Bow and Arrow

Chapter 82 — A Heavy Sigh…

A Heavy Sigh...



'Egh, whatever. I'll just get done with this.' As Tongqiu finally thought of entering the true, innermost central area of the Somber Tree region, he gave a nice scrutinizing look to his surroundings.

The innermost central area was basically many platforms that were built in a way resembling stairs, gigantic, enormous stairs. Even resembling somewhat a pyramid yet it was obviously not one. There were merely 7 steps with the first one being the largest. As one would continue onwards, they'll see that though smaller than the first step, the rest of the steps were increasing in height.

The first step was around 7 meters tall with some normal-sized stairs so as to get on top of it and had approximately 300 meters in diameter. The second step seemed to be of 21 meters tall while the third was of 50 meters tall... It was a unique one of a kind type of structure and Tongqiu had no idea whether it was from the Demon Race like those Basic Communication Devices or simply from the previous City or Region -whatever it was- that is now long gone and desolate.

As Tongqiu was about to give his first step towards the first platform's 'little stairs' a few figures were seen coming down from them.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!...

Innumerable sounds of disciplined and military-like footsteps then resounded through the entire 50 meters or so surrounding Tongqiu, he felt as if he was being given a show of strength. He didn't have to wait long before all those steps turned to muffled footsteps from stepping on the sand/dirt-like deathly ground.

And the owners of such footsteps were none other than all kinds of beings with both, either a humanoid shape or one that completely resembled a human's or elves for all that matters. The difference with such races was that these had all kinds of red colored skin and most of them had horns on the top sides of their heads.

There were female, male, androgynous and even some that seemed to not posses nor breasts nor a 'something' on their crotch, as they were totally naked and if it wasn't from their obvious breathing motions and hostile yet alert gazes, Tongqiu would've thought they were mere puppets or the like.

They first stood as a group, a large one at that, as they gazed without towards Tongqiu without blinking once at all for at least 5 minutes. Their numbers was quite some dozen of them before slowly growing to a number of at least dozens of hundreds of them, all aligning outside the first platform as they watched him.

Taking the hint that every single one of 'these' know who he is and what he's done, they all really seemed to gaze in more than one way towards him. Tongqiu couldn't even begin to explain it as his own understanding on this was ways below shallow, he only felt that their attitude towards them was a complex one.

After some time, as if having finally let go of their grudges, Tongqiu was suddenly able to see their information as he wasn't able before, to which he was helpless at. His Mind Power wasn't so omnipresent after all!

[Slakviu, Weakened Scout]: Type: Demon, Grade: Lord, Level: 30, HP: 45,000/67,000. A Demon who was been on the cruel, resource-less land of the protector of the Demon Race, the overlord of the Somber Tree region. Though he has chosen to stay in this deathly area, his sacrifice will never be ignored nor forgotten by his Ancestral Bloodline. Though his hatred for all the rest of the Myriad Races and the Human Race in particular is ever present, nor he nor his Race could ever bear the complete fall out between their Races. But destiny, or something else, seems to not think so...

[Vatiyka, Emaciated Party Dancer]: Type: Demon, Grade: 3 Star Elite, Level: 30, HP: 17,000/30,000. Though a beautiful in her prime and even now, she was one of the many last joys from the Demon Race as they declined to this extent. She's gone through hunger and deathly sightseeing but has never suffered at the hands of her own Race, despite the role that she'd represent were she to be in other Race's like the Human, Dwarf and Beast(Anthropomorphic) Races. When her father and brothers died, she allowed her inbred children to leave for the Demon Race's only hope, the 'Wish Forging' headquarters; till today, she has not received information about the happenings outside this region, which made her happy as there was only one outcome should information arrive...

[Potla, Florist]: Type: Demon, Grade: Lord, Level: 30, HP: 60,000. One of the greatest assets on taking care of her people's food, for as diminute and tasteless as it gets, thanks to her and other Demons from similar professions, they've been able to survive without shrinking from the lack of food, water or even air.

