Break Into Another World

Chapter 2338

Chapter 2304: I Can’T Believe It!

Chapter 2304 Can’t believe it!

“The next world?” Xu Ming was lost in thought.

Xu Ming had long heard that the worlds belonged to them.

Originally, Xu Ming thought that the world that belonged to Jie Zun was “Magic Abyss”. But now, Xu Ming has a faint feeling that it shouldn’t be!

Mo Yuan, to be precise, should not be considered a “world”.

Because, the real world on one side should have life, death, birth and destruction, while Moyuan has only death and destruction! – Without life and pregnancy, can it still be called “the world”?


Xu Ming had never heard of any Jie Zun who returned to Mo Yuan after entering Samsara. Furthermore, Xu Ming could also guess something from the reaction of Jianyao Jiezun before – if Jianyao Jiezun was reincarnated in Moyuan after the collapse of the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea, then he didn’t need to show it at all. So frightening!

As a result, although no one has told Xu Ming, Xu Ming has already guessed vaguely that after entering the reincarnation, the strong people in the realm of Jie Zun will go to a world that only belongs to Jie Zun! However, Xu Ming didn’t know where that world was.

Jiu Pagoda Jiezun did not resist, but soon entered the reincarnation directly.

At that time, Wuxiang Mountain Master and several other mountain masters chose the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea as their target because they were sure that the attack on the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea could be 100% successful, and there was no accident! In the same way, Jiu Pagoda Jiezun can of course understand that with the strength of the Jiu Pagoda Cosmos Sea, it is fundamentally no match for Yuan Moshan, so he gave up resistance directly.

Even the leader of the Nine Towers Jiezun gave up resistance directly, and the other god-level Jiezun, Qiling-class Jiezun, Hun-level Jiezun, and weak Jiezun in this universe don’t even need to resist!

Some of those Jie Zun are in the Nine Towers Universe Sea, and some live in the Demon Abyss like Jian Yao Jie Zun. No matter where they are, those Jie Zun came out of the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea, and their lives are attached to the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea – now the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea is about to collapse and be destroyed, and no skin will be left without hair. ? Therefore, every Jiezun born from the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea felt the approach of death, and also felt that the gate of reincarnation was waving to them!

No matter how panicked, how unwilling, how desperate… they can only enter reincarnation!

After entering the reincarnation, in the world of the world of the world, they may not be able to live well, and may even be very poor and extremely humble! However, if you do not enter the reincarnation, you will fall immediately, and you will surely die!

Between “death” and “reincarnation”, they have no choice.

Some world deities, before the reincarnation, at the last moment of this life, returned to their hometown in the sea of cosmos to enter the reincarnation. There are also Jie Zun, just like Jian Yao Jie Zun, who entered the reincarnation directly in the Demon Abyss!

rumbling rumbling…

The powerhouses of Yuanmo Mountain, such as Wuxiang Mountain Master, almost did not do anything, and the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea has already begun to enter the process of irreversible collapse and destruction!

Whether it is the Sacred Emperor-level universe, the eternal-level universe, the detached-level universe, or the reincarnation-level universe, the faint-level universe…the endless universe begins to return to its origin, returning from the “universe” to the “heart of the universe” state.

“Everyone!” The Wuxiang Mountain Master said to the strong men of Yuanmo Mountain, “The destruction of the Nine Pagodas Cosmic Sea will create an endless cosmic heart! Now, the resources of the entire Cosmic Sea belong to our Yuanmo Mountain. , let’s plunder as much as you like!”

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Immediately, the realms of Yuanmo Mountain couldn’t wait to rush up and down in all directions to **** the heart of the universe!

The resources of an entire cosmic sea! Now it’s all from Yuan Moshan!

I am afraid that after the Nine Towers Cosmic Sea is completely collapsed and destroyed, the heart of the universe captured by Yuanmo Mountain will be able to give birth to a lot of Supreme Realm Venerables from Yuanmo Mountain! – The reason why it is difficult for the Supreme Realm to be born is because the heart of the universe is too rare! It is rare for a cosmic sea to collapse and destroy, but it is the countless forces and powerhouses in the entire Moyuan who **** resources together. Naturally, few people can **** a large amount of the heart of the universe!

But now, Yuan Mo Mountain can fully enjoy the resources of a cosmic sea, and it is difficult not to produce a group of Supreme Realm Venerables!

“Xu Ming, let’s go too!” Kunpeng Jiezun said to Xu Ming, and directly chose a direction to plunder the heart of the universe.

The Wuxiang Mountain Master and several other Supreme World Venerables also participated in the plundering. However… they are different from other world respecters, in addition to the heart of the universe, there are other things to snatch!


Of course, Xu Ming didn’t waste the opportunity, and he also entered the plunder – now Xu Ming has no cosmic heart, and if he wants to continue to practice “Eternal World”, he also needs a lot of cosmic hearts.

The Nine Towers Cosmic Sea, although it has entered the collapse and destruction. However, the news from the Nine Pagodas Universe Sea was still passed on to Moyuan.

“What? Is it Yuanmo Mountain?”

“There is a Great Venerable in Yuanmo Mountain, who possesses the strength of Jie Zun?”

“how is this possible?”

“That’s true! It’s Xu Ming!”

“Xu Ming? Who is it?” Xu Ming’s name, after all, is known to only a few people in the Demon Abyss.

“This kind of thing, Yuan Moshan actually hides it from eating alone! It’s too much!”

“Bullshit! No matter which faction gets Xu Ming, they must be covering up and eating alone! It is stupid not to eat alone!”

“Let’s go! Let’s kill Yuanmo Mountain!”

“Kill Yuanmoshan? How to kill? – Yuanmoshan is a pillar of dimension! As long as Yuanmoshan is closed, no one will be able to kill anyone! It is impossible to leave the slightest trace on the pillar of dimension!”

Once the Dimensional Pillar is controlled, the controller can decide whether to turn the Dimensional Pillar on or off. Once it is closed, the pillar of dimension will not be allowed to enter and exit; even if there are more Supreme Realm Venerables, they will never try to kill them!

And the one who controls Yuanmo Mountain, UU Reading is currently the Wuxiang Mountain Master!

“The Wuxiang Mountain Master must have closed the entry and exit of Yuanmo Mountain, we can’t go in!”

“What does it matter if you can’t go in? We surround Yuanmo Mountain, and I don’t believe that they will never come out!”

“That’s right! As long as they come up with it, they must share this opportunity with us! They can’t let Yuan Moshan eat alone all the time! Otherwise… in the Demon Abyss, wouldn’t the Yuan Moshan family be the dominant one in the future?”

“Isn’t there still a reincarnation force such as Wanwei Hall?”

“If there are thousands of Supreme Realm Venerables in Yuanmo Mountain, I am afraid that even those reincarnators will be inferior, right?”

“Go! Let’s go to Yuanmo Mountain together!”

After learning about the situation, all parties flocked to Yuanmo Mountain. In their opinion, as long as Yuanmo Mountain is surrounded, they can’t believe that the people inside will not come out; unless, the strong people of Yuanmo Mountain will never enter the Demon Abyss again.

(End of this chapter)

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