Bringing the Nation’s Husband Home

Chapter 950-973 (End)

Chapter 950: Conclusion (1)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Song Xiangsi stood silently. After having waited for who knows how long, she finally saw the lights of Xu Jiamu’s office turn off. Then after about five minutes, she saw him come out of Xu Enterprise tower.

Security handed him the keys to his car, and helped him open his car door. He lowered into the seat, quickly started the car up, and left.

Xu Jiamu’s car was nowhere in sight, yet Song Xiangsi still foolishly stood a distance away. Suddenly, she came back to her senses when the phone in her pocket rang.

It was Jiang Licheng calling to check up why she wasn’t home yet.

When Song Xiangsi hung up, she glanced over at the time. It was a quarter past midnight. She had stood there, unexpectedly, for two hours, and in that time, she only saw the silhouette of him for merely ten seconds.

There was still thirteen hours before she had to go back to America.

Before then, she at least got to see him. Even though it was just a glance from afar, it was still something worth being happy about, wasn’t it?

Song Xiangsi returned to Su Yuan apartments at almost one in the morning. Jiang Licheng was dozing off on the sofa. When he heard the sound of the doorbell, he immediately woke up. He furrowed his brows when he saw an exhausted looking Song Xiangsi. “Why are you back so late?”

“No reason.” Song Xiangsi calmly shook her head, then headed for the bedroom. She opened the door, and glanced at Little Red Bean sleeping soundly on the bed, then quietly closed the door. “I’m really sorry to make you stay with Little Red Bean for so long today.”

“It’s no problem.” Jiang Licheng picked up his jacket, got up, and just as he walked over to the entrance to change his shoes, ready to leave, he added, “Are you all packed?”

“Yeah.” Song Xiangsi nodded flatly.

“Then I’ll come over and pick you both up tomorrow at eleven.”

After Song Xiangsi saw him out, she collapsed onto the sofa. She stared at the glistening lights outside the window, and felt stifled by her heavy heart.

Song Xiangsi barely slept that night. Little Red Bean woke up before seven, so she ate breakfast with her and played with her for a while before she started to pack her suitcase.

She had lived back in China for no more than over a month, and yet she seemed to have bought so many things. She shoved all of it into three full suitcases before she was finally done.

At eleven, Jiang Licheng knocked on the door right on time. He first took the suitcases down, then went back up to carry Little Red Bean.

The road to the airport was clear. They reached the airport at twenty to twelve, then went through check-in and baggage check. Just before security check, Song Xiangsi received her plane ticket. She glanced behind her, looking like she was contemplating something.

“Xiangsi? Xiangsi?” Having already passed the safety check, Jiang Licheng saw her frozen in her place and couldn’t help but prompt her, “What’s on your mind?”

Song Xiangsi snapped back to her senses and shook her head at him. She handed her passport, ID card, and plane ticket.

Little Rice Cake had been sulking ever since he came home yesterday. He didn’t really eat dinner, and had been sitting in the playroom since the early morning. No matter how Qiao Anhao and Madam Chen tried to cheer him up, he would just silently play with his wooden blocks.

The next day, Little Rice Cake was as he usually was. He woke up early, knocked on Qiao Anhao and Lu Jinnian’s room, then cried for them to get up and take him to kindergarten.



Chapter 951: Conclusion (2)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

In the morning, it was Xu Jiamu who took Little Rice Cake to kindergarten. The boy sulked the whole way there.

If it were before, Xu Jiamu would’ve definitely teased Little Rice Cake, but Song Xiangsi was going back to America today. Every now and then he was a little agitated, let alone in the mood to tease the kid.

When they reached the entrance to the kindergarten, Little Rice Cake dragged his book bag, and said “Bye bye, uncle”, then pushed the car door open by himself.

Xu Jiamu went over to him, and saw a fruit box on the car seat. Inside, there was a big red apple. He prompted the kid, “Don’t forget your apple.”

Little Rice Cake starred at him, and with a lifeless voice said, “Uncle, I left this apple in the car on purpose.”


Little Rice Cake’s shoulders instantly fell, and with a deeply bitter expression on his face, he said, “Because I bought this apple for Little Red Bean, but she has to go back to America with her mom and dad today…”

Xu Jiamu’s face turned pale when he heard Little Rice Cake’s last words. He tightened his grip onto his keys.

Little Rice Cake didn’t even notice something off about him, and shook his head distraught, then let out a glum sigh. He dragged his book bag and walked over to the kindergarten.

Xu Jiamu sat in his car numbed for half an hour, before he started the car up and headed for the office.

In the early afternoon, he looked no different from usual. He had meetings and handled paperwork. When he came to the end of his busy period, the secretary suddenly said, “Chief Xu, it’s already twelve in the afternoon. What would you like to have for lunch?”

“Half past twelve?” muttered Xu Jiamu, then fell silent.

The secretary waited for a long while, but he didn’t make a sound. She left the lunch menu on his desk and silently left.

It was like someone had pressed Xu Jiamu’s pressure points. He didn’t move an inch from his seat for a long long time. Then, he looked over to the upper left corner of the computer screen. It was one o’clock. Song Xiangsi’s plane had taken off by now.

Xu Jiamu turned his head, and stared out at the skies through the window with desolate eyes. After a long while had passed, he slowly closed them, and laid on the table.

In the blink of an eye, Song Xiangsi had been back in America for half a year now. Everything was going well for her, and her days were no different from before she went back for her father. However, her month in China seemed like one long dream.

In the weekend, Jiang Licheng’s son, Qiao En missed school. Jiang Licheng took the two kids out.

Song Xiangsi wanted to go too, but unluckily for her, she found out that she was on her period in the morning. Perhaps it was because she rushed around China and America, she had period pains, and so she stayed at home on her own. After Little Red Bean left with Jiang Licheng and Qiao En, she went back to the bedroom, and took a nap. When she woke up again, it was almost noon.

Song Xiangsi quickly whipped up some food to calm her stomach, then started to tidy up the toys Little Red Bean had thrown in the living room. When she was almost finished cleaning up, she pulled out a card from underneath the sofa.

It was a gleaming gold business card made of excellent material. Three large characters in calligraphy came to view: Xu Jiamu.

MOAR UpVote (づ⚆□⚆)づ!!! Thx <3


Chapter 952: Conclusion (3)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

“I put my card in Little Red Bean’s pocket. If you’re tired or unhappy abroad, you can call me anytime. I’ll take you back here.”

The words Xu Jiamu said to her, when she was in the restroom at the Aroma Garden food stall instantly rang in Song Xiangsi’s ear.

She had forgotten about the business card because she had pushed everything to the back of her mind since she returned home. Little Red Bean must’ve pulled it out of her pocket, played around with it, and threw it to the ground, since the corners were torn up.

Song Xiangsi randomly felt stifled. She sat on the floorboards, against the sofa, staring at the business card. She was in a trance for a really long time, before she threw the card onto the coffee table and continued to tidy up the toys. Later, she seemed to be deliberately finding things to do in the house. She knelt down, grabbed a rag, and started to wipe the floor.

She rubbed really hard. After wiping just a third of the living room, she was already spent.

She wasn’t sure if it was because her rag wasn’t squeezed dry, but the floorboards were far too wet. She got up, about to head towards the bathroom to wash the rag again, when she slipped. With no warning at all, she fell to the ground, and hit her head on the coffee table. It hurt so much that it forced out tears.

She laid on the floor for a while, before she stabilized and forced herself to sit up. She saw that her arm and knee were grazed, and blood was trickling out. The spot where she had hit her head burned in pain.

Since she was little, who knows how much she had suffered. A little pain like this was truly nothing, but for some reason, she felt a random sense of grievance. She couldn’t help but cover her mouth, as she softly started to sob.

The more she cried, the more heartbroken she felt. Then, she thought back to how she suffered during her ten month pregnancy, and that night she gave birth to Little Red Bean. She had endured twelve whole hours of pain. At the time, she had no more strength left in her, and truly felt like she was going to suffer like that to death. But then, as soon as that feeling took her, she thought of how if she died Little Red Bean would be on her own.

She endured it all. During the first month after giving birth, she had no one to look after her, and she had to take care of Little Red Bean. At the time, she had no experience taking care of babies, so she practically didn’t sleep well for a full month. Other people would get fatter whilst pregnant, yet she lost almost ten pounds.

Later, Little Red Bean gradually got older. She was well-behaved and smart, but even so, being a single woman with a child, she still had a tough time.

She had no one to rely on for everything, just herself.

Even if she accidentally fell down and got hurt, she could only suffer alone.

Sometimes, even she felt like she could crumble at any time.

The rim of Song Xiangsi’s eyes were red, as she forcefully lifted herself with the help of the coffee table. She stood up and sat down on the sofa, staring at the business card in front of her. She stared at it for a long while, and eventually couldn’t help but pick it up.

His phone number hadn’t changed. Eleven digits. Even after so many years, she still remembered them.

She stared at Xu Jiamu’s number and thought back to how he took care of her and helped her when her father had passed away. Then, she thought back to what Yang Sisi had said to her, which incited an inner struggle in her heart.



