Bow and Arrow

Chapter 79 — Always Improving, Little Gains For The Future

Always Improving, Little Gains For The Future



Being completely bathed by Tongqiu's essence, both women were admiringly looking at him with utter worship, adoration and devotion. Thinking to themselves 'mn, mn. If he spurts out this much from only 'this' then it must... it must be a true  show of commitment!'.

Though it was merely 'this' for them, they did know what kind of hardwork they've just been through. Meanwhile, Tongqiu was not doing anything at all... They truly treat him as their king, if this is not infatuation then, what is?!

After looking such towards him, they then involuntarily had resplendent smiles take form on their mouths, which allowed some of Tongqiu's essence to slid down towards their teeth, sliding through them and finally getting some extra taste of it. As if suddenly being taken over by a kind of enlightenment, both women's eyes went wide with joy and right after, started going at each others every part of their body 'bathed' by Tongqiu's essence.

The first started by eating at each other's mouth before going down so as to 'clean' off each other's jaw, neck, ears and even some of that essence that went down to their cleavages as well as some of their clothing. Since none of the three of them had their mask settings on, they didn't need to overwork themselves over clothing too much except that of the torso, albeit a little. Hell, there was even a good quantity on their hair... It was an eye opening for sure.

After having done such cleaning and taking care of one another's appearance, they all three resumed their walking as they headed towards the nearby 'Obelisk'.

Natalia's special mask was also that of a bear with its eyes closed and its tongue out, as if drugged. However, the back of the mask's hair was rather somber and creepy, making it unusually yet genuinely somewhat terrifying and ferocious. It was truly showcasing Natalia's nature to a certain extent, she'd like that kind of bear-like cutesy appearance, or that of any animal, while also being determined, decisive and resolute when certain matters are in play.

Diana had no real mask, though if she wanted to cover her face, a pink-light purple mask reminiscing of a vigilante or so would form; though it only covered from her philtrum all the way up to the top of her head, a thin yet doing well its job of hiding her identity- yashmak-like veil.

Besides that, she also had those sleek yet brutal-looking small boxing gloves that were of a main white color with some light-violet patterns.

As they inched closer to the 'Obelisk', they saw a few groups of people which were most likely scouts, look at them alertly which was also right before Tongqiu was recognized.

Diana didn't really know what was going on and as such, almost started a fight. He didn't care though, if she wanted to fight, he would fight as well. Even if it seemed childish or unnecessary.

What surprised him was that Diana was truly some kind of physical combat genius!

There was this group of scouts to which Tongqiu identified LV24 to LV25, it was trash, but it was also clearly beyond Diana's level.

Even then, she fearlessly entered into a battle stance as she dashed towards them with a 'Light Charge' skill, which unlike the 'Charge' skill, it allowed her to freely move around as much as she wanted and even continue with the charging stance after hitting a target. This of course, was depending on one's abilities, and Diana's were incredible without a doubt. She even prohibited Natalia from helping out as she entered into the fray!

-690, -659, -711, -677, -357, -340, -388, -672, -641...

There were no Critical Hits nor Pierce Attacks, but there were also no MISS nor blocked or parried attacks in return at all as well! Her every swing of her limbs was so fast yet without losing strength, as she used multiple Fast Punch and a couple of 'Quick Flash Barrage' skills that were 3 to 8 attacks in quick succession -the number of attacks depended randomly, sadly- with 55% of her total attack or so.

She also received some damage herself, thought it was puny when it came to physical damage and only slightly worrying when it came to magical damage.

-17!, -21!, -17!, -93!, -16!, -49!, -53!, -68!...

She seemed to have a build completely reliant on her hybrid built of 3 STR 1 DEX and 1 REC per level while her equipment had a lot of defensive focused stats. Tongqiu was quite proud from this incredible woman in both, real life and in Rising Essence, Natalia herself smiled in sweet joy when she saw him become cheerful upon seeing Diana go at it, brutally beating down to death those scouts players.

