Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1060: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants!

Chapter 1060: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants!

The swarms of undead began to withdraw suddenly, either falling into the ebony sea below or drawing away to make room where they had initially created a literal cloud of darkness as per their master's command. Despite the clearing, the battlefield still looked crowded from the skies to the surface of the sea, not in a matter of numbers per se, but instead, because of the powerhouses involved.

The masked stood above all others while riding his undead winged horse.

Jerthrax, even without flapping his wings floated a few hundred meters below him, his eyes cast in a raging blue.

Opposite the Herald, nearly half a kilometre away, the Null Devil King stood in the air, his large sword out and Stylla by his side.

A bit below these two, floated the figure of the amalgam with Yuyui perked atop his shoulders. What kept him in the air, was the Empyrean Ribbon, which had been fashioned into a wrapping around his waist. It pulled his weight up easily.

Last but not least, were the remnants of the top brass of the Severed Union.

After failing to get in the masked man's way quickly enough, they had dropped to stand on the surface of the sea, the undead strangely giving them room.

In truth, the fact that everything suddenly came to a halt like this was even stranger. Warding Pride looked as determined and as salty as ever. Her subordinates were nowhere to be seen, but one would think they were safely hidden somewhere. She couldn't afford to have them out and about right now, after all.

The Bishop, on the other hand, had her subordinates flying around her and the illusory form of a large cathedral. In her hollow sockets was the craze from before burning even brighter, perhaps motivated by the terrifying and unpredictable nature of the imminent future.

Eaniss stood with Aurolio by her side. The latter oddly didn't look as beat up as he had looked before. His eyes were staring up at the figure of the amalgam with really intense interest, perhaps discerning that this was where his opponent had gone.

His eyes flashed dangerously.

Eaniss was now decked in her flaming armour, her eyes also looking up without showing whatever her emotions about all this were.

She was deep in thought.

'I still can't believe we were so wrong in our predictions. To think the damn dragon would come here all on his own and with an unknown enemy to boot,' she thought. There was a little bit of a ridiculing tone in the narrative voice speaking in her head. 'Hmm. Perhaps Em-Sul's suggestion could have helped us respond a little better, but then again, there was Bright Storm with his own antics. I wonder if the current form he has adopted has anything to do with why he was so intent on getting to Em-Sul.'

The Head Faction leader sized up the new form of the Penetrator. It was rather curious. It certainly made Bright Storm look less... human.

'Speaking of Em-Sul, has he abandoned the assignment? <Sigh>. I wonder if this finally got a little too crazy even for him.'

Indeed, the Shifter was nowhere to be seen among the remaining heavy-hitters of the Severed Union. Eaniss was sure he hadn't perished at the hands of Bright Storm's subordinates.

She and the others still saw the possibility of completing the assignment the Emissary had given. They had intended to catch the masked man right when he tried to land what looked like a finishing blow to the Herald, but they had severely underestimated just how fast the accursed necromancer could move.

The bastard annoyingly seemed to see things far ahead of anyone else.

Eaniss thought of the theory the Bishop had produced; that the masked man had already known everything that would happen. That he had seen the future.

It seemed more like a fact now.

The necromancer, after breaking the world, had warned the Factions not to pursue him or else.

Of course, they did the opposite and now all but a few had perished.

Eaniss chuckled.

'I'd rather die than be told to sit on my hands by odds,' she thought. If she was all about staying safe and living a long life, she would have chosen to be farmer elsewhere on the damned continent of Feinheath.


Right then, the Head Faction leader as well as Warding Pride, the Mad Bishop, Stylla, Yuyui and Jerthrax felt a strange sensation bubble within them.

This sensation then turned into something deeply concerning.

Without warning, life started to leak out of their bodies, weakly at first, and then furiously!


What in the world was happening?

How did one suddenly start losing the very essence that gave them life?

Even the Vision of Misery was not exempt from this, though, his vast pool of life essence seemed as though it would take days to be exhausted at the pace the leakage went.

Jerthrax's eyes narrowed as he glared at the masked man.

"THIS IS YOUR DOING?" he asked in dangerous tone. His boisterous voice caused everyone else to turn their attention towards the masked man.

The necromancer took a few seconds to respond.

He glanced at the amalgam, the Null Devil King and Aurolio.

'As I thought...'

"It finally kicked in, did it? Indeed, it's my doing, but believe me, it's just a passive quirk. Anyone who fights against me will start to lose their life energy as the seconds tick by," the masked man explained. "But don't be afraid. Your bodies are quick to learn to curb this. Besides, this works against me more than it works against all of you."

As though to validate his cryptic words, the six who experienced this strange drain of life, felt

it suddenly stop, as if stoppers had been plugged wherever they were leaking energy!

Then... something even more unexpected happened.

All six of them felt their strength sky-rocket!

Their overall ability was bolstered by a little more than 30%!

Their attributes, their techniques...

What in the world?

Was the masked man giving them a buff?

Even Jerthrax noticed that his power had increased considerably. He also seemed to be the only one who understood what was happening. He, a Herald would understand how the body

and soul worked.

The masked man realised that the dragon caught on.

"You get it, don't you? All living things leak out life energy over time. My powers caused your bodies to quickly learn how to shut in all that leakage from before, and that which is supposed to happen naturally. As a result, you got a fancy boost to your strength - simply speaking," he said while bringing his hands together to form a complex sign with his fingers. "Fortunately for you, and less so for me, your powers will only continue to get stronger... to a point."

This revelation was alarming.

It was no mystery that there was a point to this.

It was also clear that this ability of the masked man probably had a lot of Creeds behind it, which was why it even affected Jerthrax.

There was probably some dangerous conclusion after the constant explosion of power the

man mentioned.

None could have taken the time to appreciate how knowledgeable the masked man was with anything relating to the body and the soul; that he had even incorporated this knowledge into his Advanced Necromancy Class, which was the source of this uncanny ability that got

everyone on edge.

As such, because of the burden of urgency, the short-lived stillness ended.

Everyone moved.

Jerthrax was the first to soar towards the masked man, then all the remaining Faction Leaders

and the Null Devil King.

Of course, the dragon far eclipsed everyone else in speed, and was the one to reach the masked

man first, intent on killing him off before whatever his abilities led to came to pass.

Even if he failed to crush the masked man, several others were ready to get rid of the

necromancer in an instant.

Warding Pride was prepared to open her Territory, as was the Bishop.

Eaniss had something up her sleeve, and following after her, Aurolio was beginning to shed

his skin, revealing what manner of monstrosity he truly was.

One way or the other, the masked man was going to be overwhelmed.

But would it be that easy?

Would it be that simple?

Of course not!

The one to make it oh so difficult and complicated wasn't the masked man himself, as it

turned out.

The great mana chains connected to the Jerthrax's mana core jiggled suddenly, and a dark creature with six arms, and a small human riding on its shoulders came between him and the

masked man!


Without a word, he broke the obvious battle narrative everyone else had been going for. With

a simple wave of his hand, he put everyone in the palm of his hand, and changed the very nature of the battlefield!

A skill of his was activated right then, derived from [Grandiose Manifestation].

[Consecutive Realm Transmission]!

[Author's Note]

It finally begins! Been waiting to write this for a while!

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