Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1033: Clearing The Riffraff

Chapter 1033: Clearing The Riffraff

"If you want to survive, you better fight for your life. I personally wouldn't count on your natural intangibility working against just anyone," Replicus said to Thrill.

The Curse grumbled.

His innate immunity to most forms of attacks was definitely an overpowered ability, but sadly, it didn't work here.

The Curse was only alive because of Araeyn.

In truth, Replicus didn't need Thrill anymore. Whether he lived or died didn't matter to him. He had served his purpose.

However, since it was better to have a party on his side that couldn't turn on him - even if for a little while - he had told Araeyn to make it so that whichever place the Apostle transposed on Aigas didn't kill the Unlimited, Baddan and Thrill instantly.

Such control was well within the Apostle's hands. Thankfully, because of the circumstances, he only had to ward off Null Life Essence from Thrill alone.

Watching the twisting features on Thrill's face, Replicus chuckled.

Right then, however, he suddenly felt a restricting force bind him place.

Several inky black symbols had etched themselves onto his Hollow Dusk Prison armour.

Replicus' sockets flared.

'Warding Pride,' was the Penetrator's immediate thought.

His vision scoured the vicinity.

There was no sign of the Faction Leader. She was probably acting from a distance. 'Wonderful.'

While Warding Pride was nowhere to be found, however, several of her subordinates could be seen launching themselves at the Penetrator through the scorching wisps, thick layers of Nitros being the only bar between them and a particularly harrowing, flaming death!

The first to reach Replicus was a rather alacritous man wielding a menacing a glaive.

Well, the glaive was his Genuine Incarnation.

He swung it with confidence, perhaps hoping to split Replicus' face in two and earn Warding Pride's favour.

A crisp clang echoed on impact.


Replicus gave a sneer.

'To think these guys still see me as someone they can kill. Does me being a Faction Leader not count for intimidation, even if I'm still a bit new?'

The Penetrator had every reason to think this.

The assailants were given reason to consider this too... when the head of the man with the glaive got a stylish, bloody line that split it in two.

The physical damage had rebounded.

The Penetrator didn't really celebrate the bit of experience that trickled into his status. Instead, he felt awed at the unyielding charge of the enemies - four Masters in all.

Did they think that him being bound to not move a 'muscle' mattered at all? 'Socketholes...'

The Penetrator's body surged with a massive amount of Null Life Essence.

Because of the environmental amp adding to his reserves by 300%, he had 72,000 units of Null Life Essence running through him, plus 140% efficiency in all Null Life related skills!

And with that, Replicus activated [Greatest Null Weaver].

Instantly, an explosive, yet light shockwave rolled out from him in all directions, temporarily lulling the burn of the wisps around him.

Three of the four enemies screamed in agony and grew silent, fondly attached to death an instant later.

Their bodies spotted cruel, lateral lines that delicately split them up into different-sized, different-shaped sections!

By concentrating Null Life Essence, Replicus had used it to carve the flesh of the Masters.

He had taken a liking to this form of attack.

By all means, his original Flaw - the one that disallowed him from doing any kind of damage that did not have penetrative intent - still held. However, circumventing it was easy. Producing slashing attacks was quite simple, as the trick laid in making the edge of the slash be the part that reached the target first, digging into their body!

Such had occurred to the overzealous Masters. All but one.

The one who skirted such a fate was a nimble woman who, as Replicus judged, had been saved by Warding Pride - wherever the Faction Leader was.

Some of the evidence to this, was on the woman's shaking face as she soared above, having somehow been teleported out of the way. She quickly cast away her fear and took action, though.

On her arm, a kite shield appeared which she hid behind as she dropped next to Replicus.

As her feet reached the surface of the star, her shield sent out an all encompassing wave of mana that formed a spherical dome made of the same kind of kite shield multiplied to make the manifest the shape around both her and Replicus.

As soon as it was formed, the dome shrank, shrank again and then shrank some more till there was barely any space left for Replicus and the young woman to exist without burying into

each other.

The Penetrator's socket flames surged.

The woman looked at him with a dark face that almost expressed severe age.

With a cruel visage, the woman said her last words:

"Please just die. Then she will be happy."


An eruption that shook the entire star ensued.

It dug an enormous crater into the stellar body, which then allowed for even more ferocious torrent of heat to waft out!

The impact was felt all over, with a massive cloud of dark fumes rising only to stall

indefinitely in the Null Life Essence saturated space above!

As impressive as the explosion was, though...

'Suicide bomber. That's rich. Hmm. Odd term...'

A large bolt of Levin shot out of the massive crater which had been formed just now.

It rose into the dark void of space, where thunderclouds began to form all of sudden. The bolt sank into one the clouds and then streaked to another, then another and another.


'Just when I thought there wasn't much more to him...' Warding Pride said with a deep scowl. Her seal plus the sacrifice of four good subordinates had failed. She thought the one whom she implanted with a high level exploding seal would at least do some damage, but no. Bright Storm was seemingly immune to physical damage, and even a high level explosive at point blank range wouldn't do him in.

Warding Pride's lip curled up.

The bastard had now somehow turned into lightning, erasing the need to be held in place by her seal, which wouldn't work on matter so volatile like light. At least this variant of seal


In that moment, a flash of light shredded the boundless space and landed with impact right

beside Warding Pride.

The female Faction Leader grit her teeth.

Her location had been found!

From the light set loose by the Levin which rained down, an arm decorated with stars shot out

to grip her throat.

Warding Pride reacted adequately.

A hideous, wobbly membrane appeared over her body and caused Replicus' hand to bounce

back, repelled by its buoyant nature!

A flesh barrier?!

Replicus also reacted adequately.

After his initial assault failed, a bolt of Levin fell from the clouds he had created in the air and

smote Warding Pride hard!

The Faction Leader... had met the attack with a heavily resistant buckler that she mounted on her arm and raised above her head. She must have judged that her membrane barrier wasn't


Warding Pride then lunged at Replicus who also pounced at her... and vanished.

Using the Astral Blizzard corridor, Replicus' own variation of simple speed, he appeared to

the left of the blue-skinned woman and pressed his open palm at her side, where the membrane she had created caught it, preventing it from progressing any further.

But then... within the Penetrator's palm, a large ball of darkness appeared.

Distorted Gravity.

Warding Pride's face fell.

The trauma she had felt from those cannons she had seen back then suddenly surfaced for

some reason, and she wasn't prepared!


"HE'S MINE!" a shrill scream came, distracting both Replicus and Warding Pride.

The Bishop, followed by her group of attractive men rushed towards the duo.

Replicus' sockets flashed.

The chaos he had wanted, was starting to turn too chaotic.

In fact...

The Penetrator felt a large hand hook him away from his position and lock him in a vice!

Another Faction Leader had appeared.

Seething fury and hatred could be seen in his face.

'Ah, he's probably mad about that woman,' Replicus thought.

Nedalia, the Incandescent Stager with the mirror Territory, whom he had killed, had come

from this man's Faction, it seemed.

(A/N: Refer to Ch.864).

Four powerful forces were colliding on this side of the star.

But no.

Perhaps it was five.

Because right at that moment, everything seemed to get brighter, the already glaring

highlights on the star becoming doubly so.

Something at least half as large as the stellar body everyone was wrestling on was falling

towards them!

Replicus' sockets flashed continuously.

'This bastard! Is he trying to kill us all?!' he screamed in his thoughts.

He had every reason to.

For reasons unknown, Araeyn had saw it fit... to drop another star on top of this one!

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