Chapter 953: Conclusion (4)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Back then, she was so ruthless, and never thought of leaving any leeway between them. If they started again now, she would be the first to turn her back on him.

In Beijing, she was actually tempted a few times.

Perhaps because she was old now, she had lost a little of her impulsiveness and courage.

Just like now, she really wanted to give him a call, and yet she…

At that thought, Song Xiangsi suddenly heard the doot-doot sound from the phone, and snapped back to her senses. Then, she heard a familiar voice. “Hello?”

Her eyes quivered when she realized that she had unthinkingly called Xu Jiamu’s number.

“May I ask who’s calling?” The sound of Xu Jiamu came from the phone again.

Song Xiangsi involuntarily wanted to hang up, but that’s when she heard him speak again. This time, his voice sounded a little gloomy. “Xiangsi?”

Her heart suddenly skipped a beat, as she held her phone, not knowing what to do.

“Xiangsi, it’s you, right?” As Xu Jiamu spoke again, she heard the sound of him getting up from his bed. She raised her head and glanced over at the clock on the wall. At three in the afternoon in America, it was deep in the night in China.

Did she wake him up?

Xu Jiamu was very patient. He wasn’t the least bit annoyed that she called but didn’t want to say a thing. Over the phone, it sounded like he lit a cigarette and blew faint rings of smoke. Then he spoke again with his captivating voice. “Why did you call and now aren’t saying anything?

“Did something happen?

“Are you listening? Xiangsi?”

With great difficulty, Song Xiangsi held back her tears from falling. She tried hard to control her emotions, but she still managed to crack a sob. She was afraid that Xu Jiamu would find out something was wrong. Without a second thought, she quickly hung up.

Repeatedly, her phone rang. It was Xu Jiamu calling, but she didn’t pick up the call. She just shrank into the sofa, and stared at her flashing phone screen.

Xu Jiamu called about a dozen times, before he finally stopped.

The room fell particularly quiet. Song Xiangsi helplessly put her head between her knees.

At nine in the evening, her eyes started to swell up. She gave Jiang Licheng a call and told him not to bring Little Red Bean back today.

At night, she nestled in bed on her own, watching TV to almost one in the morning, before she groggily fell asleep.

The next day, when it was light out, she was woken up by a knock at the door. When she climbed out of bed, she stretched yesterday’s graze. The pain abruptly woke her up. She thought Little Red Bean might’ve started to cry and had a tantrum for being away from her for too long, so Jiang Licheng sent her back. With that, she hurriedly ran out, quickly opened the door, and cried out “Little Red Bean”, but saw a worn out Xu Jiamu at the door.

A flash of disbelief came into her eyes. Slightly gaping, and stared at the man beyond the door. After a long while, she forced herself to say, “How are you here?”

Xu Jiamu didn’t answer her questions but looked her up and down. “Did something happen to you?”


Chapter 954: Conclusion (5)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

When Xu Jiamu finished asking, he didn’t wait for Song Xiangsi’ response, and shot a glance at the wound on her arm.

He suddenly grabbed her arm, taking note of a ghastly graze. He furrowed his brows, then looked down at the wound on her leg, which creased his brows even tighter. “How did you fall like this, and not to take care of it?”

Song Xiangsi lowered her head, but didn’t make a peep and pulled her arm from his grip.

“Where’s your husband? Could he possibly not care about you?” There was a tinge of anger in Xu Jiamu’s words.

She still didn’t say a word.

Xu Jiamu stared at her for a while, then suddenly swept her off her feet, and walked towards the elevator.

He took her to a nearby hospital, whilst she still hadn’t registered how he suddenly turned up at her home in Seattle. The doctor soon finished giving her a check up.

According to Xu Jiamu’s orders, the doctor prescribed an ointment, then he carried her back to her home.

When they opened the door, Xu Jiamu entered the house without Song Xiangsi’s permission. He carried her straight in, then put her down on the sofa in the living room. He didn’t wait for her to react and pulled out the bottles from the plastic bag onto the floor. He skimmed through the English on the packaging, then grabbed a cotton swab, and took care of her wound.

From start to finish, the two of them didn’t exchange any words.

Song Xiangsi stared at Xu Jiamu without blinking.

He didn’t look up into her eyes until he finished applying medicine to her wound. “It’s best if you apply this ointment two times a day, so there won’t be any scarring.”

As he said this, Xu Jiamu lowered his head again, he pointed at the bottles. “Apply this bottle first. It’s to kill bacteria. Then, apply this one. Got it?”

Xu Jiamu glanced at Song Xiangsi, and saw that she still had the same expression on her face. His brows creased, and he then grabbed a pen from the coffee table and marked the medical box. He also said in a flat voice, “I’ve clearly marked the instructions in order.”

He put the pen down, and glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was already eight o’clock, then he asked, “Have you had breakfast?”

This time, Song Xiangsi finally had some kind of reaction. She shook her head gently at him.

Xu Jiamu didn’t say a word, but stood up and walked into the kitchen.

Song Xiangsi quietly sat on the living room sofa and listened to the sound of the kitchen vent . She stared outside the window.

Even though Song Xiangsi couldn’t cook, she had Little Red Bean, and so her kitchen was well prepared.

Xu Jiamu was always good at cooking. He used just forty minutes to make a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast table for Song Xiangsi.

He stood in front of the breakfast table, and served her a bowl of porridge. Then he glanced over at her sitting on the sofa and asked, “Can you walk over here?”

Song Xiangsi hurriedly nodded, quickly got up, and walked over to the breakfast table.

She randomly pulled out a chair and sat down. Xu Jiamu pushed the porridge in front of her.

The aroma wafted in, tempting her appetite. Song Xiangsi dazed out for a moment, then raised her eyes. She looked over to where Xu Jiamu was standing. “You want to eat together?”

Xu Jiamu replied in three seconds in a flat voice. “No.”



Chapter 955: Conclusion (6)

Translator: Paperplane Editor: DarkGem

Song Xiangsi was clearly right next to Xu Jiamu, and yet he couldn’t have her. To him, that was the cruelest form of torture.

Recently, he hadn’t been sleeping well. Last night, with great difficulty, he fell asleep, when suddenly he was woken up by his phone. Deep down inside, he was actually a little annoyed, so when he took the call, his tone of voice was cold at first, but then there was no reply from the other line. He didn’t know why but at that moment, he felt like it was her calling.

He asked her a few times, but there was no answer. Eventually, he heard the ear piercing sound of a sob. Even though it was faint and brief, he could clearly tell that it was her voice.

She was crying… She was crying on her own in a foreign country, away from home.

Without even thinking twice, he started to call her back, but she never answered.

The sound of her sob echoed in his ears. How could he fall asleep? He walked around the room twice, then changed his clothes, and flew straight to America.

He didn’t know where she lived, but he knew that if he called, she may not tell her. He held her photo, and asked from house to house in Seattle. Thankfully, he was lucky to have bumped into someone she knew, who told her where she lived.

He was hurt that she was injured, but luckily it wasn’t serious.

Seeing her now, back to normal, he should leave.

Xu Jiamu softly blinked, then said, “I have something to do so I should head out now.”

He paused for a moment, then added, “Goodbye.”

He walked to the door, but just as he passed through the living room, he saw the bottle of medicine on the floor, and reminded her, “Remember to apply the medicine. If it’s difficult for you, then you can find your husband to help you.”

Song Xiangsi’s heart ached, as she tightly clutched her spoon. Then, just as Xu Jiamu reached with his hand to turn the door handle, she finally couldn’t hold it in. “Jiamu.”

“…Hm?” He paused with his back turned to Song Xiangsi.

“When I called you yesterday, were you in Beijing?”

Xu Jiamu still didn’t turn around to look at Song Xiangsi. After some time had passed, he let out another “Mm”.

“At the time, I woke you up?”

This time, he didn’t reply.

“You couldn’t get through to me, so you came to America? Just to give me medicine, cook me a meal, and then go back to China?”

She asked again, “Why did you do it?”

The room fell silent, and there was an indescribable emotion that fluttered about.

Xu Jiamu stood still for long time, with his back turned to Song Xiangsi, before he slowly turned his head. He stared at her gentle expression for a long time, then slightly curved the corner of his lips into a warm smile. “I told you before, as long as you give me a call, I’ll be there.

“There’s no meaning to it, I just want you to be well.”

This is the only thing I can do for you right now.

I will never forget what your father told me before he passed away.

I owe you too much warmth from those eight years we were together. Now, I don’t want to have you, but just to see you well.

Xu Jiamu continued to smile at Song Xiangsi, then with a flat expression he said, “Eat breakfast, it’s no good cold. I’m off now.”

Translator’s Thoughts


Hello readers! Thank you so much for reading the incredible rollercoaster ride of emotions that is BNHH hehe… As we draw closer to the final chapter (973), I would like to introduce you all to a free-to-read novel by the same author, “A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You”. Having been awarded the “Most Popular Female-Oriented Web Novel of 2017”, the epic romance between the strong-willed Ji Yi and the opportunistic He Jichen has undoubtedly garnered a lot of love and support from China! Now would like to bring their story to the global English readership ^^. If you like BNHH, perhaps you’ll be interested in giving ABSCAY a shot?

