Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1028: How Cold of Y'all

Chapter 1028: How Cold of Y'all

Replicus was thoroughly pleased.

Not only had the plan come together in such a splendid fashion, his subordinates seemed extremely motivated, a fact he hadn't been sure would be the case since he explained what he wanted to do a day prior.

He was confident Baddan would be up for a challenge, as he had a sense of pride about him that went against the very idea that he was seen as lesser.

Replicus had seen that anguish in the beast when he explained the nature of Clusters, where the Sky Watcher was born.

The rest - his Unlimited - he feared for them because he knew that they thought they were in over their heads. Maybe not Grim, but Allora and Pherdanta were constantly worried about how they would perform against Faction Leaders and their older and more experienced forces if the goal was to challenging everyone all at once.

Beyond that, Replicus having to tell them that the battle was going to take place... well, in another dimension far different from Aigas, had him considering whether or not he should prune or give a time-out to his more... human partners.

Fortunately, that never became an exercised option.

As Replicus watched the successful entrapment of Em-Sul, his worries lessened.

Those four just had to be clear on their task.

This wasn't about beating a Faction Leader, especially one like Em-Sul.

This was going to be difficult to do, even if Baddan had him in his Territory.

All the four needed to do, was to nab the Harmonic Ember from Em-Sul and get the flesh out of dodge.

Meanwhile, Replicus, Araeyn... and maybe Thrill, would face the remainder of the Factions. And right now...

"Has this gotten entertaining enough for you Eaniss? I fulfilled your wish. Perhaps I even went a bit overboard," Replicus said.

His voice travelled well within the dense, unlimited darkness, reaching Eaniss and the others whom he couldn't see still because of the golden barriers.

He knew they heard him, though, because an instant later, the umbrella-shaped shield to Eaniss' ship receded, revealing her voluptuous figure teased by her odd dress.

A comfortable coat of Nitros danced around her fighting off the fatal atmosphere which would kill her in a few hours if she tanked it head on.

Sadly, the Head Faction leader couldn't reply.

Unlike Replicus who could sent his voice through the Null Life Essence drowning the space, she couldn't, and she knew she couldn't despite not sensing the essence.

She simply gave him a cold, amused gaze accompanied by a blush.

There was someone beside her who could render a retort, however...

"This is the best thing to happen since we took off on this dreary journey!"

Aurolio wore a bright, borderline demented visage as he called aloud.

His white hair seemed to stand on end, his eyes flashing with excitement. A bit of colour even seemed to plaster his corpse-like skin.

Unlike other Masters who needed to be shielded by their Faction Leaders, Aurolio was capable of protecting himself.

Voided Death Essence spikily stormed out of his body, contending against the abundant Null Life Essence!

No one else aside from Replicus could tell, but the Null Life Essence was pooling around the pale man hostilely, and thus he had to defend himself more than the others.

"I'm glad you think so," Replicus said to the pale man.

'Strange,' he added inwardly.

Now perhaps there was more benefit to this than he had initially thought.

Perhaps he could discover what exactly Aurolio was hiding about his interaction with Skullius through this place.

It was probably going to be much easy since Aurolio couldn't harm the Penetrator due to the Tie of Exchange he seemed to have made with the original Null Lifeform.


Replicus looked past Aurolio.

The Mad Bishop could hardly contain her excitement. She was visibly trembling while looking straight up at him.

The Penetrator knew exactly what was on her mind.

"Let's finally get this over with, Bishop. We're in range, right?" he said as the cloud he stood

on dropped in altitude until it was fifty meters away from Eaniss' ship.

The arrangement he had made with the Bishop.

One where they would fight once within fifty meters of each other, was still in play.

The Bishop nodded eagerly to Replicus' inquiry.

Replicus' sockets flared.

His gaze then shifted to another ship from where he felt a glare pierce through his starry armour. It came straight from none other than Warding Pride.

"Looks like everyone wants to fight me. How cold of you all," Replicus said. "Fine. But how about we change the venue a bit, hmmm? Araeyn, if you will."

At once, the Apostle, while riding his Fond Calamity, activated another one of his skills!

[Dimensional Submission]!

In addition to being able to superimpose a region of the Null Verse on top of any place in another world, the Astute Duke of Transversal, was able to control this superimposed region as he pleased!

Araeyn stretched out his hand and strangled the void of Null space as though it were tangible.

He then pulled, and...


Even Replicus was surprised by the godly restraint and motion that dragged him from where The stood and pulled him elsewhere!

The abundant stars littering every direction turned into tangling, lengthy lines in his vision, representing the unfathomable distance he travelled in only a few seconds only to then slam on a scorching hot ground with his greaved feet!

'You could be gentler, you know,' Replicus thought.

He steadied himself.

He had landed with his knees bent to ensure that he didn't possibly break his legs from the


That wouldn't do, even if he could heal himself easily.

That would be bad for showmanship.

He looked up.

The epic ceiling of stars was still visible, only marred by pale blue wisps of heat.

Replicus had, after all, landed on a star.

Freakishly hot fumes rose from the gigantic mass of vibrant turquoise below him, expelling vigorous powers that went beyond just 'hot'.

It wasn't at all like standing on the sun, it was more like being lost within the core of the sun itself, which for most, would have spelled death long ago. But for Replicus, it was refreshing. The Hollow Dusk's Prison, his starry armour would have been incinerated long before he landed, but because it had the ability to bond with Replicus' body, making it and him one and the same, it survived.

Thus, the Penetrator maintained his Majestic appearance over the star, barely visible through the ripping heat and the distortions it caused.

He took a step.

'This is not even fire. It's another form of Null Life Essence. Interesting...' he thought.

Because he couldn't access information about the regions of the Null Verse from Araeyn, he was just as surprised as everyone else when he appeared here.

He had only instructed the Apostle to bring them somewhere he and his subordinates

wouldn't die instantly.

That wish had only been half fulfilled.

Nevertheless, this was a bigger boon than expected.... again.

To fully take advantage of it, Replicus donned the [Nullmancer's Royal Raiment of Acclimation] and activated [Epiphany] as well as [Greatest Null Weaver].

Before any results could register, however...





Multiple ships hurtled through the still void of space and crashed onto the star with

considerable oomph!

Replicus watched chunks of glowing hot rock, large and small fly up, dark and light fumes

alike hissing everywhere from where the crash occurred.

Araeyn had brought the others.

Replicus would have grinned if he could.

His enemies exposed themselves one by one, with Eaniss and Aurolio in the lead.

Now, if the Penetrator could survive this...


If he could endure it for 15 minutes or less...

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