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Chapter 498

Strictly speaking, it can’t be exactly the elder brother of 囡囡.

However, there is no reincarnation in this world, and people basically dissipate after death.

However, he has the same physique as the elder brother, coupled with some interference methods that the elder will make in the future, so Ye Hei has put a trace of the soul of the elder brother.

This is the means set up by the future 囡囡, even if Li Huan has taken away the 囡囡, this method will still be effective forever.

The girl was puzzled: “Is he really my brother?”

Li Huan smiled and said, “Not exactly, but there is the shadow of your brother!”

Nun Nun suddenly became a little worried. .

=== Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-ninth Chapter Nun Nun’s Future Body ===

Waited a few days. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

Ye Hei went to see the classmates reunion, and then met his ex-girlfriend, and encountered all sorts of miserable comparisons, and felt a little depressed.

On this day, everyone met to visit Mount Tai.

Suddenly, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a scene of Nine Dragons pulling a coffin appeared in the sky.

After that, they all got into trouble.

The girl worried: “I want to go down and help them.”

Li Huan nodded and said, “Go if you want to.”

The future 囡囡 is very strong, and roughly has the cultivation base of the immortal emperor. This cultivation base is already equivalent to the Da Luo Jinxian, and can integrate the future past self into the modern body.

At that time, she didn’t integrate her childhood self into her.

Because she is special at this time.

It is also because the future daughter and daughter are cut off from the current daughter and daughter, so the daughter can exist independently and have an independent future.

This is also the reason why Li Huan took away her daughter, but still does not affect the future.

At this time, Nun Nun followed Nine Dragons to pull the coffin to Mars.

Yingzhu Ancient Star, the ancient name of Mars.

Suddenly, everyone yelled to escape.

Ye Hei was also running for his life, but behind them, countless crocodiles were chasing them.


“They are here, they are all put in coffins, only 290 places can protect us.”

Ye Hei held the Buddha’s treasure and found that the Buddha’s treasure could protect everyone, so he called on everyone to use the Buddha’s treasure and form a circle to protect the people without the Buddha’s treasure in the middle, and work together to resist the crocodile.

However, Ye Hei’s rival Liu Neng ridiculed: “There are so many of us who can’t resist. We all go into the coffin. Only when we enter there can we survive. Feilu’s fastest update chapter [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Program”

However, the speed of the crocodile is extremely fast, and soon there will be deaths.

Liu Neng holds the Buddha treasure, and the Buddha light protects him.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and snatched the Buddha treasure from a classmate next to him, and pushed him into the crocodile group.

“How can you do this?”

In the face of life and death, this kind of person actually survived.

Ye Hei’s complexion was ugly, and he and Bloomberg were back to back defending against the crocodile that might come.

But the eight Liu Neng attacked Ye Hei. Ye Hei lost to the two and was about to be robbed of the Buddha treasure.

Suddenly, a delicate voice sounded: “Don’t want to hurt your brother!”

Then I saw a white light flying, and the eight people flew into the crocodile group one after another.

I saw a young girl flying in the air, like a fairy.

The crocodiles were frightened and backed away.

However, at this moment, Crocodile Ancestor suddenly attacked.

“Huh, little monster, die!”

Kill with one sword!

The crocodile blood spilled on the sky and stained the ground red.

Everyone was amazed.

Nuan came to Ye Hei, took a necklace from his neck, and hung it on Ye Hei’s sluggish eyes.

“Although you are not my real brother, you have a ray of his soul. This necklace was given to you to protect you, and the emperor would never want to hurt you!”

Then, in the dull eyes of everyone, she left.

Li Huan said, “Have you a wish?”


Li Huan touched her head and comforted: “Let’s go, when do you want to come back, come back again.”


Leaving the earth with her daughter.

Li Huan walked in space.

The girl was puzzled: “Where are you going? Aren’t we going back?”

Li Huan smiled and said, “Go and see your future body.”

She was a little puzzled. Although Li Huan had said many times that she had a future body, she didn’t know what her future was like, or even at all.

Li Huan didn’t use the power of space to directly shuttle past, but walked slowly in space like a pedestrian.

His figure did not make any cover, just walked like this, so countless civilizations in the universe have observed such a scene.

A man wearing a Taoist robe, holding a little girl in his hand, walked one hundred thousand light-years in the universe.

This figure appeared in all major civilizations, but no matter how they remembered it, they couldn’t remember Li Huan’s look. Even if they stared at him, they would look at Li Huan’s look at other places. Forget about it completely.

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