Broad World

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 smuggler

A group of people walked through the dirty alleys and soon found the Dragon’s Roar Hotel, which is a weird three-story wooden building. The entire hotel leaned forward slightly, giving the feeling that it was about to collapse as soon as it fell. Right above the gate is a dragon head carved from wood, and a large oil lamp is lit in the dragon’s mouth, as if a dragon is breathing fire. When Henry wanted to go in, he was stopped by a strong man, and he showed his strong chest muscles. “Strangers are not welcome here. If you are not invited, you can’t go in.”

Henry took out the silver coin Andrew gave him and shook it. “How about, can we go in now.”

The brawny man cracked his mouth and smiled after seeing the pattern above. “Of course, those who hold this silver coin are all distinguished senior members. If the thieves in the lobby on the first floor dare to make trouble, these rats will retreat by themselves if you show this.”

Henry took out a gold coin and threw it to the strong man and walked into the hotel. As soon as I walked into the gate, a sour smell came on my nose. The ji girl and the dirty sailors quarreled with each other, and their numbers were all over the lobby on the first floor. Dai Lina covered her nose and mouth with her hands. She was obviously not used to the messy environment and strange smell here. Henry lowered his head and whispered in her ear: “Try to get close to Vaughan. These drunk sailors often provoke strangers. The tall orc warriors can still deter most of them.”

Tifflin swayed his tail under his cloak gently. “It doesn’t matter, I can feel that these people are not strong, and their threat level is not high. If an accident happens, I can kill them at any time.”

“My God! I mean to minimize unnecessary troubles, not to let you kill these drunken sailors. This is a meeting point for underground forces. If we tear it down, don’t even think about getting on the ship and going home. “Henry explained helplessly to Tifflin, he was really worried that some blind sailor patted her ass, and then it caused a big riot.

Dai Lina nodded seemingly. “Well then, I will try my best to exercise restraint.”

The orc warrior squeezed his fist. “Head, don’t worry, I know this kind of place well. If anyone has always taken advantage of it, I will use my fist to teach him a lesson.”

Henry blessed himself with an iron skin technique, and began to squeeze three people through the messy hall. He didn’t want to be stabbed by a dagger that came over suddenly. Along the way, Vaughan crushed several salty pigs who wanted to take advantage. These guys knelt on the ground with their broken wrists and wailed, but the others didn’t look at them.

The strong personal strength in this kind of place is especially important. Everyone looked at the strong orc warrior in awe. When he reached the top of the stairs, the sailors and robbers on both sides gave way. A halfling thief who moved a little slower was picked up by Vaughan with one hand and threw it directly into the crowd below.

came to the second floor and Debra smiled at him. “Vaughn, you were so prestigious just now. It seems that you are very good at dealing with these sailors and bandits.”

“I used to mix in this kind of place for many years, and I used to be a thug in a bar for a while. These drunken sailors are bullies and hardships, and as long as you show overwhelming strength, you can scare them away. “The orc warrior explained to the female mage with a smile.

Dai Lina frowned and thought for a while and asked: “Then how do they tell whether the opponent is strong or not? Is it just based on the size and muscles? What if you encounter a spellcaster?”

Henry sighed and replied: “These guys are generally not high in intelligence, they only distinguish the size of strength by body size and muscle. As for the caster, they generally don’t go to such a messy place. Okay. Tangled with this, now let’s find the dwarf named Nan Fudo.” After speaking, he began to search for the figure of the dwarf on the second floor.

Delina used her dim vision as Tifflin to quickly spot the dwarf hiding in the corner. She pulled La Henry’s arm and pointed to the corner. “Look, I think that little dwarf should be the one you are looking for.”

Henry followed her fingers and saw the dwarf in the corner. He wrapped his cloak tightly around his body and put his hands in his forehead sleeves. A pair of clever eyes looked around vigilantly, and Henry believed that there must be a deadly dagger hidden in the sleeve of the little guy. He winked at the other three individuals and walked over by himself, and suddenly stopped when he was still four meters away from the dwarf. Because he saw that the little man in front of him had already pulled out the dagger hidden under his sleeve, he might be attacked if he got closer.

Henry smiled and threw the silver coin directly. “Don’t be nervous, I think you must be Nan Futa. I am here to talk to you about taking a downwind boat.”

