Broad World

Chapter 122

Chapter 121 Behemoth

Henry silently mourned Banburke for a second in his heart, and then gave full power to his wife. I hope this parrot will not be miserable, but in order not to lose the chain at the critical moment, I have to let it sacrifice itself first. Shikodi walked into the cabin humming an unknown song, and soon Bamberk’s cries became more tragic.

Henry stroked Ares’ thick fur while blowing the sea breeze, and fell asleep after a while. When he opened his eyes, the sun in the sky was gone, replaced by the sky full of stars and the bright moon. Except for the sailor on the observation deck, he and his animal companions were the only ones left on the entire deck.

After stretching, he stood up and walked to the bow to look at the calm sea. The moonlight shone on the water in the distance, reflecting a silver-white light. Suddenly he found the reflective sea water in the distance, moving quickly toward his side, and disappeared in a short time. This abnormal situation immediately aroused Henry’s vigilance, and he shouted at the sailor on the lookout: “Hurry up and ring the alarm! There may be monsters in the sea!”

The sailor who was dozing off was awakened at once, and he stood up and shook the rope of the bronze bell desperately. Soon everyone ran out of the cabin, and the captain shouted at the observation deck: “What’s the matter! Why ring the bell?”

“I asked him to knock. There may be a monster in this sea area.”

The captain turned to look at Henry and asked, “Count, what did you see just now that made you so nervous?”

Henry was about to answer the captain’s words when suddenly the hull shook slightly. He immediately blessed himself with a flying technique and shouted: “Everyone is ready to fight, this guy is under our feet!” The voice just fell. The ship began to shake violently, and many sailors fell into the sea before they could react.

Then a huge monster floated on the surface of the sea. Its shell is dark green with some silver spots. It has a long tail and strong limbs, and a crown composed of long golden spines and green webs grows above the head. It opened its mouth and swallowed an unlucky sailor, and the sailor who fell in the blink of an eye was eaten clean.

The captain looked very ugly when he saw this scene, and he shouted at the sailor: “It’s a dragon turtle! Our boat is about to capsize, get on the boat.” After saying that, he took the lead and ran to the boat.

Henry flew to Shikoudi and said to her: “Now activate the teleportation ring, I am afraid I don’t have time to take care of you. The dragon turtle is one of the most difficult monsters in the sea, and it has too many attack methods in the water.”

Shikoudi looked at her husband with some worry, and finally nodded. She immediately activated the spell on the ring. A white magic aura flashed, and returned to the mage tower from the ship. After seeing his wife leave safely, Henry flew high and began to chant a spell. Vaughan stood on the bow of the ship and stared nervously at the sea. He firmly held the throwing axe in his right hand and prepared to make a surprise attack when the dragon tortoise appeared.

The captain commanded the flustered sailors to put a small boat down. Before they started to board the boat, a thick tail fell from the sky and hit the deck. Suddenly, flesh and blood spattered, and a large amount of sawdust was also mixed in it. Taking advantage of the dragon turtle’s tail has not been taken away. Ares rushed up to bite and then kept tearing, and soon bit one of them.

The injured dragon tortoise became more dangerous. It dived into the water and hit the hull without stopping, and the ship began to tilt sharply. Ares hugged the mast tightly with its claws, and Vaughan drew out the great sword and stuck it on the wooden board, trying to keep himself from falling into the sea. Amy looked at the timing and released Ma Yufu’s acid arrow at the head, and the spell accurately hit one of the dragon turtle’s eyes. The intense pain kept it rolling in the water. The ship also took the opportunity to restore balance.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, several sailors who were still alive on the sea swam desperately in the direction of the ship. The orc warrior threw a rope from above so that these men could climb onto the deck smoothly. The dragon tortoise tossed for a while and suddenly exposed his head from the surface of the water, spraying high-temperature steam at the swimming sailor. The surrounding sea water quickly began to boil, just like boiling water. People still in the water. The skin became redder and red, and after a few seconds it was all cooked.

At this moment Henry’s spell was ready. Countless small bubbles flew towards the dragon tortoise. The huge monster in the sea felt the danger, and it waved its tail to stop these small spots. The colorful bubbles disappeared without a trace at the moment of contact. Just when everyone else was a little puzzled, the dragon tortoise suddenly wailed, and its tail oozes a lot of blood in an instant.

Henry sighed in the air. If there was no tail in the way just now, then this dragon turtle would have been killed by the “Henry Intensive Ball Art”.

