Broad World

Chapter 113

Chapter 112 Annual ring

After frustrating the conspiracy of the Arcane Brotherhood, Henry can finally spend time to sort out some chores in the domain. The first is that there are two priests of the gods in the city of Bluewent who have applied for the establishment of the temple, they are the goddess of the bud, Xianlia and the **** of guards, Heim. Henry considered it carefully, and finally agreed to the priests’ request.

Xianlia is a gentle god, and most of her followers are natural administrators. These people are dedicated to planting and nurturing plants to treat sick and injured organisms. Establishing her temple can help the territory manage large tracts of forest and wildlife.

Haim is a serious god, and his followers are usually perfect guards who strictly observe the precepts. As long as his temple is built in the territory, there is basically no need to worry about nether creatures and some monsters spreading cults here. After signing some responsibilities and obligations related to the temple, the two pastors respectively selected a satisfactory piece of land on the map and prepared to break ground.

Henry donated three thousand gold coins to the temple on behalf of the lord, and went to the Druid Valley on the Emerald Island alone. He urgently needs to build up the Druid organization, otherwise it will be too late to wait until the other gods come to divide the faith. As soon as he landed in the Druid Valley, he saw Mike taking the other two newly promoted first-level druids to teach the apprentices again.

Seeing Henry descending from the sky and Mike hurriedly approaching, he respectfully saluted. “Teacher, you are finally back. During your absence, the two apprentices have been naturally approved and promoted.” He pointed to the girls on the left and right. “One of them is called Agnes and the other is Amanda. It was after you left for Deepwater City. What happened in more than ten days.”

Henry nodded with a smile. “You have done a good job during my absence. Aegness and Amanda will be my students from today. Now I need you to organize all the apprentices here. Send them to the territory. Every village, go to spread the teachings of Druids. I hope that more people will join us in the future.”

“Teacher, what if we all leave this valley? After all, we have spent so much effort here.” Mike asked, looking at various rare plants not far away.

“This will be the Druid’s headquarters from now on. The three of you will leave one responsible for imparting knowledge, and the other two will lead some apprentices outside to spread the doctrine. If you meet talented children, bring them back for training. I I will give you a lords order.” After finishing talking, Henry told his students about the operation mode of the druid organization.

The apprentices were relieved to hear that they weren’t going to give up here. They already had some special feelings for this valley. Countless efforts have been devoted to every plant and tree here. Mike lowered his head and considered for a while and said to his teacher: “From tomorrow on, I will let Amanda and Agnes lead four apprentices to spread the doctrines in various villages. The remaining apprentices will continue to study with me. Knowledge. From now on, everyone will rotate with each other every few days. How about this plan.”

Henry touched Mike’s head. “Very good idea, remember to use all the agricultural knowledge I taught you. As long as it can help the villagers increase food production, they don’t mind what they believe in. In addition, choosing apprentices is also a very important thing. Use it as much as possible. Your age advantage influences those underage children. After all, we have to look to the future, and they are our main development targets.”

“Teacher, since we are going to grow stronger, shouldn’t we have a resounding name? Just like the Harpers League.” Agnes asked excitedly. Her proposal made all the apprentices excited. They got together in twitter and began to discuss what the name would be louder.

Henry lowered his head and considered for a while. “Since we are all druids. In the future, this organization will be called annual rings. It can not only reflect our characteristics as druids, but also point out the direction of our development.”

“Annual ring, really a good name. I hope our organization can be like the annual ring of a tree, and its strength will increase year by year until it becomes a towering tree one day.” Mike whispered.

Then Henry stayed here with the a little over-excited young apprentices for a day and a night, and the next morning. Two first-level druids embarked on the missionary road with their respective apprentices. Amanda’s goal is some villages on the shore of Emerald Island Lake, and Aegness is going to take a boat to the village of Hart Island.

Looking at the figures of these children going away. A smile appeared on Henry’s face. These are the foundations he has laid in this world, and this foundation will become stronger and stronger as time goes on. After more than ten years, no one will be able to shake the druid’s position on the islands. At that time, the power of the temple will be limited to two cities. There is no need to worry too much about what they do. thing.