"You're good... In the future, I'll make you good equipment, tell me what kind of stats you like the most in them, okay?" Tongqiu had his arms crossed as he dotingly looked upon Diana.

Diana merely looked at him with sneaky glances, she was truly shy yet excited of having Tongqiu praise her, even if it was as silly as doing so in a game, in Rising Essence. She meekly answered with a couple nods and some 'Oh, mn.' and a sweet 'Thank you.'.



In front of the Basic Communication Device, around 700 meters away. Three people standing on a small hill were overlooking over the entire area, they were obviously the lovebirds Tongqiu, Natalia and Diana.

"So, will you go now?" Diana's voice resounded as she kindly asked Tongqiu after seeing him with his extremely calm expression as he looked towards the 'Obelisk', Tongqiu grinned widely first before turning to look at them and answer: "Mn, I'll be going. Naty, if some people come and they're too much, don't be heroes and come into my White Space, ah right, you should teach Diana how to do it. Actually, try it now."

He was about to just head off to do the thingy but, there was no rush, no real rush as he took a step back and allowed Diana to have a look inside his True Wish relic's White Space. Unfortunately, Tonkia was working hard and was nowhere to be seen as she was most likely working her ass off on growing stronger... hmm, how stronger could she be now that she's been there for many months? In any case, Diana wasn't a foodie but she knew of Tonkia thanks to Natalia's sweet recounting of events, as such, she decided to greet her and the future Tongqiu Junior or Little Tonkia to be with some delicious and nutritious consumable items. A pity she wasn't there, but since Tongqiu would communicate with her from time to time she didn't worry about her not knowing of these happenings so she simply let the consumable items on top of some little tables inside the White Space before casually leaving after doing some small hops around the 'room'.

It wasn't really a room since the White Space was, for now, unknowingly vast. But the furniture, which thanks to Irllytia it was really nice, around in a certain area truly made the place somewhat a room.

After having completed such preemptive countermeasures, Tongqiu shared the information of the Star Elite Skeletons to hype them up as well as teach them a little bit of both, the usefulness and different uses of Mental Power as Mental Prowess and how to deal with certain 'mobs'.

The girls were mouths agape and eyes, once again, filled with adoration. Their man truly was a crazy lunatic at games! Cool! So cool.

Anyways, the following information described those Star Elite's information.

[Barbarian Skeleton]: Type: Monster(Undead), Grade: 2 Star Elite, Level: 29, HP: 26,500. A skeleton capable of smashing its every victim to a pulp with only its bones as its weapons!

[Honed Bones]: Has naturally high defense and high physical damage.

Immune to darkness, earth elements.

Immune to all mind-related negative effects and Instant Death.

Vulnerable to light, fire and lightning.

[Swift-Quick Blade Skeleton]: Type: Monster(Undead), Grade: 1 Star Elite, Level 29, HP: 24,000. An extremely fast skeleton with a rusty and almost broken blade, is incredible quick in its aggressive stance and is quick to doge.

Immune to darkness, earth elements.

Immune to all mind-related negative effects and Instant Death.

Vulnerable to light, fire and lightning.

[Archer Skeleton Professional]: Type: Monster(Undead), Grade: 3 Star Elite, Level 29, HP: 27,500. An unusual type of skeleton, this one can use their own talents from when they were alive as an auto-pilot type set of movements to expertly use the bow, crossbow and even javelin throw.

[Innate Archer]: All of its attacks are impossible to avoid and can only be either blocked or parried.

Immune to darkness, earth elements.

Immune to all mind-related negative effects and Instant Death.

Vulnerable to light, fire and lightning.

[Duelist Skeleton]: Type: Monster(Undead), Grade: 2 Star Elite, Level: 29, HP: 26,000.  This skeleton can either be a master of any pole arm or any type of sword master. Underestimating this enemy is the same as asking to die like only a novice could.

[Master]: This skeleton deals 5% extra damage as true damage, has low defense yet can has enough memory reflex to allow this undead to parry attacks.

Immune to darkness, earth elements.

Immune to all mind-related negative effects and Instant Death.

