Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 900-924

Chapter 900: After (16)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Then Xu Jiamu’s arms, which were resting on both arms of his chair, flung around Song Xiangsi, trapping her in his embrace. He lowered his head and stared into her eyes. “Xiangsi, can you not be like this? Let’s talk it out. Please?”

When had the old Xu Jiamu ever spoke to Song Xiangsi like that?

When she used to act arrogant, the old him would of only arrogantly got angry.

But the him right now was actually speaking in a polite and negotiating kind of tone of voice.

Just what did he mean by this… Could it be that he wanted to…

Song Xiangsi stopped her thoughts there, as her heart couldn’t help but feel mocked. Why was she always so unrepentant?

At first, she was softhearted with him, time and time again. In the end, he canceled their deal and got engaged with someone else.

It was because she had hoped so many times now, so she ended up with despair.

So, Song XIangsi, I beg you, don’t be such a pushover. This time, you didn’t come back to the country to start over again with Xu Jiamu. You’re here for your father. When your father is well again, you have to go back to America. Your life is good right now. Even though every now and then you get sad thinking about him, you’re at peace. Don’t hurt yourself time and time again…

Song Xiangsi tightened her grip, then shot Xu Jiamu a smirk and an emotionless smile. “Mr. Xu, what is the meaning of this? You want to relight the fire? If I remember correctly, you said it with your own mouth three years ago that you and I have nothing to do with each other!

“So, Mr. Xu, I believe there’s nothing we really need to say to each other. After all, I’m no one to you and you’re no one to me.”

Xu Jiamu grabbed both arms of the chair. His knuckles turned white, protruding under his sheer force.

“Oh, that’s not right.” Song Xiangsi looked at the man as though he was weird and chuckled. “For three years, I wasn’t your anything, nor you mine! It was just a business deal between us before. A deal settled with money, one after which we owed nothing to the other party.”

“In your heart, is that what you’ve always thought?” Xu Jiamu held his breath, pausing with each word of his question.

“Or what?” asked Song Xiangsi bemused. She lifted her head and stared into Xu Jiamu’s eyes. “Or else, why would I have aborted your child…”

Before she could finish, Xu Jiamu suddenly turned away. His breathing hastened, viciousness creeping up into his face.

Just as Song Xiangsi thought that he would get angry like he did three years ago, he suddenly loosened his grip on the chair. He took a step back, then turned around and stared out the window, and said flatly, “Leave. About your contract, tell your manager to come in and discuss the details.”

Song Xiangsi sat in her chair with a cold expression on her face for a while, then without making a sound, she stood up, picked up her bag, and walked out the door.

Xu Jiamu stood still on the spot without moving. It was not until he heard Song Xiangsi shut the door that his whole body trembled gently.

Soon enough, the door was pushed open and he heard the voice of her manager. “Chief Xu, the contract…”

“I’ll ask someone to send the contract to you later,” he said without even waiting for the manager to finish talking.

“Okay,” replied the woman.”Then goodbye, Chief Xu.”


Chapter 901: After (18)


Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu didn’t say another thing.

Song Xiangsi’s manager paused for a moment, then shut the door.

Only then did Xu Jiamu take two steps back into his seat. His ears rang with the words Song Xiangsi had just said.

“For three years, I wasn’t your anything, nor you mine! It was just a business deal between us before. A deal settled with money, one after which we owed nothing to the other party.

“Or else, why would I have aborted your child…”

Xu Jiamu thought about it, then hooked his lips into a smile, and let out a chuckle.

I’m nobody to you, and you’re nobody to me… So, all this time, this was what she thought.

Xu Jiamu… May I ask, can you now give it up?

That woman, she never loved you.

That woman, she always thought about distancing herself from you.

Actually, you knew inside but you clearly looked forward to seeing her, and in the end?

In the end, someone just trampled on you and left you with no self esteem at all.

After Song Xiangsi left The Capital Club, she went straight back to Su Yuan apartments.

She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, stared at the golden sunlight with a muddled mind.

She knew that she would eventually be affected by Xu Jiamu.

But, no matter how he affected her, she knew in her heart that she and him would never be able to be together.

She wasn’t the same Song Xiangsi from eleven years ago. When she was young, she had plenty of time to fall in love, to wait, and to be free. The Song Xiangsi now was already thirty years old with a two and a half year old daughter, and she’d long lost her money and courage.

Nobody knew how she had felt waking up to his phone call to hear “How could I marry her”.

Nor did anybody know how she had struggled for a long time since she heard those words till the first time she broke up with him. At the time, she forced herself to smile, and be gentle and considerate. While behind his back, she would often cry and slip into a trance.

Song Xiangsi realized that she was thinking too much about the past. She hastily shook her head, and pulled back her thoughts. Just as she was about to turn around to the living room, the phone in her pocket started to ring.

She pulled it out and saw that it was an unknown number. She hesitated for a moment and picked it up. “Excuse me, is this Song Xiangsi, Miss Song?”

Song Xiangsi hesitated for a moment, then said, “Yes.”

“Hello, this is the District One Hospital. There was a car accident at the Ring South Road. The license plate read 643. There was an adult and a three year old little girl in the vehicle. Both of them have been sent to the hospital. The adult is in a coma with no major injuries, but the little girl is in a severe condition…”

When Song Xiangsi heard this, her phone fell crashing to the ground with a “Pa!” without any warning.

Car crash. Little girl. The situation was catastrophic… was Little Red Bean in an accident?

Song Xiangsi felt her world spin. But soon enough, she quickly stabilized herself, swiftly picked up her bag, and ran out the door.

Xu Jiamu sat in The Capital Club till four before he paid and left.

At night, he had a meeting, so he quickly drove back to the company entrance. Eventually, he pulled out his phone and called his secretary to postpone the meeting to two days later. Then he turned the car around and headed back to Mian Xiu Garden.

When he reached it, he saw Lu Jinnian’s car drive in behind him. Xu Jiamu didn’t turn into the courtyard but stopped directly at the villa’s entrance.

Chapter 902: After (19)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

After just two minutes, Lu Jinnian parked his car. The doors opened and Qiao Anhao stepped out.

Xu Jiamu also got out of the car. He walked over and carried Little Rice Cake out of the infants car seat. “Missed uncle?”

“Yeah,” answered the boy softly. He handed Xu Jiamu a piece of candy he had brought back from kindergarten. “Uncle, for you.”

The candy was already unwrapped and there was a layer of dust. Who could know just how long Little Rice Cake had held onto it.

When he handed it to Xu Jiamu, he wasn’t the least bit disgusted and hesitant, opened his mouth and sucked on it.

“Brother Jiamu, the candy’s dirty. Little Rice Cake has been playing with it all the way here. He refused to give it to us.” Qiao Anhao couldn’t help but say something.

“Don’t worry. It won’t kill anyone,” said Xu Jiamu, as he couldn’t care less. Then he teased Little Rice Cake into a hug.

Lu Jinnian didn’t get out of the car. In a flat tone, he said to Xu Jiamu through the window, “Jiamu, Huan Ying Entertainment is holding a dinner party next Wednesday. Drop by.”

“Isn’t it enough that you’re going? What’s the point in me being there?” Xu Jiamu’s complete attention was on Little Rice Cake.

“The party will be quite big. Lots of young wealthy women will be there. What if someone catches your eye…” added Qiao Anhao.

“Hm…” Xu Jiamu chuckled. “I’m not going to find a date. The two of you don’t have to waste your efforts.”

“If you found someone on your own, then your brother and I wouldn’t have to bother.” Qiao Anhao reached her hand out and pulled Little Rice Cake into her arms. “You’re already thirty-one years old, yet you’re still alone. That’s not right. What’s more, if you have someone you like, then just marry them. And if not, why don’t you let your brother have an arranged marriage for Xu Enterprise?”

Someone I like… Xu Jiamu’s eyes slightly turned dark. He continued to smile and said, “Let’s talk about it later”. He pulled the car door open and got into his car. As he lowered the window down, he said “Bye bye”, then turned into his own villa.

Xu Jiamu changed his shoes and went right up to the second floor. He laid on the bed for no more than two minutes, before he heard the doorbell ring.

Xu Jiamu thought that Qiao Anhao had ran over to ask him to go to the party, and so he didn’t think much of it. He pulled the covers over his head and continued to lie with his eyes closed. The doorbell rang ceaselessly, Xu Jiamu couldn’t help but let out a distressed sigh. He then climbed out of bed and made his way downstairs.

“Qiao Anhao, are you done?” he asked as he opened the door. There, standing at the door, was Song Xiangsi. He froze for a second, before saying flatly, “What are you doing here?”

Song Xiangsi’s face was pale white and her eyes looked flustered. She apparently couldn’t hear the restraint in his words, as she hastily grabbed his sleeve. “Mr. Xu, could you do me a favor?”

From what Xu Jiamu remembered, this was the first time her saw her this flustered. His brows gently furrowed, and the next second he opened the door wider and said, “Come and let’s talk”. He turned around and stepped into the room.

