Break Into Another World

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: , Release

? After chatting a few words with the “workers” of the foreign sect, Xu Ming said goodbye and left.

The co-workers looked at Xu Ming’s leaving back, and were quite emotional:

“Brother Ming is really the best disciple of the inner sect I have ever seen!”

Someone immediately added: “And it’s still the most talented!”

“Unfortunately… I already have a big brother, otherwise, I really want to hang out with Brother Ming!”

“Me too!” The co-workers sighed, “It should be cool to hang out with Brother Ming!”

The place where the foreign workers dig is not far from the exit. Xu Ming took a few turns, and he walked out of the mine after not long.

“Someone came out!”

Immediately, the dozen or so innate warriors guarding this ore vein all looked over. The leader of the dozen or so people was Xue Xi.

“It’s Xu Ming!” Xue Xi stood up suddenly, “Encircle and check!”

Immediately, a dozen innate warriors rushed around Xu Ming and surrounded Xu Ming, as if they were afraid that Xu Ming would escape.

Xu Ming glanced casually.

Of the dozen or so innate warriors, the strongest are in the late innate stage, and they are not too young. If these people are placed in the mortal kingdom, they are naturally masters; but if they are placed in the sect, they are really ordinary.

However, most of these congenital warriors cannot go to the mortal realm – they are generally talented, and they can achieve today’s achievements thanks to their persistent martial arts spirit. If they didn’t have a persistent martial arts spirit, but thought that they would go back to the mundane and enjoy themselves after a little achievement, then I’m afraid they wouldn’t have the strength they have now.

It is precisely because of this that the sect masters gather, but the ordinary masters are rare – because most of the warriors who are dedicated to the martial arts are unwilling to waste their time in the ordinary.

“Xue Xi, why are you afraid of doing this? I won’t run!” Xu Ming said disdainfully.

This Xue Xi is so timid! Xu Ming asked him to fight him in public before, but he didn’t dare to fight.

Xu Ming is really strange: “For such a timid person, it stands to reason that the spirit of martial arts will not be firm. Then, how did he cultivate to congenital consummation?”

Xu Ming did not know that although Xue Xi was timid, his belief in martial arts was firm. Because, Xue Xi’s belief in martial arts is – I have to work hard to become stronger, the stronger I become, the fewer talents can hurt me, and the safer I am!

In this way, Xue Xi used his timid martial arts spirit to strangely reach the innate perfection.

“Hand over the ring for inspection!”

Xu Ming took off the ring and threw it over. There was nothing valuable in it anyway, and even if there was something valuable, Xu Ming didn’t believe that Xue Xi dared to make up his mind.

Xue Xi took the Na ring, then took out a detection treasure and probed Xu Ming around.

Najie is so small, if anyone wants to hide it, without this treasure to detect Najie, it’s really not easy to find! And with this treasure detection tool, even if you swallow Na Jie into your stomach, you will never escape detection.

After confirming that Xu Ming didn’t have a collection ring on his body, Xue Xi snorted lightly and checked the collection ring that Xu Ming handed in.

However, as soon as Xu Ming’s acceptance ring was opened, Xue Xi was stunned.

“Where’s the mysterious stone?”

In Xu Ming’s collection ring, it is well organized and clearly divided into categories. Xue Xi carefully investigated and found that there was only… a low-grade profound stone…

A low-grade profound stone?

how is this possible!

Xu Ming had been in the mine for nearly a month, how could there be only one low-grade profound stone.

“Where did you hide the mysterious stone?” Xue Xi asked.

“Mysterious stone?” Xu Ming spread his hands, “It’s all in the ring, just one! What’s wrong?”

“Fart! You’ve been in the mine for nearly a month. For such a long time, you can dig out 10,000 profound stones. How could there be only one? – Could it be that you’ve been sleeping in the mine this month? ”

“Yeah, I like to sleep in mines, what’s the problem?”

“You…” Xue Xi was at a loss for words for a while, but he had no choice but to take out the treasure detection tool and carefully probe it back and forth on Xu Ming. However, after probing and probing, he was stunned that he could not detect the trace of Na Jie.

“Hey, are you still finished?” Xu Ming said impatiently, “I know that when the ore vein is out, the profound stone must be handed in. Hurry up and take this low-grade profound stone from the ring!”

“Say, what have you been doing in the mines this month?”

“Didn’t I tell you? Go to sleep!”

“Impossible!” Xue Xi said decisively.

“It’s impossible for you to search! Anyway, follow the rules, and I will hand in all the profound stones found!” After speaking, Xu Ming’s voice gradually cooled down, “But… if you can’t find it, please don’t waste my time. My patience is not very good…”

Hearing the threat in Xu Ming’s words, Xue Xi, who was as timid as a mouse, couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

“Search! Search together!”

However, after searching and searching, Xue Xi couldn’t find a second profound stone!

“Is it all right? Can I leave?” Xu Ming took back the Na ring, and threw the only low-grade profound stone in it to Xue Xi like a beggar.

“You…” Although Xue Xi was full of doubts and disbelief, the fact was right in front of him. Xu Ming really only had a low-grade profound stone on his body, what could he do, “You can go!”

Xu Ming chuckled: “Master Xue Xi, did you forget something – the release certificate? Without this, I would not dare to leave! Otherwise, if you bite me and say that I will forcefully run through the gate and escape, who am I to complain to? ”

“Humph!” Xue Xi angrily gave Xu Ming a “Certificate of Release”; he did not expect that Xu Ming’s mind was so careful.

Originally, Xue Xi really planned to rely on the “release certificate”, and Xu Ming had a hand in it; now, it is impossible.

“Thank you!” Xu Ming took the “release certificate”, and after confirming it was correct, he whistled and left.

After Xu Ming left, Xue Xi suddenly thought: “Deng Yuan, Yang Jiu, you two go to the mine to see if there is anything unusual!”


Deng Yuan and Yang Jiu, two innate mid-level warriors who were familiar with the ore vein immediately flew into the ore vein.

Xue Xi murmured, “Impossible… It’s impossible for Xu Ming to be in the mine for a month, but he only dug a low-grade profound stone! There must be something tricky about it…”

After half an hour, Deng Yuan and Yang Jiu returned.

“How is it?” Xue Xilian asked.

Deng Yuanlian reported: “In the depths of the mine, there is a place with serious damage, and a lot of profound stones should have been dug up!”

Yang Jiu also said: “I asked the disciples of the outer sect in the mine, and it was basically confirmed that Xu Ming should have been in the area that was destroyed before.”

“Ah!?” Although Xue Xi had expected the result of the investigation to be like this, he was still frightened.

“Could it be that Xu Ming hid the excavated profound stone in a corner of the mine? – But does it make sense?”

After thinking for a while: “No, the matter is strange, I still have to report it to Elder Liang Hui immediately and let him decide!”

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