Break Into Another World

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: , Spring Heart

?The hunting area is hundreds of miles deep in the Monster Beast Mountains. With Xu Ming’s strength, if you look for the general direction and drive at full speed, you will definitely be able to find the hunting area in a day or two.

However, Xu Ming was not in a hurry, and he deliberately veered in the direction.

The further you go, the more powerful monsters there are. When Xu Ming reached the depths of three or four hundred miles, he could already meet the monsters of the inner training level.

Even, Xu Ming accidentally strayed into a willow forest that had turned into a fine willow, and was besieged by dozens of willow trees. Dozens of willow trees, most of them are comparable to the sixth rank of the external training, a few are comparable to the initial stage of the internal training, and the king of the tree is comparable to the middle stage of the internal training; Drink hate on the spot.

However, with his absolute strength and the realm of the micro level, Xu Ming could easily kill himself from the willow forest without being hurt.

“I always feel that someone is following me, but I can’t find it!” Xu Ming was in a state of subtlety, and he was still very sensitive to this feeling.


Suddenly, Xu Ming heard the sound of the piano like a ding-dong spring.

The elegant sound of the piano is refreshing and familiar, but it also made Xu Ming immediately feel a warning sign – why is there a piano sound in the depths of the Monster Beast Mountains three or four hundred miles away? And it just happened to be heard by myself!

Moreover, the sound of the piano was incomparably brilliant, as if it came from all directions, making Xu Ming unable to determine the source of the sound for a while.

“Is it… Miss Quan?” Xu Ming shouted.

With such superb piano skills, he could also feel familiar with the girl Quan, whom he had met at the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce.

Miss Quan went to the Monster Beast Mountains to play the piano for herself?

Of course Xu Ming felt something was wrong.

When he shouted this sentence, his whole body was already on alert, and the perfect battle was also directly activated – the comer is not good!

At the moment of opening the perfect battle, Xu Ming’s realm was directly elevated to a level close to “the unity of man and nature”, and his perception of the surrounding world has directly reached a higher level. At the same time, Xu Ming also noticed that there was a hidden murderous intent in the gentle water-like melody, which was quickly conveyed through the air.

“Sonic attack!”

Xu Ming had never seen such a strange attack method, but these four words suddenly appeared in his heart.

“Can’t resist!”

Of course Xu Ming did not dare to take this seemingly ordinary sonic attack lightly.


Fortunately, Xu Ming immediately sensed the path of the sonic attack, moved sideways, and avoided it.

Xu Ming felt that the air blade hidden in the melody immediately collapsed into the air the moment it didn’t hit him; the energy resonated with other melodies, and was actually transmitted back in the direction it came from.

Without hitting the target, the energy can flow back and be used again?

“It’s a unique and ingenious method of controlling profound energy!”

However, following the direction of energy transmission, Xu Ming finally found a well-hidden piano player.

“Miss Quan, it really is you!” Xu Ming recognized it at the first sight.

Moreover, Xu Ming was sure that the realm of this girl from Quan must have reached a certain level; otherwise, even if she is good at hiding, it is impossible for Xu Ming to discover it until now.

“It’s a little tricky!” Miss Quan continued to play the piano, and said coldly, as if she didn’t take Xu Ming seriously at all.

The beautiful melody hovered in Xu Ming’s ears, but Xu Ming felt murderous intent everywhere.

“Miss Quan, what do you mean?” Xu Ming didn’t dare to take it lightly at this time, even though he was holding on to it.

This girl Quan, who was only practicing her internal cultivation, made Xu Ming feel a lot of pressure. To be honest, among all the martial arts practitioners Xu Ming had met, none of them could put such pressure on him.

“The realm is very high, and the attack is weird… This kind of opponent is very difficult to deal with!” Xu Ming stared at Miss Quan vigilantly, “But… no matter how difficult the opponent is, it’s just a matter of spending more money!”

If he angered Xu Ming, he would directly attack and defend seven or eight times, even if he was a congenital warrior, Xu Ming would dare to fight head-on.

“However, my cultivation base is high now, and the hanging points used to open the plug-in are also much more expensive!”

Xu Ming’s current cultivation base has already hung up offline and has reached the late stage of internal training!

In the later stage of internal training, 500 points per day is required for offline hang-up, which is 500 taels of gold; while double attack and double defense are activated, and the minimum attack or defense is doubled, it will cost 500 points.

Five hundred hanging points, for the current Xu Ming, of course, is not much. However, when it is necessary to open up to seven or eight times the attack, it will cost tens of thousands of hanging points for one time. Xu Ming now has only 40,000 to 50,000 hanging points after the gold on his body is converted.

Therefore, Xu Ming not only has to consider the outcome of this battle, but also how to save points – after all, making money is not easy! This time, it is possible to open seven or eight times the attack and defense to remove the waves, but after the waves are over, what about the next time you are in danger?

“It doesn’t make any sense, it’s just for money, that’s all.” Miss Quan was still playing the piano, the wind was calm; it was just the murderous intention looming in the melody, but Xu Ming couldn’t be as relaxed as when he was at the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce last time. Listening to the song, “I kill people with my heart, and I have always made people’s deaths understandable; the code name is ‘Bai Shui’, and I have taken up the task of Hidden Thorn. Rest in peace!”

When Miss Quan spoke, she was full of confidence in manipulating life and death.

“Tell me everything? It seems that you are really sure that I am doomed?” Xu Ming couldn’t help laughing.

Xu Ming’s smile is also a kind of confidence.

“I never miss!” Quan Xin said, “And if I miss, these secrets are not important!”

“Also…” Xu Ming nodded, “But you’re not afraid that I will send all your news out now?”

“You can try the sound transmission and see if it can still be used!” Within the coverage of Quan Xin’s melody, even the sound transmission was blocked.

Xu Ming’s face flashed with surprise: “Your attack is really strange and strange, I have never seen it before!”

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy, one hundred battles will not be in danger; Xu Ming did not feel distressed about hanging points, and directly spent hundreds of hanging points, throwing a “probe” on Quan Xin.

“No matter how weird and strange, can you still escape my detection?” You know, as mysterious as Gu Hanmo, Xu Ming was able to find out everything, even the three dimensions…cough!

Sure enough, the investigation results came back immediately.

“Quan Xin, the descendant of the fallen Sixteen Xian School, is also the contemporary head of the Sixteen Xian School. UU Reading has cultivated to perfection and cultivated secret skills… After the Sixteen Xian School was hit hard, the surviving Quanxin Xin joined the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce and was sheltered by the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce… Quan Xin is also a killer in the Hidden Assassination Organization, she kills no matter who the assassination target is, just to raise enough money to revive the Sixteen Strings Sect one day…”

A large piece of information was transmitted to Xu Ming’s mind in the blink of an eye, and Xu Ming also understood Quan Xin’s strengths and weaknesses.

“The patriarch of the Sixteen Strings School entered the innate with the piano, and her piano technique is the inheritance of the Sixteen String School!” Xu Ming had to say that this piano technique was so powerful that there were almost no flaws.

The sound of the violin covers the area and becomes a field of its own; all the attacks made by the violin player can be withdrawn at any time through the melody, endlessly; if anyone wants to get close to the guinea player, the guinea player can force back with an extremely dense attack. !

Moreover, the Sixteen String School also has a set of powerful movement techniques, which can be combined with the qin technique, and can even fly a kite to kill an opponent who is much stronger than himself.

This is a very terrifying sect, but it has extremely high requirements for innate understanding.

“It’s almost invincible at the same level, and even more capable of leapfrogging!” This is Xu Ming’s evaluation of Quan Xin, “It’s a pity that she met me!”

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