Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1368: Smile even in the wind and snow

Before noon, the wind was blowing, and what was blown by the wind was heavy snow that seemed to fly horizontally.

The people ran home one after another, or hid at the roots of the nearby walls, for fear of being blown down.

The people who rushed to Chang'an from other counties to buy the last New Year's goods became anxious.

The animals pulling the sled also appeared uneasy and were driven to the convenience station in front.

Su Ting in the Zhengshitang wrote memorial notes while lowering the order.

"Except for those who must guard important positions, Yulin Feiqi ran out to catch rabbits.

Thirty thousand recruits are not around, only sixteen guards can be mobilized, don't wait for Li Yi to speak, it seems that I don't know the situation is urgent. "

Su Ting wrote the memo to Li Longji and mumbled.

He used to work in Chang'an, and worked under Yao Chong when he was not the prime minister. Yao Chong was Zhongshu Ling and Su Ting was Zhongshu Shilang.

He knew that before Yulin Feiqi came out, the people would be affected, and the sixteen guards would not be mobilized.

One is because Li Longji is worried about the Xuanwu Sect incident and fear of rebellion.

The other sixteen guardians were unwilling to work, and many of them had officials in their families.

Wait for the number of Habayashi's flying knights to increase, and the combat power is there, plus welfare.

The 16-backers will actively train to get more benefits and avoid being eliminated by the way.

At that time, the situation was special, and the court did not yet have much fiscal revenue.

Your Majesty raises private soldiers. If the money is not enough, the useless people will naturally be laid off.

"Quickly, make the soup, the thermos, who is in charge of the thermos? Ready to come out..." Song De ran around, steaming all over.

When encountering such things, Li Yi didn't say anything, and Song De was solely responsible for it.

He has the power to mobilize Zhuangzi's power, and now he has to send the captives of the southwestern barbarians and take a thermos.

To patrol the roads of Jingzhao Mansion at the fastest speed, don't look at the sheds that are not far apart for ten miles. The current wind and snow is enough for a person to consume all of his physical energy on the five-mile road.

Going to the middle, is it going against the wind? Or go back with the wind?

I walked against the wind, couldn't walk at all, and returned with a tailwind. Except for the recent snow flying, I can't see anything else.

If someone falls, they will never get up again.

The most frightening thing is that the horse pulling the cart falls, and when the horse falls, the psychological pressure is too great for the sleigh rider.

The captives need to go out with lights and thermos. The original two horse-drawn sleighs are replaced by four horses in a team of fifty people.

"It won't be dry after this snow falls." Li Long said to Princess Yongmu by the window, watching the flying snow nearby.

Princess Yongmu looked up at her father: "There are still many people's houses that have been crushed? The north is not only Jingzhao Mansion."

"The surrounding state capitals are all prepared. When Li Yi built Jingzhao Mansion, he drove the economic development of the surrounding areas.

From Jingzhao Mansion to the northwest, the people... alas!

The Hedong Road problem is not that big. If the Khitan, Xi people, and Bohai have heavy snow for a day or two, the losses will increase if they want to come. "

Li Longji almost memorized the map, which Li Yi specially drew.

As he said, he turned his head to look at his eldest daughter, and put his hand on her head and rubbed it: "With Li Yi, do you feel wronged?"

"Ah? I'm wronged? No! I didn't know how to live so much fun before."

Princess Yongmu smiled with hope for the future life in her eyes.

She didn't think about what the future man would be like before. As a princess, she understood that the person she can marry depends on who the emperor asks her to marry.

Wherever the child of a minister is important, marry whomever.

It's the same now, it's not the minister's child, but a person who has lost all his relatives.

This is important, but this is interesting. It's like that when we meet, which is different from what we usually understand.

The key is still the same today, as soon as I talk to myself, it changes.

Li Longji backed his hand and looked outside: "A lot of things are not clear, and I have to promise you Li Yi."

He is hypocritical and thinks that his daughter should be allowed to fall in love freely. Isn't this a powerful one!

"I choose it myself, and I will also choose Li Lang. He is the most talented and kind to me. He can make a lot of money and he can't spend it all."

Princess Yongmu can't help but find it by herself, what kind of?

Talented, wealthy, good-looking, not very different from one's own age, kind to oneself, even his father would listen to a word.

"Gluck!" Princess Yong Mu laughed thinking about it.

Li Yi, who was talked about as a topic by his father and daughter, was making eggplant boxes. He was in a good mood and knew that the people would be affected by the heavy snowfall, even dead.

But this heavy snowfall is so important that Guanzhong is actually still dry.

Li Longji stayed in Luoyang at this time in history and did not come back.

This heavy snowfall can increase groundwater. According to historical records, Li Longji will return to Chang'an before the end of next year.

Then Wang Wei, who wandered alone with a group of maids and guards, was lonely, didn't he also follow him back!

Right now Wang Wei's maid and guard are staying at Lijiazhuang, singing and dancing with Wang Wei and Meng Haoran.

Li Yi can't dance while cooking. He hummed as he did it: "How big the world is, let it be wide...The most beautiful flower in the grassland, the red Sarilang, once dreamed that the world is full of flowers..."

After humming a few times, the cooks cooking around hummed together: "Wandering people, with her in my heart, thousands of miles will look back..."

The eggplant boxes made of two kinds of eggplants were fried, and Li Yi laid them out one by one. This thing is best to eat while it is hot. It can't be put in a pocket.

He took it to the single room and was about to eat, but his humming became popular, and everyone began to sing.

Li Yi listened to others singing, smiled slightly, and shook his head.

"Every few years, popular things will be repeated again. All aspects, except technology."

Li Yi sighed and put things down.

What he thought was in the 1970s and 1980s, when Chinese people liked to ride motorcycles and drag racing, and many people died.

Then more than 30 years later, people started racing and riding motorcycles again.

People used to roll on wheels, indoors, there were lights, but then disappeared, and as a result, they have risen again in twenty years.

The genre of the song is the all repeat the past.

People of the older generation have a sense of nostalgia when they see new children playing the same things.

There is also a sigh, once possessed and lost, then it will turn into a knowing smile, with sweetness and vicissitudes in the smile.

Li Yi had seen it before coming to Datang. The young lovers took their parents to the roller skating rink.

Boys and girls tried their best to show their skills, and their parents were not too optimistic about this pair.

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In the end, because of this occasion, after seeing the other party, I recognized it again.

Then they wore roller skates one after another, throwing out all kinds of skills.

The young lovers looked at the relaxed attitude of their parents and the other's parents, and hugged each other in the embarrassment of showing off their skills.

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