[Koso, Youngling]: Type: Demon, Grade: 3 Star Elite, Level: 30, HP: 43,000. A young child with incredible talent and genius-like intelligence as he had even shown great potential for becoming a military strategist. He, however, decided to stay behind this deathly lands to...

[Yeto, Blacksmith]: Type: Demon, Grade: Lord, Level: 30, HP: 33,000/72,000...

[Ilisina, Childless Mother Warrior]: Type: Demon, Grade: Enlightened, Level: 30, HP: 150,000...

[Petritya, Grand Shaman]: Type: Demon, Grade: Lord, Level: 30, HP: 15,000/35,000...

'Holy fuck.' Holy fuck indeed, there was no better thought. It's not that their sob story would mark a guilty conscience over the players whenever they arrived here but, the fact that they had a purpose to stay her.

'To stay 'behind' here for what? Are they even hoping for something? There is even that Demon Race's base or something 'Wish Forging' somewhere; and besides that, the amount of children in this group is at least 30%!'

It was the truth, there were at least one or two tens of hundreds consisting all of children and, going back some easy to know knowledge about Rising Essence's lore, the age progression here was that of the Human Race's, meaning, these kids were truly more or less than 10 years old! And there was even a few kids that seemed to be the most powerful of all the Demons present!

As for the Wish Forging 'base', so what? From all things happening and becoming more and more mysterious, he wouldn't give it a care for too much. He also wouldn't leak this information, even if he was to be rewarded heavily and 'satisfactorily', these waters were to shallow and shady for him to get into as he had enough with protecting Rosey and helping her up; hell, he didn't even know what his 'purpose' was to be in the future from what Katia has foreshadowed to him back then!

Then, there was this train of thought that made Tongqiu tremble slightly... Kids, in war... this was a huge loophole to Rising Essence's norms and regulations. One could not 'deal with' a child unless they were either suddenly became evil or attacked with the intention to kill but... Is it the same when the Demon race is the Myriad Races so-called number 1 enemy? Oh boy.

"H-heee-heeey! Human Race-Scum... mah!" A grotesque voice resounded from his front as Tongqiu was habitually losing himself in his own thoughts, the owner of that voice was clearly having a hard time using his vocal cords to speak a language he so much has long ago gave up on speaking.

Tongqiu didn't need to read much of its information and sob story to know him for some reason, the fact that this Demon was a Lord grade being and LV30 with 75,000 astounding HP was enough. Also that he was seemingly the one at command of a battalion or military squad of sorts.

"M-moo-mooovve!" After speaking once more, totally unwilling, he flung his left arm in a manner that indicated for Tongqiu to proceed forwards, right towards the normal-sized stairs.

It was then that Tongqiu had the chance to look around and see how every single Demon that he could set his eyes on had a resolute and either hot-blooded or serene and calm expression, in premonition of the imminent... 'war'.

He blinked as he looked left and right a couple of times before, habitually, not saying anything and merely commenced to start walking up the stairs. As he passed to the lined formation that was strangely shabby yet so well disciplined, Tongqiu could feel that they were no longer giving a fuck about him, merely taking this time to breathe, feel the wind, think of their beautiful and cruel memories, the strange soil touching the soles of their feet and feeling every part of their bodies with their mind alone.

They were about to die, they are all to die. Everyone.

With that in mind, Tongqiu gave a last look over his shoulder to his right before calmly walking up the normal-sized stairs, arriving at the first platform which was 7 meters higher in altitude than the ground. He saw the next step mere 99 meters -which he instinctively checked with his Mental Power- before him while the entire platform he was currently in was desolate. It was obviously the home of the previous Demons he saw down there... Maybe they were going to take turns and resist the unending amount of players in a wave-like fashion.

These mobs were obviously from an special event, as such, there would be no resurrection but, if Tongqiu's guesses were right then... Some, a lot, of them might have some shady deal with those 'Guiding Voices', damned as they will.

If Natalia was here, she would perfectly understand all of this too, as such, though she would very much so like to help them, she would never make Tongqiu do something he's currently not capable of, much less that goes against his own ever fiber of his being. He is no good person, that they both know.

