Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1113: Price For An Eye (2)

Chapter 1113: Price For An Eye (2)

"You know, master, it's pretty ironic. On the morning when I decided to tell my parents that I wanted to go to the Belvion Union to look for a famous musician popular at the time, I asked my mother why my hair was such a strange shade of green. It was different from hers. She always said she forgot, or that the secret was hidden somewhere in our family books. Haha. I discovered in my years of solitude in the Temple that there was no epic story. I just had lime hair," Yuyui said with a fake smile.

(A/N: Refer to Ch.465.).

Yuyui had been trapped in the Temple of Unlusted Tears for many years. Over a century. She had had time to think about her life and so much more, at least before she got so tired of dying that her memory started to turn fuzzy and ultimately broke.

There were things her Inhumane Eye couldn't save.

It took thousands of deaths for her mind to stabilise again following her acquisition of a Special skill called [Broken Mind]. One could only imagine what Yuyui went through to get that skill.

"I remembered everything after Bassbion and Yagrina partly extracted my soul. That morning, my father had been urging me to choose something of substance, something I could use to protect myself. I told him I wasn't much of a fighter, that music was all I wanted. He gave in and said he'd arrange a carriage for me to go and follow my dream," the girl said. "It was raining that day, but it was peaceful. I looked forward to my future. I had so many expectations. I imagined myself as a famous bard with many friends in a renowned place like the Belvion Union. But well, it didn't work out as planned."

Yuyui wore a ridiculing smile.

"Master, I thought... No, I hoped remembering how my parents died would urge me to fight. That it would change me. Ever since that day I awakened the Eye of Dispersal, I imagined that the glimpses of the past I remembered would reveal that... that they had been killed by the necromancers or even the Evenfall cultists. I hoped for it. I wanted a drive for revenge. But, at the same time, I was scared. For as long as I can remember, I've always been... me. Even my parents knew me as this good little girl who wouldn't hurt a fly. I was afraid I would change for the worse... Both things turned out to be true."

Replicus sighed. Yuyui puckered her lips.

"My parents were killed by common bandits, master. People even I could crush easily now. They helped me escape while they fell behind and met dark, cruel deaths. In that moment, when I heard their screams from afar and hid to not be seen, I had cursed the Class I chose. I wished I had been a Mage or Warrior instead. But I wasn't. I could only hug my lute and pray that the monsters who ruined my family wouldn't find me," she said with a difficult expression.

Back in Genhuis City, Yuyui had gotten flashes of this tragic memory, leading to her awakening the Eye of Dispersal in a very public place. She had exposed Replicus as the skeleton he was, for a few moments.

Remembering all about her parents now, instead of those flashes; how they died, what she did afterwards and all, had caused her Eye of Moving to awaken as well when Bassbion and

Yagrina returned her soul into her body.

Yuyui hadn't felt too good after that. She had spent hours huddled on the floor of the Ground of Communion, bearing how sick everything made her feel.

Replicus sympathised.

"I'm sorry, Yuyui," he said. She only nodded.

If only she knew that her story spiked some dark thoughts in Replicus' mind.

It was unexpected.

One of Replicus' phantoms said sombrely:

"This could easily be us too, you know? We are here fighting to remember our past, but what if it's nothing too significant? What if it's another half of nothing, and doesn't really build anything in us? Is it perhaps wiser to leave the past as it is? Unlike Yuyui, what if our past doesn't really give us anything. We may just be like Actuass instead, digging deep for closure's sake and to rid ourselves of Somanda's hold over us, but without much more to gain."

Replicus (Prime) immediately disagreed.

'It's not about whether or not the past is significant. We have to own it. Even if I could replace the other half of my soul, I don't want to do it while compromising in some way. Someone did this to us. We can't simply leave it at that. We're not taking different paths or routes. This is it. Beating Somanda is how we do it!' he declared. 'If even Yuyui can do it despite being afraid, then what would that mean for me who stands as her master if I chose to hide away and seek an alternative?'

No phantom deigned to disagree.

Replicus sighed.

Yuyui's parents weren't the only thing she remembered, of course. She continued.

"A few years later, I ventured to the Belvion Union. I found it hard to simply ignore my dream.

I had to fulfil it. So, I searched for the musician I had heard so much about, but instead, I landed in bad company. I was naïve and clearly fresh. I, along with a few other slow girls were invited to an inn for work. A warm welcome for newcomers to the Union, they said to us. I stupidly believed this would be a great startup for me, but in the end, I found myself getting whisked off to someplace under water with forty other girls."

"The Temple of Unlusted Tears is... was a place tailored for women to try their luck at gaining the Hidden Class I now have. Before the Class was acquired, no man would be allowed to enter. The group of women who kidnapped us wanted to ensure that the many trials to come would be attempted by us - the captives - first to see the level of difficulty. Fortunately for us, things didn't work out that way. The Ground of Communion - where Bassbion and Yagrina were drew us all in at once. Then the slaughter began. I only remember that I was the last one left standing after it all, smothered in blood. I hadn't even participated in the fighting. I had frozen through it all. Bassbion meant to finish me off too, but Yagrina stopped her."

"She said that since there hadn't been a challenger for four hundred years before my group came, it was worth giving me a shot to continue towards the Legacy. There were still two more trials after the Ground of Communion, after all."

Replicus remembered this.

After fighting and defeating Bassbion on her own terms, he was faced with a place that had luxurious armour and riches. Sila had warned him against touching any of them. The piece of soul had known about the Temple too, after all.

The last trial was unclear. Replicus remembered that after the tricking treasures, that was when he saw Yuyui trapped inside an odd array.

"I wasn't so stupid as to touch the sparkling gems and treasures. I passed that trial easily, but the next... It was all about mental fortitude. I had to survive five years without food and keep my sanity intact while I was at it. An array kept me trapped inside during this trial, and it would also keep me from dying or sleeping or losing consciousness. I remember that singing songs kept me lucid most of the time, and I think I did well. After all, that was when I awakened the Inhumane Eye."

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