Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1378: It should not be spared to hit the tip and fork

After the meal, the snow changed from heavy snow to medium snow. There was no intention to stop, and the wind blew less frantically.

Li Longji and others breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that the wind and snow would never end.

"Brother Yi, what are you most afraid of snowing?" Li Long went to a vegetable shed and watched the people sweep the snow there.

"Moving south." Li Yi didn't say anything about overwhelming the house, he was worried that the heavy snow would go south.

"Why?" Li Longji asked why the road was blocked and the shack broke.

"There was little snow in the south. When the heavy snow fell, the people panicked and couldn't deal with it.

Traveling is a problem. People in the north know how to walk on the ice and snow since they were young, and they still fall down, not to mention the south.

In the south, crops were planted again, the snow fell, the crops were frozen to death, and the livestock did not adapt. "

Li Yi talked about the situation, remembering the heavy snow in the south at his time.

I can't go at all, and the car won't drive anymore. The bus driver is transferred from the north.

Snow removal tools are not enough. Who would prepare so many snow removal equipment?

I'm used to wearing clothes that aren't thick, so I have to buy clothes.

When the sun came out, I sprinkled the snow that had accumulated on the side of the road onto the road, but I didn't understand why it was getting snow on the road, and it was hard to clean it up.

In fact, the snow piled up on the roadside in the north, when the snow stops, it will be scattered on the road as soon as the sun is shining, speeding up the melting speed.

Later, more southerners went to the north. They went back during the Chinese New Year, but they were looking forward to the snow because they could drive.

Now in the south of Datang, the temperature inside the house is lower than outside. When you want to get warm, you have to go out in the sun.

It’s snowing and it’s colder outside, and it’s still cold in the house, and you will get sick.

Li Longji raised his brows: "Will you go down to the south this year?"

"No, there is no need to worry about drought in the Guanzhong area this year. There are many water networks in Jingzhaofu, so we must pay attention to flood control."

Li Yi considered in advance that there had been a locust plague in the east of the Taihang Mountain.

Following the severe drought in Guanzhong, water wells were drilled and a series of measures were taken to eradicate locusts, both of which were sustained.

Waiting for Guanzhong to become normal, the water network is likely to cause the water surface to be too high and unable to discharge.

It's okay to grow rice, grow other crops, soak in the water all day, and the roots are soaked.

No matter how the water network is laid, the last water will flow into the river and then into the sea.

Li Chengqi patted the snow falling on his body: "The ice melts in the spring, is it easy to go straight to the canal of the Yellow River?"

"It's easy to walk, and additional operations are required when going up and down, such as Hukou Waterfall."

In Li Yi's mind appeared an artificial canal that used death row prisoners to arbitrate dumb guns.

Dozens of people died, don't think it's a joke, or the death row give a chance.

Fortunately, the condemned prisoners who must die are left behind, just to use them to practice surgery.

As soon as the canal opens, the distance is shortened a lot, so there is no need to go around the word "a few".

The canal goes upstream from Chang'an, and when it reaches the mountain, it is downstream when it enters the Yellow River.

From the position of the lower river to the northwest, it is still upstream.

The direction of operation is the same, the Yellow River flows downstream, then upstream, and then downstream to Chang'an.

Theoretically, from Chang'an to the zigzag area, if you take the canal, the upstream flow is relatively short, otherwise you have to take the Hukou Waterfall from the Yellow River to the east.

There are many holes in the rocks on both sides of the Hukou Waterfall. Someone used to take a video and said they didn't know what they were doing.

What else can be done, of course, is the use of punching holes and wood when the boat is on the road.

Just like the Yangtze River, where there are trackers pulling fibers, there are holes. The trackers are not stupid. Wherever a stick can be erected, why not stand a stick and grab it? Have to pick a rock?

"Third brother, eldest brother, wait for the train to come out, the steam engine ship is still in use, and the Yangtze River we use the steam engine ship to transport.

The Yellow River is also OK. When it comes to important points, relay back and forth, even if it is not relayed, it will improve efficiency.

As for the trackers, there are non-steam engine ships and ships, and they help to pull them. In fact, if the ships want to go upstream in the Yangtze River, they still pull faster. "

Li Yi talked wherever he thought of, and others chatted about parents’ short stories and poems.

He chatted to ensure that it was the people's livelihood. From the time he arrived at Datang to support Zhuangzi alone, he had a lot of ideas for Datang.

"Since it should be so." Li Longji endured anxious mood, he wished he could do it in one step.

"Zhangjiacun is good." Li Dan was not in a hurry, he was used to it.

What he hopes most is that he can live for a few more years, and he can't bear to see this Datang more.

He has experienced too much in his life, becoming emperor again and again, and retreating again and again.

Seeing their relatives die one by one because of infighting, I have long been discouraged and unlovable.

Until Li Yi appeared, he was reluctant to die again.

Li Yi went into the greenhouse and saw a long cucumber. He pulled down two, rubbed the cucumber thorns with his hands, and gave one to Princess Yongmu.

He took a bite and said, "Top dressing, top dressing. Pay attention to the temperature, don't get too cold."

Princess Yongmu followed and took a bite: "Well, it's not sweet enough."

"Proprietor, go to my greenhouse to taste a small eggplant?" The villagers next to him were anxious and just took a bite. Go to mine, I have more.

"In fact, it would be better to have medical stones. Place them around the cucumber roots in the greenhouse and water them, or soak them in water. Where are there many medical stones?"

Li Yi walked forward again and grabbed a small eggplant that was two inches long, wiped it with his hand, and threw it into his mouth.

Eggplants are sweeter than cucumbers, and small eggplants that are frosted when you leave the garden are sweeter.

There are also cucumbers from the garden, which are most suitable for marinating shrimp oil side dishes.

That is, Li Yi's Jinzhou small dishes at the time, the authentic ones are all small things from the garden, including beans and so on.

"If it is too much, pick it down, otherwise it will affect the growth. One plant grows so much. Take off the small eggplants far away from the main stem, pickling pickles, and not competing for nutrients with other eggplants."

Li Yi said that he broke a small eggplant from another plant and gave it to Princess Yongmu.

"I just can't bear it, knowing that it is written in the newspaper, I thought it would be enough to chase more fertilizer." The villagers in this greenhouse are also entangled now.

"Take advantage of the good price for the New Year, you think you feel distressed when picking small eggplants. I will charge them at three times the price and eat them as fruits, raw eggplants.

Li Yi likes to eat raw eggplants, the smaller ones and the larger ones are hard to eat, not tasty.

"I'll handle it myself." The villagers thought about it, and decided not to sell it. They could eat it by themselves, and the proprietor agreed.

"When planting vegetables, you need to consider nutrients. Just like smashing grapes, the smashed tips are still edible and sour."

Li Yi keeps He can't go shopping in every greenhouse.

Pick this one, find the problem and speak out, and operate the other greenhouses according to this one.

Look at cowpeas, lentils, and peas. They won’t taste it and can’t be eaten raw.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum and lettuce are edible and belong to dipping sauces.

"This is a tourist place, is **** and garlic enough? I planted a lot of **** in the north, so I should get it back."

Li Yi is very patient, considering the details.

"I bought it. We don't need garlic. We have our own seeds. Now we all make garlic sprouts and seedlings by ourselves." The villager replied.

"Okay, wait a minute, next winter, you will use the greenhouse to help grow things. If you don't sell it, you will give you the money that the greenhouse should make."

Li Yi thought about growing tomatoes and kidney beans, just like growing them in a greenhouse, to speed up the reproduction speed.

These two are better to keep seeds, unlike eggplant and cucumber.

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