Thank you again for your continued support! Hope to talk to you on our private discord server (


Chapter 956: Conclusion?7?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Xu Jiamu lightly bid his goodbye, then silently opened the door and headed out, after closing the door with cautiousness.

Song Xiangsi was the only one left in the room. She sat in front of the dining table, staring at the table full of food. Grabbing onto the spoon, she ate a mouthful of porridge.

It was sweet and just the right temperature, warming her throat. She could no longer hold her tears and allowed them to stream down her face.

Just like in a movie playback, images flashed past her mind, scene by scene.

He held onto the cash, making a deal with her, but when they entered the hotel room he didn’t do anything.

He waited with her when her father was in surgery, he knelt down in front of her to massage her ankle.

He promised to act as her boyfriend and had then delighted her father. He didn’t mind the dirt, helping her father wash his soiled clothes.

He had always been pampered but willingly slept on the sofa in her house. He willingly made her meals and had even pulled the weeds from her mother’s grave.

He tended to all the necessary arrangements when her father passed away, stayed by her, knowing that she was upset.

Late into the night, when she ran out in tears, he was the one who found her, bringing her back home. He guarded her by the side the entire night. Knowing she was afraid of thunder, he had called her countless times to find her. He had even prepared a tombstone for the child he thought was dead…

What should she do… The more she thought about it, the more tempted she was to give in.

The huge wall that she had struggled to build was starting to crumble.

Song Xiangsi ate the porridge in tears. Then, the next moment, she placed the spoon abruptly and bolted up. Kicking the chair aside, she ran out the door to chase after him without even changing her shoes.

She wanted to go back, she wanted to put Little Red Bean under their two names, she wanted to find a support, she didn’t want to go stay in America, she didn’t want to be alone anymore…

The moment she reached the streets, she saw Xu Jiamu leaving in a cab.

Without hesitation, she ran after the cab.

There was a speed limit on the road so the cab drove slowly, but it still widened the distance between them steadily.

    • The moment Xu Jiamu entered the cab, he shut his eyes.

He always knew he missed her, but only when he met her did he realize how much.

This time, he could only see her because she called, he didn’t know when he would meet her again.

Maybe never in this lifetime.

An entire lifetime… Xu Jiamu lowered his head, staring at his palms.

Once, he had held onto her hand… But in the end, he managed to lose her.

Sorrow clouded his eyes, and he couldn’t help turning to look into the rear view mirror. At that moment, his gaze froze.

He stared at the rear mirror for a long moment before seemingly confirming something. He suddenly turned towards the driver. “Stop the car!”

In a hurry, he realized that he had blurted it out in Chinese, so he repeated it in English once more. The driver slammed into the brakes, and before the cab had even fully stopped, Xu Jiamu tossed some money and jumped out.

—————–(╭☞ ⨴ ﹏ ⨵ )╭☞————-


Chapter 957: Conclusion?8?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

In a hurry, he realized that he had blurted it out in Chinese, so he repeated it in English once more. The driver slammed into the brakes, and before the cab had even fully stopped, Xu Jiamu tossed some money and jumped out.

Turning, he ran towards Song Xiangsi.

    • In a rush, Song Xiangsi had ran out in a pair of slippers, but she had lost one while running. Despite that, she continued to run on the road, the rough ground bruising her foot with each step. Just then, her elbow was tugged by someone, pulling her into a warm embrace. “Are you crazy? How can you run on the road barefooted?”

Song Xiangsi trembled from Xu Jiamu’s words. She lifted her head, looking into a pair of bright eyes that blazed with fury. After a second, she suddenly asked, “Xu Jiamu, do you love me?”

Her abrupt question caused his mind to blank out.

“Jiamu, do you love me?” she repeated.

Xu Jiamu came back to his senses. Frowning, he replied in a deep voice, “Is that important? You’re already married, aren’t you…”

Before he could finish his sentence, she interrupted with a resolute “It’s important.”

She stared at him seriously, her eyes gleaming fervently. Trying to convince him, she added, “It’s very important, so tell me, do you love me or not?”

Song Xiangsi’s seriousness seemed to have affected him, causing him to turn solemn as well. He looked at her for a bit more before finally replying, “I love you.”

At that instant, the loud, chaotic street fell into silence.

She could hear only her heart racing swiftly and violently.

Her fingers started to tremble, her breathing becoming unstable.

Xu Jiamu glanced at her eyes. After a moment of silence, he continued, “I really love you… To the point that even after using up all I had to forget you, I still failed.”

When she was still with him, he never realized he was in love with her, so he had never told her.

After they broke up, were separated for three years and then reunited, she was already someone else’s wife, so he wasn’t able to say it anymore.

“After you left me, I struggled to give you up, and in the end, I did.

“But it wasn’t you but myself that I gave up.

“I tried a thousand different ways and struggled a thousand times, but in the end you were still rooted in my heart, so I gave up trying to forget you.”

Tears streamed down Song Xiangsi’s eyes. Her lips curled upwards and, abruptly, she stood up on her toes and kissed him on the lips.

She desperately tried to control herself. If it had already ended, she shouldn’t start it. She chose her own road, she didn’t want to walk that path again, but in the end, she gave in, gave in to her better judgment, gave in to his influence.

He loved her, he didn’t marry anyone, he did so much for her; she could no longer find a reason to break off all ties.

So she didn’t care anymore.

—————–(╭☞ ⨴ ﹏ ⨵ )╭☞————-


Chapter 958: Conclusion?9?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Song Xiangsi didn’t want to be rational, she wanted to give in to her impulse for once.

She deepened the kiss, indulging in the moment.

Her lips tasted the same as in Xu Jiamu’s memory. Blood gushed into his brain, and after freezing for three whole minutes, he finally returned her kiss.

She tighten her grip on his neck, pressing herself deeper into his embrace.

Surrounded by passers-by, they continued to be immersed in their passionate kiss. After a long while, Song Xiangsi slightly desperate her lips from his. Staring into his eyes, she said, “Jiamu, I’m not married.”

Xu Jiamu stilled, excitement slowly spreading within him, what did not married mean? The next moment, a hard to explain sense of joy drowned out the excitement. Before he could confirm what she meant, she continued, “And, Little Red Bean isn’t three, she’s two and a half years old.”

Xu Jiamu went blank, unable to process the meaning of her words.

“Jiamu, you told me that if I ever get tired of America or if I can’t go on anymore, I could call you and you would bring me back…” Song Xiangsi gripped onto his shoulder. Due to nervousness, she exerted more strength that was necessary. She calmed her breathing before blurting out, “…So can you bring me back now?”

Xu Jiamu left America according to his original plan.

Before he left, he brought Song Xiangsi back to her home. He remained calm towards her words, not giving a response.

His overly calm behavior caused Song Xiangsi to feel nervous and uneasy, she couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

After Xu Jiamu returned to China, he didn’t contact her.

And she didn’t contact him. Every day, she continued to take care of Little Red Bean, but once in a while, she couldn’t help falling into a daze.

On the afternoon of the seventh day Xu Jiamu let, the doorbell rang after she had sent Little Red Bean for her afternoon nap.

Song Xiangsi hurriedly opened the door, worried the doorbell would wake the girl.

Outside stood Xu Jiamu.

Surprise flashed past her eyes. Her mouth fell open, but before she could say anything, Xu Jiamu spoke gently. “I removed the tombstone… I used the past few days to add a toys room in Mian Xiu Garden.. I have also contacted a wedding planning team and have filled up the guest list… Everything is complete, I just need a bride…”

On that day, he left without a word to do all this?

Song Xiangsi could feel a stinging sensation in her eyes

Xu Jiamu passed two boarding passes over. “Didn’t you say you wanted to return back? I came to bring you back…”

Song Xiangsi lowered her head to stare at the names on the boarding pass, one was Song Xiangsi and the other Little Red Bean.

She gazed at the passes for a long while before lifting her head to look at him, a wide smile brightening her face.

Xu Jiamu stood in front silently, taking in her stunning smile. After a long while, his lips curled upwards into a faint smile, as well.

-Book completed-

—————–(╭☞ ⨴ ﹏ ⨵ )╭☞————-


Chapter 959: The Two Three Blissful Things?1?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

[Uncle, please divorce]

The first thing Xu Jiamu did after bringing both Song Xiangsi and Little Red Bean back was to prepare for the wedding.

It was only then that Lu Jinnian and Qiao Anhao found out that the person in Xu Jiamu’s heart was actually someone they were both familiar with.

After being kept in the dark for such a long time, Qiao Anhao couldn’t help feeling slightly annoyed and complaining about Xu Jiamu. Lu Jinnian had always been indulgent towards her, so when he saw that she was annoyed by his brother, he couldn’t help feeling the same way.

Even though they were annoyed, as the elder brother and sister-in-law, both Lu Jinnian and Qiao Anhao were happy to help him prepare for his wedding and send them their blessings.

But no one could be happier than Little Red Bean and Little Rice Cake.

To Little Rice Cake, Xu Jiamu now became a god like idol for bringing Little Red Bean to his house and allowing them to go back to the same kindergarten.

Several days before the wedding, the two kids didn’t attend school, and since the adults were busy at work, they played by themselves. They seemed to be having too much fun and refused to go to school.