Without hesitation, Song Xiangsi walked right in.

When she walked into the living room, Xu Jiamu didn’t even glance back at her. He just pointed at the sofa and signaled for her to take a seat, after which he went over in front of the drinks dispenser and got a cup of water.


Chapter 903: After (20)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

When she walked into the living room, Xu Jiamu didn’t even glance back at her. He just pointed at the sofa and signaled for her to take a seat, after which he went over in front of the drinks dispenser and got a cup of water.

Holding onto his cup, Xu Jiamu turned around and looked at Song Xiangsi, who stood stunned in the center of the living room. His brows furrowed, but he didn’t offer her a seat again, walking up to her instead and offering her the cup. “What do you need me to help you with?”

Song Xiangsi didn’t take the cup from his hand, but raised her pale face to stare up into his eyes. Without hesitation, she let slip, “I need your blood.”

Because of her words, Xu Jiamu’s hand abruptly trembled, causing the warm water from the cup in his hand to splatter onto his sleeves, leaving rings of watermarks.

In just a second, he got himself together and his brows twitched. “Need my blood?”

“Yes.” Song Xiangsi nodded vigorously, and her expression grew increasingly panicked. She didn’t wait for him to ask on, but continued on her own tangent. “Please, come with me to the district hospital, okay? Today at Ring South Road, Jiang Licheng was driving and he got into an car accident…”

“So you’ve come here to save your husband?” Xu Jiamu suddenly interrupted. His stare became a little intense.

Song Xiangsi was stunned, as she realized that she almost let slip that Xu Jiamu had the same blood type as Little Red Bean, which was why she was begging him to save her.

When she rushed to the hospital, Little Red Bean was being resuscitated. The doctor told her that the girl had lost a lot of blood. The hospital’s reserve wasn’t enough, and that she should consider finding someone with the same blood type otherwise she could die.

At the time, when she heard the words ‘she could die’, she was instantly stunned. The only person who came to mind with the same blood type as Little Red Bean was Xu Jiamu, so without a second thought, she rushed over to him.

If Xu Jiamu hadn’t just suddenly interrupted, she might’ve actually let the truth out…

Song Xiangsi paused for over a minute before finally lowering her eyes. Without any explanation, she softly cried, “I beg you to drop by the hospital. Please?”

Xu Jiamu silently stared at her for a long time.

He thought back to just how arrogant her attitude was a few hours ago at The Capital Club. So heartless, so cold. Compared to how flustered she was now, she was practically two different people.

So it wasn’t that she didn’t have a heart, it was just that her heart wasn’t with him…

Xu Jiamu’s grip on his cup started to tighten little by little.

His gaze upon her became dark and emotionless. Song Xiangsi couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

The room was silent for about half a minute. Song Xiangsi, who missed Little Red Bean dearly, couldn’t help but cry out, “Jiamu, please come with me, okay?”

As she said this, she lunged forward and grabbed his wrist.

But before she could touch his sleeve, he suddenly jerked back. He turned his head, and without so much as a glance at her, he slowly put his cup of water on the coffee table. His voice was flat and calm. “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

When he finished speaking, he pointed at the door, as though to see a guest out. “Mrs. Song, please find someone else to help you.”

Chapter 904: After (21)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu paused, then added, “Sorry to trouble your Mrs. Song, but could you please close the door behind you on your way out.”

He turned around and headed for the stairs without the slightest hint of wanting to compromise.

Song Xiangsi hurriedly reached her hand out and pulled his arm.

That familiar warm sensation made Xu Jiamu’s entire body numb. After two seconds, he flung her hand away.

This time, Song Xiangsi tightly grabbed onto him with both hands. She didn’t know if it was because she was scared or worried, but her hand started to shiver. “I don’t have time to find someone else to help. The doctor says that they don’t have enough in their blood bank and that the situation is dire. Someone could die at any time! Please, I’m begging you! Please, help me just this once, okay?”

All of a sudden, Xu Jiamu chuckled as though he had just heard the funniest joke. He turned his head and looked right at Song Xiangsi, mocking her, “Mrs. Song, if I remember correctly, three hours ago you told me that there was nothing for us to talk about. Since there’s nothing to say, Mrs. Song, what reason is there for me to save someone who I have nothing to do with?”

Perhaps it was because Xu Jiamu’s voice was so determined, Song Xiangsi really felt that he wasn’t going to help her. Tears rolled down her face, and she tightened her grip onto his hand. Her eyes turned erratically, as though she couldn’t find any words to convince him. In the end, she sounded barely coherent when she said, “Can you please… Can you please do it for me because of the eight years we spent together…”

“Eight years?”

In the afternoon, he was the first to mention their past, but she didn’t care at all for their old love. Now, she was bringing it up again for another man…

Xu Jiamu scoffed again, but there was an unrestrained tinge of sadness beneath his eyes. Soon enough, his gaze turned sharp and overbearing. He turned his head and stared at Song Xiangsi, then paused with each word as he said, “Those eight years were just a business deal, wasn’t it? You said, ‘a deal settled with money, after which we owed nothing to the other party.’ Mrs. Song you’re now looking for tips?”

As Xu Jiamu said this with a little haste, he suddenly shut his eyes and took a deep breath. His hands balled up into tight fists.

After two seconds, he opened his eyes and stared into Song Xiangsi’s eyes with a freezing glare. “What’s more… Mrs. Song, I’d like to ask you, why exactly should I help a woman who ruthlessly aborted my child to leave me?”

As he said this, he forcefully pulled his arm away and said with a cold and hardened voice, “Mrs. Song, I won’t bother to see you out.”

With that, he made his way up the stairs.

“Xu Jiamu!” Song Xiangsi suddenly cried his name. She stared at his back as he walked up the steps. “It’s just a promise to donate blood at the hospital. I’ll do anything for you!”

Xu Jiamu’s footsteps came to a sudden stop.

“I won’t help you for free. Make a deal with me. I promise to do one thing for you. It doesn’t matter what you request, I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How about that?”

Eleven years ago, she sold herself for her father.

Eleven years later, she would make a deal for her husband.

Song Xiangsi was really a passionate person, but her love was never reserved for him.

Xu Jiamu had no idea where his anger came from. He suddenly turned around and walked back down the stairs.


Chapter 905: After (22)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu stopped in front of Song Xiangsi, then suddenly clutched her delicate chin. He lifted her face up high, looked right into her eyes, and asked, “You’ll agree to anything?”

A burst of viciousness had overcome him.

This was the Xu Jiamu that Song Xiangsi had known for so many years. Seeing him like this for the first time in a long while left her trembling in fear. After much effort, she finally calmed herself down and gave him a light nod.

Xu Jiamu tightened his clutch on her chin, making her cry out in pain. He gazed straight at her. “If I ask you to spend three days and three nights? You promise?”

Song Xiangsi froze. Just as Xu Jiamu thought that she’d decline, he heard her crisp voice say, “I promise you.”

Xu Jiamu’s heart practically exploded in embarrassment and anger. He tightened his clutch on her chin, then all of a sudden loosened his grip and flung her aside. He brushed past and made his way out the door.

Song Xiangsi found her footing, after she stumbled from his sweep, and chased after him.

Xu Jiamu didn’t even glance at her when he pulled the car door open for her to get in. He waited for her to take a seat, then just before she could put on her seat belt, he stepped on the accelerator, causing the car to jump.

All the way to the hospital, neither of them said a thing.

Xu Jiamu’s eyes were focused on the road, but every now and then, his anger would flare up.

The car stopped downstairs of the hospital’s emergency unit. Without even bothering with Song Xiangsi, he made his way to the blood center, rolled up his sleeve, and took a seat.

The nurse was stunned by Xu Jiamu’s actions. Thankfully, Song Xiangsi followed closely behind and explained everything.

“The patient is in poor condition. Perhaps 800 ml will do, but one person can only give 400ml…”

Before the nurse could finish, Xu Jiamu suddenly interrupted her. “Don’t worry, you can just take it.”

The nurse looked over at Song Xiangsi.

Her lips twitched. “Jiamu…”

“Since it’s a deal, let’s be fair. Right?” teased Xu Jiamu, as he turned his head. In a commanding tone, he told the nurse, “Take it!”

Xu Jiamu’s eyes were shut and he was evidently dizzy when he stood up after they drew his blood. After about half a minute of silence, he started to make his way out of the emergency ward.

Song Xiangsi caught up to him in a jog. “Let me take you home.”

“There’s no need,” he declined flatly. Standing at the hospital entrance, he lifted his arm out to hail for a taxi.

“You don’t look too good. You have to eat something to help restore you blood. Also…”

“Mrs. Song, don’t you think that talking about such things between a buyer and seller is a bit over the line?”

Song Xiangsi was so chocked up, she couldn’t speak. Her mouth moved, but in the end, she sealed her lips.

