Break Up with the Green Tea Heroine First

Chapter 35

Chapter 33: Second Breakup (12)

Mr Jiang picked up two photos, which obviously did not know from which corner they were taken, it was very tricky and not clear, but the frontal faces of the male and female protagonists were clearly photographed.

Jiang’s father blushed with anger, and his neck was thick, and his foul language burst out, “Fart! How can I have a little lover? You are in charge of my cards!”

Mr Jiang let him go with suspicion.

This unsolved mystery was solved when Jiang’s mother and Yan’s mother were talking on the phone.

The Jiang family and the Yan family are family friends. The two brothers, Jiang Chuo and Yan Su, have been running to each other’s house since they were young. The relationship can be said to be very close.

Mother Yan was doing manicures. Mother Jiang became bald as she spoke. Mother Yan was admiring her nails casually. When she heard this, she became interested and urged her to send the photo. , also fell into contemplation in Jiang’s mother’s babble.

She also looked familiar.

But Yan’s mother is different from Jiang’s mother. Because of Yan Su’s relationship, she has a clear understanding of everything in the entertainment industry.

Out of the instinct of chasing stars, she used thousands of degrees to recognize pictures to get the result.

“You…a thousand degrees know pictures?” Yan mother hesitated, Jiang mother was a violent temper, and immediately knew a thousand degrees of pictures, the first result came out that Sheng Xue’s team had a problem with He Pei Chin scandal clarification.

She was silent for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, “I want to touch my cub, and I want to climb on my son, dreaming!”

She hung up the phone and turned to look for Yan Su’s phone number.

Yan Su was deleting records at this time, and lines of code flashed across the computer interface very quickly, leaving shadows in his eyes.

He just pressed enter when he got the call, he picked up the phone, and there was a woman’s voice trying to keep calm, but Yan Su could still hear her anger, like A volcano about to erupt.

“Hey, it’s me.” Yan Su stared at the computer interface that returned to normal, this is a skill brought from his world, but it came in handy here more than once, thinking of learning The original intention of this technology was because of whom, the smile on his face suddenly converged.

He hates the memory of being controlled.

Mother Jiang cared for him a few words, and shifted the topic to the topic she cared about most, pretending to complain, “How is Jiang Chuo recently? This child, don’t call home. .”

Yan Su understood, but hesitated, “Nothing has happened recently…”

Mother Jiang was anxious, “Don’t keep him a secret, my aunt already knows, did he get involved with the one named Sheng Xue?”

“Neither…” Yan Su’s tone was a little fluttering, and finally gave in under the anger of Jiang’s mother, “Then I tell you, don’t be angry, he didn’t let me take pictures before. Is it a movie, the heroine is Sheng Xue, I think he likes it a lot, I don’t know now… Should it be just for fun?”

His tone was not quite sure, and Mother Jiang became angry, “Then she and Pei Qin?”

“Pei Qin, he doesn’t… It’s about Pei Qin’s privacy, I can’t say that.” Yan Su reacted as if he was being told, but Jiang’s mother became more and more suspicious, this girl is in the rank Not low, no matter whether it is true or not with Pei Qin, her thoughts are the same as the public, it is impossible for Pei Qin to like this kind of hot woman.

Her voice slowed down, and Yan Su began to cry about Jiang Chuo’s various behaviors.

“Forget it, auntie, let me tell you the truth, Sheng Xue’s reputation in the circle is not very good.” Yan Su’s somewhat embarrassed voice came along the phone, “I didn’t want to say it, But you and my mother are so close… Anyway, don’t tell Jiang Chuo, I’m afraid he will get angry with me.”

Mother Jiang calmed down suddenly, she planned a routine, but smiled, “You child, you won’t be angry until you tell aunt and aunt, aunt has her own opinion on this matter. ”

Yan Su hung up the phone, thoughtful.

Sure enough, under the filter, the tone of Bailian is easier to use.


He smiled and started to clear Xia Nanzhu’s “plagiarism” charge.

He opened his private mailbox, and there was an email lying quietly inside.

This is evidence of Guo Wen’s style shifts and creator deals at different times.

Yan Su’s writing skills are not bad. Many times, his public relations content is written by himself, and he does not need other people’s guidance.

He opened the private letter of a star who had been trampled by Guo Wen for a long time and sent a message.

The next day, a piece of news spread quietly, and an article about the style comparison of Guo Wen in various periods came out. Guo Wen’s true fans are fanning him.

It seems that this star team who is often trampled understands the rules of marketing hot search. Fake again.

Once again, it is an overwhelming marketing account. After a few minutes, I clearly tell everyone that someone is doing something.

This kind of scandal, just need a little bit of wind, marketing accounts and fans will spread spontaneously.

Although this article seems to be a compliment to him, as long as you are careful, you will find the loopholes.

At this time, some people started to forward this article gradually, until someone in the know threw out the timeline, and it exploded.

Guo Wen’s three golden songs were firmly on the throne of the best newcomer at the time. Those three songs have been circulating in the streets and alleys for a long time. Although he has been quiet now, when he mentions these three songs, he There are still many fans.

