Break Into Another World

Chapter 2213

Chapter 2179: Not A Legend, More Than A Legend!

Temple of Chaos.

source world.

The seven-star area of the Origin Road.

“who I am?”

“Where am I?”

“Why am I here?”

Xu Yin’s face was full of confusion.

Xu Yin felt that inexplicably, he “lyed” all the way to the seven-star area. Now, the “Six-Star Chapter of Disorder” has arrived, and as she expected before, the “Six-star Chapter of Disorder” is indeed the power of the Great Senior level!

As for the “Chapter of Seven Stars Out of Order”…

boom! boom! boom!

Xu Yin saw that even in the seven-star area, Xu Ming was still in a state of destructive power, without any pressure at all.

“Yes! The chapter of the Seven Stars of Disorder, I also got into it…” Knowing that he would get the chapter of the Seven Stars of Disorder soon, Xu Yin was speechless in addition to being speechless.

To know…

From the era of the first universe to the present, in the endless years, no one has ever obtained the “Six-Star Disorder Chapter”. As for her, as long as she follows Xu Ming, she doesn’t have to do anything. As long as she follows her honestly, the “Six-Star Disorder Chapter” will be there, and the “Seven-Star Disorder Chapter” will soon be there!

In the endless years, those geniuses who have fallen on the road to the source world, if they see Xu Yin’s current situation, I don’t know if they will be revived by anger…

Of course, what shocked Xu Yin even more was Xu Ming’s strength!


It’s not enough to describe Xu Ming’s strength!

Xu Yin couldn’t imagine at all, why Xu Ming, who is also the “Lower Heaven Supreme”, could be so strong!

What’s even more frightening is that Xu Yin can’t see through, how strong Xu Ming is – even if he has reached the seven-star area now, it is obvious that Xu Ming has not used all his strength; even, I am afraid that he has only used a small part of his strength.

“Too strong…” Xu Yin didn’t know anymore, it was the first time he was amazed at Xu Ming’s strength.

boom! !

With Xu Ming’s attack of destroying the knuckles, the seven-star area of the road to the origin was also opened up!

Xu Yin was lying down and liked to mention “The Chapter of Seven Stars Disorder”.

“Cough cough!” Xu Yin looked at his “Seven Stars Disorder Chapter”, and actually had a feeling of “being ashamed”.

“Or… the eight-star area, I won’t go?” Xu Yin couldn’t help asking.

Xu Yin is really satisfied to mention the “Chapter of Seven Stars Disorder”! Sweeping the “Open Heaven Realm” is definitely more than enough!

Therefore, Xu Yin really doesn’t really care if he can get the “chapter of disorder” of eight stars and nine stars – anyway, whether it is seven stars, eight stars, or nine stars, it can sweep the “opening heaven”, then, It seems useless to take too high!

Moreover, Xu Yin was also embarrassed to get the “Chapter of Seven Stars Disorder” all the way “lying”. After that, she stopped following her, which could make Xu Ming feel a little more relaxed.

“Go! Why don’t you go?” Xu Ming said without hesitation, “Either in the eight-star area or the nine-star area, there is no challenge! With you or without you, there is no difference!”

“…” Xu Yin didn’t know what to say anymore.

With you, and without you, there is no difference… Dare to say this sentence on the road of the source world, it is against the sky!

But, Xu Yin really couldn’t find a reason to refute it – indeed, Xu Ming has proved with his strength that there is really no difference between taking her and not taking her!

The obstacles on the road to the source world are really no challenge for Xu Ming!

“Then… okay!” Xu Yin didn’t insist too much – she could see that Xu Ming really didn’t have any pressure, that’s why he took her into the eight-star area. In this case, Xu Yin naturally doesn’t mind brushing a “Nine Stars Disorder Chapter”.


After entering the eight-star area, Xu Ming has been destroying all the way, like a broken bamboo, without the slightest pressure. Xu Yin, as always, “lying”, waiting for the “Eight-Star Disorder Chapter” to be mentioned.

“For a long time… the great powers of the entire real universe believe that the road to the source world is a road that can’t come to an end! The temple of disorder left this road to the source world, and it is not ready for anyone to pass! “Xu Yin couldn’t help thinking, “Now it seems that the road to the source world is not impossible to come to an end, but… In the real universe, there has never been a real genius!”


There has never been a true genius!

Whether it’s her Xu Yin, or Jian Yi, who is as famous as her, or those who have become Great Venerables… No matter who it is, in the “Heavenly Supreme” stage, compared with Xu Ming in front of him, he can’t be called at all. What a genius!

“Perhaps… Kunpeng Dazun and Eternal Dazun have reached the end of the road to the source world! However, when they reach the realm of the two of them, even if they reach the end, they don’t bother to say it and let others know!” Xu Yin secretly said. , “It’s also possible… Great Venerable Kunpeng, Great Venerable Eternal, when they were in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, they didn’t care about the former source world at all!”

