Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1031: High Hell

Chapter 1031: High Hell

Within the Territory, Reign of the Unending Exigencies, pure chaos ensued.

It hardly seemed to matter anymore that this was Baddan's Territory, as the fight truly became a bitter mash of varied, potent powers that clashed explosively.

It was currently a four vs two, but no hypothetical external party watching - or reading the event - could have judged that the side with the greater numbers was winning.

In fact, it almost seemed like the opposite.

Em-Sul had assigned his Mage to clash with Baddan and the bizarre, ugly creature while he dealt with Pherdanta and Grim.

Quite frankly, Baddan had his hands tied for most of the battle, especially when it first began. Adjusting to the manner of combat that Mages often used was incredibly difficult, even with the boosts that his Territory gave him.

It was more apt to say that the only reason he was keeping up with the staggering arsenal of the Mage, was because of the physical and efficiency augmentations he got.

The Mage had lunged at him and with a cold gaze, he stretched his hand out towards the Sky Watcher. In the next micro instant, Baddan felt his armour get pulled sharply by an unseen force, and in the next moment, he was right in front of the Mage, his armour's chestplate touching the man's hand!



Baddan felt a spike in mana from the enemy, and just before it exploded into activating something potentially deadly, he had the armour spit him out!

As he soon discovered, this decision was done in the nick of time, because his dark grey, bumpy armour twisted and whirled before becoming an ominous ball that the Mage gripped in his hand.

'What?!' the Sky Watcher thought.

He couldn't have known, but this was Transmutation, a basic Mage skill that allowed a practitioner to change one substance's composition, into that of another.

The shape his armour had been turned to was that of a simple ball.

No. That wasn't it.

The Mage had the ball turn into a long, dark grey spear which he suddenly fling - and with unbelievable force - at the Warpish Fuggu!

Baddan scowled.

The spear struck Fuggu in the head and obliterated it in an instant!

Such power!

Even though Fuggu was the weakest among his beasts, and one with the less impressive abilities, it had its value.

Its core ability was, of course, Warping.

It could distort energies and material objects alike, which usually rendered their normal properties and integrities inconsistent. This was why its attacks had seemingly bypassed Em- Sul's Nitros.

Of course, the creatures it summoned also possessed this Warping ability.

Em-Sul couldn't see, but what bore holes in his body, were horned dark blue beetles the size of a child's fist, which manifested anytime Fuggu went for an attack.

Whenever the beast thrust its fist, this was a feint. The real attack would come from these beetles.

It went without saying, but the armour Baddan received by summoning the creature, also possessed the Warping ability, which was activated when going on the offense.

All this said... none of it mattered.

Truly, when dealing with Mages, common scaling just wouldn't work.

Baddan rushed the Mage.

He reached him rather quickly, and noticed that he - Baddan - was much, much faster than the bastard. The Mage had barely managed to react when he sent a ruthless punch into his face!


'Impossible!' Baddan flared.

He felt as though he had struck against an infallible wall!

Again, he couldn't have known, but this was another fundamental Magecraft trait other than Transmutation; Consolidation!

It was just as it sounded. Mages used their extensive reserves of energies - mana, Aura or others – to augment their physical properties in a manner that could theoretically surpass even Form Users!

The Mage took advantage of Baddan's pause and threw a straight punch of his own.

The Sky Watcher didn't deign to take it and find out just unordinary it would turn out to be.

He simply dodged it... and made way for a fat figure that sprinted from behind the Mage and sent six horned, dark blue beetles zipping through the air towards him!

The Fuggu had returned!

The Mage narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Hadn't he just killed this thing?

He didn't have time to dwell on this, though.

He could sense the bugs that bolted his way better than Em-Sul, but it was still only a vague


As a result...

His leg went flying, a portion of it gouged out by a creature he couldn't see.

No amount of Consolidation could have stopped the extra five distortive attacks that left his torso looking like a hive either!

Through this though, the Mage only looked mildly annoyed.

His eyes darted this way and that, seemingly trying to figure out if there were any more

attacks coming.

But then... his head was borne through cleanly!

Baddan saw the dramatic burst of the Mage's head, but he wasn't convinced. He didn't hurry

to go and 'finish off' his opponent either.

That could be a trap.

Instead, he made the Warpish Fuggu attack the supposed corpse of the Mage.

After all, one of the advantages of using his technique within the Territory, was that all the Exigencies he summoned, would never stay dead after being killed!

Better yet, Baddan saw it fit to finally unleash the Primary function of his Territory.

It had to with why, above his head, above the Forechance Deemers, there was not one, but two metallic balls!


Paradon climbed into the cloudy sky as though it was the most natural thing to do. Its right front paw seemed to step on the fabric of space and propel the entire body into the sky at an admirable speed, jutting in and out of the clouds seamlessly.

The world above ground seemed limitless, as in as much as Paradon was moving rapidly, it didn't seem to end, even when he moved in a straight line.

Paradon Parody was one of the forms Grim could take.

Its unique trait was that it was capable of giving its limbs the individual magical properties of

other beasts that Grim had faced and thoroughly analysed.

This was the reason all his legs looked different from each other.