On the second day after the wedding, Little Rice Cake accidentally overheard Qiao Anhao’s conversation with Lu Jinnian. She mentioned that Xu Jiamu and Song Xiangsi were planning to go on a honeymoon – Paris, Provenance, Aegean Sea, Rome… But they didn’t want to bring Little Red Bean along so they needed to take care of her for a month.

Little Rice Cake had always been smart but he didn’t understand the meaning of honeymoon, yet he knew that they could enjoy themselves for a month if this came to be so he ran to the toy room.

Little Red Bean was lying on the mat, piecing a large map. She lifted her head to look at the boy expectantly. “Where’s my yogurt?”

Just then, Little Rice Cake remembered that he had went downstairs to bring Little Red Bean yogurt. He turned around then and headed down once more, returning with two bottles of yogurt, one for each of them. Little Rice Cake turned to look at Little Red Bean. “You don’t want to go to kindergarten tomorrow, right?”

“Mmh.” Little Red Bean nodded as she drank the yogurt.

Little Rice Cake removed the yogurt from his mouth and spoke to her with gleaming eyes. “Then let’s get married, after we are married, we can go on a honeymoon.”

The girl tilted her head and asked, “What’s a honeymoon?”

The boy shook his head. “I don’t know, but you get to play for a month.”

One month… Little Red Bean’s eyes sparkled, and she agreed instantly.

The two little children continued to piece the puzzle, figuring their route.

The puzzle was a map of China. Little Red Bean didn’t know as many words as Little Rice Cake so she pointed to the ones that she could read. “Beijing.”

“We’re in Beijing though,” Little Rice Cake said.


“Sure,” he agreed.


Little Rice Cake agreed once more.

“Suzhou, Lijiang…” Little Red Bean looked around, pointing to the last location she could read. “Xinjiang.”

Even though Little Rice Cake didn’t watch the news, he would occasionally hear reports while watching television with Lu Jinnian. Because of this, he shook his head immediately. “No, Little Red Bean, we can’t go to Xinjiang, it’s chaotic!”

—————–(╭☞ ⨴ ﹏ ⨵ )╭☞————-


Chapter 960: The Two Three Blissful Things?2?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Little Red Bean glanced at the scrambled Xinjiang puzzle piece before turning to pout at Little Rice Cake. “It’s okay, I was the one who messed it up just now.”

She hurriedly pieced it back together, smiling up at her friend. “See, it’s no longer messy, we can go now!”


Regardless of what they talked about, they would always come to a harmonious conclusion. In order to avoid attending kindergarten, they decided to get married.

The next day, when Xu Jiamu came over to send them to school, Little Rice Cake said, “Uncle, I’m going to marry Little Red Bean.”

“Yes, daddy, I’m going to marry Little Rice Cake,” Little Red Bean agreed immediately.

A shiver went through Xu Jiamu’s spine. He was so startled he slammed onto the brakes, stopping by the side of the road. After taking a moment to calm himself, he explained patiently the reasons why they couldn’t get married, “I’m Lu Jinnian’s biological brother, we’re family by law so you guys can’t get married. According to the law, both of you are cousins so you can’t get married…”

Yet even though he explained in detail, in the end, he still couldn’t figure out how to make them fully understand it.

After driving for a little while, he was about to continue with another form of explanation, when Little Rice Cake spoke up. “Uncle, could you divorce please.”

The car stopped abruptly once more.

“Uncle, divorce auntie, then me and Little Red Bean will be able to get married.”

Xu Jiamu had always been indulgent and patient towards the two kids, but this time, he couldn’t help snarling. “I will never divorce, and even if I did, the two of you still wouldn’t be able to be together! You’re blood related!”

Little Red Bean, who had always been silent, blinked her eyes in confusion before saying, “Daddy, I decided that from now onward I want to break off my blood relationship with Little Rice Cake.”

Being intelligent, the little boy immediately added after her, “Then we can get married!”

Xu Jiamu took a deep breath, deciding to shut his mouth. He slammed onto the accelerator, heading to the kindergarten. When they were in place, he brought out the two little kids, pushing them to the teacher before leaving without a second glance.

    • [How do you take care of the kids!]

Initially, when Little Red Bean just came back from America, she was still shy in front of Lu Jinnian and Qiao Anhao.

Little Red Bean was a precious surprise for Xu Jiamu, and since she was a girl she became the apple of his eye instantly. So he pampered her endlessly, his patience towards her endless… Simply put, he pampered her to no end, and right now, the girl was no longer afraid of him anymore.

Maybe due to their blood relation, after Little Red Bean accepted Xu Jiamu, she seemed to act out more in front of him, but regardless of how pampered she behaved, he would be indulgent and loving.

Just today, Song Xiangsi had to go out for a moment. Little Red Bean stayed in the play room to play the slide. When she was craving for milk, she turned to request it from Xu Jiamu.

It was less than five minutes before he came back with the milk, but in that short time span, Little Red Bean had accidentally fallen from the slide. There was a thick carpet cushioning her fall so she didn’t feel any pain, but just as she was about to stand up to continue playing, the door opened. At that moment, Little Red Bean opened her mouth and laid back down on the floor, breaking into tears.

Xu Jiamu hurriedly tossed the milk bottle aside, running forward to carry her while coaxing her tenderly. With a few drops of tears etched to her face, she tapped onto his head, mimicking Song Xiangsi’s tone when she scolded her, “You dummy, how do you take care of the kids!”

MOAR UpVote (づ⚆□⚆)づ!!! Thx <3


Chapter 961: The Two Three Blissful Things?3?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

[The Lu Qiao couple flaunting their love. Part 1]

Qiao Anhao was born with a silver spoon and had been pampered her entire life.

In the six months that Lu Jinnian had left her, she had to stay by herself, pay her own bills, clean , change the light bulbs, and do all the daily household chores. After she married him, he spoiled her endlessly, not allowing her to do anything, causing her to grow dependent on him.

After Qiao Anxia became impotent, Little Rice Cake became the Qiao parents’ precious treasure. Mother Qiao would often find random excuses to bring him to the Qiao mansion.

On one day, Beijing was unusually cold. When Lu Jinnian was back home, he sneezed continuously. Mother Qiao, who was over to see Little Rice Cake, decided to bring him back home, as she was worried that Lu Jinnian would infect him.

Initially, Lu Jinnian was fine but somehow at 9pm that night, he started burning with a fever. He was not willing to visit the hospital and since Madam Chen was busy, Qiao Anhao had to take care of him.

There was backup medication at home, but ever since they married, Lu Jinnian was the only one who touched it. Qiao Anhao circled the room in search for the first aid kit. “Hubby, where’s the first aid kit?”

Lu Jinnian replied weakly, “In the cupboard under the television.”

After she found it, she didn’t bother reading the manual. Instead, out of habit, she asked him, “Which medicine do you need for flu? Do you need anti-inflammatory drugs? How many do you need?”

Lu Jinnian was visibly unwell, but he patiently replied to her endless questions while pushing his fatigued body upwards. “Bring it over.”

She brought the kit over obediently, and Lu Jinnian looked at the medication, taking two different types out.

Qiao Anhao didn’t prepare any water, so she hurriedly rushed downstairs without closing the bedroom door. Lu Jinnian remained tucked in bed. After a moment, he heard the sound of glass shattering coming from downstairs, and ignoring the discomfort of his body he rushed downstairs. The moment he was out, he saw Qiao Anhao kneeling on the floor, picking up the shattered glass shards. He anxiously went forward, grabbing onto her arms. “Let me do it, help me get the rubber gloves.”

Qiao Anhao brought the gloves quickly. When she saw his pale face, she decided to wear the gloves and clean up herself, but before she could put them on, Lu Jinnian snatched them from her, stuffing his hands in before kneeling down to clean up her mess. When he was done, he poured himself a cup of water and brought Qiao Anhao back upstairs.

After he took his medication, he curled up in bed. Qiao Anhao reached out to touch his forehead, realizing that his temperature had increased. She recalled how even though she was supposed to be taking care of him, instead, she had brought him so much trouble… After they married, she had been pampered by him so much she had no idea where things were at home. She shut her eyes, guilt clouding them as she asked softly, “Lu Jinnian, am I a horrible wife?”

“Mmh?” Lu Jinnian opened his eyes slightly, looking at her questioningly.



Chapter 962: The Two Three Blissful Things?4?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

“In the three years we’ve been married, you’ve always treated me well, but now that you’re sick, I’m not even able to take care of you. I’m horrible, aren’t I?”

“Now that you say it, you really are horrible.” Lu Jinnian nodded in agreement.

Qiao Anhao knew that she had been pampered by him and was willing to reflect on herself but she couldn’t feel feeling infuriated when he agreed to it. After a moment’s wait, she turned to glare at him.

Lu Jinnian glanced at her glare. Chuckling lightly, he reached out to caress her cheek before pulling her into his embrace, tightening his grip. “But I like the horrible you, it gives me a blissful feeling that you won’t leave me.”

In that instance, Qiao Anhao’s guilty heart was filled with emotion.