Having nothing to gaze at, Tongqiu headed towards the next normal-sized stairs with the intention to step into the next platform; but when he was 33 meters away from those stairs he stopped, he suddenly made a slow 360º as he then gently closed his eyes and allowed a vulnerable, defenseless state to encompass him.



After what seemed like a minute or two, he proceeded as he opened his eyes and once again headed towards the normal-sized stairs all the way up to the second platform. He also noticed just now that, the platforms that seemed to be somewhat tall were instead reaching beyond the sky... As if an illusion had taken effect to those outside the platforms and was ineffective to those that were stepping at least on the first platform, or who knows, maybe it was also thanks to his Mental Power...

. . .


At some part in the Somber Tree region.

There were now dozens of thousands of players moving in from every Sub-Division's main city. As such, the number of people at the Somber Tree region became that of more than a hundred thousand and still growing, their true objective? To take down all those Demons and receive rewards, of any kind!

When the announcements pertaining the information of the 'Obelisks' being taken down was given to all dear players in Rising Essence, a new quest line appeared for players!

Since the 'Obelisks' were taken down, players now were given the task of either exterminating all of the Demons which came from the Guiding Voices or that of taking down those minion type skeletons in vast amounts which was given by the system once they entered the Somber Tree region. The rewards between the two varied and was of palpable contradictory nature.

However, the rewards from the system was a level or two up and some gold coins while the Guiding Voices' reward was a level and have two of their skills maxed out as well as choosing any of their skills to evolve next time they get their first class advancement.

This made everyone be astounded and glad! There was barely any information about such a thing but... the Guiding Voices leaked it! Crestfallen Industry was a tsun tsun for real!

Anyways, even if some players wanted to serve those Guiding Voices, most couldn't do anything to get them to choose them and as such, could only pitifully conform themselves with the system's 'useless' rewards- compared to the other side, they thought.

In any case, many groups of Elite players were already inside the Somber Tree region and were aligning up their small armies while some even commanded huge armies, like Edorn.

"LET'S GO, WHAT ARE YOU TAKING SO MUCH FOR?!? AS SOON AS I'VE HEARD THE TRUMPETS, WE MOVE TOGETHER, HEAR ME?!" Edorn's thunderous voice sounded from the front of an army, hah, the only time he would be in front of an army is when giving a speech, how great of a person.

"HUA HUA~!!!" The response he got from 'his' soldiers was that of utter subservience as Edorn smiled in satisfaction.

"GOOD, THEN... WE MOVE!" Right as he was saying that, 12 lasting sounds of trumpets resounded as they melodically accompanied Edorn's thundering voice.


Fast, but heavy steps resounded from within the small sea of people as the sounds of magic being summoned and manipulated with also came to be as they moved. Eventually, their speed became incredible as they moved faster than a well trained warhorse without heavy weight armor on it at its full speed!

. . .


"What are we doing Uncle?" A gentle voice traveled through the air as it reached Kalen's ears. He smiled in delight as he took a serious expression for a few seconds before easing up and dotingly responding to the owner of that voice: "It's unnecessary, let's keep levelling our people, Sylda. Oh, in a few weeks, my little darling will finish her studies... Would you like to meet her? I'm sure you'll get along incredible well! She always wanted a sister of her same age and her oldest Sister is too.. ehm, well, strict- so as to say."

"Oh." Blushing a little, Sylda slightly lowered her face in a pondering fashion as her eyes suddenly started darting around before calming down abruptly as she responded in a gingerly, nice voice: "Mn! I also would like to meet her, mm? But what about your oldest daughter and son?"

"Oh... them, hm..." Being reminded of his two little dumb children, a complicated yet lovingly smile surfaced on Kalen's face as he ultimately shook his head and continued: "They have a... complex relationship between each other. Eh, even now, I don't let them meet so easily even though we're going to be in the same League, hahaha. But once they've decided their course of lifestyle... I'll let them meet you, okay? I'm really sorry about this."