Xu Jiamu didn’t look at her, but stared right at the car in front of him. When the taxi he waited for finally came around, he slightly swayed as he walked up to it. Song Xiangsi hurriedly put her arm out to support his arm. “Are you alright?”

Ignoring her, Xu Jiamu pulled his arm away, and pulled the taxi’s door open.

Chapter 906: After (23)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Before Xu Jiamu got into the car, he stopped as though having realized something. With his head slightly lowered, he said to Song Xiangsi, “I changed my mind. I don’t need you to spend three days and nights with me. I just need two hours at eight on Sunday at the Four Seasons hotel.”

After he said this, he bent down and got into the taxi. The taxi drove off before Song Xiangsi could snap back to her senses.

The next day after after blood donation, Xu Jiamu lay groggily in bed with a fever all day. It was not until nightfall that his temperature fell.

He was still a little weak after he ate some food, but he wasn’t the least bit sleepy. He was the only one in the villa, and the silence left him a little flustered.

When Song Xiangsi was back in America, he would often feel lonely, but now that she was back and he was in the same city, he felt even more lonely.

Xu Jiamu smoked two cigarettes, then walked into the study room. Since he hadn’t been in the office for a day, there were dozens of emails in his inbox. He sat in front of his desk and looked through them one by one. When he finished working, it was already 5 am in the morning. He took a shower, and then drove to a random breakfast cafe for some food, then went to the office.

There was a tall pile of documents on his desk. He sat down and started to read through them, as though he didn’t know what tiredness meant. He waited for people to come to work one after the other. He signed all the documents. Next, the secretary had to give him a run down of the day’s schedule. Then, he had a meeting, and lunch… All in all, he was so busy the entire day, he had no time for a breather.

Xu Jiamu and Song Xiangsi didn’t see each other after the day he donated his blood, nor did either of them take the initiative to contact the other.

That weekend, Xu Jiamu was alone in the office, working overtime for two days. It was not until six o’clock in the evening on Sunday that his phone reminder alarm started to ring. He saw the three words: Evening, 8 PM.

Xu Jiamu stared at those words for a long time, but eventually flipped his phone over and continued to work on his computer, all the way until twenty past seven. He then shut down his computer and cleaned up his things, then walked out the door.

It was twenty to eight when he reached the Four Seasons hotel. He booked a room, yet he wasn’t in a hurry to go up. Instead, he waited in the lobby for about twenty minutes. At six past eight, he finally saw Song Xiangsi’s car parked at the entrance of the hotel.

She stepped into the hotel lobby. Xu Jiamu waited until she noticed him before he got up and silently walked up to the elevators.

Song Xiangsi kept to about five meter distance behind him.

The elevator doors opened. Without even bothering with her, Xu Jiamu headed right towards his room. He swiped his card, pushed open the door, and walked in.

Seconds later, Song Xiangsi followed him in. She stood at the door for a while, before gently closing it.

Xu Jiamu sat sluggishly down on the sofa, then casually turned on the TV. After a while, he saw Song Xiangsi still standing at the entrance. He then turned the TV’s volume down. Without thinking before he spoke, he suddenly asked, “Does your husband know that you’re in a room with another man?”

When she heard his taunt, her usual arrogant eyes turned dark and she slightly lowered her head.

Xu Jiamu’s mood grew increasingly more annoyed when he saw that look on her face. He turned his head and wouldn’t stop clicking the remote control, changing the channels. In his head, he thought back to how similar this scene was to the first night they’d spent together many years ago.

Chapter 907: After (24)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

The same Four Seasons hotel, the same room.

It was just decorated differently.

Today was the same as that day. He was walked in the front, and she followed behind. He escorted her into the hotel room.

He sat on the sofa watching TV, and she stood uncomfortably at the door like before.

Though he had dated a few girls here and there, but that was the first time he’d ever stayed in the same room with a woman. Despite looking very calm, only the heavens knew that he was probably more nervous than she deep down inside.

That time, the two of them also arrived at the hotel at eight, but he didn’t let her sleep until twelve.

That day, she didn’t dare glance at him when he said his first words to her. She stood at the door with her head lowered and nodded without so much as a twitch of a muscle.

Later, he went to take a shower. After the shower, he climbed onto the bed and called her to take a shower. She was more hesitant than he was when she walked into the bathroom. When she came out, her clothes were neat and tidy, as she practically shuffled one step at a time to the side of the bed. He didn’t know if it was because he was impatient or anxious, but he suddenly sat up and dragged her onto the bed. Her body trembled ferociously and her eyes blinked incessantly; she didn’t dare glance at him.

At the time, he didn’t do anything but hug her to sleep until the next morning. When he opened his eyes, she was using his arm as a pillow. She was fast asleep, and the sunlight cut through the floor-to-ceiling window to fall onto her white and youthful face. He looked at her eyes and couldn’t help but kiss her lips.

She woke up in a fright, and timidly raised her hand to push him away, but just when she touched his shoulder, she lost all her strength.

He stripped her, one item of clothing at a time. He remembered that day well. He had moved so stiffly, without any techniques. It was also his first time, so after thrusting for a long time, he wasn’t successful. In the end, he was drenched entirely in sweat, and he felt truly embarrassed, as he ground for almost four hours. She was finally his woman.

Xu Jiamu gulped, then put memory in the back of his mind. Without turning around to look at Song Xiangsi, he asked in a flat voice, “Have you had dinner?”

She didn’t speak until a long time had passed. “Yeah, I have.”

Xu Jiamu didn’t say a word, watching the TV in a daze.

Did she just have dinner with her husband? He hadn’t even eaten lunch today…

The room was quiet again for a while. Suddenly, Xu Jiamu shut the TV off and glanced over at Song Xiangsi, still standing at the door. He didn’t say a word, but walked over to the bedroom.

Soon enough, Song Xiangsi heard the faint sound of running water coming from inside.

After taking a quick shower, Xu Jiamu stepped out of the bathroom in a bath robe and shot her a glance. He pointed to the bedroom behind him. Though he hadn’t said a word, Song Xiangsi understood what he meant. She tightly pursed her lips, then brushed past him and walked towards the bathroom.

Xu Jiamu waited to hear the sound of running water in the bathroom, before walking over to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. He lit up a cigarette. When he finished smoking, the sound of running water came to a stop. He put out his cigarette, stared for a bit at the waning lights outside the window, then went back into the bedroom.

Chapter 908: AFTER (25)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Song Xiangsi was drying her hair when she saw him enter. She stopped what she was doing, then continued to lower her head.

Xu Jiamu stood still at the bedroom door, waiting for her to finish drying her hair. Then, he pointed at the bed.

Song Xiangsi knew that he was signaling for her to get on it. They had been together for eight years now, but at that very moment, she felt an unspeakable sense of nervousness. She balled her fists into a tight fist, then, slowly, walked over to the side of the bed and sat down.

That’s when Xu Jiamu walked into the room. He stopped in front of her and shot her a look. All of sudden, he leaned forward and pushed her down on the bed.

In that instant, he clearly felt her body stiffen.

Having been together for eight years, the two of them had had a lot of sex, and they were so familiar with each others bodies that they could have sex with their eyes closed. Later on in their relationship, she even initiated it.

But on her first time, she was was stiff as a rock underneath him.

She shut her eyes. Her eyelashes were quivering fiercer than the first time they did it.

Her hands tightly grabbed onto the sheets beneath her.

Xu Jiamu stared at Song Xiangsi like that for a while, before he reached his arm out and undid her bath robe. He could clearly feel how her body trembled violently, and how her breathing started to grow unsteady.

He slowly untied the band around her robe to unveil her snowy white skin.

By simply looking at her like this, he felt his body transform..

In the past three years, he knew that he missed her… he knew that his body missed her.

Xu Jiamu slowly tore the robe off her body, gently lowered his head, and kissed her skin. He realized that her whole body shivered from his action. He lifted his head to see that she shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip.

Her reaction just now… He couldn’t tell if it was because she was nervous or if she was fighting back.

Xu Jiamu looked at her for a while, then continued to kiss her skin. He kissed and kissed, then suddenly he came to an abrupt stop.

Though she had suggested to make a deal, and she was willing to do anything tonight… But what about him? He really wanted her, but… but he couldn’t go on.

She was already married. She was only in bed with him to save another man. Even if something were to happen between them now, she still wouldn’t be his.

Earlier, when he first saw her at the kindergarten, they were already completely over. He was just unwilling give up.

Xu Jiamu lowered his eyes, and remained silent for a while. Then, he reached out with his arm and wrapped her bathrobe around her.

Song Xiangsi’s brows twitched, and she opened her eyes to see Xu Jiamu with his head lowered, tying her bathrobe around her.

A flash of confusion crossed her eyes.

Xu Jiamu still didn’t look at her. He slowly left her body and took a step back. “I’ll pay for the room later. You can leave tomorrow if you want, or you can leave in a while. It’s up to you.”

