Break Up with the Green Tea Heroine First

Chapter 162

Chapter 160: Extra One (6)

The evil ghost sculpture with blue face and fangs, eyes like copper bells, at first glance in this dark place – it really makes people feel hairy.

In this situation, everyone calmed down, even the least timid Qi Ruo gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to see what was under the other white cloth.

Yan Su looked around and found that there were similar statues of evil spirits all around.

He stopped Qi Ruo who was going to lift the other white cloths, “Restore the things first.”

Lu Chen glanced at him unexpectedly, Yan Su looked back lightly.

In order to prevent the villagers from finding out, several people covered the white cloth back to its original state and walked towards the back hall.

“Did you hear that?” Qi Ruo suddenly stopped, with a puzzled face.

“What?” Xu Zhu said casually.

“It’s Yu Yu! I heard Yu Yu’s voice!” Qi Ruo opened her eyes wide and turned left and right, but she didn’t see Yu Yu.

“Have you heard?” Xu Zhu asked Hao Qing.

Hao Qing shook his head, and Jiang Ting looked at each other.

Yan Su’s thoughts turned around, only because she was the only girl, right?

Qi Ruo turned around like a headless fly for a long time, and suddenly kicked a bump, and suddenly there was the sound of slate moving.

Yan Su quickly pulled her back, avoiding the risk of her falling.

Several people circled the entrance of the cave twice, looking down from the entrance of the cave, it was dark and could not see anything.

Hao Qing asked Qi Ruo, “If you really heard Yu Yu’s voice?”

“Of course it’s true.” Qi Ruo rolled his eyes, a little distressed, “I just don’t know if it came from here.”

“Should we go down and have a look?” Hao Qing is not too big of a problem to watch the fun, his face is eager to try.

“Squeak-” At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

In the silent night, any sound will be amplified infinitely.

“Hey, I seem to have heard someone…” An unfamiliar voice muttered, “Isn’t Lao Chen watching here, people?”

Hao Qing, who was still screaming, didn’t dare to come out. Several people held their mobile phones against the wall, waiting for the people outside to leave.

“Go!” Jiang Ting gritted his teeth, and was about to get in, but Lu Chen stopped him, “Farewell, I see him as if he wants to find that old Chen and come back. Look.”

Jiang Ting’s complexion changed a few times, and he looked very worried about Yu Yu’s appearance.

“Go back first.” Xu Zhu also advised.

Several boys worked together to cover the lid, because they were afraid that someone would suddenly come in, so they didn’t even dare to turn on the flashlight when they slipped out.

Yan Su was suspiciously silent for a while, thinking that he is now a “daughter”, and wiped his face, “I’m going to sleep in Yu Yu’s bed.”

No one can be sure of the consequences of the wood carving. Judging from the situation in the morning, Qi Ruo should be locked. It is indeed very unsafe for a girl in this village.

After tossing for so long, Yan Su was also a little tired. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes in a daze.

Waking up again was awakened by the sound outside the door.

“Shasha—” A rustling voice came from outside the door, Qi Ruo didn’t know when she woke up, and looked at the door that she had opened inexplicably with horror on her face. The arm squeezed in through the crack of the door.

Through the light outside the window, you can see that arm that seems to have no bones twists and tries to get in at an angle that the human body cannot.

Yan Su didn’t speak, because he spoke last time, that thing was scared away without showing up.

Yan Su didn’t know how to describe the true face of this thing. The head was sharpened, and it had limbs like a human being, but it was slender and stunted; the body was slender, like a snake. The way of crawling is exactly the same as that of a snake. The body wriggles on the front legs, leaving a faint trail of sliding on the floor.

His eyes fell on the head of the thing, which made the thing wince, raised his head and looked at him, with a few long fish whiskers hanging on his ugly face. The beard, the only one eye is actually humanized and scared.

But instinct made it continue to climb towards Qi Ruo.

When Qi Ruo almost fainted, Yan Su finally moved.

He reached out and grabbed the beard easily.

The thing was writhing like a snake, but it couldn’t get out because it was caught by the beard.

“Late night!” Qi Ruo was about to burst into tears, and even rolled and crawled to hide behind Yan Su, and even forgot to ask why Yan Su was so brave.

Yan Su frowned and looked at the frantically wriggling thing in his hand, rarely knowing what to do with it.

Seeing that the thing couldn’t escape, it simply cut off its beard, landed and crawled out slippery, no-it would sink into the night.

Yan Su looked at the broken beard in his hand and comforted Qi Ruo, “It’s okay, it won’t come tonight.”

Qi Ruo sniffed, “Fortunately you are here, but…Aren’t you afraid?”

“If you believe it, you have it, if you don’t believe it, you don’t.” Yan Su didn’t want to explain it to her. He wasn’t himself anyway, and this kind of thing wasn’t scary to him at all.

Qi Ruo seemed to believe her, so Yan Su patted her head, “Go to sleep now, I don’t know what else to do tomorrow.”

Qi Ruo snorted, climbed into bed slowly, and suddenly said before going to bed, “Late night, I think you are really good.”

“I only know now?” Yan Su chuckled. In response to her words, Qi Ruo saw him perfunctory and said anxiously, “I’m serious! Jiang Ting is not worthy of you at all! he…”

“What about him?” Yan Su raised her eyebrows, Qi Ruo told him more than once not to trust Jiang Ting too much, did she know something?

“Just…get close with other girls, anyway, don’t be too obsessive.” Qi Ruo stuck and said vaguely.

After she finished speaking, she turned her back and stopped talking.

Yan Su was thoughtful, Qi Ruo sounded like she didn’t say anything, but what she revealed was a bit interesting.

Jiang Ting’s character is a bright boy, can talk and be handsome, which means that he will attract many little girls who are not familiar with the world. The original owner is one of them, but… he can walk with other girls Close and interesting.

Everyone was in a bad mood the next day.

Qi Ruo briefly mentioned what happened to Zou yesterday, when Jiang Ting asked about it, Yan Su replied in a very bachelor, “Run away.”

After he finished speaking, he frowned, “People are afraid.”

He directly blocked Jiang Ting’s words.

After all, they were two girls, and he didn’t expect them to have any useful news, but the fact that he encountered an unknown creature was enough to make people worry.

He hesitated, but did not speak.

“Do you want to go out for a walk?” Hao Qing yawned, as if he didn’t wake up.

Several people – while chatting – went out the door, no – meeting, Hao Qing wondered, “Why do they all look at us with that kind of eyes?”

Yan Su lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The attitude of the villagers towards them has changed. Although they were not very enthusiastic a few days ago, they were still kind. At this time, the gloomy gaze made people very uncomfortable.

“Auntie, everyone is in a hurry, what’s the matter today?” Hao Qing asked a middle-aged woman who looked kind.

It’s okay if you don’t ask, the woman’s face changed when she asked, and she said angrily, “I don’t know which goddess entered our ancestral hall, now the village chief is angry, but don’t let us caught!”

Hao Qing – stunned, the woman leaned over again and looked at him with a gloomy gaze, “Young man, I think you are not in good spirits. Did you go out last night?”

He laughed dryly, “We follow the customs of the countryside. Yesterday we went out for a walk – all day, and we were exhausted. How can we go out in the middle of the night?”

The woman is weird – laughs, “Young man, just be obedient.”

Hao Qing nodded again and again and watched her leave with a bitter face.

The author has something to say:    Today’s heart (1/1)

See you tomorrow!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Youyou Zimo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of ginkgo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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