Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1065: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants! (6)

Chapter 1065: The Logic-Defying Clash Across Null Remnants! (6)

Yuyui slapped her cheeks. Well, she tried. There was barely enough free space for such luxurious motion where she was; a tight, cupboard-like slot within the folds of who-knew- where.

"Any time now. Any time now. Oh, that could be a song!" the girl said, her voice echoing lonesomely within the dark space. "Any time now, any time now. I'm starving, but I can manage. If only I had a sandwich. This wait's making me squeamish. Though the downtime is good for me to get some... much needed rest-ish? <Sigh>. I completely lost the rhythm."

Yuyui pouted.

She had been hyped to join her master in the battles, but he quickly called her out for how much she was sweating.

In the gap in time between when the masked man explained his uncanny ability to influence everyone's life energy - those who had it anyway - and when the amalgam transported everyone to the Null Remnants, the Null Lifeform had told her the plan.

Her role - her first role - was to get some rest in a small space created by a sub-ability from the deconstruction of [Grandiose Manifestation]; it was an independent pocket space between all the Null Remnants the caster decided for [Consecutive Realm Transmission].

Right when everyone had appeared in the Boring Mine Nova Star Course, Yuyui was placed in this pocket space where she was to wait.

Before this though, the girl had alerted the amalgam that she too felt her life energy bubbling up, granting her an excess of power as the masked man had explained.

In response to her wariness, Vohnvolt had simply said to her:

"Don't worry about it. Everything is under control."

While she trusted her Master, Yuyui didn't quite like this feeling. Yes, she felt her power increase rapidly from the initial 30% boost she had felt, but this was too ominous. What was the end result supposed to be?

Beyond that, the fact that her Master was likely fighting eight opponents at once, with one of them being the same friggin' dragon that had nearly unalived him and everyone else before, didn't sit right with her.

"Ugh! I can't take it anymore!" Yuyui pulled on her cheeks. It had barely been two minutes, but she was already getting restless. "Should I just use my Eye of Dispersal and make another surprise entrance?"

Just as she thought this, a small exit opened from the tight space she was packed into, blasting her with a fierce, purple light.

'Finally!' Yuyui thought and she looked keenly to see if her target was in reach, and thankfully, she was!

Stylla was barely two inches away from her!

Yuyui reached in, grabbed her by the waist and pulled.


It went without a hitch.

Yuyui had secured her target within the cramped cupboard-like space amid, which, thankfully, got a little more spacious, but when she saw the sight of her Master, her heart skipped a bit.

"Master!" she cried in concern, almost driven to dive for him, but the look from his four sockets was the same one he had when he told her not to worry earlier. He didn't need to say it again. She was supposed to take Stylla and leave him.


The amalgam noticed Yuyui's hesitation.

He understood where she was coming from, but he couldn't allow her to join in. Not yet. That would ruin everything he had set in motion.

Unfortunately, Yuyui's desperate call alerted the Null Devil King, and he burst into action with frightening speed to stop her before it was too late.

The amalgam wouldn't allow it. He closed the opening to the space Yuyui had slipped from and threw a bolt of Levin that aimed at the false king's head.

With a dark scowl, the BoneTender, masquerading as the Null Devil King swatted the bolt away and glared at the amalgam.

"How sly," he said in a displeased tone.

Vohnvolt scoffed.

"Hey now! Don't tell me you're fighting amongst yourselves!" Aurolio yelled as he flashed between the two Null Lifeforms.

The amalgam instantly went on guard, and sure enough, he spotted a vague figure that swiftly disappeared and sent a heavy blow bashing into his gut, sending him soaring a great distance away.

'Ugh. There's simply no way to block that attack. It's like there's some other individual travelling through a parallel dimension or something,' he thought as he flew.

As he did, Vohnvolt was fortunate enough to glimpse another faint figure going after the Null Devil King.

To his surprise, the Null Lifeform expanded a huge blanket of Null Life Essence around himself in response to the oncoming attack.

The essence released had the same blue shade as his, but as it whooped outwards, it seemed to solidify, like ice, cradling the image of the Null Devil King like a photograph. The essence then turned faint, barely becoming noticeable.

The amalgam heard a loud crash resound against this wall of Null Life Essence. It struck like thunder, but the protective shield held! In fact, more than that, he heard a slippery squeak which seemed to announce that the attack from the unseen attacker affiliated with Aurolio... had failed to strike with full force. Some of its power was lost to the smooth texture of the Null Life Essence!

Vohnvolt's sockets gleamed, carrying a look similar to that which Red Rage had shown back in the Tremur Forest.

'I see...'

It was unusual to see, but very enlightening.

His horizons of Null Life Essence truly were limited.

At that moment, the world shook, and then it changed.

Instead of the purple-saturated double deck desert, what appeared around the combatants was a gigantic stone area bordered by huge, chipped and cracked pillars.

It truly was vast, so much so that it was almost impossible to discern where it ended. Only a few could see its boundary, and managing to see it meant being able to notice that this arena was within an even greater, ancient building!

The floor of the arena was anything but sturdy. It was broken, depressed, split and bloated. Most parts of it stood alone, drifting away from others and revealing the strange, paint-like strokes of colour below that seemed to belong to something none would want to find out.

On top each of the large pillars great distances away, a soft orange flame could be seen. The sum of all these lit up the arena perfectly.

Since they had no other duties - like supporting any roof - some of the pillars leaned at lazy angles, some freely breaking apart even now.

The amalgam didn't know the history of this arena, but he found it gravely ominous. He liked that his enemies felt a touch of the same.

Even the BoneTender seemed to look a bit disgruntled.

Unfortunately, the moment of appreciation and apprehension was struck down by the sudden emergence of the Herald, Jerthrax, the Vision of Mission. His immense size flew between Aurolio, the amalgam and the Null Devil King, his sheer force causing them to scatter.

A second behind him was the figure of the masked man who hurried after him on a winged

undead horse.

The dragon had attained a few more cracks to his scales and the portion of its chest where the necromancer had used Brunt Divide through the Paladin Champion to remove its scales showed a few scrapes and scratches.

The Herald was livid. His blue eyes looked down at all these tiny opponents and roared.

As the amalgam had surmised, Jerthrax didn't only have a world-rending breath in his arsenal. He had so much more.

He hadn't used his full strength on the Null Devil King because he had known that the masked man was coming after him. The former had been an unexpected foe who came to Edagon for unclear reasons, but the latter... the latter was his prime object of hatred.

With his modest Divination, Jerthrax had known that someone who dared to besmirch the power of the Deities wanted to challenge him.

To this, he would exert his full power to cripple that hubris, destroy the hard-to-kill anomalies and grant them no graves.

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