Break Into Another World

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: , Xu Ming Of Feiyun Country?

The Wilderness City was built next to the Wilderness Sect.

In fact, when the Wilderness Sect first moved here, there was no city at the foot of the mountain.

However, because of the strength of the Wilderness Sect, many people came to vote for it. In addition, the Wilderness Sect itself really needed a nearby city to facilitate life. So over time, there will be today’s prosperous wild city.

At the foot of the wild mountain, thousands of warriors have gathered.

Of course, these warriors are not all here to break through the “Shanmen Pass”.

If you want to break through the mountain gate, you must be under the age of 20, and your cultivation must at least be accomplished through internal practice.

At this time, among the thousands of warriors at the foot of the mountain, there are probably only a thousand people who meet this condition. Other more warriors either came to “accompany the test” or came to watch.

“Blessed are you tourists who come to Wilderness City, just in time for the grand event of breaking through the mountain gate!” Wilderness City is the core of the entire Wilderness Sect area, and naturally many people will come here for sightseeing. . At this moment, a thin and weak tour guide was holding a small red flag and shouted loudly, “You can see the geniuses in the central area! They are all the most talented geniuses in the entire Wilderness Sect!—Hey Hey, auntie, what are you kneeling in the direction of those geniuses!?”

The tour guide was also stunned. He had never met such a tourist before – seeing a bunch of geniuses from a distance, he actually knelt down and kowtowed?

The aunt ignored the tour guide, but solemnly made three kneels and nine kowtows, and finally stood up and said shyly: “Kneel and kneel, touch the aura of these geniuses, go back and bring these auras to my family. Brave boy!”

The tour guides and other tourists were all stunned when they heard it – it’s a good way!

Get some aura and talent of a genius, and then take it home, you can’t guarantee that the baby in the family will become a genius in the future!

Immediately, there were uncles and aunts kneeling down, and like the aunts before, they knelt three times and nine times.

While kneeling, some uncles and aunts still recited something in their mouths: “Bless the genius! Bless my second dog when he grows up, he can also come to this gate…”

The tour guide didn’t kneel, but his eyes were twitching, and he wondered whether it was necessary to open a “Shanmenguan Worship Line” in the coming year to fool those uncles and aunts to worship, and then charge a high price!

As for the worship of geniuses, will it work?

The tour guide just wanted to say: “Nima! If it works, I can’t afford to kneel at the foot of the wild mountain, and I will eat and drink here! If it works, I still need to be a small tour guide?”

Xu Ming happened to pass by these strange people, and looked at the uncle and aunt who were kneeling on the ground in horror: “The current uncle and aunt are really good at playing…”

Through the crowd, various voices came.

“I heard from my grandfather that this mountain was not called Wilderness Mountain before the Wilderness Sect moved here! I forgot what it was called, but it was renamed later…”

The person next to him asked, “Didn’t your grandfather die long ago?”

“Yes, my grandfather died when he was eight years old!”

“Your grandfather died when he was eight years old?…” The person next to him was thoughtful, but he couldn’t figure it out after thinking for a long time.

“Hey, front, please don’t stretch your neck so long, okay? If you block it like this, I can’t see it…”

“Melon seeds and peanuts, watermelon ice water!”

“Stop! Only the warriors who break through the mountain gate can enter, and no idlers can enter!”

When Xu Ming was about to walk there, a handyman disciple of the Wilderness Sect stopped him.

“I’m here to break through the mountain gate.”

“Oh…” The handyman disciple didn’t ask much, and let him go. He didn’t worry about any trouble, anyway, as long as he entered this area, he had to go through the mountain gate; whoever pretended to go through the mountain gate and sneaked in would be miserable when he was discovered.

Xu Ming was about to walk in—

“Ming… Brother Ming!” Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice sounded behind him.

someone calling me?

Xu Ming turned his head, but saw Ma Weibai.

Beside Ma Weibai, there were also Ma Shaobai and Ma Jiazhu.

At this time, Ma Weibai, Ma Shaobai, and the Ma family head were all described as haggard, and if they weren’t familiar with them, it would be difficult to recognize them.

“Anything?” Xu Ming frowned slightly.

“Ming… Brother Ming.” Ma Weibai stepped forward and said, “My brother and I are here to ask for your forgiveness!”

Master Ma also hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said apologetically, “Young Master Ming! These two disobedient things accidentally offended Master Ming; please also ask Master Ming to take a lot, don’t care about them in general!”

General calculation?

Xu Ming was speechless – when did I ever bother with them? After the slap was over that day, I never bothered them, so why bother?

“I forgive you, is there anything else?”

“Really? Brother Ming, have you forgiven us?” Ma Weibai said in surprise, “That’s great, Brother Ming, please tell Brother Hao for your help and say that you have forgiven us and ask him not to Take care of me, okay?”

“What, what?” Xu Ming was speechless, “I’ve already forgiven you, Naer Hao ignores you, I don’t think I can handle it?”

“Brother Ming, but because of you, Brother Hao ignored me!” Ma Weibai said aggrieved.

Xu Ming now understands that Ma Weibai came to beg him today because he wanted him to go out and help her repair her relationship with No. 2.

“But, what does this have to do with me? I didn’t let No. 2 ignore you…” Xu Ming said.

“Why is it none of your business?” Ma Weibai’s unruly temper came up again, “If it wasn’t for you, why would Er Hao ignore me?”

Xu Ming glanced sideways: “Then you mean to blame me?”

After speaking, without waiting for Ma Weibai’s reaction, he turned around and walked into the “Carriage Area”.

“You… you stop!” Ma Weibai yelled angrily.

After Ma Weibai knew about Xu Ming’s identity and origin, he was sure that Xu Ming would definitely come to the mountain gate. Therefore, she specially brought her younger brother and father together, and came here early in the morning to squat.

After squatting for a finally got Xu Ming to squat, but before he said a word, Xu Ming didn’t let them go. This made Ma Weibai cry out in anger.

The head of the Ma family watched Xu Ming leave, his face ashen: “It’s over, our Ma family is over! If Xu Ming refuses to help to convince Er Hao and make Er Hao change his mind about you, our Ma family is really over!”

When Ma Weibai approached Er Hao, the Ma family thought that they had a big thick leg firmly in their arms, so they were eager to expand, and they offended many forces.

With Er Hao’s backing, those forces did not dare to do anything to the Ma family. But since Ma Weibai was abandoned by Er Hao, the revenge of those families has come!

“It’s over… Our Ma family is over…” Ma Wei looked mad and disheartened, “It’s all Xu Ming! It’s all Xu Ming, ruining our entire Ma family!”

However, what about the upcoming decline of the Ma family, what about Xu Mingbird?

Xu Ming slapped a few times just because Ma Shaobai and others were aggressive. Besides, he didn’t do anything else.

The Ma family will have today, and Xu Ming cannot be blamed at all; to blame, they can only be blamed for their misbehavior on weekdays, and now they are killing themselves.

“Xu Ming!” Ma Weibai stared at Xu Ming’s back viciously, “My mother curses you, you fell and fell to your death when you were breaking through the mountain gate!”

A young man who happened to be hiding under a green robe passed by: “Xu Ming?—Xu Ming of Feiyun Country?”

The blue-robed man’s tone was flat, but for some unknown reason, Ma Weibai, Ma Shaobai, and the Ma family shuddered involuntarily.

Even the unreasonable Ma Weibai was honest at this time: “Yes, it’s him!”

“It’s really fate, I didn’t expect that if you just go out for a walk, you can meet it!” The narrow eyes hidden under the green robe flashed a sneer, “Since we met, let’s play with you!”

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