Break Into Another World

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: , Is This Really Gu Hanmo?

You are like that too! ?

Gu Hanmo was stunned—what kind of person am I?

Seeing that Quanxin had nowhere to sleep, he kindly invited her to sleep there; it was fine if she didn’t appreciate it, why would she say such a thing?

Quan Xin looked at Gu Hanmo with extreme vigilance, and even despised Gu Hanmo seventeen or eight times in his heart: “It is said that the Mansion Master Gu of the Wild Martial Mansion is upright and not close to women, now it seems that human words are really inexhaustible. Believe it! This Palace Master Gu has never left my eyes since he saw me. Now he has made such a rude request directly. If he dares to force, even if I die, I won’t let him succeed!”

Now, in Quan Xin’s eyes, Gu Hanmo is a lecher whose power is too powerful for her to resist.

“It’s just that if I die like this, I won’t be able to fulfill Master’s last wish to revive the Sixteen Strings School…” Quan Xin is not afraid of death, but the fear is that the Sixteen Strings School will not be able to revive, “If I had known Gu Fu earlier The Lord is such a person, if I had known that I would meet him, I would never have come to the Wilderness Martial House to take refuge! Now, it is really… a sheep into a tiger’s mouth!”

In this way, Gu Hanmo looked at Quan Xin with a puzzled look, and Quan Xin looked at Gu Hanmo with a wary look. As for Xu Ming, who knew where the misunderstanding between the two parties was, he couldn’t laugh and couldn’t talk, he could only hold back and watch the two “women” staring there.

After a while, Gu Hanmo suddenly woke up – wait, I’m a man now!

Gu Hanmo finally knew his good intentions, but what was the problem – he is a man now, isn’t it a frivolous act of Chi Guoguo to let Quan Xin go to sleep with him?

“I’m dizzy, what happened to me tonight, how could I make such a low-level mistake! I forgot that I should be a man now!” Gu Hanmo was speechless for a while.

“Miss Quanxin, I think you may have misunderstood!” Gu Hanmo continued, “I have hundreds of guest rooms over there, you can stay here as you please! Besides, living with me can’t be safer; even if it is Feiyun Kingdom Emperor, don’t even dare to check!”

Quan Xin was a little moved, but she was still vigilant.

Xu Ming deliberately laughed twice: “Don’t worry, Palace Master Gu is not that kind of person!”

After speaking, Xu Ming added two words in his heart – even if Palace Master Gu has the mind to do something to you, she doesn’t have the equipment!

Quan Xin thought for a while, and yes, if Palace Master Gu really has any bad thoughts about him, with his identity and strength, there is no need to say anything to himself.

“Looks like it’s me who saved a gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain!” Quan Xin was secretly ashamed.

Seeing Gu Hanmo leave with Quan Xin, Xu Ming breathed a sigh of relief: “Finally gone! Women, it’s trouble! – However, Gu Hanmo seems a little strange tonight.

God babble?

In fact, it wasn’t Xu Ming who felt that way, even Gu Hanmo himself felt that he was rambling tonight.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, Gu Hanmo always wanted to drag Quan Xin away from Xu Ming; it seemed that doing so would make her feel a lot more comfortable.

When the two women disappeared from sight, Xu Ming closed the door with a bang, then entered his bedroom and fell asleep.

In this world, there are many people who are cultivating and diligent. They don’t even want to sleep at night, but use it to meditate. But obviously, Xu Ming didn’t need this at all.

Xu Ming wished he could sleep for a month, so that when he woke up from a few sweet dreams, he was already a congenital master.

However, not long after Xu Ming lay on the bed, the knock on the door rang again.

“Who else?”

Xu Ming, who had just taken off his trousers, put on his trousers depressedly.

Opening the door, he asked, “President Gu? Why did you come back?”

Palace Master Gu in front of him was stunned for a moment, and then he said, “I have something to tell you alone.”

“Please speak.” As Xu Ming said, he moved away and made a “please” gesture.

“I won’t go in, I’ll keep it short.” Palace Master Gu said, “Elder Yunqi, have you heard of it?”

“Of course I’ve heard of it.”

The old man Yunqi was a famous figure in Feiyun Kingdom more than 100 years ago. He should be the first master of Feiyun Kingdom in that era; even the capital of Feiyun Kingdom was named “Yunqi City” because of him. But later, the old man Yunqi seemed to be seriously injured and disappeared for many years; he did not reappear until ten years ago.

Over the past few years, the old man Yunqi has also lived in a secluded place and is hard to find.

“Elder Yunqi’s age is almost two hundred years old. And he has never been able to break through the innate and enter a higher realm, so…” Palace Master Gu said, “Elder Yunqi’s deadline is approaching!”

The limit of innate warriors is two hundred – only those who died earlier than this age, never died later than this age.

Palace Master Gu continued: “In the past few days, the old man Yunqi suddenly began to look for heirs. It seems that he wants to pass on the inheritance and mantle! Do you understand what this means?”

The first reaction in Xu Ming’s heart was – it means a lot of inheritance!

First of all, the old man Yunqi is a loner; secondly, the old man Yunqi is the first master of Feiyun Kingdom. And you must know that the masters who walk alone are the richest; because they have a strong ability to make money and do not need to support their families.

“You are outstandingly talented. If you are willing to apprentice, Elder Yunqi has no reason not to choose you!” Palace Master Gu said, UU reading www.uukanshu. com “So, I plan to let you set off now and visit the old man Yunqi overnight!”

Xu Ming thought for a while: “But, I don’t want to take him as my teacher…”

Apprenticeship, of course, can get a lot of benefits, but it also means a responsibility. If the master has any requirements, then as an apprentice, you must try your best to fulfill it!

With Xu Ming’s character, if he had worshipped the old man Yunqi as his teacher, and then the old man Yunqi died and left any last wish, then Xu Ming would definitely do his best to fulfill it – Xu Ming did not want to take a share for the sake of some inheritance. Will.

“I don’t want to be a teacher, why!” Palace Master Gu continued.

“Elder Yunqi and I don’t know each other. But when I go to apprenticeship at this time, I feel that I am going for his inheritance. It’s too utilitarian!” Xu Ming directly expressed his thoughts.

“You are stupid! What does utilitarianism have to do with it? As far as I know, the wealth of the old man Yunqi is amazing, and he even has high-grade profound stones!”

A low-grade profound stone is equivalent to 100,000 taels of gold; the value of a high-grade profound stone is immeasurable!

However, Xu Ming suddenly felt that he didn’t know Palace Master Gu in front of him: “Is this really Gu Hanmo, who would say such a thing! No, I’ve probed Gu Hanmo before, and she definitely doesn’t have such a personality! ”

Seeing that Xu Ming didn’t speak, Gu Mansion thought that Xu Ming was tempted, and even struck while the iron was hot: “It’s better sooner rather than later, I’ll give you the address of the old man Yunqi, you can go and visit!”


Xu Ming felt more and more wrong.

When Gu Hanmo came over just now, didn’t he remind himself not to leave the Wufu? Why now, he feels like he was deliberately kicking himself out?

“What’s going on?”

Xu Ming looked at Gu Hanmo.

Gu Hanmo’s face and body shape were still so familiar, but Xu Ming always felt unfamiliar.

“Is this really Gu Hanmo?”

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