Amy glanced at him and was surprised at the effect of the spell just now. It was the first time she had seen this kind of magic.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Vaughan threw a magic throwing axe forcefully, and the axe spun quickly on the dragon turtle’s front paws. After being injured again, the behemoth ran into the ship like crazy. Henry yelled after seeing it, “Be careful!” He flew over and took Vaughan’s hand and pulled him up. The violent impact came as scheduled, and the entire hull was knocked through a large hole. A large amount of water began to enter the cabin, and then it began to sink quickly.

Just when the ship was about to sink, a parrot flew out from the entrance of the cabin, and it flew while cursing at Amy. “Damn witch! Evil hag! You are more fierce than the Devil of the Abyss! More cunning than the Devil of Hell! You have **** the great Banburk, and then you want to drown me in the sea.”

“Sorry, I forgot you. The situation just now was too dangerous. I didn’t remember that you were still tied up.” Amy apologized when she saw that she almost killed the parrot.

Just as Banburk wanted to continue to sarcastically, the dragon turtle suddenly emerged from the water and was startled. “Damn it, what a monster this is. My goodness! It’s just bigger than our boat.”

Henry gave it a hard look. “Shut up! We are now thinking of a way to deal with this dragon tortoise. After a while, the ship will sink in Ares in danger.”

The orc warrior grabbed Henry’s hand and looked at the brown bear on the deck below. “Head, throw me down when it shows its head again, you can’t cast spells like you are now.”

Henry thought for a while and felt that dragging it down like this was no way. He took out a few bottles of potion with his other hand and handed it to Vaughan. “Drink them all, these potions will keep you up for a while. Remember, your task is to make it float up as much as possible, understand?” Vaughn nodded and poured all the potions down, and soon he found himself An invisible force field formed around him.

When the dragon tortoise floated up again to attack the brown bear, Henry threw the orc warrior down. Vaughn held the giant slayer tightly and fell from the sky, and the sharp sword directly penetrated the monster’s neck. Seeing the opportunity, Ares immediately jumped off the sinking ship. It struck the sea desperately with its paws, and in the blink of an eye it swam to the dragon turtle’s side and bit its thigh in one bite.

A large amount of blood quickly stained the sea surface, and the dragon tortoise kept diving and floating, trying to get rid of the enemies hanging on him. After several times of repetitions, the huge Ares couldn’t hold it at first, and it let go of its mouth and swam towards the sea. The dragon tortoise found the brown bear who wanted to ventilate, swam over quickly, and bit on Ares’s leg and dragged it into the deep sea with one bite.

Seeing the crisis, the orc warrior directly took out the throwing axe hung around his waist and threw it towards the dragon turtle’s head. Because it was in the sea, the axe’s trajectory was deflected and slashed on the neck beside him. The pain forced it to open its mouth and scream, and Ares took advantage of this opportunity to swim out of the water, breathing fresh air with his mouth wide open.

After half a minute, the dragon tortoise took Vaughn and jumped up from the water, and the two spellcasters flying in the sky released their spells at the dragon’s head. The first hit was Amy’s fireball, and the violent explosion blinded its only remaining eye. “Henry Intensive Color Ball Surgery” followed closely, a large number of tiny bubbles entered its brain, and then the whole head began to vibrate slightly. After a while, the dragon tortoise’s eyes and mouth began to bleed a lot, and the white brains were all left.

The orc warrior drew out the giant slayer’s sword and pierced its head. The behemoth finally floated on the surface of the sea motionless, apparently dead. Vaughan sat on the shell and gasped, and Ares climbed up from behind. Its leg limped, the huge wound exposed broken bones, and it seemed that it was not lightly bitten.

Henry saw that his animal companion was seriously injured and hurriedly flew down to check the wound. Ares licked his hand pitifully and let out a whine. He comfortably touched the brown bear’s head, squatted down and started to clean the wound. When the bones were being set, Ares let out a short and rapid growl in pain, and kept biting the algae on the turtle shell with his mouth.

Henry performed several powerful healing magic techniques to target the wounds. The wounds soon began to heal, leaving only a long scar in a short time. “The legs are all right, you were so brave today.” As he said, he touched the brown bear’s head.

Ares stood up, lifted his injured leg and walked limping. At this time, Amy and Banburk also landed from the sky. As soon as they landed, the sorcerer walked over and asked, “Master, the ship has been destroyed. Shall we use teleport spells to go back and prepare another ship?”

Henry shook his head and replied: “No, we don’t have mass teleportation spells now. It is dangerous to leave the two of them here. With so much blood on the sea, a lot of sharks will be attracted in a while, maybe there will be more. Other deep-sea predators.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read it.)

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