Bow and Arrow

SS 1 — Main Kingdom’s Great Evolution (1)

Main Kingdom's Great Evolution (1)




Years have passed, the history and long-ago-foundation of the Peaceful Rain Corporation's hegemony over humankind on New Earth have been deeply installed into the gears of every growing person's mind. The thrill of getting to know the achievements and results of the PRC and Household became known to all; but for Main Kingdom, it was The Order that was its sole ruler. And its Lord, its Leader.

In Main Kingdom, after the end of the ‘world’ where the God Race and the Legendary Vanguard of Main Kingdom faced off against each other, for the last time and when the Lord of The Order went missing. The Kingdom continued on prospering and, with its Inhabitants having built a life of their own in it for already millions of years; it only took a bit more than a decade in total for the changes of The Order to completely take place into the deepest core of Main Kingdom.

While the Lord ‘came back’ 10 years after the God Race was annihilated, the response he gave to the questioning Inhabitants who were always praying and always longing for his return was that he needed to keep on fighting endlessly. For as the real enemy wasn’t an overly strong Race that wanted to exterminate it all, but the forces who encaged such a Race in their world.

Not offering any more words for that matter, the Lord of The Order continued on by calming the remaining trillions within all of Main Kingdom and, with the Lord receiving an ever so warm and graceful welcome; the new and even more powerful, efficient as well as domineering advances that took Main Kingdom’s new Era from its baby steps-stage to the real and authentic initial stages began to take place.

First was the revelation that shocked, paralyzed and then excited every single Inhabitant; the truth of what the old, very old- Main Kingdom used to be like. Having an insane multitude of population long ago, there were not only more Sub-Divisions and Divisions within the 7 Regions, but even ‘flying’ and ‘underground’ Cities, their size varying from a Sub-Divisional City to that of a Sub-Divisional territory were abundant.

Furthermore, the Overlords of past Main Kingdom were rulers of their very own unique City-Fortress that was as large as the Region they oversaw. It could either be a special ‘place’ in a higher zone between the sky and space of Main Kingdom or deep underground and rather close to the Core of Main Kingdom.

With that knowledge, minds began working their gears, hearts began thumping for ideas and blood boiled with the prospect of the future already in their hands. With the Lord delivering everyone such news wasn’t just for show, truly not for show and indeed. The immediate next thing that the Lord of The Order did was to initiate a massive, large-scale re-population of the entirety of Main Kingdom…even in the Endless Forest.

A project, one that seemed to be so slow yet for so long was destined to last about 100 years, at the very least. In which the already existent Sub-Divisional Cities, Divisional Cities and Castles as well as territories of Factions that weren’t the most powerful or had not been allocated their own ‘fief’ would be spread all across their Respective Regions.

Like this, planning and the simple recollection of resources would take from several to even a couple tens of years to finalize. But tMain Kingdom was of course not going to become stagnant out of nowhere. Main Kingdom acted by populating those certain planned and well prepared places after amassing enough resources.

Like that, little by little, over time and as Main Kingdom, Rising Essence itself, became a simple and normal thing of the entirety of humanity of New Earth in just a short 25 years or so, as normal as going every night into bed and turning off the lights. All of Main Kingdom had a rapidly, so rapidly increasing population that awed all kinds of knowledgeable people from New Earth.

When there were only a few last days before the last Sub-Divisions were finished being built around their respective Divisions, New Earth and Main Kingdom had become like the day and night for the Godly Journeyers, also spending their time in that very same way in both worlds respectively. Also, more than 100 years had gone by as well.

The thing was, now, every Region had 7 Divisions which were all appointed by none other but The Order itself. Some were given directly to its Vassals, while others were given to those who did so damn well, it was amazing and stupid not to give them such honor. Such was the case with Baston, Raoundozia, Don Maya, Yin Xiong, Tong Tao and the Clans under the behemoths of both worlds; in both worlds.

A lot of people that followed The Order right way, almost since the beginning of their plans to conquer the world were being hinted at to those who could communicate with them, with some such as the Fosk Clan or the Jones Clan making quite the killing in terms of efficiency at making money and increasing their places in the Inhabitants’ hearts; be it citizens or any animal, beast and monster.

Other Clans and Associations followed suit, while only a few Inhabitants’ Factions ended up leading a Divisional City as well, becoming City Governors and as they were welcomed by their brand new citizens, so did their shoulders welcomed a heavy weight whose failure of any kind would be met with disastrous self-brought calamity.

And in such a case, The Order was the heavens who brought it down on them…

Naturally, however, such things weren’t expected to happen…who dares go against the strongest being in the Universe, after all?

As for Sub-Divisions…they were endless. Sub-Divisions had a much smaller territory than in the previous era, their entire territory taking up about 1/10 of their side of the Region’s whole expanse. But now, in the Life Generating Era, hundreds of Sub-Divisions surrounded the Divisions, going from right outside the Main Division towards the border of their side.