Lu Jinnian rubbed her head. He shut his eyes, taking in the scent of her hair. After a short while, he continued, “I never expected you to treat me well, as long as you allow me to pamper you, it’s enough.”

Qiao Anhao stretched out her arms, returning his hug.

It was said that love has an expiry date and that after some time, troubles will arise among couples, but after such a long time, she and Lu Jinnian just continued on getting sweeter and more compatible.

Regardless of whether it was three years ago or three years later, everything remained sweet and blissful.

What more could they ask for?

“Lu Jinnian, how can I love you so much.”

“Really?” Just that simple line smoothed his tensed temples. “Qiao Anhao, I’m quite confused as well, how can I love you so much!”

[The Lu Qiao couple flaunting their love. Part 2]

Qiao Anhao had a date with Zhao Meng.

After their meeting, it was 6 pm, Lu Jinnian had already ended work so he went to get her before heading home.

Qiao Anhao walked across the road.

He stood by the side of the street, waiting for her.

Just when she was about to reach him, her phone rang and she reached for it, taking it out. At that moment, she almost got hit by an incoming motorcycle. Thankfully, Lu Jinnian pulled her into his embrace in time.

The frightening incident sent him into a fury. “Qiao Anhao, how can you take out your phone on the road? Do you know how dangerous it is! What if you got hit?”

Qiao Anhao knew she was wrong. She bit her lip, reaching out to grab onto his hand, but he tossed her grip aside. She reached out to grab him once more, only to get flicked aside again. After several attempts, she said softly, “I would only be so careless by your side.”

Just a simple line was able to extinguish the flame in Lu Jinnian. His brow straightened out, and he reached out to grab her hand before entering the car.

I would only be so careless by your side.

Because I trust that you can protect me.

Sixteen years ago, I loved you and you loved me but neither of us dared to confess, leaving the other as a sad little secret.

Sixteen years later, we’re married. Every morning when the first ray of light hits the house and I widen my eyes, you’re the first thing I see. And I believe you.

This was probably the most beautiful and touching fairy tale.


Chapter 963: The Two Three Blissful Things?5?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

[Even as the days goes by, I will still only want you]

Time trickles by and, just like that, eight years had flown past. Both Little Rice Cake and Little Red Bean were at the age for elementary school.

Mid-Autumn festival fell on the day before first of September. Together, everyone gathered at Qiao family house. Lu Jinnian and Qiao Anhao had brought Little Rice Cake, Xu Jiamu and Song Xiangsi had brought Little Red Bean, while Cheng Yang and Qiao Anxia came by themselves.

Even though there were past feuds with Han Ruchu, and Lu Jinnian and Qiao Anhao and Mother Qiao had publicly broken ties with her, it was, after all, just one person’s misdoings. And since the Qiao parents had seen Xu Jiamu since he was young, that hatred wasn’t brought over to him.

There was only two kids among the group of adults so everyone couldn’t help pampering them. Xu Jiamu only got to know of his daughter when she was two and a half years old, so he couldn’t help showering her with all the love he could give, but somehow his love was still not as great as that of Cheng Yang and Qiao Anxia who were still childless.

Together as a big family, they celebrated Mid-Autumn festival harmoniously. When it was 8 pm, the two kids were exhausted from a whole day of play. One of them fell asleep in Cheng Yang’s arms while the other curled up in Qiao Anxia’s embrace.

Mother Qiao specifically prepared a room for the both of them.

Both Lu Jinnian and Xu Jiamu had wanted to carry their children up to sleep, but that task was snatched by Cheng Yang and Qiao Anxia.

Qiao Anxia placed Little Rice Cake down before heading to the bathroom to get a wet towel. When she was out, Cheng Yang was lying on the bedside, staring at the two little kids, his gaze tender and filled with love. Unknowingly, there was also a hint of envy etched onto his face.

Qiao Anxia stood by the door for a long while. It was only when Qiao Anhao came in that Cheng Yang finally snapped out of his daze. Qiao Anxia smiled brightly, bringing the wet towel over to the bed to wipe their tiny faces.

When the three of them came down, Mother Qiao was hugging Song Xiangsi’s arm, gossiping about the latest entertainment news.

In the past, Mother Qiao had no interest in the entertainment industry, but ever since Qiao Anxia married Cheng Yang, she started to chase after idols as if she was one of the teenage girls.

In the end, their gossip ended with one of the directors. Mother Qiao curiously asked if he really had seven children.

Song Xiangsi nodded.

At that moment, Qiao Anxia who was walking down heard her mother say, “It’s a blessing to be able to have so many children, even if it can be expensive.”

Song Xiangsi always had a high EQ, knowing that Qiao Anxia was impotent, she quickly diverted the conversation.

Qiao Anxia knew of her intentions, so she pretended as though she hadn’t heard anything. “Mom.”

The atmosphere remained harmonious all the way till 12 pm when the three couples left the Qiao house.

On the way home, Cheng Yang received a call, it seemed to be from a good friend from his university. He invited him to a celebration as his wife had just born him a pair of twins.

Cheng Yang gave his blessings and promised to be there before hanging up.

Qiao Anxia was about to doze off at that moment but the conversation left her wide awake.

—————–ᕮ ⪨ ³ ⪩ ᕭ————-


Chapter 964: The Two Three Blissful Things?6?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Eight years ago, when Qiao Anxia had protected Qiao Anhao from a stab, she lost her chance at being a mother.

Almost… That one word from the doctor shone a glimpse of light into her despair, even if the possibility was slight, she never once gave up.

Initially, Cheng Yang would still accompany her to the doctor, but when he saw her taking endless amounts of herbal medicines for three whole years, he suggested giving up.

At that time, Cheng Yang who had always been patient and understanding towards her flew into a rage because she insisted on taking the medication. Ever since then, she started to take the medication secretly, but after so many years, she still wasn’t able to conceive a child.

Qiao Anxia’s mood fell instantly.

    • Cheng Yang had to discuss a contract the next day. When he came back, he brought a bunch of things.

Qiao Anxia went forward to take a look, realizing that they were all toys.

Cheng Yang sensed her confusion so he explained that it was for a friend that just gave birth to twins.

Among the bags of toys were two pretty bags, one for a boy and one for a girl. Needless to say, it was definitely for Little Rice Cake and Little Red Bean.

If Qiao Anxia were to recall, in the past eight years, he had often bought stuff for the both of them. Several times when she accompanied him, he would have on a serious expression and, every once in a while, he would suggest heading to Mian Xiu Garden. Even though he didn’t specify the reason, she knew it was to visit the kids.

Deep in his heart, he must really want a child, right?

“What are you thinking about?” Cheng Yang asked when he saw her staring intently at the two bags. Reaching out, he caressed her hair lightly.

Qiao Anxia snapped back to her senses. She shook her head and diverted the conversation. “What are we having tonight?”

“What do you want to eat?”

“Spicy food?”

“Sure,” Cheng Yang agreed without hesitation. “Let me change before bringing you out.”

Qiao Anxia nodded obediently.

He planted a kiss on her forehead before entering the bedroom.

After the meal, Cheng Yang and Qiao Anxia went to catch a newly released movie with Lu Jinnian as the main lead. It was high in box office and the ratings were good. A after they watched the movie, they agreed that it was indeed as the comments had mentioned. When they returned home, it was already 11 pm at night.

Cheng Yang started the water for the bath after his shower. He even placed Qiao Anxia’s pajamas on the chair beside the bathtub.

When she was done with her bath, he was no longer in the bedroom. Curious, she walked out in search of him. The study room was lit up and there was a soft mumbling from the room.

“Mom, I already told you, I’m the one that doesn’t want kids, not Xia Xia.”

“Xia Xia has always wanted kids, but I find them troublesome so I didn’t let her conceive.”

“I’m not lying to you, you’re my mother, why would I lie to you? I’m not trying to protect Xia Xia by saying that.”

“Please don’t call Xia Xia, I’m the one they doesn’t want kids. If you call her, it’ll seem like I’m blaming her for not having kids.”

“I already said I’m the one that doesn’t want kids!”

Cheng Yang spoke in a visibly irritated tone.

Qiao Anxia lowered her eyes. Her expression darkening, she headed back to the bedroom on light feet.

MOAR UpVote (づ⚆□⚆)づ!!! Thx <3


Chapter 965: The Two Three Blissful Things?7?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Qiao Anxia returned back to the bedroom, staring blankly at the wedding photo of her and Cheng Yang.

After about two minutes, he pushed the bedroom door open. When he caught sight of her wet hair, he frowned. “Why are you in a daze when you haven’t dried your hair yet?”

Qiao Anxia was pulled back to reality. She hurriedly averted her gaze, turning to smile at Cheng Yang. She pointed to the photo. “I realized I look quite pretty.”

“Hehe.” Cheng Yang chuckled. He then brought her onto his lap and started to blow dry her hair.

The whooshing of the blow dryer was a steady noise.

Qiao Anxia could feel him caress her hair tenderly, warming her heart.

After drying her hair, they climbed onto bed, one after the other. Cheng Yang stretched out his arm to pull her into his embrace out of habit. This was their sign, she knew that he wanted to engage in more intimate acts. Maybe because she had been exposed to the issue of children, she wasn’t in the best mood, and when he was preparing to untie her sash she hurriedly held onto his arm. “Cheng Yang, I’m a little tired.”