He reached out to pick up the clothes beside him and walked out of the bedroom. That’s when he glanced over at Song Xiangsi, and said after some thought, “Also… that blood… let’s just say I did a good deed. You don’t have to repay me.”

Chapter 909: After (26)


Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

“After all, even if it was a complete stranger, I’d help them in their time of need if they came to find me.”

When Xu Jiamu finished, he stood there for while. Certain he had nothing more to say, he shut the bedroom door.

He quickly put on a shirt in the living room. Then, without any hesitation or pause, he grabbed the car keys and left.

When he paid the bill at the front desk, and walked out of the Four Seasons hotel, it was no later than nine o’clock.

The streets were busy… so busy in fact, the main road was full of traffic.

Xu Jiamu plunged both hands into his pockets, and looked up at the tall skyscraper of a hotel, as though he was looking at Song Xiangsi in the room above.

He stared for a long time, before he lowered his head and pulled out the car keys. He opened the car doors, got in, started up the car, and drove off.

For some people, once they’ve missed out, they truly have missed out for good.

For example, him and her.

In Beijing, he deeply worried about her for three years, started to pretend for his own sake, and now… the truth was laid out in front of him. He finally came to realization that she would never be his.

It was so sad… He didn’t even have a reason to pretend to himself anymore.

However, from now on… He believed that he truly had learned how to forget her.

Xu Jiamu really didn’t contact Song Xiangsi after leaving that night.

He even returned her commercial endorsement project back for Chief Luo to handle.

As usual, he went to work and finished work, had meetings for future cooperation projects, did overtime on his own, ate on his own, slept on his own, and lost sleep on his own. He seemed to be no different from how he used to be, but somehow, he gave people the impression that he was a whole different person. After a few days, everyone slowly realized that no matter who it was, Xu Jiamu had the same warm attitude towards everyone. He simply didn’t have have a bad attitude, nor did he show happiness, anger, or sadness…

In the end, Chief Luo signed Song Xiangsi as their spokesperson without any hitches. When he found Xu Jiamu to sign and validate the contract, he didn’t have much of a reaction. He flipped through it and signed his name in the space next to Song Xiangsi’s signature with no emotion at all.

After signing the contract, everyone on the endorsement project got together for a conference.

That day, Song Xiangsi was also present. She sat opposite Xu Jiamu. There was a meter’s distance between them. If they looked up, their eyes could meet. Despite that, Xu Jiamu never once glanced at her. He rarely spoke, and he had just the one expression on his face. After the conference ended, Chief Luo suggested that everyone should go out for a meal. In a flat tone, Xu Jiamu refused, “I have a meeting to attend to later”, then picked the documents and went back to his office with his secretary.

That afternoon, he met with a client who had quite demanding terms. Yet Xu Jiamu was extremely well-mannered, as he analyzed his project for a whole two hours. Eventually, they couldn’t come to an agreement, but he kindly personally sent the client off at the elevators.

Back in the office, he received a call from Lu Jinnian. “Tonight’s party is at China World Hotel…”

Lu Jinnian hadn’t finished when Xu Jiamu said, “I’m going.”

On the other end, his brother was stunned for a moment. “Why are you suddenly interested in going?”

Xu Jiamu turned his head, with the phone to his ear, and stared out at the bright sunshine outside for a long while, before slowly telling Lu Jinnian, “I want to get married.”

Chapter 910: After (27)


Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu turned his head, with the phone to his ear, and stared out at the bright sunshine outside for a long while, before slowly telling Lu Jinnian, “I want to get married.”

Like still water, he sounded poised when he said this, without a hint of emotion. On the other hand, when those words fell in Lu Jinnian’s ears, he felt like an unexpected, and incomparably violent, thunder had struck.

He paused for about three whole minutes, then asked, “Get married to who? I’ve tried urging you so many times in the past, but you always avoided the topic. Why are you now suddenly thinking about marriage? Did something happen…”

“Nothing happened.” Though Lu Jinnian’s tone of voice was as flat and cold as usual, it made Xu Jiamu clearly feel worried. He couldn’t say why, but he became a little upset. With a deep breath, he composed himself and continued, “I don’t know who… but I don’t want to continue to live like this on my own.”

The phone went silent again. This time, Xu Jiamu didn’t wait for Lu Jinnian to speak again, and secretly took another breath. He relaxed slightly. “Alright, I have some things to attend to. See you tonight.”

Then he hurriedly hung up.

His fingertips trembled.

He tightly gripped onto his phone, and sat there on the office chair in a daze for a long time. Then, as though he had lost all the strength in his body, he spread himself out on the desk. He shut his eyes for about a minute and let a single tear run down his face.

The party started at half past eight. Xu Jiamu especially took a trip back to Mian Xiu Garden at seven. As he was choosing what to wear in his changing room, he picked up his blue suit by habit. Then, stood there stunned.

He thought back to how he didn’t use to like wearing blue. Two years ago, when Song Xiangsi just started off her career and received a nomination for best female lead, she deliberately gave him a guest ticket to that evening’s award ceremony. She purposefully went to a tailor to order a tailored gown. At the time, he accompanied her to the shop and was made to pick an outfit for himself. Out of habit, he chose a white outfit, but then she recommended he wear blue, as it made him look more handsome. Actually, thinking back, from then onward, every time he attended an event, he may wear different outfits, but they were all blue.

Xu Jiamu paused for a moment, then hung the blue suit back in the wardrobe and picked out an all-black suit.

Starting from today, he was going to try hard to break all his habits that had anything to do with her.

At half past eight, Xu Jiamu arrived on time at the entrance of China World Hotel.

He didn’t wait for the car attendant to open his door, getting out on his own. Just as he planted his feet steadily on the ground, he caught the silhouette of a familiar person at the corner of his eye.

He abruptly turned his head in the direction of a lamp post not too far away from where he was standing. There, he saw Little Red Bean in Song Xiangsi’s arms, as she hailed a taxi by the side of the road

The car door was touch-activated. Because Xu Jiamu had barely opened it, his hand was crushed between it. Yet he continued to stare at Song Xiangsi carrying Little Red Bean, as their taxi drove off, like he couldn’t feel pain at all. That’s when he heard the bellboy politely ask, “Mr. Xu? May I help you with something?”.

Chapter 911: AFTER (28)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu didn’t make a sound, but silently pulled his hand trapped between the door, and flatly handed the bellboy his keys. “May I trouble you to please park the car. Thank you.”

When the bellboy took the keys, Xu Jiamu turned around and walked into the China World Hotel.

He stood in the elevator with a dull expression on his face, and his eyes looking dead ahead. With his good hand, he silently rubbed his other clamped hand that was covered in dark purple bruises. He felt an excruciating pain from a single touch, but no matter how much it hurt, it was just an incredibly small fraction of the pain he felt in his heart.

He clearly was dead set on forgetting about her, and wanted to break any habits he developed that had anything to do with her… However, whenever he saw her, he couldn’t help but stare at her in a trance. Now, he didn’t even have any right to say a simple ‘hello’. One day, he’ll get rid of the habit of staring at her transfixed, too.

At the party, Xu Jiamu was elegant and courteous. No matter if he knew the person or not, if anyone approached him, he would smile at them and patiently have a casual conversation with them for a while. He appeared perfect and untouchable.

There was indeed quite a few rich women who actively came up to talk to him. Among them, there were one or two young women, who put their whole attention on him and managed to create opportunities for themselves to bump into him a few times at the party.

In the past, Xu Jiamu never bothered with girls like these, but tonight, when those girls greeted him, he smiled back or clinked glasses like a gentleman. Halfway through the party, he pulled away and walked over to a quiet balcony. He lit up a cigarette, but when he had smoked half of it, someone suddenly opened the glass doors behind him and stepped in.

Xu Jiamu turned his head instinctively to find a young woman.

She was slightly stunned to find that there was someone on the balcony, and so she smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I didn’t know there was someone here.”

Xu Jiamu didn’t say a word, but he put out the cigarette in his hand, and then walked towards the hall, giving the balcony away to this woman who was looking for some fresh air.

He reached his arm out to pull the door, when suddenly the woman took a glance at his fingers and cried out, “Sir, your hand looks serious, have you applied ointment on it?”

Xu Jiamu glanced at his own fingers that were swollen from being caught between the doors. His brows were calm when he turned his head towards to the girl and gave her a gentle nod. He thanked her for her concern and was about to close the doors.

But the woman pulled out some ointment from her handbag and handed it to him. “This ointment is useful for getting rid of bruises. Take it.” Xu Jiamu didn’t take but looked up again to take another look at the woman. She wasn’t exactly pretty, and even if she had applied some make up, she was still quite ordinary-looking. Under his gaze, she felt a little embarrassed, figuring she might’ve been a little overenthusiastic. With a shy smile, she said in a quiet voice, “Sorry, I’m a doctor. When I see someone hurt, I’m conditioned to react like that.”

With that, the woman retracted her hand back.

Chapter 912: AFTER (29)

Just as the woman was about to put the ointment back into her handbag, Xu Jiamu suddenly asked, “What’s your name?”

