Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1385: Who is more cute, Xiao Lanqiang

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"Waiting for the New Year, take you two out to play, and if you have time, if you pass there, you can bring this thing back. It's not easy to raise it."

Li Yi handed the painting to Xiaolan, let her take it, and told the barbarians that I couldn't look down on your dried abalone.

I know that black gold abalone is not easy to fish, but so what? I have a diving suit and oxygen tank.

As soon as Xiao Lan took herself out to play, she jumped downstairs.

"Li Lang, the animals you drew are cute!" Princess Yongmu thought the koala was interesting.

"Giant pandas are also cute. As long as they are cleaned, small pandas and red pandas are fun.

This is called a koala. It usually only eats eucalyptus leaves. Eucalyptus is not easy to grow here unless we build a greenhouse.

As for giant pandas, at least we have many kinds of bamboo in Qinling Mountains, and occasionally giant pandas can eat other things. "

Li Yi thought of the giant pandas who eat cacti in South America. They don't have bamboo and eat cacti. They are used to eating.

"Yes, our giant pandas are billowing." Princess Yongmu taught herself without a teacher and called out another name for the giant panda, billowing.

"Koala, under normal circumstances, it drinks very little water, relying on eating leaves to absorb water.

However, in times of drought, they will also find water on their own.

The cuteness of the panda lies in the dark circles under the eyes, it comes with smoky makeup, and can always put itself in dangerous situations.

The cuteness of koalas lies in dependence. Koalas are smarter than pandas and are willing to be hugged, but they have smaller eyes. "

Li Yi said and laughed. He felt that if he wanted to get a koala, he could put makeup on the koala and draw big dark circles.

The eyes of a giant panda are actually not big, it is just a black circle around the eyes, which makes people feel big.

The giant panda in exercise is cute, even if it is sitting and sleeping, then leaning forward, turning over and waking up suddenly.

The koala gives people a sense of dependence and always feels wronged, which is a static beauty.

If we have to say which is better, it's the same as northerners or southerners who are less afraid of the cold in winter.

In fact, if you want to have heating in the south, it is best to add a dehumidifier.

Northerners have experienced the same temperature, that is, when the heating stops, at the end of March, and then suddenly a cold spring.

It's cold and wet, this is the normal state of the whole winter in the south.

"Li Lang, I want to hug, do they bite people?" Princess Yongmu could hug at the first sight, looking at Li Yi expectantly.

She had held a giant panda, but the giant panda was not very obedient and stupid.

“No biting is usually done, just like giant pandas. Giant pandas don’t bite after they are full, especially giant pandas that have been fed by humans since they were young.”

Li Yi hugged koalas and spent money to hug them. This is the tourism project.

Some koalas have shed hair or something, but they don't look good. Tourists don't want to hug them, so the staff have to hug them immediately.

There was a time when the staff did not hug and the tourists did not hug. The koala looked at other people of the same kind being hugged and hugged, and it turned out to be depressed.


"My boss drew a picture for you. How much does your abalone cost?" Xiaolan went downstairs, feeling a special sense of superiority.

She saw the black abalone just now, but she hadn't seen it, and felt that she was suppressed by the other party.

Now that she is confident, there is nothing Li Lang doesn't know.

The barbarians are not stupid at all, knowing what the people in each place need, Datang encounters strange things, and gives higher prices.

He was on a boat, and then encountered strong winds, all kinds of blowing, and he blew the boat to a certain place.

There is something like a big mouse with a big thick tail supporting the ground and kicking the foot.

There are also gray things that stay on the tree all day, and a different abalone is fished out of the sea, the black one.

The Guangzhou that got Datang, the people in Guangzhou feel bad.

He happened to have other things to sell himself, and he brought them together in Chang'an, Datang, many.

In Chang'an, it still doesn't work, **** shops, restaurants, no.

When he couldn't help it, he felt that Wen Tianlan Xiangge could ask for it. The things sold here are expensive. Packing the black dried abalone by himself, he might be fooled.

He squeezed it, and the other party didn't even give it a chance to see it, so he had to give something away.

Seeing Xiaolan's unfolding painting at the moment, he was taken aback for a moment, then he sighed and asked, "Should I? Ten dollars per piece?"

He is calculating the fishing and transportation costs, a ten bucks, four to five bucks, a lot of money.

"One money." Xiaolan bargained at her own initiative.

"One money is not enough for the money I fished and shipped over." The Yi businessman told the truth.

"You bring a big rock over, do I still have to give you a lot of money?" Xiaolan refused to give in, I care how much you paid?

"Five coins!" The barbarian businessman wanted to keep his money.

"One money, I don't want to talk about it. You sell it to a few people. You think it is expensive? You look at the painting, you have the ability to get this over."

Xiaolan pointed to the koala, she guessed it, these two things are in one place.

Why didn't the other party bring this cute thing over? Obviously it can't be brought.

Li Lang has said that it is not easy to raise.

"Caught a few, died, and died on the road. They can't support them at all, and they die if they leave there." Yi Shang looked sad.

Xiaolan stood tall and proud. Look, Yi Shang said that she could not support her, while Li Lang said that she could not support her.

Poor raising means being able to raise, the gap!

"Three dollars and two, I can't talk about it anymore. You also brought other goods to sell, or you can go to other places to see." Xiaolan watched her words and expressions.

"Two dollars and one." Yi Shang made a final struggle.

"Three dollars and two, we won't stop you from selling other goods. If you don't agree, I won't sell all of your goods." Xiaolan forced.

"You can't bring boxes and satin." Yi Shang compromised.

"I don't even want you to give it to me. It's just this big one, and the small one counts extra, such as two dollars and three." Xiao Lan countered again.

"Good!" Yi Shang agreed, because when he fished, all the small ones were thrown into the sea.

"All right, this thing is actually black, we are not easy to sell, forget it, you have sent it all, as it is to help you."

Xiaolan is more astute in this aspect than Princess Yongmu. If she doesn't really care about the money and feels that it's wasting time, she can continue to talk about it.

She considers the amount that the other party can bring, and then weighs her precious time.

Keep bargaining, it's not cost-effective. You can sit and squint for a while, because you're full and sleepy.

"Five thousand." The barbarians agreed, but others didn't accept it, saying it was bad. Could it be thrown away?

"Seven thousand five hundred dollars, I will find someone to see."

Xiaolan promised that the price of a small bottle of perfume that she sprayed could not be compared to the price of a small bottle of perfume that she sprayed on.

Of course her perfume does not cost money, Li Yi gives it.

There are documents for the handover between the two parties.

"Remember to pay the tax. Your customs tax is not the same as the tax currently sold. It is a luxury item. The tax is 10%. Oh, I will withhold it for you."

Xiaolan stopped again, tax money.

She issued a voucher that the tax will not be given to Bi Gou, nor will Li Jiazhuangzi's donation be used to offset the tax.

Who dares to collect taxes on Princess Yongmu’s property? Doesn't this make money?

After the business was done, Xiao Lan grabbed a handful of watermelon seeds and ran upstairs in the reception room on the first floor.

"Li Lang, Xiao Niang, seven thousand five hundred dollars, five thousand dried abalones, can I lose it?" Xiaolan worried that she would suffer.

Li Yi: "..."

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