His right front leg had the ability to step on the air, and this was the ability the Unlimited

used to 'fly.'

This flight wasn't quite efficient in this case, however.

The enemy could also do something similar.

Em-Sul was hot on Grim's trail.

He rode what looked like a metallic plate shaped like an arrowhead. It was just as fast, if not

faster than Grim's galloping form.

It spun wildly around the trajectory Paradon took, and then Em-Sul did what he had been doing for the last several seconds!

He exposed two different artefacts which spat two different streams of odd energies. Right as the blue and white jets spun around him, the Harmonic Ember once again attained a greater whitish haze around it. In the next instant, the blue and white jets were forced to collide, and Em-Sul, in that exact moment, had them flash in Paradon's direction! Midway through their flight, they perfectly merged to create something that caused the temperature in the skies to drop.

From what it looked like, flaking like old, wet wood, yet surging rapidly towards the target, it was akin to a torrent of cold flame!

The mana imbedded within it was immense, casting this unusual power over a very wide area.

It would be very difficult for Grim to dodge.

Luckily, he wasn't alone.

Pherdanta, who rode on his back, grabbed the hilt to her sword with both hands and slashed

down with aggressive intent!

Cleanly, the catastrophic meld of heat and cold was split apart in the middle, and its integrity was compromised.

However, right as it collapsed, a thin black ray that moved in an uncompromising straight line, shot from Pherdanta's right, right when she was still bearing the weight of the force she

had used with her sword just now!

Another hidden attack?!

Clicking her tongue, the Unlimited, clad in her Perfect Aura bolstered her dexterity enough to

where she managed to extricate her right hand from gripping the sword, and point at the


Right before the beam bore through Grim...

"Aggrante!" Pherdanta cried.

From her index finger, a bright jet of mana and Null Life Essence cast an overwhelming

highlight on the surroundings and swiftly overpowered the beam, shredding it halfway to its


Pherdanta sighed and readied again her stance as Grim changed course.

'This is ridiculous. Does he had infinite store of artefacts?' the female Unlimited thought.

Em-Sul kept revealing artefacts that stored strange energies which he extracted and used in tandem with the Harmonic Ember.

Because Kenno had brought news from the Bryne Estate back then, before they reached the

Central Boundary, all the Unlimited and Baddan knew about the Harmonic Ember and its


That black and white gem, stolen from the Bryne Family, was capable of combining concepts. That was how the Bryne Family were able to form their differing Contrast techniques. More specifically though, the Ember was only able to merge no more than three concepts within the body of the person who used it. This merging could only be done once in this case.

If the Ember was used for combining elements and such outside of a body, however, the usages were practically limitless.

Pherdanta's face hardened. While thinking about this...

'I thought that only the members of the Bryne Family were able to use it so well? Did this man

adjust the Ember so it could work for him as well?'

It seemed likely, given that Em-Sul, as Replicus had explained to the Unlimited, had a

particularly unusual proclivity with artefacts of various kinds.

While that would have been the most convenient answer, though, the true answer was something a lot more sinister.

Em-Sul wasn't the one to adjust the Ember.

This was done... by the Saint's Chamber. An organisation allied with the Severed Union.

A man like Eobald would have known how useful their services were. After all, they were the

ones who tempered the Universal Gate Key he acquired for the Labyrinth of the Yoke, which he then gave to Replicus back then.

Pherdanta gritted her teeth and slashed with her large, red sword.

She had seen Em-Sul flash through the clouds only four meters away from them.

Her strike was incredibly precise, not to mention powerful, given the boost from her Living

Type Incarnation!

...And it found its target!

A chilling noise ruptured.

A sharp slash had collided against firm gold!

Yet the gold remained intact, only sizzling lightly. Em-Sul disappeared within the clouds and laughed mockingly.

"What a profound weapon you have there. It makes distance practically irrelevant when

matched with your skill, correct? Not to mention the dense cutting efficiency I sensed just now," the Faction Leader said. "Unfortunately for you, I can do the same now."


As Pherdanta scowled, Em-Sul's golden gauntlet manifested from its palm the hilt to a large,

illusory sword that looked eerily similar to hers!

Em-Sul then shot forth while on his arrow-shaped disk, hurtling towards the duo from the

cover of dark blue cloud.

This experience was turning out to be more enlightening than he imagined.

His Mage seemed to be fairing well against the Territory's Caster.

Said Territory Caster was yet to unleash his Primary assault, or perhaps he had already done so

but clearly it wasn't capable of inhibiting his opponents.

...And last but not least, while it did concern him as to why Replicus wanted this Ember,

especially at this particular time, he was close to his goal.

Even if Replicus had somehow caught onto what he wanted to use the Ember for, it was too


The gem was close to granting him what he had always wanted.

What would be a better way to celebrate that victory, if not showing the corpses of Replicus'

subordinates to him when he was sure they were faring well.

The Faction Leader cackled just as he emerged in front of the leaping Paradon and swiped

with all his might using the ghostly sword in his hand!

While expecting the sweet taste of victory, Em-Sul didn't recall it in the moment, but there

was an extra set of eyes waiting for him. Waiting for this exact same moment.

A pair of eyes livid with determination.

The fifth individual within the Territory finally acted.

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