Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1024: Accelerate To The Result

Chapter 1024: Accelerate To The Result

Thrill looked utterly pathetic despite being adorned in his long white robe which accommodated his unusual physique which featured four long arms.

Both his mouths - one which was where his eyes would have been and the one which was appropriately placed in relation to normal human anatomy - curled up in a deep frown as he glared at the figure of Replicus and those pure white eyes which seemed to dig deep within him, past the unnatural barrier that prevented normal phenomenon from reaching him.

The Ardent Curse hissed.

Never in his life had he experienced such humiliation as he did in the last three days.

He had thought that his innate untouchability would prove to be a tough hurdle for Replicus and company to overcome even after they had successfully captured him, but, well, that wasn't the case.

Replicus looked him dead in the... mouth, smiled and then manifested in his hand... a long golden wand of precious quality.

This was of course, the Flawless Flail of Ruin.

Replicus casually handed the wand to the Curse.

"Here. I need you to use it on me one last time. I might just get a bit of improvement in before engaging with those stuck-up bastards," he said.

The air turned heavy and taut immediately.

Thrill's fury died down considerably and beads of sweat started to fall from his face.

'Dammit! Dammit!' he thought in despair.

Six eyes glared at him, puking absolutely ferocious killing intent his way.

Pherdanta, Allora and Grim always inspired this amount of fear into Thrill every time he was given the golden wand to use for their master's intended desire.

The Flawless Flail of Ruin had belonged to Hope, the Cluster General for the Cluster Thrill was born in; the powerful Ardent Curse who had six arms and six deadly wands.

The Cluster General's wands could only be used by another Ardent Curse, and as such Replicus had brought Thrill aboard. His role was, of course, to use the Flawless Flail of Ruin on Replicus whenever he assumed his Penetrator form; in such times, Replicus would conjure clouds for his subordinates to stand on until the cooldown for [High Cosmetic Body] ended.

Of course, at first Thrill resisted Replicus' demands.

... Until he was sent to think carefully about his position in Stagnant Space.

Replicus had realised that the Ardent Curses weren't immune to every kind of attack.

The theory he had developed some time during the voyage was proven to hold some credence when he considered that the Ardent Curses could be contained in a Cluster.

Since that was the case... then he might have been right!

Stagnant Space, the massive dark space that existed somewhere in the folds of Aigas - a large block of stability - was what facilitated the creation of Clusters using the divine energies that leaked from the bodies of the three Deities; the land, the sea and the sky!

Clusters were named as such because of the chaotic mashing of energies that crested them, but that potent energy needed a stable background to eventually form something significant, and that stable background, Stagnant Space, could be accessed by Replicus.

... And he used it to his advantage.

Thrill couldn't resist getting sent to the dark space, even with his unusual invulnerability, and after only being stuck there for a few hours, he had already begun begging to do Replicus' bidding.

Replicus' Unlimited glared at him in the same fashion as they did currently, when they sensed his rebellion.

It didn't help that, for their sake, Replicus could send Thrill to the shadow real- Stagnant Space just for his Unlimited's entertainment.

"Fine," the Curse muttered with his lips drinking sweat. His hand reached out for the Flawless Flail shakily and the intense pressure from the Unlimited only soared.

The three dared the bastard to do something outside of what Replicus ordered.

Thrill was gulping several times every second, when the tension was finally broken by the entrance of a noble, humanoid beast wearing a baggy, white outfit with thick, long sleeves and thick bountiful pant legs.

Baddan looked rather neat and intimidating despite wearing an emotionless face around his thick matte of whitish silver fur that represented his hair and glorified beard.

"I was going to give you a few more minutes, Baddan. You're ready?" Replicus asked the Sky Watcher.

Baddan wore a smile and nodded.

"I'm quite excited."

Replicus nodded back.

"I'm a little jealous," he said before turning to the point past the ship's bowsprit.

It might have been a hard to recall fact, but because of the Reverse Clusters, flight and spatial manipulation were exceedingly difficult to execute. Even the clouds were halted still.

This was why Replicus' ship of [Evil Darkness] was standing frozen in the sky. He couldn't make it fly. This had sufficed until now, but...

Two great chains of darkness whipped out from the thick, sturdy black along both sides of the ship's hull, and zoomed forward, disappearing into the distance.

Replicus had positioned the ship in this specific spot because ahead of it, there was a straight shot ahead which wasn't hindered by Reverse Clusters, meaning that the chains could go forth without interruption. They were less likely to be hindered by the anti-spatial influence when compared to living beings, after all.

The chains seemed to extend endlessly.

They shot out so quickly that they even caught up to the fleet of vessels belonging to the Factions and sped past them in the air.

Once they overtook the ships by double the distance between them and Replicus', darkness oozed from them like sap, and fell below to form gigantic wheels, like great cogs which then fit into the gaps within the segments of the chains.

Right after they fully formed, they began to spin forward furiously, pulling the chain that connected to Replicus' ship.

There was a lot of creaking, but the chain barely moved. The black ship barely moved.

"I suppose I'll just expend all my mana in this form. It's not like I'll need it anyway," Replicus said as he felt the ship merely lurch a few inches forward.

As mana exploded out of him into the chains and the ship, eighty-two more wheels were formed along the length of the chains, and they spun forth, pulling with heft!

Finally, the dark ship galloped forth, drawn by nothing but an aggressive pull!

It shot ahead with thrice the speed it was capable of on the sea, and soon, it passed the formation of ships below before coming to a stop a distance ahead.

When it stopped with a great, momentous jerk, no one seemed to need another verbal cue from

Replicus or a motivational speech.

Baddan, Allora, Grim and Pherdanta headed for the edge of the ship and waited for the formation of Faction ships to arrive below them.

Rapid thoughts filled their heads, as did the rush of adrenaline to their bodies.

Replicus had already told them all to expect their pre-established thoughts and assumptions to be

wrong, but nevertheless, they were to stick to the plan.


All was good so far.

Huff. Huff.

Grim could already feel his blood boiling, and his eyes shone with a crimson light when he saw the vessels finally pass right under them.

Under the stupefied stare of Thrill, he was first to dive, followed closely by Pherdanta then Allora,

then Baddan.

At the same time, Replicus' casual smile faded as a notification popped in his view.

['High Cosmetic Body' has timed out 00:00:00:00]

His simple shirt and pants vanished as a tall, slender, majestic and domineering armour that highlighted the limitless glare of countless stars over its dark base took their place, a set of sharp horns growing from its helm.

Four slots opened on said helm, and from them, four blinding flashes of blue light gushed forth, originating from the figure within the Hollow of the armour; he who shed his skin and flesh to become the infamous Titan World Storm Penetrator!

"That's better," Replicus said just as Baddan disappeared from deck, and he looked at Thrill.

The Curse's head scrolled back to Replicus and he looked up, adjusting to the new height and power.

The Penetrator pointed at the Flawless Flail of Ruin and then at himself.

Thrill didn't need to hear the Null Lifeform's instruction to understand his task.

After taking a glance at Araeyn's emotionless face, he shakily pointed the Flail at Replicus, and a bolt of energy rushed out to smack onto the Hollow Dusk Prison....

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