Vulnerable to light, fire and lightning.

'At least I won't have to use up my remaining pots... Might as well, I'm itching for some sub-class time!' After Thinking so, Tongqiu turned to look at the girls.

"Alright, see you later girls. Ah, that's right, why don't you set the timer? That way I'll know whether or not I've improved!" Finishing saying that, Tongqiu flashed an out-of-nowhere shining teeth as he smiled wide open, weirdly, then jumped off the cliff and started shooting some crazy, curved wideshots that were directed towards the ground around the Basic Communication Device.

Meanwhile, the girls were 'pfft'-ing as hard as they could as trying to restraint themselves would've been such a mistake...

At this moment, Tongqiu was barely 10 cm from touching the ground... With his head as he did some unnatural rolls in the air, though they were done exactly for this reason, something he wanted to try...

As his head was 10 cm from crashing against the ground, he entered the 'abnormal' state as she shoot with only one arrow.


It wasn't one of his habitually performed 'abnormal' wideshots, not only on the sense that he was merely using one arrow instead of two, but also the fact that the arrow traveled... Into the ground!!


As the arrow was wholly enveloped by Tongqiu's own sheer Mental Power, it seemed to become an oval shaped missile 150 cm long and 10 inches thick. Instead of the arrow's actual size which was 133 cm and 6 inches thick!

Finally, as it arrived 20 meters before the Basic Communication Device, like carp leaping over the endless oceans, it directed its whole body towards the sky, towards the 'Obelisk!




As if having been taken to a new level, the effect that his 'abnormal' shot had dealt towards the 'Obelisk' that seemed to be more impactful was thoroughly that of a destructive inner force rather than the actual raw damage it caused!

At this moment, the girls themselves suddenly took in a sharp, sudden breathe of cold air as they wide-eyedly gazed at the utterly almost decimated 'Obelisk' that seemed to cause no small amount of tremors!

"Holy..." Diana was about to spout bad, bad words as Natalia sharply corrected her: "Little Diana! Behave!"

Even then, she was still shocked, he wasn't this awesome when dealing with that poor scorpion from before! This was intense, so much that she absentmindedly heard Diana say: "But... but... he!"

As she then answered, still absentminded: "Yeah... holy fuck... I'm gonna make him get me sore all week tonight... ah no, tomorrow, he's kinda hurt right now, so..."

Diana: ≧☉_☉≦

Diana was shocked, not because of the incredible lewd thoughts she spoke out loud, rather, was because of her saying a vulgar world so openly... Tongqiu is too much of an influence, oh no!

. . .



Tongqiu went into the horde of insane amount of Star Elite Skeletons that were crawling up from the underground, he went left and right, in endless zigzagging motions as he did weird consecutive fling of his arms here and there that looked as if he was throwing sand onto the ground.

He was once again creating an entire minefield of pure, utter destruction!

He had his dual Sunfacing Brilliant Gladius in each hand as he trotted all around the perimeter of the 'Obelisk', there were some figures rapidly closing in from the distance, those were the reinforcements, the extra bonus- no! The rest of the Star Elite Skeletons trusted with the protection of this 'Obelisk'!

In the distance, from where the Wall Minion-Skeletons were holding the 'line', were instead holding their own people as the other minion type skeletons were completely incapable of getting through the magical shields. It was truly absurd, heh, but thanks to the system's advice that he made such a reckless actions without hesitation. And no wonder the system didn't told him exactly what to do, leaving things like that of the Wall idiotic skeletons barricading their own people, such that he wouldn't have to worry about accidentally killing some of them. As each of them was extremely valuable and needed for his Tongqiu's Rain Showdown!

What was going on right now, was Tongqiu standing as close to the 'Obelisk' as he could, quickly eliminating whichever type of Star Elite Skeletons going his way; though it was not like they had multiple choices to choose from.

He would wait until 6-9 of them grouped around him to activate Transient Divine Burst. With his current attack speed with those incredible light-weighting dual gladiuses, thanks to his quite high amount of STR, DEX and REC all the same, he would keep Transient Divine Burst for 11 seconds before deactivating it, so as to only have 10 seconds of boosted damage and defenses as well as taking half the incoming damage and only have his HP be chunked down by 15% once.