“Me?” The woman lifted her head and shot him a smile. “Sisi. My name is Yang Sisi.”

Sisi… Xu Jiamu looked stunned for a moment, as he let slip, “Si, from Xiangsi?”

“Yeah, ‘Si’ from ‘Sinian’.” The woman seemed to like to smile. Without a word, she revealed a row of straight teeth, and held up the ointment to Xu Jiamu’s face. “You’d better take this ointment… it’s really good… otherwise your fingers will swell up so crazy tomorrow, you won’t be able to hold your pen.”

Xu Jiamu remained quiet for a while, then eventually reached his arm out to take the ointment and said in a gentle tone, “Thank you.” Then, he didn’t go back to the living room of the party, but stayed to chat with Yang Sisi for a long time. She was quite bubbly, similar to the old Xu Jiamu. She enjoyed talking with her hands and feet, while Xu Jiamu leaned against the balcony railing and quietly listened to her.

From how she described it, she didn’t come from a rich family. She was born in a small town in Hebei, she got into a medical school, and after graduation, she went to become a doctor at a hospital in Beijing. She earned just eight thousand bucks a month, so the only reason she had ended up in this party tonight was because her friend had invited her.

When the party ended, Xu Jiamu personally placed Yang Sisi in a taxi, sending her home to a shared room in the suburbs of Beijing. The moment she got out the car, the two of them shared their numbers.

After the party, Xu Jiamu and Yang Sisi didn’t see each other again. The two of them just texted each other.

Xu Jiamu saved her number as “Sisi” in his contacts. From then on, no matter what he did, no matter if he was in a meeting or taking care of clients, as long as “Sisi” sent him a message, he would reply. In reality, Xu Jiamu and Yang Sisi started to get together a week later on her birthday. She invited a few friends for dinner, and also called him over.

That night, she got drunk. Xu Jiamu asked where she lived, but she incoherently slurred her words. In the end, he had to book a room at a nearby hotel for her. When he had to go through a check in and register Yang Sisi’s details, he pulled out her ID from her bag, and handed it to the front desk to check in. When it came to write a name, he wrote without thinking “Song Xiangsi”.

The tip of his pen stopped abruptly. After about ten seconds, he messed it up so the words were unreadable. In the space next to it, he carefully and neatly rewrote the words, “Yang Sisi”.

Xu Jiamu escorted her into the hotel room and then went back to Mian Xiu Garden. After he took a shower, he laid in bed, but couldn’t sleep all night. He clearly told himself that he was going to start a new life, but… of all the women he could of gotten close to, why did he have to choose a woman called “Sisi”.

He sent messages to “Sisi” everyday. Though he called Yang Sisi, “Sisi”, but who was he really sending these text messages to and who was he really calling?

Chapter 913: After (30)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

The next day, Xu Jiamu got a call from Yang Sisi to thank him and treat him for a meal.

He knew that she was a little interested in him, which is why she always found excuses to get closer to him.

He didn’t reject her advances. In fact, he really did try his best to get to know her. He wanted to get married, then have kids, and… live out a normal life.

Eventually, he agreed to have lunch with her.

After that lunch, though neither of them put a label to their relationship, it was a little more official.

Yang Sisi had more chances to meet up with Xu Jiamu, and he treated her well. Like most good men in the world, he took her shopping, bought her favorite clothes and bags, took her on outings in the weekends, and he even allowed her to come over to the office when he had to do overtime. Sometimes, when he had to work rather late, he saw her sleeping on the sofa, and pulled a blanket over her. He was so good, when Yang Sisi suggested that he quit smoking, he couldn’t quit but stopped smoking in front of her.

All in all, he was truly perfect.

Perhaps it was because Xu Jiamu wasn’t quite at peace with himself, and as of late, his days have been remotely uneventful, but he often found himself in a daze. Could he really let go of Song Xiangsi?

One weekend, he took Yang Sisi to the hot springs in the suburbs.

He booked two rooms. It was ten in the evening when they came back from the hot springs. Yang Sisi took a shower, got changed into thin pajamas, and went to his room to watch a movie together.

Xu Jiamu didn’t decline.

They were adults. It wasn’t like he didn’t understand what she secretly meant.

The movie Yang Sisi chose coincidentally had a sex scene.

Perhaps it was because he was too calm, and he didn’t look like he was going to make a move, Yang Sisi’s cheeks flushed, for she moved her hand over to his with her eyes glued to the TV.

The second her fingertips touched Xu Jiamu’s, he instinctively pulled his arm away.

His reaction was so fierce, and his rejection so obvious, it made the bold woman feel awkward and embarrassed.

The atmosphere in the room instantly froze.

Yang Sisi’s eyes started to well up, and there was a hint of panic and helplessness.

She admitted that she liked this man, but she also knew that she wasn’t worthy of him. But then again, this was the man who asked her what her name was, he asked for her contact information, and though she admitted that she was the one who made the first move after that, he never rejected her…

They’ve known each other for almost a month now, but he never once touched her. Every now and then, even if he was afraid she’d get hit by a car when they crossed the road, he would never hold her hand. At most, he would pull on her arm.

Xu Jiamu didn’t look at Yang Sisi beside him, though he knew that her expression looked awful. Just when he thought he should say something to her, his phone suddenly rang. The ringtone cut through the atmosphere in the stifling room. Xu Jiamu let out a sigh of relief, hurriedly reached for the phone, and picked up the call.

It was Chief Luo calling to talk about a problem with the commercial shoot.

When Xu Jiamu got off the phone, Yang Sisi switched the TV off.


Chapter 914: After (31)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu took the call with Yang Sisi sitting next to him. Without the slightest intention of holding back, he talked about work.

His voice was low and flat. It sounded so beautiful, she thought it was like a sweet lullaby.

Yang Sisi couldn’t help but turn and look at the man on the phone. He was so handsome and dashing. Even now, she still doubted if being with him was just a dream.

Deep down inside, she knew full well that he might not be interested in her, otherwise, he wouldn’t have avoided her touch. Yet, she liked him, and so she was willing to wait for him to accept her.

When Xu Jiamu hung up, Yang Sisi pretended as though nothing had happened just now. She wore a beaming smile and asked him, “Is Song Xiangsi the spokesperson for the cosmetics brand you invested in?”

Xu Jiamu’s heart trembled violently at the mention of her name, but the expression on his face was flawless. He was exceptionally calm when he gave a gentle nod and let out a “Yeah”.

“I really like her. After she’s finished shooting the commercial, can you take me to visit her on set? Back in university, I’ve always dreamed about seeing her and taking a photo with her.”

Xu Jiamu didn’t say a word. This was the first time he didn’t swiftly agree to something since the two of them had started going out.

“It’s my dream. Even though she disappeared for three years, you don’t even know… Of the many female celebrities, I still liked her the most, so can you please take me to visit her. Please?” There was a sweet, spoiled tone to Yang Sisi’s voice.

Xu Jiamu lowered his head, remained silent for a while, then said, “Alright.”

Xu Jiamu really did take Yang Sisi to visit on set, but when he arrived, he just whispered a few words to the director responsible for the shoot. Then he signaled for Yang Sisi to follow the director, and he himself made an excuse to leave the set.

He saw Song Xiangsi the moment he arrived on set. She was surrounded by several make up artists working on her make up. When she saw him, she gently lifted her eyes and glanced over at him, then continued to look at the mirror in front of her.

After Song Xiangsi finished applying make up, the director brought Yang Sisi over to see her. “Xiangsi, Mr. Xu brought her. She says she’s your fan who wants to take a photo and get your signature.”

Song Xiangsi looked at this average-looking woman who looked familiar. She’d seen her with Xu Jiamu together a few times.

But she’d only seen them from afar.

Song Xiangsi took a closer look at Yang Sisi for a while. Just as the director thought she would decline, she curved her lips into a smile to say she would to take a photo and give Yang Sisi her signature.

The woman wasn’t in a hurry to leave the set, as she watched Song Xiangsi shoot the commercial up close.

Xu Jiamu smoked quite a few cigarettes outside. Seeing as Yang Sisi didn’t come out, he made his way back on set.

The moment he entered, he saw the image of Song Xiangsi smiling. His feet couldn’t help but stop still, and he started to stare at her.

The camera shot was perfect, but the director felt that Song Xiangsi could of done better. He signaled for them to take a rest, and to go again later. Song Xiangsi retouched her make up, and even shot Xu Jiamu a glance. Coincidentally, she saw him open a bottle of water and hand it to Yang Sisi to drink.


Chapter 915: After (32)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Yang Sisi drank a little hastily. A trickle of water fell from the corner of her lips and onto her shirt.

Standing next to her, Xu Jiamu wasn’t the least bit annoyed or bothered by her clumsy and inelegant actions. Instead, he even pulled out a tissue from his pocket and carefully wiped away the drops of water on her face and shirt.