Crossing and sharing borders with a Divisional City stamped right in between 2 Regions wasn’t unseen, and in each borders’ location that was shared by 3 different Regions, a sole Division would be selected to be governed by an Inhabitant Faction’s leader and never by an Association.

Other Divisions could be fought after, once the deciding ‘assaulting’ side was confirmed by The Order to be strong enough after evaluating their entire arsenal and combat-power level of the Godly Journeyers, The Order would then give the Sub-Divisional City’s or strongest Castle’s leading Association or Faction the green light to attempt it.

There couldn’t be a coalition of Sub-Divisions for that matter, and the killing of a civilian is punished by the entire army unit of the perpetrators being humiliated all over the Regions for 10 years in a parade with little clothing and 1 meal per day; that was for Inhabitants. For Godly Journeyers, they would have any of their feet cut off and exiled away into the wild…where many monsters and gigantic beasts inhabited.

…It wasn’t a rebellion, a tyrant’s ambition nor a colonization that The Order would allow for there to be a conquest of some kind; but only allowing the Sub-Division’s strongest force or even within the Division’s territory to be granted the chance for that opportunity of resources, management-freaks and to basically rise to the top.

Becoming a leader of a Division was the dream of any business, enterprise or corporation to speak of; the resources coming from it could not compare to the notoriety they could gain by becoming an able, qualified and role-model-to-follow leader. As long as any capable force was able to become a City Governor, in New Earth, they would become fantastic minds of their Race.

While on Main Kingdom, they were directly seen as heroes and the most valiant men and women; one of the first ones to ever become a Division leader was Powlniu, whose Division in the Bright Sunset Region surpasses the Bright Sunset Region and is only second to the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City World Domination instead.

The only way that there could be a coalition from different forces to ‘challenge’ another already settled force was to occupy a Sub-Division City as the City Governor, and the respective allocations of rewards from participating and aiding the ‘main force’ become the City Governor were to already be planned so that the ‘event’ could be triggered.

The Order didn’t even had to intervene to check things out this time, that could all be handled by the system; aka, Mother. As for the names of such Divisions and Sub-Divisions? To be the first City Governor of such was the brightest honor, as they got to name them and the Sub-Divisions and Divisions were to never be renamed afterwards.

After all, if their names were to be changed over and over again, that would simply be a disaster for public stability in the long run. Hence, once the first City Governors were to be taken down and replaced, all the newcomer City Governor could do was to do their very best to become the very best City Governor and amass as much reputation and resources as possible.

For some, it was just a game, but for others, a great chance of life to reach heights only a few dozen can in tens of trillions others. But all in all, even though there were so many new Sub-Divisional, endlessly all around Main Kingdom and 45 Divisions in all of Main Kingdom as well, the world wasn’t crowded with structures nor the like at all.

The paths that had previously been simple and even somewhat barren compared to the paths closest to the Sub-Divisional Cities and Divisional Cities after the 10 years from the Last Stand of Main Kingdom, all became futuristic-like that not even the modern New Earth from that time as well could compare to.

There were a lot of light posts here and there, and when it was dark, depending on the wind, the paths/roads would light them all up in different colors which depended on which Core Elemental or Elemental was the strongest and densest around those paths. There was a only once every week time where the Core Elements illuminated the paths, and it was only for about 3 hours before they changed to an Element.

However, the sight of technology was enough to be magical despite lacking any magic in the making of those element-reacting light posts. On the other hand, the materials, engravings and Sub-Classes’ techniques used on them were totally magical, and technological too, and like before, they had unique and strange effects for all kinds of transport.

[Auxiliary Techno-Magic Territorial All-Elemental-Encompassing Road]: Type: Pathway Structure, Grade: Mortal’s Lethal, Properties: When a road of this caliber and magnitude is created, the non-aggressive and more intelligent creatures and even wild animals will have their Movement Speed increased in 75% when moving either towards a settlement or a Main Road selected as such; while structures can be built, only those in permission and of enough qualifications could ever hope to accomplish such feat. NOTE:  Buildings/Structures are forbidden from being built on top of this road and its effects can only be used by those coming who are citizens of The Order and amicable towards nature.

[Godly-Protective Landmark Royal Road of The Order]: Type: Pathway Structure, Grade: Heaven’s Ascension, Properties: On this 231 meters wide road, an effect to all citizens and members of The Order  (Allies, Vassals and Faction as well) will be available at all times and will be recharging itself with nature as its partner and with Mother’s embrace to remain strong for an eternity. Raw Movement Speed+37%, HP Regeneration, MP Regeneration and SP Regeneration when out of combat +2,500 (+2.5% of MAX HP when level is beyond LV59 and stats surpasses the regular at that level), Dodge Rate+87% and Block Rate+115%. Additional properties: This Main Road can call upon the members under its jurisdiction (protection) to guide them through the right way towards itself no matter the obstacles. It will sound alarms in case of danger from any unauthorized entities being nearby, moving close at fast speeds or lurking around the Main Road and apply the following negative effects: Slow+80%, vulnerability to physical CC+32% and HP, MP and Stamina -300 every 2 seconds.

