Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 1207: The One Left Standing (21)

Chapter 1207: The One Left Standing (21)

Quite a distance away from Edagon, Skullius was watching the torrent of brilliant power coming from Jiggorrhax's maw with a massive grin, a hand placed before his eyes to reduce the glare.

He was currently using Crude Vision - where he took on the black, white and grey visual properties of his Crude World Projection form without actually leaving his body - to witness the spectacular scene.

The sea was boiling and evaporating at a furious rate, but Skullius was unbothered. If anything, the searing steam wafting upward all around and the shuddering, endless shockwaves coming from Edagon only served to make him all the more excited.

"Magnificent!" Skullius exclaimed and cackled maniacally.

His right index fingertip subconsciously caressed the beautiful white ring with a zigzag pattern nestled around his right middle finger.

The blast from Jiggorrhax's maw... how would it compare to the power that this ring was capable of expelling, Skullius wondered vaguely.

Right then, his right hand twitched violently, but he ignored it. He was too entranced by the view ahead and his compartmentalised thoughts.

'I have a feeling you'll survive even this - the greatest tragedy or perhaps greatest blessing Aigas has ever known, fake,' he thought, amused.

And then his vision scaled down from the blast and landed on its source: Jiggorrhax.

The word behemoth didn't do the dragon justice. It could perhaps sit on Pelian and engulf half of it completely it.

The dragon had unnaturally green scales that looked like rough horns sprouting from every inch of its body. Each one of them would look like a bare mountain to the average common man. The scales couldn't hide how thick the dragon's build was, though. The broadness of its shoulders and toughness of its thick muscles could almost be seen even now, when it was angling its massive head into the sky while the rest of its body was firmly planted on the ground.

Jiggorrhax had a massive, heavy-looking jaw from which what looked like liquid-Nitros was pouring onto Edagon in large volumes. It seemed he was trying to prevent any permanent damage to the interior of his mouth from his breath, by flooding it in Nitros. But whatever amount was effectively shielding his mouth, a lot seemed to be wasted by the overspill or simply by evaporation.

The sight of his might was magnificent all the same, however.

"Oh..." Skullius voiced as his eyes followed the flow of Nitros to a shape gathered below Jiggorrhax.

There was another dragon here.

It was only about half of Jerthrax's size, with foggy grey scales over its body.

It had unfurled its impressive wings out, and from their ends, an odd replica of them in a lustreless golden hue covered everything else that its own wings couldn't on Edagon, shielding the continent from damage.

This dragon was, of course, Jerthrax.

Skullius was immensely intrigued.

Many thoughts and ideas sprung up in his head - evil, treacherous ideas - but... ...!!!!!!!!!

The Hybrid Luman was suddenly compelled to look upward.

Right as he did, the stream of unimaginable power blasting from Jiggorrhax was ruptured from a point somewhere hundreds of meters up in the sky, turning into glowing, frail lumps that flew off in different directions.


The raging noise following the interruption of the dragon's breath caused Skullius' ears to explode, along with a third of his face. A moment before that, the Hybrid Luman could have sworn he heard countless creatures far behind him in the seas shriek in agony as well!

But of course, Skullius couldn't feel pain from this.

His expression turned nasty with agitation and shock... and then it shifted into something somewhere between fear and defeat.

From where Jiggorrhax's breath was expunged... a certain creature was revealed.

The mere sight of him caused Aigas to calm the flesh down.

Despite Jiggorrhax's breath, the sea stopped evaporating, the air returned to being weightless and free, and the mana cooled, retaining its normal properties. The skies turned clear and the immense strain upon the canvas of Aigas was reduced considerably.

Jiggorrhax's purple pupils dilated.

Jerthrax looked up, alarmed.

Skullius shouted an expletive.

The being responsible for causing the dead calm was the one to turn things chaotic again in the next instant. Chaos could only be brought about on his terms.

In one of his hands, what looked like a giant arrowhead of striking merigold (colour) was gripped tightly between his thumb and the rest of his fingers. It was easily six times his size, yet from the distance, it looked like an agitated, hungry pet awaiting his command rather than a formidable force greater than he was.