Yang Sisi held her bottle of water with an embarrassed look. She bit the corner of her lips and smiled at Xu Jiamu. Then, she reached her hand out to take the tissue from his hand and said a few words.

Song Xiangsi couldn’t catch what she was saying because they were quite far away. After that, she saw Xu Jiamu shake his head at Yang Sisi, turn around to walk over to the bin, and throw the tissue into the bin.

Perhaps that woman, Yang Sisi, wanted to throw it into the bin herself.

Xu Jiamu had done particularly well in the past year. Every now and then, many business news outlets would report on his activity. Song Xiangsi deliberately didn’t pay attention to news about him, she tried hard to control herself from following his activity. Yet perhaps because she crossed paths with him a few times now, she couldn’t fight her inner desires any longer, for she’d always find herself reading about him on the news.

She knew that he treated that woman, Yang Sisi, really well. So well, in fact, he was completely obedient. When she read about it, she thought that perhaps the news was just exaggerating things, but now that she saw it today, she finally realized that the news articles weren’t making things up. Xu Jiamu treated Yang Sisi well, so well in fact, it was far from what she imagined.

After that, no matter if it was during the retouching of her make up or shooting up on stage, Song Xiangsi didn’t even glance over at Xu Jiamu and Yang Sisi.

Midway through production, she needed to shoot a video up on stage in her sixteen centimeter heels. She had been wearing tall high heels before, but not since Little Red Bean was born, so now she was having a little trouble. She noticed it was particularly difficult getting up on stage. Her steps were unsteady, and she almost slipped off stage. Luckily, her assistant and staff members standing beside her had quick reflexes, and were able to catch her.

Sitting not too far away, the moment he saw Song Xiangsi buckle, Xu Jiamu bolted up and instinctively moved away from his seat. When he saw someone support her up, he stopped in his tracks.

“Jiamu, what’s wrong?” asked Yang Sisi, turning to him in confusion.

Xu Jiamu shook his head, then calmly sat back in his seat.

“That was close just now…” Yang Sisi let out a long sigh of relief from the fright. She held the photo of her and Song Xiangsi up to Xu Jiamu, and continued to say, “Jiamu, look! My wishes finally came true, I took a photo with the star I liked for so many years. She’s so pretty…”

Xu Jiamu let out a gentle “Yeah”, then shot a quick glance over at Yang Sisi’s phone, before looking at Song Xiangsi nearby, surrounded by people. Everyone was checking to see if she was injured. In the end, she waved them away and made her way back on the steps. That’s when everybody dispersed and went back to their places to continue the shoot.


Chapter 916: After (33)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

“She’s probably thirty years old, right… She’s older than me by five years, and yet she’s looked after her skin better than I have! What’s more, look at this photo, I obviously look older than her…”

Xu Jiamu just turned his head and gave her a smile, as she rambled on. “I’m going to the restroom. Wait for me here.”

Yang Sisi nodded obediently.

Xu Jiamu didn’t say anything, as he slowly stood up. He turned, and on his way out of the set, he shot a glance at Song Xiangsi up on stage making different poses and faces under the cameraman’s instructions.

After Song Xiangsi finished one set of photos, she needed to remove her make up and wash her face.

There were restrooms on either side of the set. She was used to going to the one on the right, but on her way there, she saw Xu Jiamu smoking by the entrance.

She came to a halt, and hesitantly considered whether or not to turn around to the restrooms on the left. Xu Jiamu must have felt something in the air when he took a drag. He turned his head and stared at her face with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Song Xiangsi instinctively tightened the grasp on her cleansing lotion, lowered her eyes, and calmly walked forward. As she brushed past him, she clearly felt his gaze upon the side of her face. Just when she thought he was going to call for her, he suddenly lowered his head and put out his cigarette in the ashtray beside him.

When Song Xiangsi finished washing her face, she heard Xu Jiamu’s quiet voice from outside the restroom, “Okay, I’ll be right there. … Just wait for me at the entrance of the set. … Mmm…”

With that, Xu Jiamu hung up. After a good minute, Song Xiangsi heard the increasingly faint sound of his footsteps.

She waited until they disappeared, before she came out of the restroom. Her line of sight was drawn to where he’d been standing. There was an ash tray filled with a small mountain of cigarette heads of the same brand… So… Xu Jiamu stood there and just smoked all that?

She had always known that he smoked, but his addiction wasn’t too serious. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would light up a few cigarettes.

From what she remembered, Xu Jiamu smoked the hardest when Qiao Anhao leaked the scandal and when she sent his mother to the police station.

But, no matter how hard he smoked back then, it wasn’t as hard as how he smoked today.

Did something upset him today?

“Sis Xiangsi, why are you just standing there? Everyone’s waiting for you!”

Song Xiangsi’s assistant waited for a long time, but she didn’t come out, so she hurriedly ran over to go find her.

Song Xiangsi pulled her gaze from the ashtray, then handed her the cleansing lotion, and walked back into the set.

As the investor of the commercial, Xu Jiamu treated all the members of staff to a meal in the evening.

The private dining room was large. Inside, there was a round table that sat dozens of people.

Song Xiangsi and Xu Jiamu weren’t too far from one another.

The director and the staff members probably had read about Xu Jiamu on the news. Now that they saw him take Yang Sisi on set, they were certain she was his girlfriend, and so they were really polite to her. At the dining table, people would not stop asking her questions about Xu Jiamu.

Chapter 917: After (34)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Of course, they had to toast Yang Sisi with every question as well.

Yang Sisi had never been in a situation like this before, so she was a little nervous. Every time someone asked her a question, she would first sneak a glance at Xu Jiamu, mumble a short answer, naively clink glasses with someone, and down the drink.

Xu Jiamu could tell she was a bit uncomfortable, so he said, “Guys, quit teasing her.”

Though he spoke in a flat voice, to everyone’s ears he sounded a little protective.

With that, Xu Jiamu called the waiter and switched the glass of rice wine in front of Yang Sisi for a warm cup of corn juice. Then, he picked up some food and put it into her bowl.

Having seen this, everyone smiled understandingly.

Song Xiangsi also smiled, but when everyone asked her to drink with them, she didn’t bother to find an excuse and downed her drink without messing around.

Xu Jiamu didn’t have much to say, nor did he really drink. Every now and then, he would shoot a glance in Song Xiangsi’s direction. Seeing as she didn’t refuse anyone’s drinks, downing one glass after another, he couldn’t help but furrow his brows.

“Jiamu… Song Xiangsi can really drink,” softly whispered Yang Sisi, who also paid attention to Song Xiangsi.

Xu Jiamu turned his head and smirked at Yang Sisi. Then, picked up more food and put it into her bowl.

“Jiamu, did you forget? I hate eating mushrooms.” Yang Sisi picked up her chopsticks, and put the food back into his bowl.

Xu Jiamu was stunned for a moment, then picked up his own chopsticks and courteously put a piece of fish into her bowl..

Only then did Yang Sisi smile at Xu Jiamu with curved eyes, and lowered her head to eat.

He turned his head and stared at the plate of mushrooms. Then, he held the chopsticks and slowly put the food into his mouth.

It was Song Xiangsi who liked to eat mushrooms.

There was a private restaurant that served mushroom hot pots on Beijing’s second Ring Road. It was Song Xiangsi’s favorite. He took Yang Sisi there for their first meal out. That was when he learned that she didn’t like to eat mushrooms, so whenever they ate out together, he would always be weary of ordering them. However, tonight… eighty percent of the dishes on the table had mushrooms.

Since Yang Sisi was being protected by Xu Jiamu, everyone else tried their best to get Song Xiangsi, who was pretty, to drink.

No matter how well she could take her alcohol, after downing one glass after another, she couldn’t stomach it. It was quite obvious, for she was a little sluggish when she downed her next drink.

Xu Jiamu looked calm and serene, yet his hand silently gripped his chopsticks tighter.

That woman… was about to finish a liter of rice wine… Ever since he sat down, she hadn’t eaten a thing. Did she want to die?

All of a sudden, Song Xiangsi couldn’t take it anymore, so she jumped up and left the room.

Xu Jiamu, who appeared calm throughout, pursed his lips, like he was struggling with something. Eventually, he put his chopsticks down on the table, and walked out of the room with “Off for a smoke”.

He hastily walked over to the restroom. Without even entering, he heard the sound of Song Xiangsi vomiting.


Chapter 918: After (35)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu footsteps paused for a moment. Then he turned to leave.

Song Xiangsi vomited until there was nothing left in her stomach, then she rinsed her mouth. Just when she was about to wash her face with some water, a bottle of sour milk with a straw suddenly appeared in front of her.

She was stunned for a moment, then slowly looked up at the mirror in front of her to see Xu Jiamu standing behind her, on her right.

His lips twitched, but he just lowered his head and didn’t say a word. She washed her face, turned the tap off, and pulled a tissue from beside her. She wiped her face dry, then threw the tissue into the bin. Without even glancing at the sour milk on the sink, she turned right around, like Xu Jiamu didn’t exist at all, and brushed past him.

