubt.

'Now that I think about it... it still says things like Skeletons 'alive' when they're obviously some undead creatures, could it be that this system is still playing with 'Journeyers'? Huh...' After cunningly devising a plan for a little while, Tongqiu directed his voice to the nothing: "Hey system! If I wanna take the intended reward, what do I have to do in order to be properly benefited?"

System: "..."

"Go on, I'll be the better person and give you time, go on, go on." While making 'shoo shoo' gesture with his hands, Tongqiu signaled for dear o'mighty system to give him his needed answer, a response.

And he fucking got it.

*PING*... we're gathering the required data, please wait a moment.

'Oh, you fucker. Becoming more sinister by the 'anomaly' that I bring, huh?' Tongqiu's thoughts became venomous to the perfectly responded question of his, but oh well, life is like that sometimes. Taking a few downs while doing one's own very best to take one up.

As such, he was properly informed.

*PING*... for the reward to be taken as intended: all of the Star Elite Skeleton enemies pertaining from these Obelisks are required to be taken down completely, these can be alternatively activated once the Obelisk's HP has been downed more than half. However, such reward can only be taken by one 'Journeyer', which is the one who takes the killing blow. For each Minion type Skeleton 'alive', SP+150 and 50 gold coins will be given.

Tongqiu: (°ロ°)☝

"Well, say so before! You silly~."

System: "..."

"E-ahem, it's... it's alright. Ehem, thanks for the help, bye."

Seeing the system become quiet in response to his 'affectionate' (?) sudden change in treatment towards it, Tongqiu glanced back at the no longer incoming 'reinforcements' and gave the command of running away to his little feet. He first went to the small hill that he was previously 'patiently' waiting at, before calmly and carefully taking out those fucking freeloaders inside his White Space's storage. Then, Tongqiu continued his unwavering joy at fleeing from his already done roguery.

At this moment, even Edorn had already left, nowhere to be seen. That guy wasn't a problem but, he'll surely be a thorn in the ass for the not that distant future, sigh.

Meanwhile, as Tongqiu disconnected from Rising Essence in some far away little hill which was coincidentally close to another Basic Communication Device; he had this all the same ongoing storm of doubts after baiting out the system to talk. He knew that the system itself tried to be completely partial and neutral, but he 'felt' that it was also hiding something... 'but what exactly?'



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