He pressed his lips to her ear. “I’ll be quick.”

His hot breath spilled onto her ear, it was ticklish and sent a tinkling sensation through her. Qiao Anxia moved her head further away before saying coaxingly, “How about tomorrow? I’m really tired today.”

Cheng Yang stopped, staring at her for a while. When he saw the persistence on her face, he gave up. He helped her arranged her pajamas before pulling her back into his embrace. “Okay.”

As the night trickled by, Qiao Anxia remained wide awake. Beside her, Cheng Yang’s breathing deepened as he fell into a deep sleep.

Qiao Anxia’s head laid on his chest, she could hear his stable and strong heartbeat. Raising her head, she couldn’t help glancing at his face, it was still as dashing. Gradually, her eyes started to sting.

She really wished, really really wished she could bear him a child… Regardless of whether it was a girl or a boy… He would definitely love it, he would shower the child with endless love and, most importantly, it would be the fruit of their love.

In a world full of people, she fell in love with a man but yet she wasn’t able to bear him a child.

Tears streamed down her face. She moved her head further away, turning her back towards Cheng Yang before allowing herself to cry silently.

During the celebration for the twins’ 100th day, many people came forward to ask Cheng Yang when he planned to have kids.

When Qiao Anxia heard the question, her heart clenched, aching, but she still struggled to keep a warm smile on her face.

Cheng Yang hugged her shoulders beside her. With a wineglass in his other hand, he replied swiftly, “I don’t have much interest in children, I would much rather have a few dogs.”

“Hmph, when we were in college, I wonder who said when he was drunk that having a son and a daughter would make him a winner in life?” Cheng Yang’s friend exclaimed.



Chapter 966: The Two Three Blissful Things?8?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

“All of us have kids already, you’re the only one left, you better hurry up and catch up…” A classmate one year younger than Cheng Yang downed a cup of beer before turning to Qiao Anxia. “Sis, you’re pretty and Cheng Yang is handsome, you guys would certainly have superior genes. If you were to have children, I’m sure the child would look stunning. If you pick up, next year, we’ll be drinking at your child’s one month celebration.”

Qiao Anxia’s hand tightened silently, her newly done nails pushing into her palm, sending a sharp piercing pain through her, but on her face she struggled to maintain a slight smile.

Cheng Yang, who was hugging onto her shoulders sensed her tenseness. He immediately spoke up, interrupting the rambling classmate. “Enough, why don’t you talk about your wife? Weren’t you complaining on Wechat a while ago?”

The classmate shook his head, sighing. “What can I do? Maybe it’s the seven year curse— we quarrel whenever we see each other, but thinking about separation, makes my heart feel empty…”

Everyone present was married, the earliest to marry already had a child in elementary school. The conversation seemed to strike a cord in many of those present, and Qiao Anxia managed to escape the uncomfortable conversation. She sighed inwardly, lowering her head to stare at the wineglass, her gaze turning blurry.

Initially, Cheng Yang would always tell others he was the one that didn’t want children and not that she was impotent so that others wouldn’t look at her differently. But as time went, and despite the countless methods she tried, she still remained unable to get pregnant. The tiny glimmer of hope in her heart started to fade, turning into despair. At the celebration, when others asked why she didn’t want kids, she felt as if she was struck, starting to feel a hard to explain sense of anxiety, as though she had done something wrong.

When they came back from the celebration, it was already 4 am. Since Cheng Yang had a lot of alcohol, Qiao Anxia was the one who drove.

He seemed to be in a good mood. When he entered the bedroom, he continuously shouted, “Wifey, Xia Xia.” After repeating it a few times, he started to kiss her and they successfully completed the intimate act she had refused the night before.

When everything was over, Cheng Yang fell asleep. Even though Qiao Anxia knew the chances of pregnancy were low, she still followed the position she found online that aided pregnancy.

After about half an hour, Cheng Yang’s phone rang, the screen reflecting the name “Lin Wei”.

Qiao Anxia knew who she was, she was a newly signed artist under Huan Ying Entertainment and had once acted alongside Cheng Yang in a movie. Even though she didn’t have much lines, it was a memorable role.

Qiao Anxia also knew that Lin Wei had a thing for Cheng Yang, always trying to get close to him.

It wasn’t that she was confident that he won’t waver but rather she was confident he won’t betray her.

Hence, she lowered the volume before dismissing the call.

She seemed to have been influenced by Cheng Yang’s drowsiness, so she decided to take a short nap. By the time she woke up, it was 6 pm but Cheng Yang remained fast asleep. Qiao Anxia headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. At that moment, she received a call.


Chapter 967: The Two Three Blissful Things?9?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

It was a call from Cheng Yang’s mother, Qiao Anxia’s mother-in-law.

When the phone started ringing, she was kneeling by the trash bin peeling onions, so she lifted her head slightly to peer at the screen on the chair by the side. When she saw the name, her heart sank. After a long while, she stood up to pick up the call. “Mom.”

“Xia Xia, are you busy? Why did you take such a long time to pick up?” Cheng Yang mother’s warm voice came through.

“No…” Qiao Anxia lowered her eyes before adding simply. “I’m cooking…”

“Where’s Cheng Yang? He isn’t helping you?”

“He drank a bit so he’s sleeping.”

“This child… drinking again? Why is he always like this…” his mother chastised.

“He didn’t drink a lot…” Qiao Anxia explained hurriedly before diverting the topic. “Mom, why did you call?”

“It’s nothing much, just that…” Cheng Yang mother paused for a while before continuing, “Xia Xia, you’ve been married to Cheng Yang for eight years, are you planning to have kids?”

“Mom…” Qiao Anxia didn’t know how to continue.

Mother Cheng knew that the topic was abrupt, chuckling, she added, “Xia Xia, this phone call isn’t to force you to have children now, I just wanted to ask when are you planning to have a child? You and Cheng Yang aren’t young anymore, you’re already considered among high risk pregnancy women. In a few years, you won’t be able to have kids anymore…

“Xia Xia, I’ve called Cheng Yang as well. I know that you guys don’t have plans to have children and the problem lies with Cheng Yang, he said that he didn’t want kids and wanted to enjoy life with you. But this mentality is wrong, in a few years, you’ll understand the importance of children in a family…

“Cheng Yang is confused, but you shouldn’t be like him, besides, he is the only son in the Cheng family. His grandfather has been hoping for a grandson for a really long time, that’s his only wish…

“Xia Xia… If you’re really busy, I can help bring the child up… Xia Xia, you’ve been married to Cheng Yang for such a long time. I don’t ask much from you, just could you talk to him about this issue…”

Qiao Anxia leaned against the dinning table as she listened to Mother Cheng’s warm coaxing tone. Her face was paling to the color of a paper sheet, and she clenched onto the onion, her lips trembling. After a long while, she forced out, “Mom, I understand, I’ll talk to him about it.”

Mother Cheng instructed her to definitely talk to Cheng Yang about it before expressing her concerns and hanging up.

The kitchen was silent. Qiao Anxia stared into space blankly for about ten minutes before kneeling back in front of the bin, continuing to peel the onion as though the phone call hadn’t happened. Just then, a big droplet fell, together with the onion skin, another one followed into the bin…

    • A day after she received the call from Cheng Yang’s mother, Qiao Anxia waited till he left for work before she drove to the hospital. She was going to seek out the specialist that’s been treating her all these years.

—————–ლ( ✧◞ ✧ ლ)————-


Chapter 968: The Two Three Blissful Things?10?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

The specialist was tending to a patient. After about half an hour, it was Qiao Anxia’s turn. It was the familiar routine checkup, and at the end she sat in front of the specialist, as she looked through the report in silence. When she was finally on the last page, Qiao Anxia didn’t ask the usual “How’s my condition?” but rather “Is there really no hope in getting pregnant?”

The specialist stared at the report for a long while before looking up at her. “Miss Qiao, according to your current condition…”

“There’s a chance of me getting pregnant?” Qiao Anxia interrupted her words, her expression calm. “But this chance is very very slim to the point it’s negligible, right?”

The room fell into a silence for a long while. Just when she was suspecting that the specialist was just going to ignore her, the woman replied warmly, “Initially, the cut had penetrated quite deeply, it damaged your uterus, causing your ovaries to be damaged as well, that’s why the chance of ovulation was quite slim. After so many years of treatment, there isn’t any improvement and as your age increases, the chance of getting pregnant starts to fall…” The specialist realized that she seemed to have been a little too harsh so she paused slightly before adding, “But if you really want a child, I suggest you consider adopting. It really isn’t necessary for children to be biological or have blood relation. After spending time with them, your feelings will naturally deepen, forming an enviable family…”

    • It was lunch time by the time Qiao Anxia was done, but she didn’t have any appetite. She sat in the park nearby for a long while before driving back home late into the evening.

Cheng Yang was already back. After spending the entire day to sort out her feelings, she walked to the bedroom. Cheng Yang was still in the shower, his phone casually tossed onto the bed. Qiao Anxia picked it up and saw a text from Lin Wei.

