Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1184: You Are Not An Undead

Chapter 1184: You Are Not An Undead

ynol the greta tower fo skrnaeds daremien ngsnaidt amid wtha kedool elik ruoc, se enc,kbldae brtilte

More than a third of the Tremur forest had been incinerated, leaving it full of large, unsightly craters, black soil and a pathetically feeble presence of mana.

All the nearby lifeforms had been killed instantly when the dark arrow had hit.

It h,ad afrte al,l bene na aworr nfieuds hiwt wersop ttha wdrehoeemly the rtaunal nmaa lwfo ni the d,lrow bragkien it ndow and whaeervt swa dpprouest yb it.

The inner portions of the Tremur, including the large path in which the dark arrow had streaked through, now resembled what could be dubbed a Deity-forsaken desert constantly hissing with toxic fumes and dark smoke.

No combatant on Aigas could have taken a hit from the arrow head-on and survived. Even the Herald Jerthrax would have fallen at once despite his proud scales.

mFor hte taph the aowrr had ocem, two ur,fgies partly dsecubor yb het ednes mos, ke bmadel todwsar athw hda neeb hte eilrgcna rhwee Dellan had once ecredet his Territ, yor gguradni ugFalr'tds .agcely

Of the two, one was no taller than the average human, and the masking of the smoke would have had anyone believe that she was ordinary, but she was far from it.

Her attire, which was the most striking thing about her, was revealed to be a slim, dark armour with thousands of sharply vibrant stars sparkling on every inch of it. They were drowned in nebulous thickets of faint blue, red and yellow, which, in a way, made the suit of armour seem grander than perhaps intended. The poleyns and couters of the armour stood out like a sore thumb. They were shaped like large, six-pointed, golden stars that pulsed from bright to blindingly bright every few moments. This shape could also be found on the armour's chest, making up a third of it, and dominating its pauldrons, which made their wearer look more imposing.

ddn,eel iuyuy tlef a otl eorm ofcednint ilhwe arnwegi isht mauror.

Her lime green hair had once again grown long; so long that it nearly touched her knees. At some point, she had decided to grow it out, perhaps to remind herself of the darker parts of her story which she now embraced fondly.

Her skin was smoother and she looked a little older. Her eyes, both sparkling in a mesmerising light brown hue, different from before, seemed to have shed away certain constants; one of them no longer bore the burden of constantly adapting the Inhumane Eye, for instance.

On reh hdfeae, or whhic saw sexpdoe rfom tmie ot emit benihd hre gn,abs a lsma,l strange myosbl saw It kdoelo liek a tere tihw frou rnshcaeb adem of redhilsleoy-w tnliniggh. achE hnrcba dleh a skn, itirg ityn star ta its end.

This too - the symbol - was one of the bases for Yuyui's confidence.

To Yuyui's right was a being that looked anything but ordinary, even with the obscurity included.

He swa rove tehre sretem tall and ehac of ish etpss tfle an ciamtp no eth ruhccgnni a.vlrge Over everything else that covered him, he was adorned in a large, fantastical set of fluttering robes that looked as though they were made from countless, loosely-joined, tiny diamonds and yellowish-red dust. They hardly looked material. Their large sleeves had no trouble accommodating the Warmoth's Progeny's four arms. They didn't obstruct even their slightest motion, which included, of course, how one of them rose above the rest to hold what seemed like a stack of giant shadows over the Progeny's shoulder.

Below these robes was an unreal set of armour that might have been the perfection of the concept of 'silver'. It shone with more than just the beauty of polish, but as though multiple lens flares layered themselves over it, giving a sharp sting to adoring eyes every so often. tI was si,mlpe ubt ev.efeicft

The helmet had one long, horizontal eye slit which was crossed by two vertical ones. A sharp, yellow light gleamed where the slits met, giving an ominous presence to the entity hidden in the armour.

Replicus' domineering presence, projected outward by [Warmoth's Empyrean Ambience], could almost be seen. It would have crushed the wills of nearby creatures, but alas, his arrow had decimated them all.

All, expcet for .eno

Replicus and Yuyui stopped just as they were about to reach the grand tower of darkness. "Well, this is a bit concerning," Replicus said in a deep, brutish voice.

yuYui erow a .nworf

Several dozens of meters away in a great crater that had been a mere pit seconds ago, the Hybrid Luman could be seen. He was still kicking.

The [Heart of Revelation] above him highlighted his mutilated body.