"Mm mm, it's okay Uncle. I at least have someone to consider my family, even if it's for just a while..." Sylda shook her head lightly, if someone from her guild or who has tried interviewing her before were to see her now, they'll... Certainly believe she has gotten quite the sugar daddy. It was a stupid train of thought as Sylda's own and only feelings were of her oh so searched for tender family warmth, and affection.

. . .


Somewhere in Rising Essence.

"Baston, my love, are we going to enter that new region now? I rather have some time practicing soloing Lord BOSSes, they at least give me some battle." A husky yet beautifully soft voice traveled out in the open at the front of a small army of what seemed to be very well equipped players following an even more amazing and incredible small group of people, which was exactly from where the voice came from.

"Hahaha, I wanted to take a look but... let's just move around hunting some other little BOSSes, alright? I haven't killed many Enlightened ones yet, I'm itching for killing some!" A rough, heroic and attractive male voice resounded in response to that previous voice.

Though they were somewhat trying to not elevate the tone of their voices, they still didn't show a care if they heard as even if those surrounding them did heard, they would at most be surprised before respectfully giving them some space. Well, not everyone, as there was a sudden girly yet imposing voice yelling at them: "EEEEEH! Ozea stop flirting so openlyyyyyy~!! Can't you see I'm about to jump you two? Aiya..."

"You..." the one who seemed to be called Ozea responded, somewhat speechless, before continuing in a strong, annoyed yet soft voice: "Mort, stop whoring around my man, do you want me to kill you, hm?"

Mort: "..."

"Mmm, no?" As 'Ozea' heard 'Mort' respond, she then cocked her head satisfyingly as if she has asserted enough domination before speaking once again: "You're still too young, I don't want to see you suddenly run out towards another dick's man from all your inexperience, piss off, little girl!"

"Mou..." As Mort heard her rebuke her from not being 'experienced' she simply left.

Shaking his head, 'Baston' then spoke out for a final time: "Ozea, I'm here. Not following her ass, okay? Why don't you remind me of the wind becoming shortened in front of me, eh?"

Ozea: "...?"

Rolling his eyes, 'Baston' spoke once again: "I'm telling you to kiss me, silly."

"Oh-..." Being taken aback 'Ozea''s eyes then widen as her pupils constrict before she annoyingly, angrily yet cutely responds with her strong voice: "Don't think yourself so smart!"

Then they lost themselves in a small, tender kiss with a crisp sound at their separation along their eyes glistening in emotion as they looked at each others' hearts through their eyes alone

. . .


Azure Dragon City, in a random high-class Inn.

"Raoundozia, what to do now?" A firm, female and sexy voice sounded out from inside one of the inn's room.

"It's of no urgency, Phetsia." As Raoundozia talked, he gripped Phetsia's chin his right hand. Phetsia merely remained there, clearly gazing at the only man in front of him and the only man she ever cares about to look at.

Raoundozia spoke again: "Rest well, tonight. We're already prepared with the sub-classes only unions' provisions, we only need to wait for the first update. Goodnight, Phetsia."

As she saw his gentle, genial smile form at his lips, she couldn't help herself as she threw herself at his chest before forcibly lowering his head by clinging to his neck.


A nice, quick smooch resounded before Raoundozia separated himself from her, kindly, and gave a small, light hug to bid farewell. With despondent eyes, the girl nonetheless, felt happy to her cute little progress having been met as she gazed at him leaving through the door.



Tongqiu has been slowly walking through the platforms as he finally arrived before the last normal-sized stairs which were right in front of himself, waiting to be used by him onto reaching what seemed to be a final BOSS room.

At that moment however, as he was gazing at above the long stairs, something magical occurred...

Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~~~


The voice of an 'eternal'-like being resounded from who knows were towards Tongqiu; he only felt that a somber, ephemeral -which was about to be gone forever at any moment-, melancholic and sorrowful emotion all in one, produce an Ancestral and omnipresent sigh.

Strangely though, only he was able to hear it, even if it traveled all the way towards the entirety of Main Kingdom.




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