Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 33 - Aunt Zhang\\\'s

These seasonings were bought by Zhang Chengchuan in the city. Of course, bean paste and chopped peppers were not available in the Yunhe Brigade. The city had these because the transportation was more convenient.

Chen Xiayue wondered if Zhang Chengyue knew anyone in the Sichuan and Shu area, and saw if she could exchange some doubanjiang and chopped peppers with others. Of course, pickled peppers and other things are also needed.

It’s not that Chen Xiayue doesn’t know how to make chopped and pickled peppers, but the taste she makes is definitely not as authentic as those made by people from Sichuan and Shu. As for Doubanjiang, I’m sorry she used to buy ready-made, but she doesn’t know how to make Doubanjiang herself.

After Chen Xiayue made the Mapo tofu and the farmhouse’s small fried pork, she continued to make boiled pork slices and hand-shredded cabbage. When she made her lunch, the custard crisps could also be baked, and she was with the first batch. Put it in and bake for a while and then it’s all baked together.

Chen Xiayue put the cooked food on the table, and after looking at it, she didn’t plan to cook soup, because the porridge she ate today doesn’t need soup.

“Achuan, it’s time to eat.” Chen Xiayue hurriedly informed Zhang Chengchuan, who was fishing on the farm, that Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying would be back in a while, so he should hurry out and pack up and prepare for dinner.

After hearing her call, Zhang Chengchuan put the fishing rod on the ground without putting away the hook, and came out of the farm with a bucket containing some conch and shellfish.

“Daughter-in-law, there is really a sea on the farm. I don’t know how big the sea is, and there are many reefs around. I picked up the conch and these shells on the reef.” Zhang Chengchuan handed over half a bucket of conch to Chen Xiayue said.

“What kind of conch do you know that you can eat?” Chen Xiayue wondered, Chen Xiayue herself doesn’t live by the sea, she doesn’t really know much about conch or shellfish, even if she is a food blogger, she doesn’t know much about it. pass.

So she was very curious about how Zhang Chengchuan, a person who had never been to the seaside and rarely eaten seafood, knew which conch and shellfish were edible?

“I don’t know, but the system has marked me what kind of seafood is called and can I eat it.” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

“System.” After hearing Zhang Chengchuan say this, she understood that the sea was originally around the farm, and it should be common for the farm system to mark which seafood can be eaten.

“Then put these conch shells in the kitchen and cook them tonight.” Chen Xiayue said looking at the large and small conch shells in the bucket.

“Well.” Zhang Chengchuan nodded.

“I made all the two kilograms of tofu you bought. We shouldn’t be able to finish them all. I divided half of the Mapo tofu, and you also divided the two meat dishes and sent them to grandparents.” Chen Xiayue pointed out. He pointed to the dishes on the table and said to Zhang Chengchuan.

“Okay.” Zhang Chengchuan leaned over to kiss his daughter-in-law and said with a smile, “Daughter-in-law, you are really kind, how can you have such a good daughter-in-law? I’m so lucky.”

“Don’t be poor.” Although she said that she was in a good mood to be praised, Chen Xiayue was still embarrassed, and pushed Zhang Chengchuan to send the dishes quickly. It would not be delicious after a while, and she would not be able to eat in time for lunch.

“I’ll take it now.” Zhang Chengchuan took a basket and put the Mapo tofu from Chen Xiayue in it, took another plate and divided the boiled pork slices and farmhouse pork, covered the basket and went out.

“Wait a minute!” Chen Xiayue shouted after watching him go out and react, “By the way, you can also send some of the custard I made so that everyone can taste it.”

Chen Xiayue divided four copies and said to Zhang Chengchuan, “You send these four copies, one for grandparents, one for uncle, one for third uncle, and one for fourth uncle’s house.”

“Daughter-in-law, you are really a good daughter-in-law.” Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile, not to mention the relationship between their family and other rooms, his daughter-in-law’s way of not thinking about his relatives is very useful to him.

“If you do too much, you will share a point. When I do it next time, you will have to send it to my parents’ family.” Chen Xiayue said, although she didn’t have a deep relationship with the Chen family because she passed through halfway, but She remembered that the Chen family treated her well.

And since she became Chen Xiayue in the 1960s, she certainly couldn’t shirk the responsibilities and obligations that Chen Xiayue should do and shoulder.

Anyway, she owns a farm and doesn’t lack these things, so what about giving some to her family? She is not at a loss.

Zhang Chengchuan happily went out with the prepared dishes and custard pastry. He first went to his grandparents’ house and took out the dishes made by his daughter-in-law for them.

“Our family made tofu and some meat today, and brought some for grandpa and grandma.” Zhang Chengchuan said as he took out the dishes and put them on the table, “Don’t think it’s Sichuan cuisine, it’s not very spicy, and my daughter-in-law does too. I can’t eat too spicy, so these dishes are not very spicy.”

“By the way, these desserts made by my daughter-in-law are called custard cakes. Grandpa and grandma, you can also try them.” Zhang Chengchuan took out the custard cakes and handed one to his grandparents, and the other to his brother in the hall. “These two copies are for grandpa, grandma and uncle’s family.”

“I’ll leave first. I’ll take the other two copies to the third and fourth uncle’s house.” After Zhang Chengchuan finished speaking, he left without caring about the reaction of the people in the big room.

“Second room eats meat every day, where did you get so many meat tickets? With such a prodigal daughter-in-law, is the second room okay?” The aunt looked at the meat dishes on the table, and then looked at the custard in her son’s hand. said.

“Don’t eat it if you don’t want to, just to save your share for others to eat.” Grandma Zhang glared at the eldest daughter-in-law again. She didn’t understand how short she could eat. ?

The Zhang family’s eldest Bom was just too angry. She wanted to introduce her niece to the nephew of the second room. She knew very well that the second room was doing well. The nephew in the second room looked very lazy, but as an aunt, she still knew that he was usually quite capable.

Originally, she thought that her niece would be able to marry the second bedroom, so wouldn’t she be able to share some of the good things from the second bedroom in the future?

Her maiden’s niece is so good, marrying a lazy guy like Zhang Chengchuan is because he has a capable elder brother.

As a result, she just told the old lady at home to introduce her niece from her family, and the second room over there quickly settled a marriage with the people in the city, and it didn’t take long for the marriage to be done.

The eldest Bom of the Zhang family was very resentful, especially after she knew that the second daughter-in-law was not in good health, and she often cooked all kinds of delicious food during this time, she was even more resentful.

How can a mother-in-law who is not in good health and cannot have children and is a prosperous family can compare to her excellent and capable niece from her family?

“Mother, since you don’t want to eat it, then I’ll give this custard pastry to my family.” Brother Zhang’s hall handed a custard pastry to his daughter.

The daughter of brother Zhang’s hall is ten years old. Usually, because grandma is more partial to his brother and brother, he will not think about her for anything delicious or delicious. Now her father gave this delicious-looking snack to She eats, and she is so happy.

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