-16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524, -16,524...

At some point, after 3 minutes, he realized he was more or less surrounded by a rather appropriate amount... so it happened, at last.


-18,360, -18,360, -39,474, -18,360, -18,360, -18,360, -18,360, -18,360, -39,474...

*PING*... you've successfully killed a 2 Star Elite, Duelist Skeleton, as a reward, SP+58 and Fame+58.

*PING*... you've successfully killed a 2 Star Elite, Duelist Skeleton, as a reward, SP+58 and Fame+58.

*PING*... you've successfully killed a 3 Star Elite, Archer Skeleton Professional, as a reward, SP+87 and Fame+87.

*PING*... you've successfully killed a 1 Star Elite, Swift-Quick Blade Skeleton, as a reward, SP+29 and Fame+29.

*PING*... you've successfully killed a 2 Star Elite, Barbarian Skeleton, as a reward, SP+58 and Fame+58.

. . .

After three rounds of explosions Tongqiu's continued 'training' in manipulating small items, guarding them and even discovering the kind of invulnerability he had towards 'his own' destruction. For example, when some tools that were infinitely close to others detonated without affecting those around them, the AOE it created even passed through those items and not only did it not evaporate them, but it also didn't forced a chain reaction... This opened many future strategist for the future!

In any case, most of the Star Elite Skeletons nearby, in charge of protecting this 'Obelisk' were nearly wholly obliterated, with only a few small groups having 'fortunately' escaped disaster. These managed to 'live' not because of their own survival instinct but because they were the ones farther away from the 'Obelisk' and as such, ended up taking a hell of a long time before arriving.

At this moment, those small groups were being leisurely yet quickly wiped out by Tongqiu's Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses.

'Oh man~, it feels so good to not be at full concentration towards an enemy in specific. If only I could complete this entire region in the same manner, how good would that be?!... Very good, mn, mn.' With his eyes actually closed, Tongqiu went from small group of skeletons to one, to other and so on. Until he finally wiped them all out, at such point, to surprise of nobody the Wall Minion-Skeletons started to thrash away those every useful magical shield thingies.

'Hm... maybe I can check that up? I previously didn't see any around, maybe I destroyed them in the endless sea of arrows with Combustion.' He thought as he then pulled away his Sunfacing Brilliant Gladiuses and materialized his essential weaponry.



Breathing in and out in complete stillness, Tongqiu then entered into the 'abnormal' state as his arms habitually 'transformed' too. He aimed, with two arrows nocked onto the bowstring, in honor to whatever sob story this little shit had to demonstrate as he then let loose his two arrowed wideshot.



-333,666, -333,666.

*PING*... you've successfully destroyed, Basic Communication Device, Demon Race Structure.

*PING*... because all Star Elite Skeletons have been killed without taking down any minion type skeletons, hidden effect has been triggered.

*PING*... you have received SP+1,668,750 and gold coins+556,250. Congratulations on achieving an incredible feat!

*PING*... because you've utterly decimated a Basic Communication Device in a humiliating manner, the overlord of the Somber Tree region has become determined to stop such advances from occurring again, henceforth, the number of both: minion type skeletons and Star Elite Skeletons have been increased.

*PING*... because of the complete annihilation of Star Elite Skeletons, their bone ashes will turn to the ground to nurture the rest of the army of the minion type skeletons in indescribable ways.

'Truly, I don't know if the system is a tsun tsun or just badly designed... it can't be any of them, right? Oh dear...' Having some wild thoughts get to his head, Tongqiu went back to see how his girls were doing. He so much wanted to see their faces of joy and cheery attitudes in general.

And with the money he'd get from completing this bastardly difficult quest -for normal players-, he'd be able to start creating something... Something to take him and his future wives into an at least worthy living. In the far future, he could then worry about making it big in one way or another, as there was no need to rush, no need to rush at all.




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