The dwarf took the coin and checked it carefully. After confirming that it was not a fake, he carried the silver coin into his arms. “It turns out that you and the few people behind you are the big patrons that the fat man said. Okay, let’s talk to another place now. There are eyes and ears of other gangs everywhere, it’s not a good place to talk.” said When he finished, he waved his hand for everyone to follow.

Under the leadership of Nan Fudo, the group quickly passed through several secret doors, left the dragon’s roar, and along the dirty street, they came to a door that was about to rot. The dwarf carefully observed the surrounding environment and knocked on the door after confirming that no one was following. After a few seconds, a voice came from the door: “We are walking in the gray, and the night is our shelter.”

The dwarf replied in a low voice: “Wealth is flowing in the dark, and gold coins are our pursuit.”

“Nan Fudo, why did you come back so late? These are our big customers this time?” a one-eyed old man opened the door and asked.

The dwarf shrugged. “They just found me, probably because of the chaos here recently. You know that I once had an uncle who liked to wear **** and invented a special magic. He used this magic to serve the nobles and put so many The guys of the male nobles became huge and gleamed with all kinds of lights. But instead of being grateful, these **** nobles sent troops to chase him. The scenes in that area were very chaotic, I think it’s just like the current dock. The situation in the district is similar.”

“Don’t tell me about your **** uncle, he arbitrarily blessed other people’s guys forever. I heard that those nobles hired many great mages to solve this problem. Before they changed back, they even went to the toilet. You have to ask servants to help. Until now, I am embarrassed to come out to meet people. If I am changed to be me, even if you chase to the end of the world, you will have to get your uncle back and hang him.” The old man gave a vicious look at Nan Fuduo. Then he turned around and looked at Henry’s group with one eye. “Please come in, let’s discuss the ferry fare and departure time.”

After everyone entered the house, the old man plugged in the door and brought five people to the second floor. He said to Henry: “In fact, this is our first time transporting passengers. We used to be a smuggling business. Three hours later. The Grey Parrot will depart from Skull Harbor to the Angome Islands. The ship is carrying a group of slaves of the underground race. So the environment may be very poor. If you have no problems, you can board here by paying 50 gold coins per person. A ship. Since the target of this transaction is the local thieves’ union, we will not dock in the city.”

Henry was stunned when he heard it. He really didn’t expect Robert’s power to expand so fast, and now even the smuggling trade in Deepwater City got involved. Then he took out two bags of gold coins and put them on the table. “This is our boat fare. In addition, can you ask about the races of these slaves? How many times have you transported slaves there?” The old man quickly opened the purse and counted them, and found that it was more than the scheduled boat fare. Hundred gold coins.

After he collected all the money, he smiled with a yellow tooth. “Since you have paid the information fee, then I will tell you. These slaves are mainly gray dwarves and a small number of dark elves. I heard that Hylast in the downhill city is going crazy. He personally led the monster army to take down. In a dark elf city When he retreated, the slave traders under the ground took the opportunity to capture a lot of prisoners. We have only cooperated with the thieves’ guild in Bluewent City twice, but they were there. It is very powerful and can accurately avoid the patrol team every time it trades.”

Henry thought after hearing the information, it seems that Robert has taken a fancy to the gray trade here. It won’t take long for him to establish his own branch here. As long as he joins with the Brown Bear Chamber of Commerce, he can quickly occupy the market share of the blockbuster. Thinking that Henry was very satisfied with Robert’s overall view, the underground activities of the entire territory can be safely entrusted to him.

“When will we get on the boat?” Henry asked the old man.

The old man pushed his blindfold. “You have paid the boat fare and you can board the boat at any time. If you want to set off now, you can, I will let Nan Fu Duo take you to Skull Harbor. However, it is better to recommend it later because there are a lot of undergrounds. The evil creatures and slave traders. You must know that their attitude towards us on the surface is not very friendly, especially those **** heart-reavers.”

“There are heart-savers there? As far as I know, they treat all other creatures as slaves and food. Why would they also come to the surface to trade?” Debra asked curiously.

The dwarf who stood by silently lowered his head and fiddled with his own hand, suddenly stood up. “These **** octopus heads are the biggest slave merchants underground, and they send at least fifty hapless guys every month.”


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