“Mike, the daily operation of the Druid organization will be left to you in the future. I am very optimistic about you, don’t let me down.” Henry patted his slightly immature shoulder.

Mike suddenly felt that he was no longer a small apprentice, he was already the leader of a druid organization. Moreover, this organization has also been authorized by the local lord. It can be said that it is only a matter of time before it grows. He can no longer just focus on improving his own strength as before, and must take care of the majority of the entire organization in the future.

After trying to understand this truth, he solemnly bowed to his teacher. “I will manage this valley well and let the druids continue to walk out of here, and then these companions will spread our doctrine to every corner of the archipelago.”

“I’m relieved to see you say this. The management work during this period has made you mature a lot. If you encounter any trouble that can’t be solved, come to the Mage Tower or Lord’s Mansion to find me. If these two places If you can’t find it, go to the thieves’ union in the city. They have a way to pass the news to me.” After telling Mike, Henry quickly left the Druid Valley. He still had a lot of things to do. Deal with it.

After several hours of driving, Amanda took her apprentices to the wild boar village by the lake. Most of the villagers here were originally purchased slaves. When they were first assigned to settle here, they were often harassed by the surrounding wild boars. Later, the lord sent a few barbarian warriors, and soon these beasts that ate the crops were killed. The remaining wild boars will never come again when they see that the situation is not good, so the wild boar village is named after it.

A few boys and girls wearing leather armors had just entered the village when they were spotted by the villagers who were busy in the fields. A strong man in his forties stood in the distance and asked loudly, “I am the village chief here, who are you, what can I do in our village?”

Amanda walked to the village chief and pulled out the document signed by Henry. “I am a member of the local druid organization. I am ordered by the lord to guide agricultural production in various places. At the same time, I also recruit some gifted children as apprentices. This is a certificate issued by the lord. Please have a look.”

The village chief smiled awkwardly and said, “I’m sorry I don’t know how to read. I’m afraid you have to go back to the village with me and find someone who knows how to read.”

“No problem, it just happens that I want to go to the village to see it too.” As Amanda said, she followed the village chief with her apprentice, and walked towards the village not far away.

As soon as he walked into the village wall, the village chief yelled loudly: “Grundy, get out, help me see what is written in this document.”

A few minutes later a small man ran over, and he quickly grabbed the parchment in the village head’s hand and looked at it. “This is an order signed by the lord, and there is his noble seal on it. The content probably says that a druid organization called the annual ring is allowed to spread the doctrine here, and at the same time guide agricultural production and recruit talented apprentices. Anyone You must not be maliciously blocked, otherwise you will be arrested and jailed.”

The village chief snatched the lord order from Grandi’s hand and returned his hands to Amanda. “On behalf of Wild Boar Village, I welcome your visit. If you have anything, please let me know.”

Amanda smiled after placing the parchment paper. “In the evening, please gather everyone in this village. I will explain to you our doctrine and some knowledge about increasing agricultural production. When I leave, I will give all the children a test, and those who pass will be taken. Train to become a druid in the valley of the headquarters.”

“This is all a good thing. UU Reading I will notify everyone to come here in the evening. Now, please walk around by yourself during this time. I still have some farm work to do. Say goodbye first.” After finishing speaking, the village head picked up his **** and turned and walked towards his field.

Amanda began to take her apprentices around to check the conditions of the fields around the village, discussing a few words together from time to time. One day passed quickly, and more than 150 villagers were gathered in the evening. Seeing that everyone was there, Amanda immediately released a “flash technique” and shouted loudly: “Quiet!”

After seeing the spell she cast, the villagers quickly calmed down. Amanda began to explain in an unhurried voice how to fertilize the field, how to rotate crops, and so on. The villagers listened attentively, because this knowledge is directly related to the interests of each of them.

More than an hour later, Amanda ended her first speech. The villagers burst into applause, and the village chief stepped forward and bowed deeply to her. “Thank you very much for the knowledge you have imparted. I believe the village’s food production will increase a lot today. In addition, I have brought three underage children. Please give them a test.” (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

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