In Xu Yin’s mind, Xu Ming has been regarded as an existence of the same level of talent as Kunpeng Dazun and Eternal Dazun! Even… She faintly felt that even the Kunpeng Great Venerable and the Eternal Great Venerable, in terms of talent, I am afraid they are not as good as Xu Ming!

Kunpeng Dazun and Eternal Dazun have become legends!

Xu Ming, it’s not even a legend!


Xu Ming is not a legend, but a legend!

“He…is really my father?” Xu Yin looked at Xu Ming’s back and was a little fascinated for a while.

In fact, Xu Yin already believed it a little in his heart.

Whether it was the feeling Xu Ming gave her, or the talent and strength that Xu Ming showed, Xu Yin chose to believe it – she really couldn’t think of it, with Xu Ming’s strength and talent, there was no need to reveal her identity to deceive she!

It’s really not necessary!

There is no need, so, most likely it is true!

“If Xu Ming is my father, then who is my mother?” Xu Yin couldn’t help but think, “Also, Xu Ming should be from the virtual universe, but why do I have to be in the Eternal Hall since I can remember? , how did I come to the Eternal Hall? What happened in this?”

The only thing Xu Yin knew was that her memories of the time after her birth were sealed! Moreover, it seems that she will be able to unlock the seal when she cultivates to the Great Senior level.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The increasingly fierce battle brought Xu Yin’s thoughts back to the present.

At this point, she and Xu Ming should have reached the end of the “eight-star area”.

There are thousands of mechanical puppets that are besieging Xu Ming! Moreover, each one is the strength of the “Top High Heaven Supreme” in the true universe!

You must know that within the Temple of Discord, you cannot use the power of order, you can only use the power of the divine body! Therefore, in general, even if the “Half-step Great Sovereign” came to the source realm, he would not be able to exert the strength of the “Top High Heavenly Sovereign” in the real universe!

That is to say… There are thousands of mechanical puppets here, any one of them can be hanged by half a step Great Venerable!

And now?

These thousands of mechanical puppets are being cleaned up by Xu Ming. Even some mechanical puppets wanted to bypass Xu Ming and attack Xu Yin, but they couldn’t do it!

There is no doubt that Xu Ming is the power to absolutely control and crush!

“Just how strong is he?” Xu Yin finally had a terrifying possibility in his heart, “The cultivation realm of the lower heavenly supreme, the strength of the great master level!?”

She guessed it right!

Xu Ming, is the cultivation realm of the next Heavenly Supreme, the strength of the Great Venerable level!

However, before the news of Xu Ming’s exposure of his identity and strength in Lei Mieyu reached Xu Yin’s ears, Xu Yin had already entered the temple of disorder. Otherwise, if she had heard of Xu Ming’s deeds, she would not be as surprised as she is now.


As Xu Ming’s last shot fell, Xu Yin continued to happily mention “The Chapter of Eight-Star Disorder”.

“If I had known that I could lie down and mention the ‘Eight-Star Disorder Chapter’, why did I work so hard to challenge the ‘Five-Star Disorder Chapter’?”

Before, when Xu Yin challenged to obtain the five-star disorder chapter, it was not easy!

“Go!” Xu Ming said, and together with Xu Yin, stepped into the nine-star area of the road to the source realm!

“I want to see what is at the end of the path to the source realm!” Xu Ming looked into the distance, but he still couldn’t see the situation at the end of the path to the source realm.

It is said that…

In the first universe era, when the chaos first opened, treasures from heaven and earth could be seen everywhere! At that time, the Temple of Discord plundered countless treasures of heaven and earth, and hid them at the end of the road to the source world.


Xu Ming didn’t really believe in this legend!

The Temple of Discord is by no means a simple force, Xu Ming has already felt this! If nothing else, it is said that there are many signs in the temple of disorder and in the source realm, which cannot be built by ordinary Great Venerable! – The power that can build the temple of disorder, in the wild era of the first universe era, is definitely an invincible existence!


Why didn’t the Temple of Disorder choose to rule a cosmic era like Kunpeng Dazun and Eternal Instead, you want to plunder the treasures of the real universe and hide them at the end of the road to the source world?

Moreover, after plundering the treasures of the real universe, the Temple of Chaos completely disappeared.

All this, can not help but say strange!

If it is said that the Temple of Discord plundered the treasures of the real universe, just to hide it at the end of the road to the source world? – Xu Ming does not believe this statement at all!

Treasures of heaven and earth, if they are not used there, then, what is the difference between them and a pile of garbage?

Therefore—Xu Ming is almost certain that the Temple of Discord has definitely used up those heavenly and earthly treasures!

Combined with the fact that the Temple of Discord has disappeared in the real universe, Xu Ming quickly deduced a terrifying conclusion – the Temple of Discord is likely to use those plundered treasures from heaven and earth to build at the end of the road to the source world. A universe!

Moreover, this universe is not a small universe like the “Three Realms Universe”! It is a real universe, with perfect rules for the operation of the universe, and it can even compete with the big universe that Xu Ming lives in now!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn’t help but a flash of horror flashed in his eyes!

The Temple of Discord… I am afraid that the next game will be bigger than Kunpeng Dazun and Eternal Dazun!


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