Perhaps it was because she had too much to drink, her legs wobbled as she walked. Xu Jiamu couldn’t help but reach his arm out to hold her steady.

Song Xiangsi’s body trembled slightly, then she struggled to pull her arm away from his grasp. She stumbled, then continued on her way out.

Just when she was about to leave the restroom, her phone suddenly rang.

She leaned against the wall to steady herself, and pulled out her phone from her back with trembling fingers, and took the call.

He wasn’t sure what was said on the phone, but her face suddenly dropped. The next second, she blurted, “I’m coming.”

Then she frantically shoved her phone back into her pocket, and staggered over to the elevators.

Xu Jiamu furrowed his brows, and without thinking, he caught up with her. “What happened?”

Song Xiangsi ignored what he said and tried her hardest to push the elevator button. As soon as the elevator doors opened, she rushed in.

She rushed in so quickly, she almost crashed into the wall. Luckily, Xu Jiamu had quick reflexes, so he pulled her back. “What in the hell happened?”

The color had drained from her face. As though she hadn’t heard what he said, she stared straight at the red numbers in the elevator, until she first floor, then dashed out.

Once Song Xiangsi left the restaurant, she walked to the side of the road and tried to hail a taxi.

Xu Jiamu continued to ask her her two more times, but seeing as she didn’t reply and was too drunk, he eventually dragged her by force to the car park beside them. “I’ll take you.”

“No, I’ll get a taxi…” Before Song Xiangsi could reject him, she suddenly bent over and gagged.

Xu Jiamu waited to one side for her to finish. Then, without saying a word, he lifted her up and strode over to his car.

He put her in the passenger’s seat, and quickly got in the car. As he started it, he asked, “Where do you want to go?”

Song Xiangsi held her stomach, which was in pain from drinking so much alcohol. She shook her head, and said, “Drop me off at the subway station up front.”

Xu Jiamu didn’t even bother with what she said. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator. In the blink of an eye, the car drove past the subway. Then he repeated his question. “Where do you want to go?”

Song Xiangsi opened her mouth, but not sound came out. Xu Jiamu said again, “I don’t mind taking you in circles around Beijing.”

Her lips twitched. Eventually, she lowered her eyes and said in a weak voice, “District Three Hospital.”

Chapter 919: After(36)

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Xu Jiamu frowned, taking a turn. “Hospital?”

Song Xiangsi ignored his question, turning to glance out the window.

Traffic was smooth, in less than twenty minutes, they reached the City Hospital. Song Xiangsi pushed open the door, thanking him haphazardly before rushing into the hospital.

Xu Jiamu glanced at her, and after a moment’s hesitation, he parked his car at the side and followed behind.

Song Xiangsi ran straight for the operating room in the emergency building on the third floor. There was a nurse dressed in a pale pink uniform sitting outside. When she saw her rushing woman, she stood up immediately. As Song Xiangsi approached, the alcohol smell on her was easy to smell. Frowning, the nurse asked, “Mrs. Song, you drank?”

Song Xiangsi nodded, turning to glance at the tightly shut operating doors. “What happened? When I visited in the afternoon, wasn’t he alright? Why did he suddenly faint?”

The nurse shook her head, repeating the events in detail. “Mr. Song was still alright during dinner and he was in a good mood as well, he even specifically got me to play a movie you acted in before. But after the movie, when I was about to help him to the bed, he suddenly fainted.”

“I’ll wait here, you can go now.”

“Goodbye, Mrs. Song.”

“Mmh.” After the nurse left, Song Xiangsi held onto the wall and sat down on the chair slowly, as she stared at the “In operation” sign blankly.

Xu Jiamu took in the conversation. He waited by the elevator for a while before deciding to head over.

Song Xiangsi tilted her head when she heard footsteps. When she saw him, he clenched her lips, turning back.

Xu Jiamu leaned against the wall in front of her, staring at her pale face. Hesitating slightly, he asked, “Your father hasn’t been cured yet?”

“Mmh,” Song Xiangsi replied before the corridor once again sunk into silence. After a long while, she turned towards him. “After the surgery a few years ago, he got better, but it suddenly worsened this year.”

Xu Jiamu nodded. When his lowered his gaze and saw her feet, he frowned, and the next second, he headed over, knelt down in front of her, and grabbed onto her leg.

Song Xiangsi trembled, startled by his sudden actions. Before she could react, Xhe had already removed her shoes. Frowning, he asked, “Why is your foot so swollen?”

She lowered her head.

“Did you sprain it this afternoon while filming?” Xu Jiamu recalled how she had fallen from quite a high ground.

Song Xiangsi remained silent.

“Why didn’t you say anything when it’s so serious,” he chastised.

Song Xiangsi hung her head. After a while, she raised it back up to smile at him nonchalantly. “What’s there to say?”


Chapter 920: Continuation?1?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Song Xiangsi turned to stare at the operating doors, her gaze turning distant. After about half a minute, she continued in nonchalance, “That’s how it always was, what’s there to say?”

Xu Jiamu felt an aching pain in his heart.

They didn’t spend a lot of time together, she had her job and he had to deal with Xu Enterprise, so they mostly met for a passionate night. In his memory, Song Xiangsi was always distant, as though the worldly problems couldn’t affect her. This was the first time he saw her in so much pain, the first time she cried so much.

But now, she was telling him that was how she had been living her life… She was trying to say that all those years, regardless of how upset she was, she had been enduring it by herself?

Xu Jiamu stared at her feet silently. After a long while, he helped her back into her shoes before leaving.

When Xu Jiamu came back, he held a bag in his hands. He came to stand in front of Song Xiangsi, removed a bottle of yogurt, and after sticking the straw in, he passed it over.

Song Xiangsi looked at him in confusion, wondering why he would come back after leaving.

She paused for a moment before reaching for the yogurt.

Xu Jiamu knelt on one knee, then placed the bag by his side before removing her shoes once more. He poured some ointment onto his palm and started to massage her feet.

Song Xiangsi glanced at him. Her lips clenched into a tight line, and she chewed onto the straw to divert her attention.

This was probably the first time in these years that someone had taken care of her.

Maybe because her mother passed away when she was young, she had to learn to be independent. Afterwards, when her father got sick, she had to shoulder all the household matters. Without anyone to take care of her, she had to learn everything by herself, gradually, she was convinced that she was invincible. Regardless of whether she got sick or injured, she would clench her teeth, enduring everything, and when she was finally alone, she would silently cry to herself in pain.

In the eight years she was with Xu Jiamu, there were countless times when she wanted to depend on him, but in the end, she realized he had no intention of being there for her.

She wasn’t a coward but she never had the courage to tell him her inner feelings.

She may seem confident, but deep inside, she felt inferior, regardless of how hard she tried to appear stunning in public; she was, after all, just a mistress.

Now that she had Little Red Bean, she had to be even stronger. In the past, when she was tired, she would cry in a corner, but now when she was alone, she didn’t even dare to cry, worried that the moment a tear fell, she would collapse. In the past, there were times when she considered getting an honest man to live her life with if Xu Jiamu didn’t want to marry her, but now, with Little Red Bean, she didn’t dare to marry, afraid that the man won’t treat her well.

At this moment, when someone treated her so well out of a sudden, she had an urge to cry.

Chapter 921: Continuation?2?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

After Xu Jiamu finished massaging Song Xiangsi’s feet, he covered them with her shoes. “Is it better?”

His question snapped her back to reality. She hurriedly lowered her eyes to conceal the moisture within them and nodded lightly, while taking in a large mouthful of yogurt.

The corridor was silent for a time. After a seemingly long while, Xu Jiamu’s phone rang, piercing through the calm air.

He reached for his phone. When he saw the name on the screen, he suddenly remembered that he had a dinner with Yang Sisi. He walked a distance away before picking up the call.

Even though he deliberately lowered his voice, Song Xiangsi could still make out the words.

“I’m sorry, I forgot to inform you that something urgent came up. … Where are you now? I’ll get someone to send you home. … Sure, mmh, no problem. I will definitely give you an apology, rest well.”

After he hung up, he walked back. When he was about two meters away from Song Xiangsi, she suddenly turned away. “Thank you for tonight. It’s getting late, you should go back to have some rest.”

“It’s fine,” Xu Jiamu replied faintly before returning to lean against the wall in front of her.

Song Xiangsi moved her lips but remained silent. The corridor once again sunk into its original silence. After about five minutes, the operating doors burst open. Song Xiangsi stood up aggressively in front, and Xu Jiamu straightened.

The principal doctor was the first to walk out. He removed his mask and shook his head gravely towards Song Xiangsi.

Xu Jiamu turned to glance at her instinctively, with a hint of worry.

Song Xiangsi bit onto her lip. “What do you mean?”