“Brother Yang, it’s my birthday this Sunday. I’ll be treating everyone to dinner at Golden Magnificence, would you come?”

Qiao Anxia was quite familiar with Lin Wei, she was pretty and had a mild temperament, and unlike the pampered rich girls, she didn’t pursue Cheng Yang outright. Several times when she visited him at work, Lin Wei would secretly get him drinks or snacks, placing them on his chair without letting him know. She must really like him to be able to approach him without attempting to be a homewrecker.

Qiao Anxia glanced at the screen for a while before sending Lin Wei a text. Almost the instant she replied, she heard the water stop running. She didn’t write anything else, deleting the evidence.

    • That Sunday, the weather was great. Cheng Yang had originally planned on bringing her out to play but she was busy, leaving the house.

Qiao Anxia went to the quiet coffee house in Sanlitun .Since it was late afternoon, the coffee house was rather empty, without only a few customers. She stood at the entrance, scanning the surroundings, but when no staff came forward to serve her, she walked to the innermost seat in front of Lin Wei.

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Chapter 969: The Two Three Blissful Things?11?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Qiao Anxia had used Cheng Yang’s phone to reply to Lin Wei, so she had specially dolled herself up thinking that it was him. The moment she saw her mistake, her expression turned confused. Even though there wasn’t anything between her and Cheng Yang, she started to feel unease as though caught red handed. She gripped onto the strap on her bag, forcing out a smile. “Miss Qiao.”

Qiao Anxia smiled at her warmly before signaling for the waiter to order a cup of coffee. Turning to Lin Wei, she asked, “You like Cheng Yang, don’t you?”

Lin Wei started to feel uneasy, assuming that she was trying to assert her authority as the wife.

Qiao Anxia smiled at the waiter when they put the coffee on the table. Reaching for the spoon, she stirred the coffee leisurely before taking a sip. “You don’t have to be nervous, I know you like him, that’s why I asked you out today. I just wanted to know if you love him?”

“I…” Lin Wei glanced at her expression. She didn’t seem like she was here to catch a mistress, but she couldn’t understand her intentions. After a moment’s hesitation, she remained silent, unable to reply to her question.

Lin Wei hung her head low, biting onto her lip. After struggling for a long while, she apologized softly, “I’m sorry Miss Qiao, I indeed like Cheng Yang but I’ve never had any intention to break up his marriage, I just wanted to be friends with him and see that he’s happy… I’m really very sorry for any unease that I may have brought about, I’ll avoid him from now on, treating him as a stranger…”

“You don’t have to,” Qiao Anxia interrupted.

Lin Wei lifted her head to look at her questioningly.

Qiao Anxia tightened her grip on the cup. After a long moment of silence, she downed the entire cup. Curling her lips into a bright smile, she said, “I came to find you today to seek your help.”

After nearly three hours of conversation, they were finally done.

Qiao Anxia remained calm while Lin Wei was in a daze, unable to process her words.

Qiao Anxia waved for the waiter for another coffee. After downing half a cup, she glanced at Lin Wei, who was regaining her senses. “Miss Lin, I’m sure you understand what I said. Are you agreeable?”

Lin Wei remained silent.

“If you agree, I’ll arrange everything else.”

Lin Wei lowered her eyes in contemplation.

“Miss Lin, it’s a great opportunity for you, are you sure you don’t want it?”

Lin Wei moved her lips, lifting her head to return Qiao Anxia’s gaze. She stared for a while before finally nodding. “I’ll do it.”

Moisture welled up in Qiao Anxia’s eyes, but she forced a smile on her face. With her whole soul, she replied softly, “Thank you.”



Chapter 970: The Two Three Blissful Things?12?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

Mid May was Qiao Anxia and Cheng Yang’s wedding anniversary.

On the first day of it, Cheng Yang made a booking at the Rotating Restaurant. Even though he had a tight schedule to finish a film, he still managed to squeeze some time out to head back to Beijing. Before he went home to get Qiao Anxia, he specifically headed to the nearby mall and spent almost two hours to get her a gift.

He called to notify her early in the morning so she was ready by the time he came back.

At 6 pm, Cheng Yang, not having plans to stay at home, drove Qiao Anxia to the restaurant immediately.

After they ordered, he reached into his pocket and handed her the gift he’d gotten. “Happy anniversary.”

Qiao Anxia broke into a bright smile. “What’s that?”

Cheng Yang remained silent. Reaching over for the gift, he helped her open it up. Inside the box laid a dazzling and intricately designed diamond bracelet from Tiffany’s newest collection.

Qiao Anxia had been eyeing this bracelet even before the collection was launched. She had even mentioned it to Cheng Yang once when they were on the online site.

“Do you like it?”

“I like it.” Qiao Anxia held the bracelet against her wrist to make a comparison, it was better than she had expected.

Cheng Yang smiled warmly.

She placed the bracelet back into the box carefully, before reaching into her bag for a metal tin and pushing it to him. “Here’s my anniversary gift for you.”

It was a limited edition watch from an international brand. Cheng Yang placed it in his chest pocket carefully, securing it.

The dishes were served quickly. They chatted leisurely as they ate, the atmosphere warm and blissful.

After their meal, Cheng Yang ordered Pu’er tea. Qiao Anxia brewed it, her actions elegant and graceful.

It was late into the night, the street lights glistering outside.

Qiao Anxia sipped the tea, staring steadily at Cheng Yang before blurting abruptly, “Cheng Yang… I only have one wish in this lifetime, and that’s for you to have a perfect life.”

His eyes brightened, glistering. “With you, it’s perfect.”

Qiao Anxia lowered her head to smile shyly, turning to glance out at the night view, her gaze turning distant. From Cheng Yang’s angle, she seemed to be smiling with her slightly upturned lips. After a long while, she blinked, turning back to stare at him. “Cheng Yang, you’ll be happy in the future.”

“You will too.” My happiness originates from you and yours from me, if I’m happy, won’t you be, too?

Qiao Anxia smiled, changing the topic. “It’s getting late, let’s foot the bill.”

Cheng Yang nodded, signaling the waiter. When he turned to swipe his card, Qiao Anxia poured another two cups of tea, throwing a tiny pill into one of them.

When he was done, she was was still staring at the cup of tea. By then, the pill had already dissolved, leaving the cup of tea no different from before.

“Finish the tea before we leave.” Qiao Anxia glanced up, bringing the cup towards him.

Cheng Yang didn’t object, lowering his head to finish tea.


Chapter 971: The Two Three Blissful Things?13?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

When they came out of the Rotating Restaurant, someone had already driven Cheng Yang’s car to the entrance. Out of habit, he reached over for the keys but Qiao Anxia snatched them before him. “I’ll drive.”

He glanced at her, then, without a word, he nodded in agreement.

Even though they stayed in Beijing, Qiao Anxia and Cheng Yang would stay over at hotels on special occasions. He had already booked a room in Four Seasons Hotel. After giving her the address, she drove over.

Cheng Yang was exhausted from rushing back to celebrate their anniversary. After shutting his eyes for a while, he fell into deep sleep.

When they reached the hotel, Qiao Anxia called him softly. When he opened his eyes, his gaze was blurry. He glanced up at her, pausing slightly before following her out of the car into the hotel. Without taking a shower, he curled up in bed.

Qiao Anxia went to the kitchen to pour a cup of water. When she entered the bedroom, Cheng Yang was already fast asleep, a hint of red showing on his white flawless skin.

She called him several times but he still didn’t react. She stared at him silently for a while before reaching out to caress his face. When she finally reached his lips, the tears in her eyes started to stream down her face. She stood up abruptly, grabbed onto the room card and left the room in a hurry.

When she reached the hotel entrance, she saw a familiar car plate number. As she walked forward, the window screen scrolled down, and inside was Lin Wei in a simple white dress.

Qiao Anxia struggled to keep her tears from falling. Lowering her eyes, she passed the room card over without looking at her in detail. When Lin Wei took the card, she froze slightly, instructing her to “Take good care of him” before taking large strides away.

    • There are many types of love in this world, but among everyone deep in love there is one similarity, they would always wish the other would live a better life. They would often selfishly assume that by giving the other party whatever they lack would be for the best, but they often forget that in life nothing is perfect, and regret is also beautiful. By filling up what the other lacks, you somehow deprive them of more.

Qiao Anxia hailed a cab back to the apartment. Back home, she threw herself on the sofa, bursting into tears.

Ever since she was young, she had always been a strong person, whenever something caught her eye, she would use her entire soul to obtain it. Other than Lu Jinnian, her obsession from youth, what had she not been able to get?

She never expected that there would come a day when she would give up what she really wanted.

She wanted him to have a beautiful family, to have a wife that treated him well and an adorable child.

She couldn’t give it to him so she wished that a girl that truly loved him would.

She knew that if they were to separate, they would both feel horrible, but time was the best medicine. When he finally nursed his broken heart back together, he would finally be free of the pain, just like she had been when she finally gave up on Lu Jinnian.

She really liked Cheng Yang.

She couldn’t bear to leave him.

She couldn’t allow him to have an imperfect life because of her.



Chapter 972: The Two Three Blissful Things?14?

