Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1323: Healers are retrograde like soldiers

"Master, what are you talking about?" The little girl called the word master very skillfully, as if it had been called for many years.

It is estimated that she has shouted countless times in her heart, this **** is her master.

"Talking about how to make the people of Datang live a good life. By then, not a single citizen will die of starvation, and not a single citizen will die because of lack of money to see a doctor."

Li Yi mentioned a goal he didn't think was a great goal.

At least in his time, in his country, starving to death because he had no money to eat, this basically didn't exist.

I really don't have any money, I can eat Bawang's meal, and then the other party calls the police, and when he is arrested, he has food to eat.

If it is spread on the Internet, the local government has to find ways to arrange work.

Unless he doesn't want to find a way, he can't eat a bite of rice wherever he goes.

The little girl frowned, thinking hard, and after more than ten breaths: "Master, I know, the people in the disaster-stricken area go to Lijiazhuang for dinner."

The people around laughed, and Lijiazhuangzi seemed to be more reliable than the imperial court in the hearts of the people.

Li Yi nodded: "Yes, I still have money to help the people in the disaster-stricken area as a teacher, but the money is best paid by the court.

The flood evacuated, waited for the flood to pass, and then went back, the court paid money to help build the house.

During the drought, the imperial court drew wells and opened regular warehouses to directly deliver food to the people.

We doctors, at the most critical moment, we used to stabilize people's hearts, and where there are patients, there should be us. "

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The little girl clenched her small fist, and she liked to watch others live a good life.

"Master, if those people in a place get typhoid fever, miasma, corpse transmission, mange, ulcer, etc., and everyone runs away, what shall we do?"

The little girl named five infectious diseases: influenza, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, and smallpox.

"Let's find a way to isolate them, and then we will organize a large group of doctors and go over." Li Yi said calmly.

"Ah? Then will we get those diseases?" The little girl was nervous, she would die.

"It's possible to get it, but even if you get it, you have to go. At that time, we were the last line of defense for the entire Datang.

The frontier soldiers fought and fought with the enemy for their lives. The battlefield of the healers was here.

Soldiers fight, and those who hesitate to move forward or flinch when encountering the enemy should be cut.

What if we change to our healer, who escaped from illness? "

Li Yi patiently guided the big disciple.

The little girl clenched her small fist again: "Cut!"

"So we have to study new techniques and try not to let ourselves get those diseases. This is part of what we will teach you in the future."

Li Yi encouraged the little girl to study hard, so that he would not be afraid of it.

"Master, what recipe did you make for the anti-malarial pill?"

The little girl nodded her head and asked the most critical question in medicine.

"Qingdai!" Several Feng's people said together.

"Will you tell others about some of your secret medicines?" Li Yi asked back.

The little girl shook her head: "No, I know, but I don't tell, oh, the master doesn't tell, right?"

Li Yi knelt down, pulled the little girl over, and said a few words in her ear.

"Huh? It's that simple?" The little girl opened her eyes wide.

"Remember not to say it, it's like your secret recipe in a secret house." Li Yi didn't hide his secrets. The apprentice asked, he had to teach.

He asked the secret recipe of the little girl's house, and the little girl said that he could keep it secret, so he was relieved.

The Feng's people next to her were also relieved. The girl worshipped by the teacher taught directly, without having to do a lot of work first, and then slowly reveal the secret.

"You know, master, don't worry, I don't tell my father and my mother. I have apprentices in my family, so I don't tell them directly. It depends on their quality. Oh!"

As the little girl said, something suddenly remembered: "Master, your medical book has ran away many apprentices in our family. My secret prescription, you have written a medical book."

"Don't be afraid, let's keep improving in other aspects, such as pulse diagnosis, acupuncture and moxibustion. I will teach you surgery in the future."

Of course Li Yi knew that he had pitted many medical families with secret recipes, and they lived on the secret recipes.

As a result, he wrote many in his medical books, some of which were even better than the secret recipes of medical families.

It is difficult for a disciple to get a prescription.

It is passed from inside to outside, and from son to daughter.

As soon as the medical book came out, after the apprentice saw it, oh, that's it, farewell to you!

I have been your apprentice for fifteen years. If you don't teach me, you don't need to teach it now.

"Master, my five uncles even scolded you. He said that you broke my family's business, but he also said that the medical book you wrote is really good, and it is unique in virtue and art."

The little girl sold one of her uncles.

What she said is the truth. Many medical families have scolded Li Yi and studied hard afterwards.

Boasting while scolding, do not delay either.

"Then have you ever scolded?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

The little girl shook her head vigorously: "I don't dare. People who can write so many good medical books have scolded them for fear of being condemned by God."

"When you get to the cave, I will reward you with braised pork." Li Yi took the big apprentice's little hand and continued to walk upward.

Fortunately, it is winter, there are not so many plants, the road is relatively easy to walk.

In the team, a hundred Yulin Feiqi are responsible for taking care of a **** pot and stove, the whole is more than 300 plus the braised pork inside.

They lifted in turn, with two people at the front and back, like lifting a sliding rod.

A pot of meat for Feng, including Princess Yongmu and other royal family members.

When it was getting dark, the team finally arrived at the Cockscomb Cave.

Yulin Feiqi began to set up a tent, the canvas-like military tent used by Li Yi at that time.

It is easier to set up than the military tents of Datang, and the layout is more reasonable.

The diesel lamp is on and the chefs cook.

The little fellow who fell asleep on the road woke up, and had to look for her newly recognized sister Feng Qingdai to play.

"Lord Li, the children of your third brother's family are taking good care of them. They are strong and strong, and that bag. Whose family does he belong to?"

Old man Feng had seen it with the two children and found that they were all good. He still doesn't know the identity of Bao'er.

"Bao'er is Wu Jieyu's child. Next to Wu Jieyu is Liu Jieyu. My three brothers...yes...yes...they are called Fangqu County Duke, the eldest brother Huai'an County Duke."

Li Yi hesitated a little, and said the identities of a few people.

"In that case, Bao'er is more expensive than Luo'er?" Old man Feng came to a conclusion.

Li Yi felt melancholy again, and shook his head slightly: "No, no one of the children's generation can surpass the status of Won'er."

"How is it possible? Unless he is... is... ah?"

Old man Feng compared the status of Wu Jieyu's son, and dare not say anything.

Li Yi smiled and nodded. It is convenient to talk to smart people.

"That, that! Oops! I have a headache. I have a disease of my size. Once I have a headache, I will forget something. What did you just say?"

Old man Feng patted his forehead with his hand, looking very annoyed. It is difficult for the doctor to heal himself.

"Said that the braised pork should not be used with bay leaves and angelica. I will not use it. If there are pepper aniseed, it will be sugar-colored and no soy sauce, but the cooking wine must be used."

Li Yi looked like we were studying the problem of eating just now.

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