“Mrs. Song, I’m sorry.” He lowered his head slightly before continuing. “Mr. Song’s age caused his functions to deteriorate. If we were to operate on him again, the risk is too much, he might not be able to take it. If he were to remain in status quo, being fed medicine regularly, he could live a while more, but for exactly how long, it’ll depend on him.”

Song Xiangsi faltered, and Xu Jiamu hurriedly rushed forward to support her. “Where’s the dean, I would like to speak with him.”

“I’m really sorry but it’ll be futile even if you find the best doctor,” the principal doctor said apologetically. “Mrs. Song, Mr. Song is still awake, he would like to have a few words with you. You can visit him for a short while.”

He then bowed down sincerely.

Song Xiangsi entered the ward alone, her father had the bed rest up and a drip in his arm. He looked reasonably alert. When he saw Song Xiangsi, he smiled before patting the space beside him. “Sisi, sit here.”

“Mmh.” After she sat down, he grabbed onto her hand. “Sisi, daddy knows. There isn’t much time left and I’ve already told the doctors I’m giving up on treatment.”


Chapter 922: Continuation?3?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

“Mmh.” After she sat down, he grabbed onto her hand. “Sisi, daddy knows. There isn’t much time left and I’ve already told the doctors I’m giving up on treatment.”

Song Xiangsi felt a wave of emotion hit her and tears threatened to fall.

“I know you’ll definitely be upset but everyone has to die, after all. I’m not even happy due to being in the hospital all the time, but there’s something I want to discuss with you. If you aren’t busy, can you bring me home? I want to visit your mother…”

Song Xiangsi could no longer hold her tears and let them fall freely. Without caring about the advertisement she was filming these few days, she lowered her eyes and nodded. “Sure, I’ll go back with you, when do you want to go?”

“If it’s possible, I would like to go now.”

Song Xiangsi understood his intentions, he was afraid that if he didn’t hurry, he was going to die in Beijing.

She nodded once more. “Okay, I’ll book the tickets in a moment.”

“Good child.” Father Song smiled, just then, he suddenly spoke in a pleading tone. “Sisi, you have always told me that you have a boyfriend. Back when I needed surgery, he gave you the money, you also mentioned that he owns a big company, is very rich, and treats you well. You’ve been together for almost ten years… He should be thirty now, have you considered marriage? Has he said anything about marrying you?”

Song Xiangsi remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

“Sisi, have you been lying to me…” Father Song looked worried. “Does he intend to marry you or… Has he been lying to you all this while?”

“No.” Song Xiangsi curled her lips into a smile and said conciliatory, ” Late marriages are common in the city, thirty isn’t considered old, besides, he has been busy at work. He mentioned that after the peak period, he would marry me.”

“Really? That’s great.” Father Song smiled, adding expectantly, “Then can he come and see me? If he wants to marry you, he has to meet me anyways. I’m worried that I won’t last till then… I just want to see what kind of man you’re going to marry before going to your mother.”

Song Xiangsi lowered her eyes, then after a moment of silence, she seemed to have made up her mind. She turned to glance out at Xu Jiamu, who was still waiting behind a wall, and smile to her father. “Daddy, he’s outside, I’ll go get him.”

Father Song nodded, repeating “Great! Great!”

The moment Song Xiangsi opened the door, Xu Jiamu immediately turned to focus on her. “Are you okay?”

She nodded lightly without a word, then closed the door before pointing to a spot far away before heading over.

She walked all the way to the washroom before stopping. There, she turned and hesitated for a long while before looking towards Xu Jiamu. “Can I ask for a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Can you… pretend to be my boyfriend?” Song Xiangsi lowered her head, saying weakly, “My dad isn’t going to make it and he wants to meet my boyfriend, so, can you…”


Chapter 923: Continuation?4?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Various motions flashed past Xu Jiamu’s eyes as he stared at her. After a few seconds, he replied coldly, “Aren’t you married? Why don’t you get your husband instead?”

Song Xiangsi paled, and lowered her eyes in silence.

Xu Jiamu couldn’t explain his anger, his words incredibly harsh. “Why, you don’t want him to know that you married a man much older than you are, or that you are now the step-mother of two children? Are you worried that he’ll be so disappointed he won’t rest in peace?”

She bit her lips, she hung her head lower, and even her shoulders began to slouch.

Xu Jiamu stared at the tip of her head, his eyes brightening slightly before he finally gave up. In a tone less cold than before, he said, “Let’s go.”

She lifted her head in shock.

Xu Jiamu remained silent. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her towards her father’s ward. When they were about to reach it, he remembered about her swollen foot, and his strides slowed down.

Just when he was about to push open the door, Song Xiangsi reached out to stop him. Xu Jiamu stilled, turning to glance at her coldly.

She avoided his gaze and stammered out, “I told my father than I have a boyfriend and that we’ve been together for eleven years… I also told him that he owns a big company and has a lot of money… and that he plans on marrying me in the next half of the year…”

Xu Jiamu frowned.

At this moment, she didn’t dare to look at him, expecting to see disgust and mockery in his eyes. Her arrogant face started to look uneasy. “And, the fifty thousand dollars back then… My father always always believed that it was from my boyfriend.

“I also told my father that my boyfriend treats me well…”

Song Xiangsi paused. After struggling for a bit, she said in a small and pitiful voice, “So, could you treat me a little better later, in front of my father…”

She seemed to have realized then the number of demands she had made, so she paused and changed her words. “Actually, you don’t have to treat me well in front of him, you just have to sit with him for a while, at most ten minutes. Oh, no, five minutes will be fine. You don’t have to say much, you just need to smile at him and agree with what he says…”

Xu Jiamu couldn’t explain his emotions, this was probably the first time she had pleaded with him so lowly. His heart clenched, and he could feel a sharp throbbing pain in his heart.

He nodded and turned to knock on the door politely. When he heard a hoarse “Come in.”, he pushed the door, with Song Xiangsi in his hand.

“Daddy, let me introduce him, he’s…” With Xu Jiamu by her side, she couldn’t seem to continue. Pausing, she finally added, “Boyfriend, Xu Jiamu.”

“Hello, uncle,” Xu Jiamu greeted politely, with a smile on his face, before bending low to bow down.


Chapter 924: Continuation?5?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Father Song took a good look at Xu Jiamu – He was dressed smartly and was a dashing young man. Maybe because Song Xiangsi told him that Xu Jiamu owned a big company, Father Song started to feel conscious about his own humble lifestyle. His daughter wasn’t compatible so he felt pressured and nervous. He glanced at Xu Jiamu’s sincere smile, and only when Song Xiangsi carried a chair over towards him did Father Song snap out of his daze. Hurriedly, he nodded, pointing to the chair. “Sit, sit.”

Xu Jiamu could sense Father Song’s unease. After sitting down, he continued the conversation. “Uncle, how are you feeling?”

Father Song replied hurriedly, “It’s good, good.”

Xu Jiamu glanced at Song Xiangsi, who stood by his side. Recalling the words she had said before they entered the room, he reached out to grab her hands. Song Xiangsi stilled.

He then said, “Uncle, the doctor mentioned that as long as you keep a positive mentality, you will be able to live a long life, me and…”

Xu Jiamu paused, remembering Song Xiangsi’s nickname, then continued, “Sisi have made plans. We’re going to have a wedding in October and we still hope that you’ll be there to witness the ceremony.”

Even though Song Xiangsi had told him that, the moment the words came out of his mouth, she still couldn’t help feeling as though it was a dream.

No one knew how many times in the past eight years she had dreamed of him marrying her.

But the dream would always shatter. Even in her sleep, she didn’t dare to marry him.

Father Song was pleased by his words. He knew that he would never be able to live till then, but he continued to beam, repeating, “Yes, yes.”

Xu Jiamu never let go of Song Xiangsi’s hand. “Uncle, I’m really sorry that I haven’t visited you after being with Sisi for such a long time.”

“It’s okay, no worries, I heard from Sisi that you’re very busy…” Father Song hurriedly shook his head.

Xu Jiamu’s actions was better than Song Xiangsi had expected, he spoke to her father respectfully. Father Song was clearly satisfied, a bright smile on his face. Towards the end, he beamed at her. “Sisi, now that I’ve seen your boyfriend, I can die without regrets.”

Song Xiangsi curved her lips into a faint smile, while Xu Jiamu continued, “Uncle, what are you saying, I would rather get the best medical team to treat you.”

Father Song smiled, but instead of replying Xu Jiamu, he looked towards Song Xiangsi. “Sisi, have you booked the tickets?”

“No, I’ll do it now,” Song Xiangsi replied, reaching for her phone.

“What tickets?” Xu Jiamu asked.

“We’re planning on going back home,” Father Song explained.

“When?” he asked again

“Right now.”

Xu Jiamu frowned, glancing at Song Xiangsi who was looking at air fares. He reached out and grabbed her phone before reaching for his own to make a call. “Book three tickets for me… I’ll send the identification number and location to you in a moment…”

After hanging up, he returned the phone back to Song Xiangsi. “Write down your and your father’s identification numbers.”

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