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

Lin Wei glanced over at Cheng Yang, her gaze gentle and tender.

This was the man she fell in love with at first sight, it was a pity that he was married to a stunning woman.

She secretly stowed that love deep in her heart. It wasn’t that she never dreamed of being with him but she never dared to be greedy, to seek after him.

Lin Wei felt as though it was a dream, a beautiful one.

After a long while, she reached out to caress his face. The touch seemed to have shocked him, sending his entire body trembling. A tingling sensation flowed through her fingertips all the way to her chest, forcing her finger back.

Lin Wei held onto her finger until that heat dissipated and she had the courage to make another move. Slowly, she lowered her head towards his lips.

Yes, it required courage.

Even though she knew that this man had been drugged by his wife and the slightest temptation would successfully conquer him, she still needed courage.

When their lips were inches apart, Lin Wei’s heart raced. She clenched onto the sheets at the side, shutting her eyes. Her lashes trembled rapidly as she lowered her head gradually, bit by bit.

When their lips were close to each other, Lin Wei could feel his body heat. But just when her lips were about to touch his, Cheng Yang, who was very weak, suddenly reached out to push her aside.

With an immense amount of strength.

Without any prior notice, she fell off the bed, falling flat on her bum.

Cheng Yang struggled to stand up, then stumbled towards the bathroom. He locked the door and soon the sound of running water could be heard.

After about two hours, the bathroom door reopened. Lin Wei, who was still kneeling on the floor, lifted her head. Cheng Yang came out totally drenched in cold water, his body emitting cold air.

He stood a distance away from her, staring at her wordlessly, his gaze questioning what exactly had happened?

Even though Lin Wei wasn’t the planner, she seemed like a culprit caught red handed, uneasy and anxious. Under Cheng Yang’s pressuring gaze, she couldn’t help breaking into tears.

He remained silent, patiently waiting for her to explain the situation.

Lin Wei broke under the pressure, bursting out loud, “Brother Cheng Yang, I’m sorry… Miss Qiao got me here… She previously met up with me…”

After drenching himself in cold water, Cheng Yang came to his senses. He had an idea what might have happened, and after getting confirmation from Lin Wei, he knew. He couldn’t help the anger igniting within him.

He was her husband and had been deeply in love with her for over eight ears, and she sent him to another woman!

“So she drugged me and got you over? And you came?”

Cheng Yang spoke in a ferocious tone, sending chills up Lin Wei’s spine. She hung her head lower, tears streaming continuously as she sobbed out loud.

He turned to look out the window. After a moment, he realized that the issue wasn’t entirely with her, so he took a deep breath before turning back to look at her. “What else did she say?”

Lin Wei sobbed, “She instructed me to treat you well, she said that she wasn’t able to give you a complete family and wished that I would to do it on her behalf.”

Ever since the day Qiao Anxia had asked her out, she had been feeling anxious and uneasy, but suddenly, at that moment, she felt calm and peaceful. Cheng Yang clenched his lips. He knew that she did it because of children but he still couldn’t control his anger, in order to let him have kids, she was going to abandon him?

“She told me a lot about your daily habits, she mentioned that you didn’t like milk, oily food at night, that you like Dongpo meat…

“She said that in one’s life, love isn’t everything, even if love is a person’s everything, it won’t just be one experience. She said that you deserve to have a perfect family and marriage, she had already wasted so many of your years, she didn’t want to disrupt you any longer.”

Just then, she seemed to have thought of something, lifting her head, she said, “Miss Qiao might be leaving tonight…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Cheng Yang frowned. Glancing up at the wall instinctively, he rushed out of the hotel.

    • Qiao Anxia cried for a really long time. When she was finally done, she glanced up at the clock. It was about two hours since she left the hotel, Cheng Yang and Lin Wei must have…

Her heart started to ache once more.

The most painful experience in life is probably to send the man you love deeply to someone else.

She had always been a selfish woman, but for him she was willing to suffer.

Qiao Anxia rubbed her swollen eyes. She walked into the bedroom and started to pack up. As she packed, the tears started to stream down her face once more.

When she was finally done, she placed the divorce papers she had prepared beforehand onto the table. Holding onto a pen, she hesitated slightly before hurriedly signing her name. At that moment, the tears that she had somehow managed to suppress fell down once more.

She hurriedly covered the pen, but just as she was about to put the pen back down, the bedroom door flew open violently.

She turned her head instinctively, finding a soaking wet Cheng Yang at the door.

She froze, and before she could say anything, he walked forward, taking in the signed divorce papers. His anger ignited once more, without a second’s thought he ripped the papers into pieces before tossing them at Qiao Anxia’s face.

Even though the papers were light, the strength exerted caused them to sting her.

Cheng Yang flew into a rage. He pointed at Qiao Anxia but nothing came out. In the end, he crossed his arm, circling the bedroom. When he saw the luggage she had packed, another wave of fury overtook him. He kicked the luggage violently, with a resounding thud.

“Qiao Anxia, you…” Cheng Yang swallowed the harsh words in his mouth, forcing his mouth shut. He continued to circle the house. When he reached the coffee table, he saw a large black bag filled with different types of bottles.

He frowned, lowering his head to look through the bag. Inside were different types of medicines: Chinese medicine, western … all of them were to help the ovaries and aid pregnancy.

He had forced her to stop taking this medicine a long time ago, even tossing all of it away, why was there still so many… Cheng Yang instantly understood, all these years, she had been taking the medication behind his back?

He had already gotten over not having kids.

Even though he loved kids, he didn’t mind not having any.

But he had never expected not having kids to be such an issue with her, almost to the point of an obsession.

Cheng Yang stared at the medicine for a long while, suddenly, he stood up and walked towards her. He reached out with his arms and brought her into his embrace. “Xia Xia, don’t ever do it again, all right?”

Qiao Anxia started to cry once again, tears falling down.

“Cheng Yang, I don’t want to leave you, but at the same time I didn’t want…”

“I know, I know…” Cheng Yang tightened his embrace. “But I don’t mind. Compared to having children, I would much rather have you.”

    • Half a year later, on Christmas day.

“Cheng Yang, aren’t we going to watch fireworks? Why are we here?” Qiao Anxia asked as she glanced at a dilapidated house in the countryside.

Cheng Yang remained silent, smiling warmly at her. He unbuckled his seat belt and opened the door for her. Holding onto her tiny hands, he brought her into the house.

The house was old and had an old smell about it.

Qiao Anxia tilted her head to glance at him, but he remained silent, bringing her into the room.

Inside, there was a boy of about eight years old – he had pale skin and exquisite feminine features.

“Cheng Yang…” Qiao Anxia called out softly. He waved for the little boy, who walked over obediently, bowing down respectfully. Cheng Yang bent his body to take hold of the little boy’s shoulder, and he pointed to Qiao Anxia at his side. “Are you willing to go home with us? I’ll be your father and she’ll be your mother.”

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Chapter 973: Extra

Translator: Kingbao Editor: DarkGem

——————–( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)————————-

[Every book has a gem]

When Little Rice Cake was three, Qiao Anhao bought him many play cards for him to learn new words.

The boy was obsessed with toys, having no interest in the play cards.

Qiao Anhao was worried that he won’t like learning in the future so she changed her teaching method, but regardless of what she tried, he remained uninterested in the play cards.

One day, she told him, “Lu Qiaochen, do you know that every book is a gem?”

Little Rice Cake didn’t understand her intentions, but he understood the word “gem”, so he tilted his head to ask, “Mommy, how do I get the gem?”

Qiao Anhao thought for a moment. “Reading till the book breaks down, tearing up.”

Little Rice Cake’s black irises rotated a round, he seemed to understand what she had said, for he nodded lightly.

After sending Little Rice Cake to his afternoon nap, Qiao Anhao went for a nap as well. When she woke up, he was no longer asleep. She searched the entire second floor until finally finding him in the study room.

He sat on the floor, ripping Lu Jinnian’s precious books. “Mommy is a liar, after tearing so many books, why haven’t I found any gems?”

[Regarding dreams]

Qiao Anhao slouched on the bed, browsing through Taobao on her phone. Just then, she caught sight of a line by Ma Yun, “Everyone needs dreams, in case they come true.”

She brought her phone over to the sofa, towards Lu Jinnian who was working. “This statement is so true, everyone needs dreams in case they come true, just like how mine did.”

Lu Jinnian glanced over from his laptop screen. “What’s your dream?”

Qiao Anhao replied straightforwardly, “You!”

He smiled, continuing with his work.

Qiao Anhao moved her phone to the side before glancing up at him. “Lu Jinnian, do you know, you’re a lot of people’s dream.”

“I know,” he replied nonchalantly.

She pouted, was this considered showing off?

The next second he added, “But so what? Qiao Anhao’s dreams are the only ones I want to help come true.”

Translator’s Thoughts


Hey friends!

It’s finally finally finally over Sobbles. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i did, even tho the front chapters can be aggravating, i’m glad you persisted on (Just as i did pulls hair) cause the last 1/4 of the novel really compensated all the annoyance and exasperation i felt hahaha. It’s over now and i hope i didn’t disappoint hehe bows deeply

^.^ Till the next novel waves

                       THE END!!!
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