Hlaf of it dah eenb Itemde into ehnsogitm kiel nibbgulb eulg dna eht ahlf that 'tdan,h saw drerahc and abdebcs, glenvia teh dirbyH muaLn gilnkoo rhaetr tcte.aphi siH hrai aws htieer lz,zgisin gifnlam ro .enog His opdsxee senob past juices atth usd'nloht veah enbe osdp.exe Bits of mih fell tapar and rluedpmc into a,sh and ckhti omeks elibldwo rfmo him epoyusrf.l

Yet... he grinned widely, nastily.

Replicus loathed that grin.

He dah renve quite dnmeaga ot forget ti vree ecnis eh had fitrs sene it uthhgor Ri'sba isevmieprs ovDai.intin

(A/N: Refer to Ch.816).

Indeed, it was a sinister grin.

puci Resl fsocdfe ni resnespo ot iks'lulSu rpeis,xenso but iyawr...ndl

'How the flesh did he come out of all that with only this much damage? None of his skills should have been able to counter Reversion or my arrow,' he thought with a frown. 'And worst of all... where is his soul?'

Replicus was sure of it.

eH dah udse eht nlaFle tc'Riarearnsno Shaodw tjsu now ot nualhc a ulos rroaw dkcede in tw`euJt that was dfuelle htiw nvertdle na.Ma cuhS an atckta on Sluu, kils ohw idt'nd eesm ot reaw any ttovrpeice g,ear duslho have dealt exetyerlm llteah a.dameg Of( cousr,e sReciplu had ppedrrae reemssua ta eht rdeya ot epvnret ksSuillu fmro ).ngydi

However, the feedback from the strike told him that Skullius' soul... his soul, was not within the body he was looking at right now!

This simple fact was even more bizarre than the unknown reason behind how Skullius had resisted Maximum Catalyst.

Arnccoidg to tawh pciueRsl aerdh rfmo rtn,eyesi uklsSuli ahd on Seumrep

Barring the extreme speed from applications of Maximum Catalyst, guarding against a Rule-Level concept like it required Supreme skills at least.

What had Skullius used then? A Transcendent grade treasure? A new Rule-level concept? A


ilpuce Rs f.edwron

He saw Skullius rise as darkness piled onto his damaged body, inflating his large robes.

A blink later... he was fully healed.

epRscli'u pil edti.whct

That shouldn't have been possible either. Not when Inverted Mana was involved.

Skullius' lustrous auburn hair was restored and he pushed it back with grace. He tugged the

edges of his robes and faced Replicus with a look unbecoming of someone who had just taken two extremely heavy hits.

s"A I .tthough uoy ylaler veah nlaerde a ewf icrkts", he sdi,a sih broda irng orwgnig wdire dna meor gnkc.esnii "Nto bad ofr a neddam ef.k"a

Replicus gave no retort.

For a few moments, only the crackling of the scorched ground made any sound.

uYuiy lokode at uuksisll with taerg ncon.cre

Back when her master had split, she had developed a habit of seeing both parts of him as different individuals. This time, it was no different. This habit seemed even more warranted


The man robed in darkness was far different from the towering, four-armed monstrosity

she stood beside.

oDn"t you vahe tngynhia to yas ot ?em Or hhaaha - isth luodw be upcrosie - was hte gihtl hwso jsut won the etxent of eehtvnrgiy uoy eacm to x?esepr"s uiuslskl aisd.

Replicus' eyes flashed.

"Far from it," he hissed. "It's a shame that I have to make a case for myself... against myself. That was only a warning shot. I hoped it would allow you to see a bit of reason. Or at least bash some semblance of it into you."

E"leyidvt,n taht d'itdn rkow, did it?" ukillsSu idas gbhryitl and eh ast cakb nodw no the grdun.o enRi"md me .ignaa What case od uoy watn ot make rfo fulesor?y athW eosd a olywl akefa rc,lepia sa I tfntiiygl nadme uoy - neve eahy to yas ttah si trowh my a"tttnenoi? "Well, seeing as you can't simply snap me away with the [Brisk Storm Avatar] skill, that means I have earned a bit of your fleshing attention, haven't I?" Replicus retorted. Skullius' taut grin slackened a little. Replicus scoffed.

SA" I httg.ouh oYu eyrlal indtne to ryodets me, 'dton uoy"? eht gPreony sdai thiw htsin fo

islbdfeei. oYu" 'ntod want to gmree b"cak.

Skullius said nothing.

Replicus was emboldened.

I" .ees Teh ratp fo yuo that si olts ot guldtFar is arceds, isn't "?ti he iasd wiht a lrcue hg.ual

"The ohtgthu taht, I eht ALRE ilulkSs, u lilw drive yawa ruoy ILSWL once we mereg bkca

heeogrtt esrreifit u,yo 'tnseod "ti?

Skullius' grin devolved into a small, agitated smile.

"Terrified? Real? Those are rich words for a fake to spout so carelessly. Need I really defend

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