Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1046: Limits

Chapter 1046: Limits

'Limits?' Replicus thought. 'Well, that is a limit, but in the grand scheme of things..."

It was hard to think that Yuyui considered her powers to be limited just because of this. There were probably more stipulations because of the variety her powers gave her, but those paled in comparison to what she was gaining.

She could pretty much revive anyone she wanted. As Replicus understood it, the Inhumane Eye was capable of bringing Yuyui to life AFTER she died, so even if Allora had passed earlier, Yuyui might still have been able to bring her back. She had appeared hesitant at first likely because this was the first time she was using this... extension of the scope of her powers offered by the Eye of Moving, and even then, she had been determined to make it work.

"That is a very valuable card for us, Yuyui," Replicus said to the green-haired girl.

Yuyui rubbed her hands with a wide smile of pride on her face.

"However, I need to ask. How exactly did you get here? I get that this new eye allows you to move unconventionally, but not all kinds of movement are possible on this side of the world. Spatial manipulation is impossible most of the way," Replicus said.

Yuyui rubbed her chin.

"Really? Hmm. We didn't warp or anything. I guess it's kind of like running but without

moving your feet when I use the Eye of Moving. Besides, we didn't really come here the way you think."

"How did you come here then?" Grim asked.

Yuyui wore an odd, straining face and then turned to Yagrina who understood what she wanted.

"You can't expect her to explain concepts beyond her," the Spirit said with a warm smile. "We travelled through a channel that encompasses all of Aigas and parts beyond. It's not easy to access for most people, even for us, but luckily, we have our ways."

A channel that encompasses all of Aigas and beyond?

Replicus' sockets blazed furiously.

"You used Stagnant Space?" he immediately asked.

Yagrina and Bassbion looked at him in shock.

"How do you know about that?" the latter asked with a scowl.

Instead of answering, Replicus' mind whirled, reaching several conclusions with the many varied debates that happened in his mind within a split of a second.

"If you two don't have the means to enter Stagnant Space yourselves, then..." he said. "Did you enter it through the Yormuness?"

Yagrina and Bassbion were flabbergasted.

How in the world had the Penetrator guessed something like this?

Unfortunately, it seemed only the Penetrator and the two Spirits understood the gravity of the subjects they were talking about. The rest didn't quite follow what Replicus was implying or what Yagrina had said.

Yuyui alternated her gaze between the two sides who strangely stared at each other so deeply and for so long that she thought a physical conflict might break out.

"Master, all I know is that Bassbion and Yagrina took me to a very strange place. Odd figures that looked like them. Some were very ugly. Some were very beautiful. The world seemed so big. There were some odd animals and a huge dessert. Oh, then all of a sudden, we were out of this place moving through this unending field of darkness. It was scary. Even though I can move pretty fast with the Eye of Moving, it felt like I wasn't moving at all," she said, pouting a bit. "After a long, long, long while, these two then told me we had arrived we are."

Replicus' sockets didn't leave the two Spirits during Yuyui's narration.

"I see. How exactly did you manage to find us?" the Penetrator asked, more to the Spirits than Yuyui.

Bassbion chuckled.

"You think you are something too special? We Spirits have a great affinity with souls. After the first time we met, I was never able to forget the shape and feel of your soul... Vile Filth," she said in a rough tone.

"Watch your tongue, ghost," Pherdanta stood and gave a nasty glare to the Spirit.

Yuyui rushed to a stand and gave Bassbion a similar look.

"Come now, Bassbion. You shouldn't disrespect our master's friends," Yagrina said to the helmet-wearing Spirit.

"It's alright," Replicus chimed in with a bit of amusement. "It's been a long time since you've called me by that name, Bassbion."

"You still deserve it, in my opinion," Bassbion said with a dark, mocking tone. "You have no right to stand over Yuyui. We know you have her under a contract. A powerful one. What kind of master needs to be saved by his servant? From what I can see, Yuyui is already capable of killing the likes of you if she so desired. What makes you still treat her as though she is beneath you?"

Many emotions erupted at Bassbion's words.

Rage was the most prevalent as almost everyone disagreed with not just the content, but the tone in which it was delivered. Even Baddan felt a surge of fury at hearing Replicus being slandered like this.

Before any of these emotions exploded, however...

The clouds started to melt, and the sea became restless. It started to ripple as the temperature


Figures moved in the horizon above, creating muffled tremors in the sky.

A strong, whipping wind sprang up on the group, almost throwing them off the unusual silk cloth they rode.

"Dammit. I thought we were a little bit further from all this, Yu," Grim said with a dark face.

"We are. Well, we were," Yuyui said, the boiling emotions which had been rising within her simmering down. The same was true from everyone else. "Master..." she then said before giving Bassbion a cross look, "...I thought you said the threat you were worried about was your other self. Did you fight him already?"

Replicus gave a sigh from behind the helmet.


Before he left in light of the choice he had given Yuyui, about her leaving if she wanted to since she wasn't so wired for fighting despite her Class - he had told the girl about the vision he saw through Riba, the Diviner.

Replicus had only managed to see Skullius wearing a dark, sinister smile, but he had already formed a meaning behind the vision. Sadly, it was the scarier one of the two he saw at the time, even though the other concerned his ultimate goal.

As it were, since Yuyui's first experience meeting Skullius was when he was in his flesh form, she had developed a sort of 'attachment' to him as the Hybrid Luman. She was biased against the Penetrator form, mostly because not only had it come as a surprise that her master was in fact a skeleton, it was also the form Replicus used when testing out the Distorted Gravity, Spatial Lightning and Stagnant Space on the stout mountain... while using Yuyui as a test


Because it was also established that Skullius would focus on building onto his flesh form while Replicus focused on the Penetrator form, it almost made it seem as though the two

were two different people.

At least Yuyui saw it that way. Kind of.

It was because of this view that she had been so fired up and apparently worked so hard to earn her third eye. Though, it probably wasn't as simple as that.

"I guess I didn't really do justice in my explanation," Replicus said while pulling out the Harmonic Ember from behind the bulge on his armour. "That comes later. On top of having to fight a dragon, we also have to face the thing Ferex turned into it... and Stylla."

Yuyui's shook and her face lost a considerable amount of cheer and spunk.

"You mean...?"

"Yeah," Replicus said and placed his other hand on Yuyui. "We have a chance to save Ferex and redeem Stylla. It's nothing more and nothing less than that."

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