Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 87

Li Huan went offline.

The members of the group touted.

Tai Chi veteran said: “The boss is still powerful, no matter what you encounter, you can always solve it easily.”

Han Pao Pao: “The boss has a very good personality, and Han feels that he is helping us become stronger.”

One emperor of the ages: “The big guy has been helping us. Without the help of the big guy, I might have died of illness.”

Head Yue: “Yes, recalling the past makes people sigh and sigh.”

Straw Hat Boy: “Who wants Devil Fruit?”

Flying eagle: “I want, I want…”

Pi Zilong: “It’s over, the building is crooked again.”

Everyone laughed: “Hahahaha.”

Ruffian Dragon: “Great Eagle, I’m afraid of the sea after eating the devil fruit, and you can’t fly.”

The big eagle who can’t fly: “This eagle can already fly? Proudly.”

Straw hat boy: “Then let’s sign the contract. This fruit is natural, and the price of the trading house is a bit lower.”

The flying eagle: “Okay, no problem, how many trading points?”

The Demon Nature Department are all second-class top grades. According to the price of the trading house, it is about 9,000 trading points.

Straw hat boy: “15 thousand trading points, if you want to buy, you will sell it to you.”

God carving world.

The **** sculpture is full of golden feathers, shining brightly under the sun, and it is very mysterious.

A touch of green feathers on the head, swaying in the wind, adds a noble temperament to the entire carved body.

Today, he has long lost the image of being bald and Laimao…0

The straw hat boy felt a little anxious when he saw that the divine carving did not reply.

Straw hat boy: “@不飞的大雕, I will give you one more animal fruit, and you will give me sixteen thousand trading points.”

The divine carving was a little moved.

Big eagle that can’t fly: “Fifteen thousand trading points, two devil fruits, okay?”

Straw hat boy: “Deal!”

So the contract was signed and the two reached a deal.

God carving world.

The divine carving thought moved and took out the object.

Devil Fruit (Gas): This devil fruit is a natural gas fruit. You can get power after the first bite, but it has been disgusted by the sea ever since.

Devil Fruit (Sparrow): The animal is the fruit of sparrow. After eating the first bite, it has the ability to transform into a sparrow. But since then I was disgusted by the sea.

“This great eagle thought it was elemental, but I didn’t expect it to be gas, eh, what is gas?”

The **** is engraved.

Big eagle that can’t fly: “What is gas?”

Everyone was silent, expressing their incomprehension.

Evolver: “Gas is also called gas.”

“Gas is formed by the decomposition of cellulose and organic matter by anaerobic bacteria in the early stage of coal accumulation by ancient plants. Gas is a colorless and odorless gas.”

“Gas has a strong ability to penetrate air, can suffocate people and die, and can burn or explode.”

Evolver: “Diao’er, do you understand?”

Big eagle who can’t fly: “I don’t understand at all.”

There are no modern people in the 5.0  group, so I don’t understand.

Li Huan also wanted to pretend to be a wave, but no one understood.

Evolver of Everything: “@草帽小子, the fruit you got, but killed the owner of the fruit?”

Straw hat boy: “Big brother, yes.”

Evolver: “If there is a video, send one.”

“The Straw Hat boy sent a video to watch.”

After reading it, everyone marveled at the magic of the devil fruit.

However, although it is amazing, it is not cheap.

A big eagle who can’t fly: “I understand roughly, it can release this magical gas, but it becomes so ugly, the big eagle doesn’t want to eat it anymore.”

Pi Zilong: “You can give it to your apprentice.”

The big eagle who can’t fly: “Hey, yes, that’s it.”

The divine eagle happily went to find his apprentice. .

===Chapter 68 Confused Divine Sculpture, Apprentice Apprentices ===

God carving world. Source of this article [Sheng Ying Download] WeChat Mini Program

The divine eagle stepped on his thigh and found Yang Guo, who was practicing the Dugu Nine Sword under the waterfall.

“Apprentice, come here.” Shendiao pretended to say deeply.

However, his voice is as immature as a child, making people realize that this is a juvenile eagle.

Yang was too early to be surprised, got up and shook off the water droplets on his body, and came to the **** sculpture.

“Master, what’s the matter with you asking disciple to come?”

Yang Guo experienced extreme hardship in his childhood, and was later chopped off by Guo Fu.

Since then, he left the Guo family and went alone, but was rescued by the divine carving.

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