Break Into Another World

Chapter 2315

Chapter 2281: Deity Metamorphosis

Chapter 2281 Divine Body Transformation

“What? My **** body is too weak? Can’t hold the ‘eternal world’? If it is forcibly opened, the entire **** body will completely collapse and destroy?”

Is Xu Ming’s divine body strong?


Otherwise, when Xu Ming was besieged and killed before, he would not have been able to bear the maddening attacks of several “16th-order” powerhouses, and in turn killed a dozen “16th-order” powerhouses.

It can be said with great certainty – looking at the level of the Great Venerable, there is no one with a divine body that can be compared with Xu Ming! Not to mention that they are on a par, even if they are a few levels worse than Xu Ming, they cannot find it!


It was Xu Ming’s tyrannical divine body, but when he broke through, he discovered that he could not carry the “eternal world” because his divine body was too weak!

“How is that possible?” Xu Ming couldn’t believe it – if even his divine body couldn’t carry the Eternal Realm, who else could practice this technique?

What Xu Ming didn’t know was that when Eternal Realm Zun was cultivating “Eternal Realm”, it was already Jie Zun’s cultivation!

Xu Ming’s divine body is strong, but he is only strong under “Jie Zun”! And at the level of Jie Zun… even the most vulnerable Jie Zun of the divine body is much stronger than Xu Ming’s current divine body!

This is “Jie Zun”!

From the Great Master to the Jiezun, it is an all-round qualitative transformation!

“How to do?”

When Xu Ming was at a loss, a lot of information about how to practice “The Eternal Realm” kept appearing in his mind – Xu Ming had already accepted the complete inheritance of the “Eternal Realm” exercises, but before because of his right The “Eternal World” exercises have no understanding, so I can’t start practicing. But now, Xu Ming has realized the essence of “Eternal World”, and sacrificed the treasure “death and life” to block the supreme rules. All kinds of information about the “Eternal World” exercises that have already been passed down naturally began to emerge in his mind. .

In an instant, Xu Ming knew what to do in his current situation.

“Let the particle universe swallow and absorb the heart of the universe, which can greatly enhance the stability of the divine body, enough to carry the development of the eternal world!” Xu Ming knew it in his heart.

Xu Ming has already built the foundation of the perfect universe with the countless billions of particles in his body; as long as he absorbs the heart of the universe, every particle universe can be transformed into a “primary universe”.

Of course, Xu Ming’s current strength of mental will is not enough to open up the world to derive the nascent universe – let alone the particle universe of the whole body, even if it is just to derive a particle universe, it can’t be done! After all, once the particle universe evolves into a primary universe, each particle can be as tyrannical as a universe in the universe; Xu Ming’s spiritual will is too far from this level, and he can’t control the evolution of the universe at all. process.

However, Xu Ming now has an epiphany about the exercise “Eternal World”, and his mental will has actually undergone a transformation; this transformation, at least allows him to control the particle universe and devour the heart of the universe – just first swallow the heart of the universe into the particle universe Inside, but does not immediately absorb the extremely pure energy in it, and temporarily does not start the evolution of the universe. In this way, Xu Ming’s divine body is more stable and tyrannical, and it is enough to carry the Eternal Realm.

“There are countless billions of particles in the whole body, so we need countless billions of cosmic hearts.” Xu Ming secretly said in his heart.

The heart of the universe, how rare! ?

A heart of the universe is equivalent to a “primary universe”! Even a weak-level Jie Zun is not qualified to possess such treasures as the “Heart of the Universe”! Xu Ming’s current strength is not as good as that of the weak-level Jie Zun. It is naturally impossible to obtain the Heart of the Universe by himself.

Fortunately, the Eternal Realm Zun has already prepared these things—Xu Ming already has countless billions of cosmic hearts! Even if the particle universe in the whole body devours the heart of the universe, it is more than enough!

“Eternal World Venerable, I must have expected that I will need a lot of universe hearts!”

Xu Ming guessed correctly.

The Eternal World Venerable, indeed, had long expected that in the process of Xu Ming’s cultivation, he would definitely need a lot of cosmic hearts. Therefore, at the beginning, the number of Hearts of the Universe he left to Xu Ming was almost uncountable – so many treasures, enough to make any Jie Zun in the Universe Sea jealous, and even **** it at all costs.

However, the Eternal World Venerable did not expect that Xu Ming actually opened up every particle of his own into a particle universe. Originally, the heart of the universe left by the Eternal World Venerable was enough for Xu Ming to open up the eternal world. , to cultivate the Eternal Realm to the highest level; but now, Xu Ming has used all these cosmic hearts on the particle universe, so there is hardly much left to cultivate the Eternal Realm.

“Let’s use it first!” Xu Ming figured it out and found this too.

But Xu Ming can’t do anything about it – if he doesn’t use the heart of the universe on the particle universe, he can’t open up the eternal world; after all, his divine body is not strong enough to carry the eternal world.

“I’m afraid… Eternal Realm Venerable will not think that I have not yet reached the realm of Great Venerable, so I will start cultivating the Eternal Realm!”

indeed so.

It is estimated that Xu Ming can understand the mystery of the “eternal world” at the realm of “weak level world leader”; however, Xu Ming has already realized it at the level of heaven supreme, and used the treasure “death and life”. This led to Xu Ming’s inability to keep up with the divine body.

“I don’t know how to get the heart of the universe…” Xu Ming thought, and he took out the heart of the universe without hesitation; he manipulated countless billions of the hearts of the universe, one by one, and flew toward the particle universes.

The particle universe is extremely small.

However, the heart of the universe is much smaller than a particle!

The heart of the universe has almost no concept of size. If we use the concept of physics, the heart of the universe is a “zero-dimensional point” Compared with the heart of the universe, the particles of Xu Ming’s divine body appear to be very “huge”.

Countless billions of universe hearts are methodically entering into countless billions of particle universes.

With Xu Ming’s mental will strength, it is not difficult to control this step, and there is no single mistake. No particle universe has devoured the heart of the universe more, and no particle universe has devoured less.

On the contrary, after the heart of the universe enters the particle universe, it is more difficult to control it to stabilize. With Xu Ming’s current mental will, he can only barely complete it.

After the Heart of the Universe was stabilized, the strength of each particle of Xu Ming obviously increased by a level; the strength of the entire divine body also increased by a level – although there was no improvement in attack, but in defense… It’s enough to make everyone below Jie Zun despair! Even a weak-level Jie Zun could hardly hurt Xu Ming.

“The strength of the divine body is enough!” Xu Ming’s eyes flashed, “You can truly cultivate the Eternal Realm!”

(End of this chapter)

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