And indeed, it seemed like an angry pet. Bolts of merigold lightning as thick as Jiggorrhax's fingers were shooting from the arrow head recklessly, and behind it, one long tail of this same kind of lightning trailed all the way towards the sky, its end unseen!

The tamer of this merigold lightning... released it.

It was unclear whether he threw it down or if it simply raced forth as soon as he let it go, but it did not matter.

No one saw it travel, but everyone (Jerthrax, Jiggorrhax and Skullius) did see it flash blackish- grey at the last moment.

And then...

There was a blinding flash, a roar of agony and Skullius found himself flying at an unreasonable speed towards Aigas' Central Boundary!

No one could have known, of course, but the arrow was the skill [Wanton Royal's Void Biting Serpent], which had previously been the [Nullmancer's Unforgiving Lancet]!

The skill hadn't changed since Replicus evolved. It was his Ju`wtte that had changed.

It now possessed a merigold hue because it was in its complete form, where all of its effects wouldn't be half-assed, as when it was in the hands of a mere Progeny of the Colossus


As for why it had flashed blackish-grey at the end, well...

Skullius resisted the shockwave that had nearly thrown him halfway across the world by teleporting back to where he had been a moment ago. The Stolen Angel appeared before him, shielding him from the crazy effects of the impact of the arrow.

A great, dark mushroom was rising in the distance, on Edagon, but...


The figure of Jiggorrhax could be seen flailing, shaking, thrashing and roiling in agony within


The great dragon's face... along with most of his torso, was spilling frightening volumes of pungent, scorching, ashy smoke.

Jiggorrhax's scales and flesh had been blasted off by the Biting Serpent and even his bones had been shattered, charred. They hissed as the bone marrow was fried from them!

Jiggorrhax the Abiding Madness couldn't have looked more like an undead minion.

The agony he felt made him furious.

To think he, the most excellent Herald of the Deities...

"WHO DARES?!!!" he roared, and his voice, almost tangible, coursed through space to challenge whoever had the guts to aim an attack at him. "WHO DAAAREEES?!!"

The dragon rose, his limbs pushing through the thick lava that was now half of Edagon. His eyes turned into furnaces and his mouth, with only half of its teeth left, a whole chunk of the snout above it blown off, raged with staggering white flames!

Jiggorrhax looked up at the creature hanging in the air. His bloodlust was unmistakable. Even Jerthrax, who had been spared only because he wasn't the target of the [Wanton Royal's Void- Biting Serpent], cowered at Jiggorrhax's rage.

"YOU! OUTSIDER...!" the Herald growled and genuine Divine energy burst from him like a


Yet, before he could act on his rage, the dragon felt the presence of a tiny human warp to his


His great purple pupil locked onto the individual... and it dilated.

The darkness and light this human was giving off made him think...


But Skullius didn't say a word. With a look of great concentration, he summoned great

volumes of [Evil Darkness] and [Just Light] which he quickly forged into what looked like a

magnificent suit of armour around Jiggorrhax!

But of course, this was no suit of armour. Not really.

It had many dark arms of various sizes sprouting from every inch of it, and long seams where

golden-white light seeped through.

What clad the Abiding Madness, was the PHANTASMIC RETAINER, Noboboyama. Jiggorrhax would have questioned or even resisted this gracious armour, but at that


"For now, we have a common enemy, don't we? Just this once, consider me an ally," Skullius

said, and his nasty grin reemerged on his face.

He knew at once that Jiggorrhax wouldn't attack him right away. There was a pressing enemy


Skullius looked up into the sky daringly.

The creature hanging there, looking down at him seemed to scoff.

'So that's your play? Cunning bastard,' the creature said and the two weapons in his hands

were suddenly lit up with merigold Ju`wtte!

Jiggorrhax growled, flame spilling from his mouth.

Beyrmir, who became visible right then, suspended under Replicus, did the same.

A collision between tamers of dragons had begun, but it wouldn't last for long. For the victor

would be decided in the following 279 seconds!

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