Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1005 The Defenders!

Chapter 1005  The Defenders!

 Right before the Ode's Territory was shattered, Ashema had been having quite the jolly time watching the crimson-haired brat lose. It was thrilling to know that even among 'his kind', Skullius was just as overbearing in power as he appeared during their fight. In fact, the circumstances of the Ode looked even worse, especially when factoring that Skullius had just powered himself up with the odd great tree; the one Ashema was currently relaxing on.

The Carven had been sitting down leisurely while drinking the blood from his gourd. If there was a snack to go with the drink and entertainment, he might have been happier, but it was what it was. Aside from giggling and gaping in awe, Ashema had also been studying in great detail just how the system of the humans and the 'long-ears' worked. It seemed complex and convoluted, as though someone had been intent on making it too complicated for the sake of it.

How unrefined.

At the very least, Ashema felt that he wouldn't have nothing to tell the Herald when he inevitably headed back to her and reported what happened here.

'Well, that ought to be fun…' he thought.

Well, what turned to not be fun, was the fact that something was hurtling towards the great tree he was sitting on, intent on blowing off the canopy of skulls… and probably more.

It looked like a spherical distortion, or perhaps a visible mass of air the size of a fist, rushing Ashema's way with frightening power that even the Carven dared not to take lightly. The fact that Ashema could appraise such a thing was already an indication as to how devastating it was!

The Carven contemplated escaping and leaving the Attegoth to its doom, but in the next instant…

Blood poured in unreal volumes from his gourd, and then an equally vexing amount of darkness melded into, flooding around where the attack was likely to hit.

The distortion had been rather quick, and Ashema had been sure he didn't have enough time to solidify the defense he was creating, but the great tree under his feet seemed to be capable of defending itself… or attempting to, at least.

The huge 700,000 orbs of darkness that had been whirling around it gathered where the attack was going to hit… but the result wasn't exactly spectacular.

 The nature of the attack turned out to be more spatial than anything else. Instead of an explosion or a raw, physically impact, the distortion pulled in all the orbs as it spun and shockingly became bigger, as though feeding on them!

Ashema used that miniscule morsel of time when the distortion cancelled out the Attegoth's defense to try and wrap it up all up in the blanket of blood and darkness he made, and then, he swiftly summoned a Carven bird to open up a portal to suck in all the calamitous mess before it grew worse.

It worked… but not before the distortion, which had been successfully covered up by the mix of blood and darkness for three seconds, exerted a devastating crushing force on everything near it.

A third of the Attegoth's canopy was shattered like glass, and Ashema who had been standing on it wasn't left unscathed. Thankfully, that devastating power had only been the beginnings of what that distortion could have done had it not been transported elsewhere in the next micro-second.

Ashema, with half his body crushed to pulpy bits sighed and glared at the culprit behind the attack; the old woman he and Skullius had seen by the shore.

"Just great…" he said in a sarcastic tone. "Isn't this cheating?"

Umbett gave him a suspicious look, and then another spherical distortion appeared above her, this one… about a fourth of the size of the Attegoth.

"Dear Boron…" Ashema said with a tone of defeat.

The fact that the grant attack was even faster than the last, somehow blinking from its source and emerging right where the great Graceful Monolith was with its unhealthily, oppressive power only made the Carven shake his head.

He had tried. Surely, he couldn't be judged for fleeing, right? Rather, incarnating elsewhere after the approaching certain death?


A sound the Carven hadn't expected to hear ground against his ears.

The distortion… had been blocked!

"Who's stupid enough to…" Ashema began as he looked before the great tree.

A rather attractive lady with navy blue hair had appeared in the way of the distortion!

A giant brass kite shield was in front of her, lilac flames spitting from its edges, and it had stopped the great distortion in its tracks… only to start getting crumpled and sucked in the next instant.

The woman didn't seem too concerned though, despite staring death right in the face.

Right when the shield she had conjured was completely destroyed, twelve thin plates that looked to be made of glass, flew in front of her from below in rapid succession.

A micro moment later, they were suddenly replaced by twelve enormous Sif houses, barky, rootlike, and with great widths. Another lady with pink hair, stationed on the ground was responsible for this, but the look on her face reflected her acknowledgment of the fact that this wasn't a solution to the problem at hand.

Of course, even the dozen constructs – massive as they were – were swallowed by the frightening distortion in a matter of seconds, but that turned out to have been the goal.

Vali had needed those few seconds to materialize from her great, lilac flame – her conduit – another great shield, thicker and firmer than last.

Of course, there was not a chance in heck that it would last any longer than the twelve houses just now, but…

"Eternal Shield of Furious Shielding against Threatening Threats and Impossible Odd Odds!" A man donning funny, colorful clothing seemed to emerged out of thin air and call loudly as he placed his on the shield.

It was Braxten Shannazah, and his uncanny Technique which made any material object he touched stronger the more ridiculous the name he gave it!

It worked as he said.

The distortion ground against the great shield, but didn't manage to do anything to it!

A clash of impossible forces began, persisting on as large sparks flew!

Right as Braxten had appeared, however, a short woman had appeared too. She kicked off the Attegoth and hurtled with extreme speed towards the interior of the giant, seemingly invincible shield. The force she generated pushed the shield against the distortion a fair bit and their clash inched further away from the great, golden tree!

Ashema was stunned.

To think all these people actually pitched in to save that bastard's tree…

"He actually has friends?" the Carven asked himself, a tinge of what felt like hope igniting in him.

The individuals guarding against the distortion – Vali, Maxim, Shannazah and Kudobtu – felt the same too.

Unfortunately, Umbett licked her crusty lips.

The effort to stop her attack had surprised her. However, it annoyed her even more.

Thus… she warped to the Attegoth, appearing where its trunk emerged from the lake.

She gave a suffocating glare to the defenders, all of whom turned to various tones of pale.

"I just want this thing destroyed. I don't care much for your lives, but if you are so insistent, I may take them along with this abomination."

The old hag's voice brought a halt to hope and cheer.

…And of course, what followed was…

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