The matter fermented for a day and a night, and when Yan Su paid more attention, it was already on the real-time hot search.

He lay lazily on the sofa and watched Guo Wen’s pale and feeble rebuttal, every word about his innocence, but there was no evidence in the whole article.

No original author is willing to hand over the manuscript.

“What about the finished draft? Only the first three songs are finished, and the other songs have not been finished yet?”

“I didn’t say that the arrangement software has only become popular in the past two years. Even if you use the arrangement software, it is not enough to publish a file?”

“emmmmm said, he didn’t write the golden song two years ago? I’m familiar with “Summer”, “Sea Salt Rose” and “Promise”…”

“The three poems were written by Xia Nanzhu. Didn’t Xia Nanzhu also show the finished manuscript?”

“Then… Does Xia Nanzhu really want to steal his achievements?”

When Xia Nanzhu was mentioned, there was a sudden silence below.

At this time, Sheng Xue posted a Weibo.

Sheng Xue V: I firmly believe in Xiao Xia’s character, so I am willing to cooperate with him.

At this time, the turmoil is undecided. As soon as she said these words, someone immediately started to scold.

The few fans of Xia Nanzhu, who were once suppressed soon, spoke up.

“Xia Nanzhu is an original composer, no one values the originality of songs more than him.”

“He has defended…but no one listened to him…”

“I feel sorry for him, I was his fan at the time… I’m sorry, I stepped back, can I still become a fan/cry”

“Upstairs, Xia Nanzhu doesn’t need fans like you. Well, I haven’t seen him since the day the coffin was finalized.”

“Xia Nanzhu, I’m sorry… Obviously he and Guo Wen have shared the finished pictures…”

I’m sorry, but the people who should see it can’t see it.

Sheng Xue posted another Weibo.

Sheng Xue V: Please support my new song “First Love” with Xiao Xia.

This Weibo and the previous Weibo are placed together as if they are laughing at what other people are doing.

Sheng Xue’s popularity rose rapidly, everyone seemed to have forgotten her previous popularity and praised her for her kindness, but Yan Su sank his face.

He took a photo of Xia Nanzhu, “Children, did you leave any scraps and finished drafts of your “Summer Holiday”?”

Xia Nanzhu closed his eyes and tapped the rhythm with his fingers, and was suddenly tapped by Yan Su, as if he was stuck, and it took a long time to react, “Huh?”

“You’re on fire.” Yan Su put the phone screen in front of him, and it was written brightly: How has Guo Wen’s style changed? The most entertaining guides the way for you.

This is the most liked and most complete article on Guo Wen’s analysis.

Xia Nanzhu was stunned. He took the phone and read word by word. Suddenly, his eyes widened. He turned to the top and read it again. Tears flowed down without warning. .

After so many years, he thought he was accustomed to being misunderstood, but when he saw someone defending him at the bottom of the article, so many fans said sorry to him, he suddenly felt very sad.

He turned his head and said in a loud voice, “It’s well written.”

Yan Su sighed softly, bent down and turned his head gently, reaching out to cover his eyes.

Xia Nanzhu moved his head a little embarrassedly, leaned back a little, and his tearful eyes were as clear as glass, “Thank you, brother.”

This is the first time he called Brother Yan Su, with his sincere thanks, he is not stupid, Yan Su’s efforts these days are all to make him open his heart, I haven’t felt that there is no impurities for a long time Warm, he rolled his eyes and smiled.

Yan Su just glanced at it, then stretched out his hand, holding a lollipop.

He rubbed the child’s soft hair and smiled softly, “A child should look like a child, don’t frown every day.”

“You call me brother, and I can’t let you call in vain.” Yan Su released his hand, still with a warm smile, “So great composer, can you make a contribution for my friend? A chorus?”

, “Is the friend you’re talking about yourself?”

“Then, are you willing now?” Yan Su did not refute, Xia Nanzhu smiled like a real teenager, “My honor.”

“But there’s something else to tell you,” Yan Su took out another lollipop, unpacked it, and stared at him, as if to see through what he was thinking, “Sheng Xue sent a message to stand in line. Your Weibo, your little confidant is very sensible.”

Xia Nanzhu’s body froze, Yan Su said he was sensible, but it was ironic.

He looked at Sheng Xue’s Weibo, not sad, but a little disgusted.

Jiang Chuo still remembers Sheng Xue’s appearance vividly. Her smile is too dazzling in the scene of their intimacy.

His speculation about Sheng Xue became a reality, but it made him feel relieved.

Don’t worry about whether this confidant is using him or not.

Now the result is very clear, she is using him to whitewash herself, she knows that she is infatuated with her, and while having an ambiguous relationship with Jiang Chuo, she is also unclear about him.

He thought she was pure as an angel.

A blind eye.

The grass above his head shook and disappeared completely.

The author has something to say:    Today’s heart (1/1)

Yan Bailian is online.

Your comments can make up for the author, who is rolling around like a hamster, although it is too late to reply, but I am really happy! Woohoo, your comments are the motivation for me to write.

Thanks for being there (bow)

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yan Hua 40 bottles; Owl ate 3 bottles of nutrient solution; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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