When The Order made notice of their intention to these roads and changed them for the previous ones, the Godly Journeyers began to think that their returning Lord had gone coocoo. However, after just about 3 years of rebuilding them, seeing the effects and them being so showy and blatant, nobody ever complained about the paths created by The Order all across Main Kingdom!

Before, some paths had to be focused on certain areas and The Order simply couldn’t build roads everywhere, there would be no resources for Cities and spacecraft if so. But after the Lord returned, the already still growing Main Kingdom suddenly exploded with intensity, a kind of power and vigor that was ten times larger than what Main Kingdom had been experiencing for the past decade and a half.

Now, every single settlement, every single landmark around the Regions and towards ores, forests, farms and even bridges were being given the honor of having such high grade roads and paths built upon them. If seen from above, there was a net so huge and extensive with smaller and extremely largest paths of them all; and each of them ended up all at the very same location: the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain World Domination City.

In a sense, only when seeing the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain World Domination City from above was one able to tell, truly, what the definition of a ‘World Domination’ City stood for. With all those web-like pathways being formed all around the Kingdom, connecting to the main roads and all ending up connecting directly with the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain City, it showed from above in space the sight of a hegemony which would last for ages.

There was the resurface of the Demons and of even some events that could cause destruction to a small portion of the entirety of Main Kingdom, as well as the initiation of space travel from the Godly Journeyers who could safely die without risking any more Inhabitants’ lives; but all of those were things that passed over the years.

The Order, by the end of the first century in the Life Regenerating Era, had already established customs, rules to follow and a whole complete new order that shaped all civilization of Main Kingdom!!!

From buildings; firstly, they had Training Grounds which were as small as before but were even more efficient. There was any kind of type of Training Ground for every Element and power; like magic, curses, otherworldly elements, unique power outside a Kingdom’s reach, mastery of cold weapon or weapons instead to even melee and long range combat.

For each of these types, tens of thousands of Training Grounds that could hold up to 2,000 people at the same time so easily and with still quite a lot of space to spare from. They would of course not be spread over hundreds of kilometers, holy fuck no, that would be a pain in the ass to traverse when going in and out of, and making portals for such occasion was simply mediocre-stupid.

Hence, there were underground floors and ‘sky-floors’ that weren’t too many per each Training Ground in every Sub-Divisional City and Divisional City. Supreme settlements also counted with such Training Grounds, but obviously much less spread out and having an incredibly lesser amount of such within their territories and settlements.

But, at least, these Training Grounds were capable of helping and aiding Inhabitants of reaching the Legendary grade - whose terminology has been changed from ‘power of level of being’ to grade after half a century.

They were now 500m x 500m big, while the ground was made of pale-whatever color the Training Ground type was - mixture of sand and dirt. And they could naturally be accessed by both Godly Journeyers and Inhabitants.

…Then there were the Prisons; each prison was the same as before, only with a bit more space and with the materials of the walls, ceiling, floor and security doors having been upgraded by lots, just like the pathways had been evolved of their grade too.

Each Prison had 8 floors up and 8 floors down, the main floor for reception and guards’ dormitories. The buildings are 440 meters tall and about 3 kilometers wide, with navy blue at the main floor and pale gray-blue at the 7 upper floors. Inside are fashionable marble flooring with black small flowers in each corner for each tile;  walls are of a powerful gray on the main floor while on the 7 upper and 8 lower floors is all of a murky swampy brown. The upper and lower floors have 290 jail cells that are 4.3 meters square long that are to be fit for up to 20 people.

While the guards’ uniform was of simple gray and yellow colors and black and blue vertical fringes for the prisoners. Only powerful-logistics Inhabitants could run the Prisons, and they were each accompanied by 3 towers filled with heavy machine guns- The Order-style with laser battery instead of ammo for the ‘main’ floor at the center and ammo for the other 2 towers that would be behind it in a triangular formation every 70 meters away from each other in the Prisons’ perimeter behind energy barriers that only worked from the outside to the inside in terms of blocking and mitigating all sorts of impacts.

The Lord’s Residence was just the same, pitch-black walls like the eyes of naughty Naty, like an overly enlarged dome with tones of protruding structures and designs on the building itself, 15,000 meters wide and 20,000 meters tall. Surrounded by a garden of 4,000 meters in width, not a single meter less or extra. And a road circling all of that a few thousands of meters away from where the garden ended with a width of 7 kilometers. That ‘impressive’; indeed.

This time, however, the only difference was that Yun Beishang had made it so that…a whole billion people could perfectly live within the Lord’s Residence without any problem, completely being able to spend lots of days in there with his whole family now…and in the future.

Next, the Association HQ of all those Vessels of The Order and some of its most powerful, reliable Allies…


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